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1 我建议住在广元市区,这样交通会比较方便。2 市区有多个火车站和长途汽车站,可以选择不同的交通方式。3 此外,市区内也有许多酒店和客栈可供选择,也可以方便地前往其他旅游景点。



















  在不同时代人们对于茶文化的解读均具有着一定的差异性, 对于现代茶文化可以从两个层面进行界定:其一, 狭义层面, 指的是在种植培育与品饮鉴赏的过程中形成的习惯或是风俗的文化汇集。其二, 广义层面, 是茶叶在社会发展进程中形成的物质财富与精神财富的汇聚。

  就茶文化与旅游业之间的关系来讲, 早在20世纪90年代, 茶文化与旅游业便已经实现了交流屿互动, 比较具有代表性的事件为中国茶叶博物馆在杭州开馆, 并将此馆作为中心开展了一系列茶展、茶文化体验等旅游项目, 这便是茶文化与旅游业在发展过程中的初次接触。如今现代社会中人们对于茶文化的热爱, 促使各地区均纷纷开展基于茶文化的旅游项目, 促使茶文化与旅游业的关系朝更为密切的方向发展。


  茶文化的旅游价值主要体现在以下几个方面:第一, 茶文化的发展推动人们品茶、爱茶等行为习惯或是心理的形成, 从而更为深入地去了解茶文化, 此种行为的养成一方面体现出了茶叶自身优势, 另一个方面也能够推动茶文化以及相关产品的发展, 从而间接地影响地区旅游业的发展。

第二, 茶文化旅游并非是单纯的饮茶, 而是借助于各种项目的开发形成一个茶文化旅游产业链, 例如, 将茶文化景点与周边产品以及观赏等作为基础形成一个产业链, 能够进一步提升地区旅游内容的丰富性, 同时也能够达到促进消费的效果。

第三, 在经济水平不断提升的背景下, 人们对于精神层面的追求会越来越高, 文化旅游项目将会成为现代及未来的旅游发展趋势, 而茶文化的旅游价值会越来越明显。


  茶在表面上作为一种饮品存在, 实质上蕴含着丰富的传统文化, 这种文化在不同地区均会表现出浓厚的地区特色, 这也是茶文化能够与旅游业发展进行结合的基础条件。

茶文化自古便与旅游业实现了接触, 两者之间长久以来一直存在着相互促进、相互协调的关系, 近年来随着人们对精神层次追求的不断提升, 旅游业实现了快步发展。新时期旅游业的发展必须要实现创新, 只有如此才能够达到吸引游客的目的, 而茶文化便是现代旅游项目创新发展的重要方向之一, 可以说, 茶文化对旅游经济的发展具有着一定的促进作用。









金石滩国家旅游度假区, 5A级旅游景点。三面环海,冬暖夏凉,气候宜人,还有海水浴场。海滨沿岸,金石嶙峋,海蚀地貌的地质景观独特;海水水质清澈,沙滩沙质绵软;景区内的特色主题园、高尔夫球场、景区及旅游服务基地内的建筑景色极富大连海滨景观特点,展现了大连现代化海滨景观建筑的特色。值得好好体验,不过来这里的话,想体验性强一些,还是得在这边住一晚。










Where does Wuhan travel freedom stay in all right the most convenient?

1, periphery of yellow crane building lodges 

Be close to here the Yangtse River, big bridge of memorial hall of yellow crane building, the wuchang uprising, the Yangtse River waits for much place tourist attraction, and live, eat, buy, amusement is more perfect, a lot of people can choose here. Fierce prosperous railway station also is located in here, traffic is convenient.  

Room of 300 yuan of the following hotels recommends:

Zuo maple hotel (inn of building of Wuhan yellow crane)

Hotel of white yulan magnolia (inn of bridge of t-shaped of station of subway of village of Wuhan plum center)

Q adds · hotel of S8 of 10 thousand gold (shop of station of Wuhan Wu Changhuo)

Vienna hotel (inn of college of the agriculture in Wuhan Na Huhua) 

2, alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China - canna forest lodges 

Alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China is a famous fastfood street, tunnel of a lot of Wuhan can be found here fastfood. The canna on the side forest natural culture breath is full-bodied, it is a characteristic small market that filled artistic culture amorous feelings. And the hotel of this area stands by Huang He building, east the tourist attraction such as university of lake scene area, Wuhan, amuse oneself is convenient.  

Room of 300 yuan of the following hotels recommends:

Hotel of Shang Guo originality (inn of alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China of building of Wuhan yellow crane)

The star of bright and beautiful river (inn of alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China of building of yellow crane of Wuhan China road)

Do not think young brigade to abandon (inn of scene of river of Wuhan out of print)

Wuhan of hotel of 7 days of chain Dadongmen inn

3, Jiang Hanlu periphery lodges 

Jiang Hanlu is located in downtown, it is one of trade groups with the most flourishing Wuhan, suit to shop, recreation, recreational. There still are many distinguishing features here old building and celebrity former residence, can savour the history of Wuhan massiness. Situation is advantageous, railway station of distance Chinese mouth and beach of Chinese mouth river are very close.  

Room of 300 yuan of the following hotels recommends:

Vienna international hotel (inn of road of abundant of treasure of Wuhan emancipatory highway)

If the home is handpick (shop of station of subway of Han Zhengjie of Wuhan Zhongshan highway)

The star of bright and beautiful river (inn of general merchandise of ocean of station of subway of Wuhan Jiang Hanlu)

Zuo maple hotel (Wuhan fierce gets the better of Lu Tai to close square store)  

4, Wuhan university periphery lodges 

Name of admire of a lot of people goes fierce is to see oriental cherry greatly, but besides famous oriental cherry, fierce still has grumous humanitarian flavor greatly, the building exceeds the United States, it is a net the red tourist attraction that play card. Hostel and small hotel are spread all over all round Wuhan university, low-cost.  

Room of 300 yuan of the following hotels recommends:

Flummery hotel (shop of station of subway of collect of wide port of city of originality of Wuhan silver-colored peaceful)

Wuhan as expected fashionable hotel

Tian Meile restaurant (shop of station of Wuhan wide port)

Wuhan luck brings urban public house 

Does tea culture travel design a principle?

Tea culture is of long standing and well established, the group that drink tea is numerous, according to tea and characteristic of producing area history, the design acts art, taste tea, explain, achieve conduct propaganda finally to sell an end.

Go it is better that Chongqing travel stays in a where?

Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government, also be city of net red travel, be judged to be destination of countrywide optimal travel for many times. Have advocate the many nets of the city zone are red the dot that play card, the natural view that also has area county and historical name fill historic site, the hotel amount of Chongqing also be among the best of candidates, the area in see change of Chongqing travel accommodation integratedly liberates the hotel all round tablet to had been compared.

Wide yuan which place does travel freedom stay in all right is traffic convenient?

1 my proposal lives in wide yuan of urban district, such traffic will be more convenient. 2 urban districts have many railway stations and long-distance station, can select different traffic kind. 3 in addition, there also are a lot of hotels and hotel to be able to offer an alternative inside the urban district, also can head for other travel tourist attraction conveniently.

The relation of tea culture and travel?

Tea culture is one of Chinese traditional culture strange flower


Root establish at tradition of long Chinese China nation in culture



In the process that form and develops,

Rise to the category of mental culture by corporeal culture gradually


It is be in harmony science,

Social science,

The humanities the culture system at an organic whole.

Tea culture and tourism relationship are close,

It is resource of an important travel.

Tea culture and

Travel union can promote tourism development,

Also be helpful for our country traditional culture gain ground

The enlightenment that traditional tea culture travels?

Tea culture concept reachs the relation of its and tourism

In not coetaneous people to tea culture unscramble the otherness with all be being had certain, can to contemporary tea culture undertake limitting: from two levels? Level of Huang? narrow sense, those who point to is to be in cultivate the habit that in breeding the process with the appreciate that taste drink, forms or the culture assemble that are custom. Secondly, broad sense level, it is tea expand the corporeal fortune that fashions in the process and mental wealth in the society gather together.

Will tell with respect to the relation between tea culture and tourism, be in early 20 centuries 90 time, tea culture and tourism had come true to communicate island to interact, have representative incident to open a shop in Hangzhou for Chinese tea museum quite, began this embassy a series of tea to exhibit as the center, the travel project such as tea culture experience, this is tea culture and tourism in developing a process the first time contact. The people in modern nowadays society to tea culture have deep love for, make various places all develop the travel project that is based on tea culture in succession, the impact that makes tea culture and tourism grows toward more close direction.

The travel value of tea culture is reflected

Is the travel value of tea culture basically reflected in: of the following respects? The development of culture of tea of show off? drives people to taste the behavior such as tea, love tea is used to or be psychology to form, thereby more thorough ground goes understanding tea culture, the nurturance of this kind of behavior is reflected on one hand gave tea oneself advantage, another respect also can promote the development of tea culture and relevant product, affect the development of area tourism secondhand thereby.

The 2nd, it is pure that tea culture travel is not drink tea, however have the aid of forms chain of industry of travel of culture of a tea at the development of all sorts of projects, for example, tea culture tourist attraction and circumjacent product and view and admire wait to form an industry chain as the foundation, can promote an area the rich sex of travel content further, also can achieve the result of stimulative consumption at the same time.

The 3rd, below the setting that promotes ceaselessly in economic standard, people will be higher and higher to the pursuit of mental level, culture travel project will be become contemporary the travel that reachs future develops a tendency, and the travel value of tea culture will be overter and overter.

Tea culture urges action to what travel economy grows

Tea is in apparently exist as a kind of drink, substantial accumulate containing rich traditional culture, this kind of culture all can show grumous area trait in different area, this also is the fundamental requirement that tea culture can have combinative with tourism development.

Tea culture realized a contact with tourism since ancient times, both between existing to be promoted each other all the time for quite a long time, the relation that coordinates each other, promote ceaselessly as what people goes after to mental administrative levels in recent years, tourism achieved half step progress. The development of new period tourism must want to realize innovation, only such ability achieves the goal that attracts a tourist quite, and one of important way that tea culture is development of innovation of contemporary travel project, can say, tea culture is having certain stimulative effect to the development of travel economy.

The account with briefer cycle of tea culture travel?

Tea grows cycle is shorter, meet inside very short time wither.

Is travel of Chinese tea culture much?

The item of tea culture travel that the tea such as Fujian Guangdong Zhejiang produces the ground to have a lot of rich and colorful.

Cong Dandong lives oneself to Dalian travel, how to choose to eat, live, row?

The tourist attraction that says Dalian first.

The Asia's biggest square -- astral sea square, area of 5A class scene. Built to commemorate Hong Kong is returned to 1993. Because coastal, so the scenery here also is super beauty, also should see weather nevertheless, occasionally the summer of Dalian also is all the day tepid and clinking, lose sight of La La's day, do not blow cool cool sea wind. Also be very perfect really when weather is good.

Park of ocean of Dalian tiger beach, area of scene of 5A stage travel. Have coral house on behalf of the tourist attraction, polar house, sea animal house, happy theater, bird language forest. Coral house is on the side of the doorway, go giving it last fall. Polar house has dolphin show, the word that had not seen is worth to look very much. Happy theater and bird language Lin Dou have a show. Want one day to ramble all tourist attractions, get breakfast, the left and right sides staying 6 hours inside is quite appropriate.

Travel of inscriptions beach country goes vacationing area, tourist attraction of 5A stage travel. 3 annulus sea, wintry warm summer is cool, climate is delightful, still have briny outdoor bathing place. The seaside is coastal, inscriptions is bony, the geological landscape of sea corrode landforms is distinctive; Briny water quality is clear, beach sandiness soft; The building outlook inside area of field of the characteristic theme garden inside scene area, golf, scene and travel service base is extremely rich characteristic of Dalian seaside landscape, showed trait of architectural of landscape of Dalian modernization seaside. Be worth to experience well, if coming here nevertheless, want to experience the gender is a few stronger, still must be in here live one evening.

Dalian discovers kingdom, the first polar and marine world of Chinese, in inscriptions beach travel goes vacationing near the area. The tourist attraction has discovery square, legend castle, blackart forest, metallic plant, mystery is desert, american ave. It has day show and evening show, each have distinguishing feature, saw an individual like.

If living, I feel to see my want to go which tourist attraction, lived around scene area in the evening that day as far as possible, dalian is a coastal city, arrive from north south the distance is very far really, and the tourist attraction is quite dispersive.

Dalian traffic still calculates those who had held out, light course, the subway, public transportation, those who hit is very convenient.

In eating side, cannot miss seafood of course, besides, still have salty fish pancake, iron plate bakes a squid to be able to be tasted etc.

Does nonlocal car go does Suzhou travel which hotel is restricted to go?

In Suzhou, the limitation of external plate basically is in urban core area, the mainstay line that is like Suzhou urban district, aim to alleviate traffic is embraced block up and reduce air pollution. But, in a few suburbs of Suzhou or blame core area, the limitation of nonlocal plate may opposite less.

Specific which hotel is not restricted to go, the situation that still needs to choose according to you and hotel location area will judge. The proposal carries a map ahead of schedule or hotel of navigation software inquiry is in the position, the liaison man that knows place is restricted to set all right. In the meantime, go out smoothly to ensure row, also can contact a hotel to undertake advisory ahead of schedule, in order to get more detailed information.

Additional, if need to be in Suzhou urban district travel, can know place ahead of schedule of external plate be restricted to go time and area, in order to avoid needless trouble and penalty.

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