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操作性极强的美食静物拍摄布光场景,让我们从摄影师的角度来学习如何布光拍摄食品的布光较少使用直射的硬光,而是使用仍带有一定方向性的柔光。柔光的柔软程度视食品的表面状况而定,若食品的表面较为粗糙,一般应使用光性稍硬的柔光;若食品的表面光滑,则要使用光性极软的柔光,这样,食品的质感得到最佳表现。布光时,要注意光照亮度是否均匀,对暗部要作适当补光,以免明暗反差过大。在需要用轮廓光勾画被摄体外形时,轮廓光也不宜太强,并要在泛光灯前加装蜂巢,以控制光域,不干扰主光。  选择餐具  食品通常用餐具来盛装,在选择餐具时要注意餐具的形状、纹样及色调是否与食品谐调,要记住,食品是主,餐具是宾,绝不能喧宾夺主。  巧用替代品  有些食品或菜肴一上桌就会改变其初始状态,对此,有经验的摄影师会寻找一些逼真的替代品,如利用一些人工的材料模拟食品或菜肴的形状和质感做一些假的食品,以还原食品的最佳状态。典型的例子就是拍摄冰块,无论你拍摄得怎样迅速,冰块在灯光下的融化速度远远超过你的想象。因此,在拍摄带有冰块的食品画面时,摄影师一般选择一种由有机玻璃做成的假冰块。这样的冰块不仅拍摄效果逼真,而且不管你拍摄多少时间,也绝不会融化。此外,在拍摄冰淇淋时,用土豆泥染色代替冰淇淋,也可免除真品迅速溶化之忧。  其他技巧和经验  拍摄水果时,如果将水果用色素液体浸泡,它会显得更鲜艳。而如果将大部分水果涂上油,然后用干布打磨,则它的质感会更诱人。  拍摄啤酒时,在酒杯或酒瓶的外表喷上水雾,会使啤酒如同刚刚冷冻过。如果在啤酒里放些微量精盐,则会使啤酒产生美观的白色泡沫。  如果要拍摄热咖啡冒出热气的画面,采用化学方法效果会更好。具体方法是先在咖啡中加少量醋酸,然后滴几滴氨水,就可以产生逼真的烟雾了。  拍摄炸肉或香肠时,在其表面涂上油会增加其新鲜感。  拍摄蔬菜时,不妨将蔬菜用碱水泡洗一下,这样,更能显现出蔬菜鲜嫩的质感。 拍摄食品的效果是要让人看起来很有食欲,尽管说拍摄食品是不容易的,但只要掌握拍摄食品中最难的布光问题,拍起来就得心应手了。光线布置得恰当,就很容易表现出食品的质感,如松软的、酥脆的、细腻的、肥厚的、油滑的等。不要一听到“布光”就皱眉头,觉得“好复杂好难啊”,事实上,只需要一些相当简单的布光手法,就可以满足大部分日常拍摄需要——除非你要做的是商业美食摄影。你只需要一个闪光灯(或恒定光源),再加上一些简单的辅助器材,就可以创造出这种和窗户自然光十分类似的拍摄效果了:你也可以准备一些白色或黑色的卡纸(或泡沫板),放在光源的对侧,充当简易的反光板。白色卡纸可以用于补光,离主体越近,主体阴影越少;黑色卡纸则相反,可以“吸光”创造阴影,离主体越近主体的阴影越浓密。


The cate still life with operation extremely strong sex films cloth smooth setting, let us learn from the angle of cameraman how cloth light films the cloth light of food uses point-blank hard light lesser, use however it is certain to still be contained directional lambency. The exterior condition that the soft degree of lambency inspects food and calm, if the surface of food is relatively rough, the surface that should make the lambency; with consumed a bit hard sex is like food commonly is slick, want to use the lambency with smooth extremely soft sex, such, the simple sense of food receives optimal expression. When cloth is smooth, want to notice whether illumination brightness is even, want to fill appropriately to dark ministry smooth, lest contrast of light and shade is too big. With outline light in need draw the outline of is photographed when substance appearance, outline light also shoulds not be too strong, should add before floodlight outfit is honeycomb, in order to dominate smooth region, noninterference key light. Choice tableware food comes with tableware normally full-dress, appearance of the appearance that should notice tableware when choosing dinner service, grain and tonal whether to move with food humorous, want to remember, food is advocate, tableware is guest, absolutely cannot a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role. Opportunely with substitute some of food or dish go up desk can change its initiative condition, to this, the cameraman that has experience can search a few distinct substitute, if use the appearance of a few artificial material imitate food or dish and simple sense to make the provision of a few holidays, with the groove of reductive food. Typical case films namely ice cube, no matter you film how quickly, ice cube melts in what lamplight falls the imagination that speed outstrips you far. Accordingly, filming when the food picture that contains ice cube, cameraman chooses a kind commonly by the false ice cube of organic glass make it. Such ice cube films not only the effect is distinct, and no matter you film how many time, also won't melt absolutely. In addition, filming when ice-cream, replace ice-cream with potato mud coloring, also can absolve taste the care that dissolves quickly really. Other skill and experience film when the fruit, if use the fruit pigment liquid to immerse, it can appear more bright-coloured. And if will major fruit besmears,go up oily, use dry cloth burnish next, criterion its simple sense will be more inviting. Film when beer, sail upstream in the outside gush of goblet or bottle mist, can make beer as just refrigerant over- . If refined salt of a bit quantity is put in beer, can make beer produces beautiful white foam. If want to film hot coffee appears the picture of steam, it is better to use chemical method effect. Specific means is preexistence a few acetic acid are added in coffee, drip next a few ammonia water, can produce distinct smoke. Film when scamper flesh or banger, in its the oil on exterior besmear can increase his new move. Film when vegetable, might as well wash vegetable with buck bubble, such, can show vegetable and fresh and tender simple sense more. Film the effect of food is to should let a person have appetite very much it seems that, although say to film food is not easy, but should master the it is the most difficult to film cloth smooth question in food only, pat with respect to handy. The light is decorated appropriately, show the simple sense of food very easily, be like loose, of crisp, exquisite, of fleshy, wait oilily. Do not hear " cloth is smooth " beetle-browed, feel " very complex very difficult ah " , in fact, need a few quite simple cloth smooth skill only, OK and contented much films daily need -- what unless you want,do is commercial cate photography. You need a flashlight only (or constant illuminant) , plus a few simple auxiliary equipment, can create piece this plants and window nature films like ten classification solely the effect: The paperboard that you also can prepare a few white or black (or bubble board) , put in pair of side of illuminant, act as to glance simple and easily board. White paperboard can use Yu Buguang, closer from main body, main body shadow is less; Black paperboard is contrary, can " absorb light " creation shadow, the shadow of closer from main body main body is shocker.

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