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1、能显示专业特点 2、具有保密功能 3、能够提供适当宽敞舒适的空间 4、配置舒适的座椅 5、配置必须的设备(原则:一切配备都应该服从于咨询,即所有配备都是咨询所必需的,不能起干扰作用)





















1. 提高工作效率:心理健康咨询可以帮助员工解决工作压力、焦虑、抑郁等问题,从而提高工作效率和生产力。

2. 改善工作关系:心理健康咨询可以帮助员工更好地处理人际关系,减少冲突和矛盾,改善工作氛围。

3. 提高员工满意度:心理健康咨询可以帮助员工更好地理解自己的需求和价值观,从而提高员工满意度和忠诚度。

4. 减少员工离职率:心理健康咨询可以帮助员工解决工作中的问题,减少员工离职率,从而节省企业的招聘和培训成本。

5. 提高企业形象:提供心理健康咨询服务可以展示企业对员工福利的关注,提高企业形象和声誉。

















心理测评室:对学生进行心理测评的场所。系统会对学生的回答进行统计分析,给出测评报告。 音乐放松室:音乐放松室是利用音乐放松椅,使来访学生在舒适、平静的状态下,达到精神放松


One, the requirement that opens mental health to seek advice?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic 2, have confidential function 3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space 4, the seat with comfortable configuration 5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

2, what does mental health advisory room need to deploy?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic

2, have confidential function

3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space

4, the seat with comfortable configuration

5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

3, Zhengzhou mental health seeks advice from a hospital, which are best?

Referral center of psychology of Zhengzhou of academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path.

It is academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path the grader compose in Zhengzhou.

4, how is mental health advisory division taken an examination of?

Have this major or card of graduation of record of formal schooling of above of specialized subject of relevant and professional university; Obtain be not this major or card of graduation of record of formal schooling of above of specialized subject of relevant and professional university, via psychological advisory division 3 class groom normally amount to duration of formulary standard learning, obtain groom certificate of complete a course; Professional school waits in obtaining after this major or card of relevant and professional finish school, pursue one's job trade the work is full 10 years of above.

5, how does old people maintain ego mental health?

The mental health that old people maintains oneself basically can be passed the following at 3 o'clock, one, the old person can join the outdoors campaign such as a few right amount sports fitness in daily life. Right amount motion can make the old person retains vigor, the mood is upbeat. Secondly, the old person needs to treat the ageing symptom of the body correctly, accept correct physiology phenomenon to wait like consenescence. Finally, because the age passes,should avoid big and lose life aim.

6, do mental health education and psychology seek advice from distinction?

Mental health education and psychology seek advice is two different ideas in psychological domain.

Mental health education is to point to the kind that carries education and conduct propaganda, impart to people the knowledge of concerned mental health and skill, raise the mental health level of people. Its purpose is the importance that helps people understand mental health, the society answers pressure and mood question, increase ego acknowledge and ego management capacity, and promote active psychology to develop.

Psychology seeks advice from the psychology that is a kind of major to serve a form, through with suffer the person that visit to undertake face-to-face or on-line communication, help them solve psychological problem, alleviate psychological worry, improvement mental health state. Psychology seeks advice from division to be able to use all sorts of psychological theory and technology, with suffer the person that visit to establish trustful relationship, listen attentively to their problem and bewilderment, offer appropriate support, guidance and proposal.

As a whole, mental health education notes overweight to popularize mental health knowledge and skill, improve the psychological quality of integral group; And psychology seeks advice criterion more specialization, coach in the light of what individual specific issue undertakes individuation and support.

7, the advantage that mental health seeks advice from pair of company staff?

1.  Improve work efficiency: It is OK that mental health seeks advice help employee is solved actuating pressure, angst, depressed wait for a problem, improve work efficiency and productivity thereby.

2.  Improve working relation: It is OK that mental health seeks advice help employee handles human relation better, reduce conflict and contradiction, improve working atmosphere.

3.  Raise employee satisfaction to spend: Mental health seeks advice from the demand that can help employee understand his better and viewpoint of value, raise employee satisfaction to spend He Zhongcheng thereby.

4.  Reduce employee to leave one's post rate: Mental health refers the question in can helping employee solve the job, reduce employee to leave one's post rate, the invite applications for a job that saves a company thereby and groom cost.

5.  Improve company image: Offer mental health to seek advice from a service to be able to reveal the industry attention to employee material benefits, enhance company image and prestige.

Anyhow, mental health seeks advice from the pressure in can helping company staff answer the job and life better, improve work efficiency and productivity, the satisfaction that also can increase staff at the same time spends He Zhongcheng, reduce employee to leave one's post rate, bring more profit for the enterprise thereby.

8, why to seek advice from him division to answer mental health?

Why to seek advice from him division to answer mental health?

From theoretic say, the psychology of oneself of psychological advisory division should be healthy, but reality is not such, when just beginning to professional qualification takes an exam, a batch of find oneself have the person of psychological problem, to take an examination signing up, the course tries hard, one's deceased father issued letter, but oneself psychological problem did not get settlement.

Say normally, psychology seeks advice from division to be able to help others cast off anguish, regression lives normally, the problem that also can adjust likewise, but there is cure not to study personal statement on medicine, seeking advice to psychology is such more, because the person of psychological problem has the wrong acknowledge that lets his angst basically, psychology seeks advice from division to help others change acknowledge, difficulty is a bit less, because the advantage is authoritative, can see the problem of others, know what correct is. But when facing oneself, discover him where is wrong very hard, because the person feels he is right, even if knows where is incorrect, he confutation oneself is very difficult issue.

The person did not live in vacuum, encounter troublesome trouble possibly, a lot of psychology seek advice from division to face his problem angst be agitated, be not solved, but very outstanding psychology seeks advice from division to know a principle, know from where proceed with, can adjust oneself problem so.

9, content of job of advisory division of teenage mental health?

I have a few friends do psychology to seek advice from division, I understand this:

Above all, psychological advisory division does not help us give counsel, the person that seek advice through psychological knowledge and methodological help however realises its essence, of self-help of the person that final implementation seeks advice.

So, the main content that psychological advisory division works is:

(1) the question that listens the person that seek advice, let Ta people come down to behave true ego in the environment that does not have pressure easily.

(2) the method that adopts major, help clear main threads of an affair of manage of the person that seek advice, discover the knot disease of the problem.

(3) in the smallest participate in spent circumstance to fall, solve a problem independently by the person that seek advice.

10, what function do mental health education and referral center have?


The organization coachs room, psychological evaluation room, music is loosened room

Does psychology evaluate room: ? Low Chen of O of  of ∷ of Lai Mou of Hun of Yu of harmonious of travel of  of  of v/LIT all over the ground  caves  of a mythical bird like the phoenix of ancient wine vessel of act of  of v/LIT all over the ground  official is tasted treat? to give out evaluation report. Does music loosen room: ? achieve spirit to loosen

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