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1. 个性定制:北京旅游教育网根据学生的年龄、兴趣和学习需求,定制专属的旅游教育计划,确保每位学生都能得到最大的收益。

2. 寓教于乐:通过参观名胜古迹、博物馆、科技馆等,学生不仅可以亲身感受历史文化,还能够在游玩中获得知识。寓教于乐的活动形式使学生能够在轻松愉快的氛围中学习。

3. 专业讲解:每一次教育旅行都有经验丰富的导游或讲解员陪同,他们会用通俗易懂的语言讲解历史背景、文化知识和参观场所的相关信息,使学生更好地理解和吸收。

4. 安全保障:北京旅游教育网严格把关合作伙伴的资质,确保参观场所的安全性和导游的专业性。同时,网站提供全天候的紧急联系方式,以便在紧急情况下进行及时处理。


1. 参观故宫:作为世界上最大的宫殿建筑群,故宫是了解中国历史和文化的绝佳场所。学生可以在导游的带领下参观宫殿、展览和文物,听取有趣的历史故事。

2. 游览长城:作为世界七大奇迹之一的长城是中国的象征之一。学生可以领略长城壮丽的景色,了解其建造背景和保护工作。

3. 参观天坛:作为中国古代皇帝祭祀上天的场所,天坛是中国古代建筑和宗教文化的杰作。学生可以在这里欣赏到精美的建筑和建筑背后的文化内涵。

4. 参观故居博物馆:北京有许多著名的文学家、政治家和艺术家的故居被改建成博物馆,学生可以近距离了解他们的生活和作品,增长文化知识。




One, Beijing travel teachs net brief introduction

Regard China as the capital, beijing has long history and rich culture legacy, it is the travel destination that an equipment suffers tourist and student to love. Net of Beijing travel education is dedicated the website of the educational travel resource that provides rich diversity at be a student and service. No matter be the school,individual self-help swims, net of Beijing travel education can be offerred for you one-stop service, satisfy all sorts of your requirement.

2, the characteristic of net of Beijing travel education serves

1.Individual character is custom-built: Net of Beijing travel education is mixed according to the student's age, interest study demand, custom-built exclusive travel teachs a plan, ensure every student can get the biggest profit.

2.Contain teachs Yu Le: Wait through seeing house of famous places and historical sites, museum, science and technology, the student can experience historical culture personally not only, still can gain knowledge in amuse oneself. Contain teaching makes at happy mobile form the student can be in relaxed and pleasant atmosphere study.

3.Major explains: Journey of every time education has seasoned tourist guide or the announcer is accompanied, they can explain knowledge of historical setting, literacy and the pertinent information of visiting place with straightaway language, make the student understands better and absorb.

4.Safe safeguard: Net of Beijing travel education guards a pass strictly the partner's aptitude, ensure of the security of visiting place and tourist guide professional. In the meantime, the website offers round-the-clock urgent connection way, so that seasonable processing undertakes below emergency.

3, the commendation of net of Beijing travel education travels project

1.Visiting the Imperial Palace: Build as the biggest palace on the world group, the Imperial Palace is the superexcellent place that knows Chinese history and culture. The student can be in of the tourist guide guide next visiting palace, exhibition and cultural relic, listen to interesting historical story.

2.Visit the Great Wall: The Great Wall that regards the world as one of 7 big miracles is China is indicative one of. The student can appreciate the view with gallant Great Wall, understand its to create setting and protective job.

3.Visiting the Temple of Heaven: Regard emperor of Chinese ancient time as the place of sacred God, the Temple of Heaven is the classic of building of Chinese ancient time and religious culture. The student can admire elegant structure and the culture connotation that build backside here.

4.Museum of visiting former residence: Beijing has the former residence of a lot of well-known writers, politician and artist to be changed to build museum, the student can know their life and work with close quarters, grow literacy knowledge.

4, thank you to choose Beijing travel to teach a net

The educational travel that net of Beijing travel education devotes oneself to to offer rich diversity for the student experiences, help them understand Chinese history and culture better. Thank you to read the article, expect to be able to provide excellent service for you.
