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表姐的表姐怎么称呼? 表姐谐音?英文双语对照


表姐的表姐怎么称呼? 表姐谐音?英文双语对照



例如你的表姐是姨表姐, 你舅舅家的表姐,年龄比你们两个都大,那么它不仅是你姨表姐的表姐,同时也是你的表姐。









刘雯(Liu Wen),1988年1月27日出生,湖南省永州市人,中国模特。



2013年8月29日,在模特网站MDC top50 公布的榜单上位列第三。2013年11月,荣获ELLE风尚大典“ELLE国际偶像超模”。

2014年7月26日,入选MDC “New Supers”全球新超模榜单,成为首位进入“New Supers”榜单的亚裔模特。2014年在福布斯公布的全球模特收入榜中,以700万美元与米兰达·可儿、凯特莫斯并列第三。



一、表姐cousin的读音:英[ˈkʌzn] 美['kʌzn] 二、cousin的释义n. 堂[表]兄弟姐妹; 远亲,同辈;三、cousin的例句 He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick. 他追查到了堂弟和叔叔的下落,发现叔叔这时正在病中。I tried again to get ahold of my cousin Joan. 我再次尝试联系我的表姐琼。四、cousin的复数:cousins cousins n. 堂[表]兄弟[姊妹]( cousin的名词复数 ); 远亲,同辈,同胞; We are cousins.我们是表亲。


一、cousin的词语用法1、cousin的基本意思是“堂〔表〕兄弟姊妹”,即叔、伯、姑、舅、姨的子女,引申还可作“远亲”“同辈”“同族者”“同胞”解,指有亲缘关系或种族、文化等方面相关联的人,后面接介词of强调身份,跟to强调亲戚关系。2、如要表示性别,可在前面加boy, male或girl, female。二、cousin的词汇搭配call cousins with 称兄道弟hate one's cousin 恨自己的堂〔表〕兄弟〔姐妹〕have a cousin 有堂〔表〕兄弟〔姐妹〕like one's cousin 喜欢自己的堂〔表〕兄弟〔姐妹〕love one's cousin 爱自己的堂〔表〕兄弟〔姐妹〕marry one's cousin 和表兄弟〔姐妹〕结婚




表姐是一个汉语词语,也是一个称呼,读音biǎo jiě,表姐是指为比自己年长的女性必须是姑母、舅父的女儿。








cousin;elder female cousin[a daughter of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is older than oneself;cousin]姑母、舅父或姨母的女儿中比自己年长者英[ˈkʌzn] 美['kʌzn] n. 堂[表]兄弟姊妹; 远亲,同辈;






The watch elder sister that expresses elder sister how appellation?

 Express the watch elder sister of elder sister, you are OK also appellation expresses elder sister, just far watch elder sister, also perhaps be elder sister of watch of relatives by marriage likely.

For example your watch elder sister is maternal cousin elder sister, the watch elder sister of your uncle home, the age compares you two big, so the watch elder sister that it is elder sister of your maternal cousin not only, also be your watch elder sister at the same time.

It is elder sister of watch of relatives by marriage likely, it is the watch elder sister that says you express elder sister, the likelihood is the watch elder sister of her aunt home, it is elder sister of watch of relatives by marriage to you. The aunt that expresses elder sister is the sister of your the husband of one's maternal aunt,

Express elder sister homophonic?

Homophonic: Mark knot, fat section.

"Elder sister " basic meaning compares the woman with him old age with parents to say, be like younger brother of elder sister, elder sister's husband, sister; Meaning of extend the meaning is him contrast the appellation of the compeer woman with old age, if express elder sister, division elder sister, eldest sister; Meaning of extend the meaning is pair of maid is appellative, be like young lady, little eldest sister.

In be used daily, "Elder sister " often make a name, express to say this a group of things with common features or kin compeer and the woman with older than oneself age, if express elder sister, cousin.

Why does the big Lawrence that express elder sister call big list elder sister?

A this is the name because of her and some watch brand " Lawrence " series is homonymic, accordingly Lawrence was become " watch elder sister " . The brand that because Lawrence is,expresses, call her big list elder sister so.

Does Liu Wen express elder sister?

Liu Wen (Liu Wen) , was born on January 27, 1988, hunan Province always state city person, chinese model.

2009, ascend as Asian model " the secret of Victoria " underwear is beautiful.

Afterwards joins the 99 people with the 2012 year the most beautiful whole world that ASKMEN of website of male of a list of names posted up chooses once more after 2011.

On August 29, 2013, go up in the sheet of a list of names posted up that model website MDC Top50 publishs a row the 3rd. In November 2013, have the honor to win ELLE fashion grand ceremony " ELLE international God exceeds a standard " .

On July 26, 2014, selected MDC " New Supers " the whole world exceeds sheet of modular a list of names posted up newly, become the first place to enter " New Supers " of sheet of a list of names posted up inferior descendants model. In a list of names posted up of global model income that announced in Forbes 2014, amount to · with 7 million dollar and Milan but, Kaitemosibingliedi 3.

On August 27, 2020, liu Wen ranks " 2020 Forbes Chinese celebrity a list of names posted up " the 66th.

Express the English of elder sister?

One, the pronunciation of the Cousin that express elder sister: Flower [? K? Is Zn] beautiful ['k? Zn] 2, the paraphrase N of Cousin. Hall [express] brotherly sister; Distant relatives, compeer; 3, the illustrative sentence He Tracked Down His Cousin And Uncle of Cousin. The Latter Was Sick. He found out the whereabouts of cousin and uncle, discover the uncle is at this moment in disease. I Tried Again To Get Ahold Of My Cousin Joan. The watch elder sister that I try to contact me again fines jade. 4, the complex number of Cousin: Cousins Cousins N. Hall [express] brother [sister] (the) of substantival complex number of Cousin; Distant relatives, compeer, brethren; We Are Cousins. We are cousin.

Patulous data

One, the term use of Cousin 1, the basic means of Cousin " sister of brother of 〕 of hall 〔 watch " , namely father's younger brother, uncle, the children of aunt, mother's brother, aunt, extend the meaning still can be made " distant relatives " " compeer " " kinsman " " brethren " solution, point to have relation kissing a predestined relationship or the side such as phyletic, culture the person of relevant couplet, preposition Of is received to stress the status from the back, emphasize kindred with To. 2, if want to express sexual distinction, boy can be added in front, male or Girl, female. 2, the hall 〔 that the hall 〔 that the hall 〔 that the Hate One's Cousin of call each other brothers of lexical collocation Call Cousins With of Cousin hates him expresses Have A Cousin of 〕 of sister of 〕 brother 〔 to hall 〔 expresses Like One's Cousin of 〕 of sister of 〕 brother 〔 to like his expresses him love of Love One's Cousin of 〕 of sister of 〕 brother 〔 expresses sister of 〕 brother 〔

Watch elder sister what straightens?

Expressing elder sister is term of a Chinese, also be an appellation, ě of Oji of pronunciation Bi ǎ , expressing elder sister is the daughter that shows be older than oneself woman must be aunt, uncle or aunt. For example: Uncle (the mother's brother) , aunt (the sister of father) female old at oneself person, say to express elder sister of elder sister, watch. Uncle (the mother's brother) , aunt (the sister of father) male old at oneself person, weigh cousin, cousin. The cousin points to the daughter of father's brother again, namely the daughter of uncle, Zhong Fu, uncle, Ji Fu. Be the same as family name of the same clan because of you. The sister that with Wang Fu, lord, grandma father place gives. The schoolgirl does not have gene of heredity of patrilineal Y chromosome. Schoolgirl and cousin, have the X of 25% to interlink genetic gene from father sister. Schoolboy and cousin, have the X of 0% to interlink genetic gene from father sister.

What is watch elder sister?

Expressing elder sister is term of a Chinese, also be an appellation, ě of O Ji of pronunciation Bi ǎ , expressing elder sister is the daughter that shows be older than oneself woman must be aunt, uncle.

Another namer: Express elder sister

Symmetrical appellation: Cousin / cousin

Associated appellation: Aunt elder sister; Aunt elder brother; Elder sister of relationship between cousins of the same grandfather or great-grandfather; Elder brother of relationship between cousins of the same grandfather or great-grandfather; Express elder sister; Cousin;


Uncle (the mother's brother) , aunt (the sister of father) female old at oneself person, elder sister weighing a watch / express elder sister.

Uncle (the mother's brother) , aunt (the sister of father) male old at oneself person, weigh a cousin / cousin.

"Express elder sister " English?

Cousin; Elder Female Cousin[a Daughter Of Father's Sister Or Of Mother's Brother Or Sister, is him elder compared in the daughter of aunt of Who Is Older Than Oneself;cousin] , uncle or aunt flower [? K? Is Zn] beautiful ['k? Zn] N. Hall [express] distant relatives of brotherly sister; , compeer;

Does the plum express elder sister ending?

Plum watch elder sister is the character in domestic age, from small be badly off, after be brought up, married Zhao Jia, marrying her as a result of the husband is for strong to sick man happy event, result husband still died, zhao Jia thinks she is star of door of the funeral that overcome a husband, reach its to her bad, , plum watch sister lives in all the day depressed in, contracted a disease, be in by all the day depressed, cough finally blood and dead, it is a tragic character.

Express table of elder sister article greatly?

To oneself happiest thing, have elder sister of a big to what oneself take care of everywhere list namely, no matter be,oneself gave most support when oneself work, be in all the time encouragement, make oneself better go facing the life, and there is the help when needing most in oneself, oneself are thankful exceedingly the other side is caressed to his.
