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  她流尽眼泪,过继族子,青灯古佛,换来一座贞洁牌坊。 这是她一生荣耀,亦是一世桎梏。



  她知道自己活不长了,她站在牌坊下,手扶冰冷石柱,她不要这贞洁之名,她只要他能陪她到老。 她不要养别人的孩子,她要他们的亲儿。




















One, how many does pet have can start well and end well?

Now of pet start well and end well very much also, although a lot of people raise pet with respect to abandon, but having more people is to be able to take her to be treated when the member of own home, can saying is the pet that has 80% can start well and end well

2, does pet die a natural death serve foreground how?

The foreground of this service is first-rate, now as people living standard rise, the person that pet raises in the home is increasing, and the demand of pet funeral and interment also can rise gradually

3, does die a natural death of pet of ground of Shenzhen fragrant grass serve a company?

Brief introduction: Fragrant grass ground (Shenzhen) pet service limited company is a company of pet funeral and interment that is located in Shenzhen, for dying puppy people offer cremation to send a service off. Fragrant grass ground (Shenzhen) pet service limited company devotes oneself to to provide cordial and serious service for each life, company host spends last hard time. Service flow is as follows:   

1, make an appointment communicate: Understanding dies the basic message of pet; Understand the requirement to the service, the choice serves sort.   

2, come to receive

3, leave formally: To die pet undertakes be cleaninged appropriately arranging; After leaving formally, undertake cremating a ceremony.   

4, lasting memory: The choice buries means; Choose or make a souvenir. Legal representative: Lv Jun establishs time: 2016-09-30 registers capital: 1 million RMB is industrial and commercial register name: 440306117650560 enterprises type: Address of company of finite liability company: Cliff of stone of area of Shenzhen city Baoan is street 70 Zhen promote garden mountain highway in A of diameter industry garden 403

4, author of die a natural death?

Archaic talk feeling novel " die a natural death " the author is nine

5, gist of novel of die a natural death?

Du Jiayou female, get married in March, the husband leads go out for a battle of emperor life a suit of armour, get together to leave less from now on much.

Get married 5 years, battlefield of marital die in the last ditch, die on the battle field.

She sheds tear, a group of things with common features of adopt a young relative child, green light ancient Buddha, change a chaste memorial archway. This is her lifetime honor, also be generation fetters and handcuffs.

Aged when, what she just knows the man is a plot to death, already did not have Chou Ke to declare however.

She sees the flower of full courtyard, lift a lid one day like him, she hears bright and clear laughter, be like him beside her those years.

She knows him will not make old bones, she stands below memorial archway, the hand helps frozen stone column up, she does not want this chaste name, she wants him to be able to accompany her arrive only old. She does not raise the child of others, what she wants them is close.

If can be returned once upon a time, she makes marital absurd dead anything but, won't let personal enemy die a natural death absolutely!

6, Yuan Zhen die a natural death?

Die a natural death. Yuan Zhen the Christian era is born 779 years, henan Luoyang person, the Tang Dynasty face poet, writer. The Christian era dies 831 years, all the year round is 52 years old, also calculate longevity in ancient time. After dying, be shot by right fall forward of confer posthumously a high official in ancient China, also calculate die a natural death.

7, phrasal die a natural death what what?

Start well and end well, describe a thing to had been done from A to Z.

8, cease of Chang Yuchun be apt to?

How to say! This problem is bad to reply, if press strict definition to come up,say, the hair that of only die a natural death is Zhu Yuanzhang is small -- Shang He.

History record, chang Yuchun is in when northern expedition Central Plains in Yu Jun of die in one's bed, if say Xu Da is Confucianism will, so Chang Yuchun is fierce will, fight hard thoroughfares city, 9 Mount Hua can see hassle often encounter the characteristic of battle of Chun Yong fierce be apt to. No less than Xu amount to Chang Yuchun's honor, zip column country, appearance opening government office is the same as 3 department, chase after Feng Wangjue -- open smooth king!

Because Zhu Yuanzhang abstains from,a few articles looking to say Chang Yuchun die in one's boots before is in Yu Jun Chang Yuchun is bold and powerful, kill with poison. Everybody thinks, zhu Yuanzhang is done not have so clumsy, during initial stage of found a state servantchooses a person for a job just about, kill dead Chang Yuchun? Still kill dead in army in? The Shi number that the Zhu Yuanzhang after wanting to know Chang Yuchun is dead gives him is " faithful fierce " , faithful it is devotion, fierce is contribution.

So I think, chang Yuchun is not be killed dead by Zhu Yuanzhang, also be be able to of die a natural death.

9, is die a natural death of Liu Baiwen offspring done not have?

Liu Baiwen has two sons, cornstalk Liu Lian, second child Liu . Two his sons did not get die a natural death.

Cornstalk Liu Lian once held the position of Jiangxi cloth politics department is right participate in government and political affairs. With Hu Weiyong the person of one party had conflict later, be needed by Huwei the partisans is threatening, fall well died.

Of Liu Baiwen second child Liu , arrived Zhu Di and his nephew builds of article emperor Zhu Yun to work when battling, regard found a state as the hero familial, chose to build of article emperor Zhu Yun on political battle group. This let Zhu Di bear grudges go up. When Zhu Di ascends emperor hind, liu rebukes again highness of " of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di after 100 worlds, escape not to get one seize word. " does not stand at the beginning of your family belongs originally my this covey, not be my person, still dare wanton so now abracadabra, outside taking up the post of He Yi, liu is arrested put in prison, in jail hang oneself committed suicide.

10, king Jian why can die a natural death?

The fierce that king Jian is Qin Shi emperor will, the hand grasps whole Qin Chaosan the army of 1/0, but Qin Shi emperor also believes him very much! Because he lets everywhere,this is only then emperor is at ease! A story can show this very much. Once only then emperor gives orders to let him go Xiang Liuguo declare war. Every walk out of king Jian 200 lis when write a letter to give Qin Shi emperor, want a house to the emperor, should homestead, want gem to wait.

The person beside king Jian asks him: You are not the person of a great profit, why to battle had not hit, be about gem.

King Jian says, fight this, what I take is the entire army of whole country, I am outer, the emperor meets what not be at ease. I want money, house, just want to let only then the person that the emperor knows to I am covet interest, without rebellious ambition! Also the die a natural death because of such king Jian.

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