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抗战结束的标志? 朝代结束的标志?英文双语对照


抗战结束的标志? 朝代结束的标志?英文双语对照












冷战结束标志:1991年苏联解体 冷战是指1947年至1991年之间,美国、北大西洋公约组织为主的资本主义阵营,与苏联、华沙条约组织为主的社会主义阵营之间的政治、经济、军事斗争。

1946年3月5日,英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔在美国富尔顿发表“铁幕演说”,正式拉开了冷战序幕。1947年3月12日,美国杜鲁门主义出台,标志着冷战开始。1955年华沙条约组织成立标志着两极格局的形成。 1991年华约解散,之后苏联解体,说明了苏联模式的失败,标志着冷战结束,同时也标志两极格局结束,前后共44年。美国成为了世界上唯一的超级大国,世界格局变为世界多极化进程中的“一超多强”。























One, the sign that war of resistance against aggression ends?

Japanese imperialism announced a surrender at discretion 1945, it is the sign that Chinese battlefield war of resistance against aggression ends

2, the sign that dynasty ends?

The emperor of the dynasty already died, replace without offspring, or what cannot undertake materiality to the whole nation is regnant, the place is no matter on name or inside in, disobedient! And have a new political power build, dynastic changes! The beginning of a new dynasty, indicating namely the end of old dynasty!

3, the sign that year ends?

The beginning of age, it is change of week of smooth Wang Dong, luoyang of move the capital to another place. The end time of age, historical argument is different, but main time has 3 great traditional power overturn with be on the wane, include capital of the State of Chu of Hunan capital city to be overcome by Wu Guogong (Hunan country is brief and ruined) , Qi Guochen replaces ginger family name, already 3 cent advance, the end of mark year period. Year end enters period of the Warring States, year period, vassal contend for hegemony, of homage is an overlord, royal family of number one homage. And period of the Warring States, indicating ceremony collapse is very happy, vassal country no longer homage week the emperor, and vassal country advocate also cannot restrain scholar-bureaucrat, traditional power trend becomes feeble and die, new-style powerful nation rises abruptly, attack cut down no longer for contend for hegemony, however to contend for land and population. Time of end of the Warring States is Qin Guotong 16 countries.

4, the sign that the Warring States ends?

The mark that age begins is city of week of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of change of smooth Wang Dong, move below influence, vassal country begins the influence of the emperor of week of built on stilts, from " politics by the emperor " turn for " politics You Fangbai " ; The sign that year ends is to jump over king Gou Jian to destroy seek hegemony.

The mark that the Warring States begins is dear doctor built on stilts usurps even the power with vassal sovereign state, the most remarkable incident is " 3 cent advance " and " Tian Chen seize is neat " ; The sign that the Warring States ends is the Qin Dynasty destroys 6 countries, finish unified.

5, the mark of the mark that cold war begins and end?

Cold war begins a mark: Door creed publishs Du Lu (in March 1947)

Cold war ends a sign: 1991 Russia disintegrate cold war is to point to came 1947 between 1991, the capitalist a group of people of same interest that the United States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization gives priority to, the politics between the socialistic a group of people of same interest that with Russia, the Warsaw Treaty the organization gives priority to, economy, military affairs struggles.

On March 5, 1946, wen Si of the premier before England pauses · Qiu Jier is published suddenly in American rich Er " iron act delivers a speech " , pulled open cold war formally prelusive. On March 12, 1947, creed of American Du Lu door comes on stage, the mark is worn cold war begins. Organization of the Warsaw Treaty established a mark to wear 1955 of polar pattern form. 1991 China disband about, later Russia disintegrate, showed the failure of Russia mode, the mark is worn cold war ends, also indicate polar pattern ends at the same time, around in all 44 years. The United States became the exclusive superpower on the world, world situation turns into in process of world much polarization " one exceed many strong " .

6, the mark that the stock adjusts an end?

The stock adjusts an end to enter when drawing litre of position,

1 clinch a deal the quantity magnifies effectively,

The 2 rate that change a hand rise, appear grab plan an appearance

3.K line appears big positive line, obstruction of breakthrough early days platform

4 all route system by original become orderly state desultorily

7, the sign that corn pollination ends?

Corn plant has grown certain height, xiong Suiji matures originally, female spic also begins spin, the pollination period with corn the most crucial reproduction came.

8, does Russian reform end a sign?

In March 1917 (Russian all previous Feburary) , the First World War when to one's heart's content, imperialist war become acute Russian society is contradictory, the motion that oppose war is increasingly rising, russia erupted the 2nd times bourgeois democracy revolution -- Feburary revolution. Revolution overthrew regnant Russia to be as long as in Feburary dynasties of 300 old husband of Luo Man Nuo, ended czar of absolute system reactionary and regnant.

9, horizontal dish of mark that adjusts an end?

Clinch a deal quantity enlarge, hold a storehouse to measure enlarge, form unilateral to break through prices.

Trade in commodity futures in the center, if a variety lies among the process that a horizontal Pan Zhen swings, be about to produce bosseyed breakthrough to end this kind to adjust, what you need to pay close attention to is in the breakthrough flashy, clinch a deal the enlarge with can abrupt quantity, accompany the addition of the quantity that maintain a warehouse at the same time, to the limit of one's capacity breaks through horizontal Pan Zhen to swing an area to mean adjust an end.

10, the end of what mark spring?

Reply: The answer is " the Beginning of Summer " . The arrival of the Beginning of Summer, representing vernal end, indicating the summer is forthcoming. Begin from the Beginning of Summer, everythings on earth begins to grow flourishingly, the earth will present the picture that gives a flourishing. So when the Beginning of Summer, what ought to we notice in dietary respect, what to have again consuetudinary?

Culture of Chinese Chinese character broad and profound, implied meaning is profound, have history of thousands of years. The Beginning of Summer in 24 solar term, stand and summer the meaning with special what do these two Chinese characters have respectively? This the Beginning of Summer and the Beginning of Winter, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Autumn is same, this establishs a delegate to wear begin, the beginning of summer of that is to say, so summer what be, summer the meaning that is brought up namely, represented grow, so everythings on earth is growing.

Each solar term has 3 to await, corresponding move uses a plant differently, the Beginning of Summer also is divided for 3 await, the one Guo that await Lou cries, 2 await an earthworm to go out, 3 await king melon to be born.

Lou Guo is the Wei Wei Gu that we say, the Beginning of Summer when begin to be born.

The 2nd the earthworm is when awaiting piece, earthworm the hotshot that it is a farmland, in the silently cultivated, dig in the ground, the earthworm made very large contribution.

The 3rd await call king melon to be born, of course this is pointing to is in south, in north although we call the solar term of the Beginning of Summer, actually we are a midspring merely or the season of dusk spring.

The Beginning of Summer is the more significant solar terms in a year, representing the beginning of summer, accordingly from rise in ancient times, take this day seriously very much.
