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关于心理健康的绘画? 心理健康绘画作品设计思路?英文双语对照


关于心理健康的绘画? 心理健康绘画作品设计思路?英文双语对照


















可以画阳光 大海 花朵 大自然的美好





1. "绘画是无声的诗,诗是有声的绘画。" - 西贝柳斯

2. "画家不是在画出事物,而是在画出自己对事物的感受。" - 卡尔·拉格菲尔德

3. "一幅好的画作,是观察和灵感的结晶。" - 伦勃朗

4. "画家的画笔是他的语言,而画布则是他的舞台。" - 塞尔乔·加兰迪

5. "绘画是一种无需词语的交流方式,它可以跨越语言和文化的限制。" - 弗雷德里克·福尔斯

6. "绘画是一种沉默的音乐,它用色彩和形式奏响了心灵的旋律。" - 康斯坦丁·科洛耶夫斯基

7. "每一幅画作都是艺术家内心深处的一个故事,每一次创作都是一次心灵的表达。" - 范·高更

8. "绘画是一种力量,可以唤醒人们对美的热情和渴望。" - 亨利·马蒂斯

9. "绘画能够捕捉时间的瞬间,永远定格下那一刻的永恒美丽。" - 乔治·梵·哥克

10. "绘画是一个永无止境的探索之旅,艺术家的心灵永远在寻找新的表达方式。" - 奥古斯特·罗丹









One, the brushwork about mental health?

About nature, if see the relaxed and happy of beautiful scenery, sing in bird of the listen respectfully in the forest, want the world in drawing child eye namely.

2, does mental health paint design train of thought?

It is composition of a picture (layout, tonal) wait with the element. Will analyse an individual to consider as appreciably through brushwork a bit one-sided.

3, draw about heavy snow?

" bridge garden flying snow pursues " the picture of silk scroll color that is creation of Yuan Jiang of clear acting painter, hide at museum of Beijing the Imperial Palace now.

This picture represented a view true and meticulously beautiful, build delicate Liang Yuan beautiful scenery. In the picture, snowflake swirls, went up to big shakedown the blanket of a white. The luxurious banquet in Liang Yuan, do not stop because of the Yin Han of weather, brightly lit of the lights in the hall, person bearer is gone to, very lively. The painter described luxuriant and elaborate structure seriously, described each detail of the building with very even and straight line, scale precise and appropriate, modelling is accurate, with meticulous care. Because heavy snow covers roof, the painter wears house top simply for blank, with close dougong, lie between a window to wait formed bright contrast, enjoy with good visual sense to the person.

4, draw about new year's day?

1, draw a big frame above all, on two lanterns are drawn in the coping of frame, write on the lantern on theme, the colored flag on two side picture decorates the lantern.

2, catch the lower part in the lantern, we are drawn is frame of 3 red bags, new Year does frame with red bag or very of do sth for the occasion oh!

3, continue to draw a little girl and a little boy in the upper part of red bag of or so two side, report a duplicate to in the hand on the elemental adornment such as the snowflake on the picture.

4, can begin Tu Se now, report a duplicate to to the hand first the red on brim besmear, give two lanterns the red on besmear and yellow, give colored flag the color on besmear.

5, come to frame Tu Se again, the red on our besmear mixes frame yellow, decorate besmear gold yellow to circle.

6, give two characters the facial expression on besmear finally, give snowflake the color on besmear, horizontal line is drawn in frame, new year's day the hand reports a duplicate to brief strokes is finished!

5, about pictorial language table?

No matter how am I also drawn hard,give your rough sketch.

6, how is the picture with mental health painterly theme drawn?

What can draw nature of sunshine sea flower is good

7, draw about spirit of dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance?

Dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance is language of Meng Han match well, meaning for " beautiful Gao Ling " , be located in Heibei to save the upperest paddock county churchyard. On the history, district lengths and breadth of land here, arboreous and very tall, distant gold period is called " pine forest of a thousand li " .

20 centuries the dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance of 60 time, high cold, high height above sea level, gale, sand spends part, little rain environment of 5 kinds of extremes at an organic whole, environment is very harsh. The with the passing of time of half many century, a few acting people are in forestry centre of dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance below exceeding and abominable natural condition and working surroundings, build a an area on the world is the largest artificial forest. 1.12 million mus of immense forest, by a meter spacing in the rows the platoon leaves, can circle earthly equator 12 rounds. Dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance is overflowed from yellow Sha Man, forest is few and far between, become greenery shady, picturesque scenery. Dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance becomes in former days " beautiful Gao Ling " while, also casting mind of great dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance.

8, the logion about brushwork?

1." brushwork is breathed poem, the poem is phonic brushwork. "- Xibeiliusi

2." painter is not to drawing accident content, give oneself in the picture however to the thing experience. "- Carl Lagefeierde

3.A good picture makes " , it is observation and inspirational crystallization. "- Lun Bolang

4.The paintbrush of " painter is his language, and the arena that canvas is him. "- Saierqiao Jialandi

5." brushwork is a kind need not the communication means of the term, it can span the limitation of language and culture. "- the Ke Fuersi in fred

6." brushwork is a kind of silent music, it played interior tune with colour and form. "- Constantine Keluoyefusi base

7." is drawn each times is a story in artist heart, every time creates the expression that is the heart. "- Fan Gao more

8." brushwork is a kind of force, can wake up people to be opposite beautiful enthusiasm and longing. "- henry · Ma Di this

9." brushwork can take the moment of time, decide case to issue that forever momently lasting beauty. "- tall treats gram of elder brother of · Buddhist ·

10." brushwork is the brigade of a never-ending exploration, the artist's heart is seeking new expressive way forever. "- Aogusite Luodan

9, the brushwork about spring?

Draw a big circle first, inside big circle the picture gives two swallow, the figure that can draw a crescent moon first serves as the wing of swallow, draw to falling again " M " when the tail, with a roundlet the picture gives the head, draw spinous mouth again, adorn small macula again when the eye

Then, the multipeaked mountain of far gives in bottom picture, draw 3 bundles of sallow that hang down again, the picture on sallow gives strewn at random leave

Next, with wave line the picture gives two cloudlet, note Yun Duo's position and size

Finally, the good-looking color on all sorts of good to the picture element besmear, such simple beautiful Chun Jingtu is good with respect to the picture

10, about patriotic and painterly meaning?

Patriotic brushwork belongs to poster a kind, want to blend in patriotic spirit in the picture, have educational person, inspire the person's effect

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