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慈溪 美食? 慈溪美食街排名?英文双语对照


慈溪 美食? 慈溪美食街排名?英文双语对照

一、慈溪 美食?

1. 年糕


2. 老鼠糖球


3. 龙山黄泥螺


4. 烧酒杨梅

烧酒杨梅是一道以杨梅、白酒、冰糖等为原料制作的美味果酒。杨梅含有丰富的有机酸和维生素 C,具有消暑祛痧、消炎止泻、保健、抗癌等医药功能

5. 三鲜头汤







慈溪美食街在孙塘路,到处是吃的,“上林坊”和“三北大街”,人比较多,你可以边吃边逛,主要都是吃一些海鲜产品 沿海鳗苗、梭子蟹、龙山蚶子、海瓜子、沙蟹、海涂蛏子、龙山蛤蜊、龙山黄泥螺、慈溪对虾、后海鲻鱼、三北弹涂鱼、慈溪海蜇、赶潮掝菜、庵东食盐、庵东青蟹、杭州湾丈鱼。 还有就是各式各样的烧烤小摊,你会在这个地方感受到浓浓的海鲜气息。


慈溪年糕 慈溪杨梅 龙山黄泥螺 大白蚕豆



















One, kind brook cate?

1.New Year cake

Kind brook New Year cake is special local product of city of brook of Zhejiang province kind, have long history, with its quality of a material exquisite, mouthfeel slips bright, flavour is delicious and famed

2.Mice candy ball

" mice candy ball " the China that is a kind of tradition is candied, its process that make is relatively trival, but mouthfeel is delicious, love by people

3.Snail of dragon hill yellow mud

Snail of dragon hill yellow mud is a kind of famous special local product, produce visit Long Shan area of kind brook city from Zhejiang. Yellow mud snail is a kind of mollusc, live in the belt between tide and shallow sea area, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, mouthfeel slippery bright, contain rich protein, mineral with the vitamin

4.Arrack arbutus

Arrack arbutus is the delicate wine that waits to be made for raw material with Yang Mei, liquor, rock candy together. Red bayberry contains rich organic acid and vitamin C, have acute diseases such as cholera and sunstroke of disappear heat dispel, diminish inflammation to stop have diarrhoea, health care, fight the medical function such as cancer

5.3 bright head soup

3 bright head soup are the delicious Shang Pin that is full of nutrition together, its basically feed material to include lotus root of stay of proceedings of pig big bone, hedgehog hydnum, lotus, carrot to wait

2, does cate street rank Ci Xi?

Kind brook cate: Sesame seed cake of Bao of old duck of soya-bean milk of face of horizontal river big flesh, hotpot, endless flow, yellow bridge... ...

3, what cate does Ci Xi have?

Ci Xi has kind brook New Year cake, plum of Ci Xi , crisp candy of hill north beans, snail of mud of north of kind brook hill.

4, what does street of kind brook cate have?

Street of kind brook cate is in Sun Tang road, eat everywhere, "Go up Lin Fang " and " street of 3 Beijing University " , the person is more, you are OK the edge eats an edge to ramble, basically be to eat seedling of moray of edge of product of a few seafood, swimming crab, Long Shan clam of hill of razor clam of besmear of melon seeds of blood clam, sea, sanded crab, sea, dragon, Long Shan prawn of brook of Huang Ni snail, kind, after sea mullet fish, . Still having is sundry barbecue small vendor's stand, you can experience thick seafood breath in this place.

5, what cate tourist attraction does kind brook city have?

Horsebean of become known of snail of yellow mud of hill of dragon of arbutus of brook of kind of kind brook New Year cake

The tourist attraction has park of Hangzhou bay wet ground

6, does a street rank Dazhou cate?

3 holy palace of Dazhou are delicious street, south outside sunshine makes fun of delicious street

7, is Shanghai the biggest cate a street?

Shanghai is before street of the biggest cate suddenly Pu Lu, now is Yellow River road

8, does Yan Jimei feed strategy of a market?

Yan Jimei feeds a street to be able to delay town of college of edge university opposite. The city that delay auspicious has many cate market, for instance, the college town that is located in opposite of the university that extend a limit also is the ground that nonlocal tourist hits calorie of photographic to arrive surely, the cold face of building of here general merchandise, characteristic that extend a limit is baked string, characteristic Han feeds have everything that one expects to find, upstairs come here to endure the home to eat downstairs, you are OK one full the luck to eat sth delicious.

In addition, be located in the city that delay auspicious to develop area, delay Jimoda, delay Ji Baili city these 3 area also are the city that delay auspicious' main cate block, what do you still wait for, come over at once!

9, does a street rank Zhenjiang cate?

Street of cate of travel of 1. river stride, in market of river stride travel fastfood be in the majority, cate of of all kinds and business spread too many things to see letting a person.

Street of inclined bridge of mouth of 2. big city. Inclined bridge street! The position is in downtown, no matter be to shop, have a meal, recreational by accident happy, very convenient.

3. the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold, the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold are welcome degree is very tall, basically ate to be able to see a movie.

Street of 4. hill doorway. This street rambles to also go to the lavatory exceedingly, it is opposite of Su Ning electric equipment, go in in going is manna store, here fastfood also be full of beautiful things in eyes.

10, Great Harmony cate address of a street?

The fastfood street of Great Harmony basically has 3 places: 1. The street of handsome government office inside Gu Cheng, give priority to with hare head.

Street of 2. peace and happiness is given priority to with barbecue and chaffy dish.

Street of 3. Zhen Hua is given priority to with barbecue.
