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平顶山美食起源? 平顶山美食有哪些?英文双语对照


平顶山美食起源? 平顶山美食有哪些?英文双语对照




老康家羊肉汤——开源路与优越路交叉口。 老汤,老店,冬天来上一碗幸福感爆棚!还有羊肉盒,趁热吃,麻麻的咸香口感,和羊肉汤最配了。怕油的可以跟烫肉的师傅说少油或者点肉掺肚。

李记肉夹馍——建东小区内。 白吉馍肉夹馍的巅峰代表,我一次可以吃仨!他家的腊汁肉非常稣烂,一般下午时段的时候最香。

巴奴毛肚火锅——目前有新华路矿工路口和怡购城两个店。 火锅界杰出代表,牛油辣配菌汤,每晚饭点必排队,全河南最好吃的火锅没有之一!万达店已经在围挡了!

龙笛生态水饺——凌云路宜购城。 新派饺子的代表,皮薄馅大!虾仁饺子真的有大颗虾仁!

16号揽锅菜——鹰城广场旁。 25年老店,大肉片非常肥美!不过他家稍油了一点,而且米饭口感很一般,但是揽锅菜还是不错的。

鱼羊鲜诚朴路总店——诚朴路南头。 装修风格脱离了传统夜市范,羊内腰,烤羊筋,羊肉串都不错,夏天生意火爆。冬天可以刷牛肚,也不错。

李氏烤羊——新华区消化队对面。 烩面不错,当然前提是你喜欢郑州式烩面的话,他家属于清口的,三鲜烩面非常鲜美。重点是他家的烤包子,烤羊排更是一绝!

老字号臭豆腐——开源路五一路交叉口。 属于平顶山特色的臭豆腐!花生香香的,浇汁浓郁。

五一路砂锅面——五一路和劳动路交叉口。 典型的苍蝇小馆,吃的就是这种情怀。

冢头郑记饸络面——曙光街长青路交叉口。 目前我在市区最爱的一家饸络!素鸡儿和羊蹄也值得推荐。

西北大盘鸡——盐厂家属院对面。 独特的麻花吃法很新颖,味道不错!



花千代——万达 7.1 新丹。一品香辣,一品香辣,一品香辣,唯一值得推的口味只此一个,重要的事说三遍。花千代生意好真的不是没道理?全平最好吃烤鱼!
















































One, is mesa cate genetic?

It is old that Lu Shan takes boiler course with contemporary and masterly industry of union of cooking technology photograph, energy is fine do " hash dish " , name of department mesa place eats one of. As it is said, hong Wu of traceable Ming Dynasty year, hind via Yang the with great concentration of a few acting people studies, combinative local is loved salty delicacy, slippery tender, sweet soft characteristic is made and become.

2, what does mesa cate have?

Soup of Home Laokang hotpot -- road opening a source and mouth of advantageous road across. Laoshang, old store, will go up in the winter a bowl of happy feeling explodes canopy! Still have hotpot case, take the advantage of heat to eat, the salty sweet mouthfeel of hemp hemp, with hotpot soup most matched. Be afraid that the oily master that can follow very hot flesh says little oil perhaps nods abdomen of fleshy mix into.

Li Ji flesh places steamed bun -- build east inside the village. Flesh of white auspicious steamed bun places the summit summit delegate of steamed bun, I can eat three! The flesh of dried meat juice of his home special revive is sodden, when leaving midday period of time commonly the sweetest.

Chaffy dish of abdomen of Ba Nu wool -- at present He Yi of crossing of new Hua Lu's collier buys a town two inn. Chaffy dish group is eminent delegate, bovine oil is hot soup matching bacterium, every dinner dot queues up surely, the chaffy dish with complete the most delicious Henan is done not have one of! 10 thousand amount to inn having surroundinging blocked!

Boiled dumpling of dragon flute zoology -- appropriate of road of reach the clouds buys a town. Send the delegate of dumpling newly, leather thin stuffing is big! Dumpling of shelled fresh shrimps has big shelled fresh shrimps really!

16 dish that take pot -- by accipitral town square. 25 aged inn, chump special fat! His home is a bit a bit oilier nevertheless, and rice mouthfeel is very general, but the food that take pot is good still.

Registered office of district of piscine sheep bright honest -- the head austral honest road. Decorated a style to break away from traditional night fair model, the waist inside the sheep, muscle of the sheep that bake, hotpot is strung together pretty good, summer the business is hot. The winter can brush tripe, pretty good also.

Li bakes a sheep -- new on China division digestive team. Braise side is good, of course premise is the word that you like area of Zhengzhou type braise, his home belongs to clear opening, face of 3 fresh vegetables and water is very delicious. The key is the baking steamed stuffed bun of his home, the mutton chop that bake is a special skill more!

Old name strong-smelling preserved bean curd -- road opening a source 51 across mouth. Belong to the strong-smelling preserved bean curd of mesa characteristic! Earthnut is sweet sweet, irrigate juice full-bodied.

Face of 51 arenaceous boiler -- road and 51 work way across mouth. Typical fly small shop, those who eat is this kind of feelings.

Grave head Zheng remembers face of Zuo sth resembling a net -- auroral street is evergreen road across mouth. The sth resembling a net of a Zuo that at present I love most in the urban district! Element chicken also be worth to recommend with ovine hoof.

Northwest grail chicken -- on courtyard of saltern family member. Distinctive fried dough twist has a way very novel, taste is good!

Accipitral city name eats scamper quail -- 9 in gate north 200 meters. More the habit calls it 9 in scamper is strung together, this is old store really, scamper lotus root is delicious to explosion!

Hot side of lucky luck hemp -- road opening a source builds crossing. Mesa hemp hot side very distinctive, those who use is the sort of thick wide buck range. And in the center what have a delegate most is lucky luck, the environment is better also.

Spend 1000 generation -- 10 thousand amount to 7.1 new red. Taste sweet hot, taste sweet hot, taste sweet hot, the taste that is worth exclusively to push this one, important thing says 3 times. Is spending 1000 acting businesses without reason really very? Make the same score the most delicious grilled fish completely!

Sequel continues to complement

3, what cate had better eat mesa?

City calls mesa of Central Plains bright phearl accipitral city again, culture inside information is solid, the history is long, the talent comes forth in large numbers, products is rich, travel resource is particularly much also. To mesa city travel bussiness trip, did not forget the characteristic cate that tastes mesa city place is fastfood. If you had not come, might as well the 10 big characteristic that listen to me to introduce mesa city area under administration to you are fastfood.

It is old that Lu Shan takes boiler course with contemporary and masterly industry of union of cooking technology photograph, energy is fine do " hash dish " , name of place of department Henan province eats one of. As it is said, hong Wu of traceable Ming Dynasty year, hind via Yang the with great concentration of a few acting people studies, combinative local is loved salty delicacy, slippery tender, sweet soft characteristic is made and become.

Advocate makings: Careful pork;

Burden: Bean curd of vegetable of dish of pork a round mass of food, brake, season, oily stew, noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch; Condiment: Aniseed of thick broad-bean sauce, the five spices make up meticulously.

Pork chooses makings fastidious, fry through stew, colour and lustre is beautiful, easily airframe is digested absorb.

Bean curd crosses oily stew, huang Li is fully white, soft hard measurable.

Concentration of noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is excellent good pink, rou Ximian is long, slip outside fleshy muscle.

A round mass of food passes with deepfry, glistening, sweet crisp. Mingle green vegetables of dish of brake of garlic liver mosses, acupuncture needle, place, season to wait. Plus tens of planting the special grade flavor that Chinese herbal medicine makes up, make this dish delicacy sweet soft tender, salty hot dainty, lubricious form has both. It is the delicate snack that is famous in province inside and outside. The characteristic of county of rash hill of city of the province austral rash goat miscellaneous Shang Shihe is fastfood. Rash goat miscellaneous soup, flavour is delicious, the flavour of hotpot is not thick not weak, just good. Lu Shan is fastfood ovine miscellaneous soup is covet letting a person of 3 feet delicate. The practice of rash goat miscellaneous soup: Take a sheep miscellaneous in mouthfeel is best, have the bowel that chews a head, gut most; Because use ovine broth to be able to very heavy hotpot tastes, and cost will be higher, use pig bone stew so, shang Cheng is ivory, delicacy is sweet and not be bored with; Rejoin mildew dried vegetable and caraway make Shang Zhong burden, flavour is more inviting.

4, what does cate of Henan mesa characteristic have?

City calls mesa of Central Plains bright phearl accipitral city again, culture inside information is solid, the history is long, the talent comes forth in large numbers, products is rich, travel resource is particularly much also. To mesa city travel bussiness trip, did not forget the characteristic cate that tastes mesa city place is fastfood. If you had not come, might as well the 10 big characteristic that listen to me to introduce mesa city area under administration to you are fastfood.


It is old that Lu Shan takes boiler course with contemporary and masterly industry of union of cooking technology photograph, energy is fine do " hash dish " , name of place of department Henan province eats one of. As it is said, hong Wu of traceable Ming Dynasty year, hind via Yang the with great concentration of a few acting people studies, combinative local is loved salty delicacy, slippery tender, sweet soft characteristic is made and become.

Advocate makings: Careful pork; Burden: Bean curd of vegetable of dish of pork a round mass of food, brake, season, oily stew, noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch; Condiment: Aniseed of thick broad-bean sauce, the five spices make up meticulously. Pork chooses makings fastidious, fry through stew, colour and lustre is beautiful, easily airframe is digested absorb.

Bean curd crosses oily stew, huang Li is fully white, soft hard measurable. Concentration of noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is excellent good pink, rou Ximian is long, slip outside fleshy muscle. A round mass of food passes with deepfry, glistening, sweet crisp. Mingle green vegetables of dish of brake of garlic liver mosses, acupuncture needle, place, season to wait. Plus tens of planting the special grade flavor that Chinese herbal medicine makes up, make this dish delicacy sweet soft tender, salty hot dainty, lubricious form has both. It is the delicate snack that is famous in province inside and outside.


The characteristic of county of rash hill of city of the province austral rash goat miscellaneous Shang Shihe is fastfood. Rash goat miscellaneous soup, flavour is delicious, the flavour of hotpot is not thick not weak, just good.

Lu Shan is fastfood ovine miscellaneous soup is covet letting a person of 3 feet delicate.

The practice of rash goat miscellaneous soup: Take a sheep miscellaneous in mouthfeel is best, have the bowel that chews a head, gut most; Because use ovine broth to be able to very heavy hotpot tastes, and cost will be higher, use pig bone stew so, shang Cheng is ivory, delicacy is sweet and not be bored with; Rejoin mildew dried vegetable and caraway make Shang Zhong burden, flavour is more inviting.


5, who knows everybody what cate does the Shi Long area of mesa have to recommend?

Stone dragon area, a tiny area of lay off of a Cong Baofeng, rash hill, what cate can be recommended? Suggest you still take two steps again, to Bao Feng or Lushanpin tastes cate.

I have fellow student of a few high school, the local the last few years that they are in was walked along by stone dragon division into districts again. Every time classmates meet, everybody offers to dine together to Baofeng, because be in stone dragon area, can say so that export without what cate really.

6, does mesa go to mesa on the west?

Mesa west station is original treasure abundant station, in Bao Feng. Mesa stands inside mesa city. Mesa goes to mesa on the west is actually stand from flat-roofed Shanxi (namely Bao Feng stands) arrive inside mesa city. This distance has many lis of 30 land probably, namely 15, 20 kilometers ground. Can arrive directly by train, also can sit from treasure abundant station spell a car to arrive directly in mesa city. Should sit spell a car more convenient.

7, what is cate cate?

Hello, I am the P peach sauce that love eats, producer of video of domain of a cate.

Very glad to answer your question.

Cate- - just as its name implies, it is delicate food. Do not have an individual to differ to delicate definition so, the cate that he thinks is different, so the characteristic cate of the home town northeast that P peach lists peach of a few P to think:

Boiler includes the pork- - pork tenderloin, brawn flavour wrap on fried bean sauce, next boiler tick off Gorgon euryale to be made. Golden crisp, taste acid is sweet, love by the girl.

The chickling stews dawdle- - use evaporate steamed bun and chicken collocation to boil stew, flavour is delicious, what all show dawdle is full-bodied and delicate with chicken sweet tender.

Kill pig dish- - the dish that kill a hog is northeast country originally after year of hog is being killed when spending the New Year, the fresh pork, pickled Chinese cabbage, dish that black pudding stews together, very delicious, p peach is greedy. . .

The ground 3 delicacy- - the dish of traditional the daily life of a family that T3 delicacy is a northeast characteristic, hum, use aubergine potato and green pepper to match, taste not only Xian Nong, more nutrition is rich, xian Shuang is clinking.

P peach listed cate of northeast of a few distinctive, greeting someone else is compensatory, the hope can help you.

8, does mesa reach mesa car on the west?

Everyday only these two times of number:

Number: K: of 240 hair station? ?13:3 of litter of broadleaf plant ドDoes 3) arrive station: ? ?14:1 of broadleaf plant ド3) last a period of time: 00:40 hard: 9Lie forcedly: 55/60/63 soft sleeper: 80/86 number: K: of 1318 hair station? ?18:0 of litter of broadleaf plant ドDoes 2) arrive station: ? ?18:4 of broadleaf plant ド3) last a period of time: 00:41 hard: 9Lie forcedly: 55/60/63 soft sleeper: 80/86

9, strategy of cate of street of cate of boreal Dai He?

Come boreal Dai He travels must engorge eats place's delicate seafood especially, north wears river seafood is the seafood with our delicious country. Local likes to steam seafood, no matter be crab, shrimp or clam, put sail upstream, steam, juice of the vinegar that nod ginger dips in when eating, that is bright!

North wears river cate seafood to basically two kinds have a way:

One kind is seafood 8 bowls big, pure seafood big eat, big city waits in Beijing at least 3000 yuan seafood great dinner (10 people) , the group is bought only 998 yuan, domestic level (3 people) only 398 yuan.

Still one is plant is the seafood barbecue that has distinguishing feature alone, shrimp of boold clam of rainbow of bleb fish, beautiful clam, yellow clam, whetstone, wool, squid, sea waits; Bake prawn especially very delicate.

Boreal Dai He bakes prawn raw material to wear the prawn of the river to give priority to with north, energy industry is fine after doing, again complementary with juice of right amount soup, its modelling is vivid, colour and lustre is gorgeous, fragrance is full-bodied, because shrimp put oneself in another's position is larger, the flesh is qualitative delicate, nutrition is rich. Fresh the line in prawn body lubricious blueness greens jade, exquisitely carved. Ripe hind the orange that open system is red, be like coral carve, the scenery of view is gorgeous pleasing to the eye, those who feed is delicious and unusual, for shrimp kind top grade. Prawn is the marine animal that contains a lot ofmicroelement Selenium, and selenium is a kind of human body fights the cancer, microelement that prevents cancer indispensibly. It is had to the carcinogenic substance such as B1 of yellow aspergillus element destroy effect, to the harmful to human body metal such as lead, stannum noxiousness material has Jie to fight action. Selenium can restrain the main factor that cancer and consenescence basically send inside body- - of freedom radical generate, can improve systemic immunity function. Epidemiology moves check fact, when selenium is short of inside body, of cancer come on odds heighten, because this makes sure human body is regular of selenium element absorb, it is one of crucial step that prevent cancer.

10, cate of Jincheng cate characteristic?

Jincheng 10 bowls big, cross oily flesh, plain soup, wool head bolus, in relief city burns liver, gao Ping burns bean curd, fry bean jelly, evaporate pagoda tree is beautiful, hairtail of braise in soy sauce, steamed dumpings.

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