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必考: 040110103708中国近现代史纲要 040110203709马克思主义基本原理 040110300015英语(二) 040110406056心理学史 040110502047社会心理学(二) 040110606059心理学研究方法 040110700643公关心理学 040110800284心理卫生与心理咨询 040110906057生理心理学 0401101006058学校心理学 0401101106060个性心理学 如果不考英语(二)就要考下面三科: 0401101202108实验心理学 0401101300018计算机应用基础 0401101400471认知心理 注意:不考英语(二)的话选考的三科都要考,而且不考英语(二)的话不可以申请学士学位哦~!








四、35岁自考心理健康教育 前景?




















1.辽宁师范大学 入选理由:辽宁师范大学心理学21年软科排名第16名(清华第20),招生人数不算很多,20人,21届34人进复试,进复试最低分时358,29人拟录取,拟录取最低分是361,辽宁地区给的分高,所以分数都普遍偏高。

2.福建师范大学: 入选理由:如果说辽师大不适合跨考,那么福建师范就是适合跨考的院校了, 专业课二只考一本书,对于跨考生来说需要复习的内容就相对少很多,学制2年。

3.江苏师范大学 入选理由:江苏师范大学的优势就是进复试和拟录取分数低。











One, does educational undergraduate course take an examination of health of manage of Shandong save worry what to course take an examination of oneself?

Take an examination of surely: 040110103708 China are modern Shi Gang wants 040110203709 Marxisms fundamental 040110300015 English (2) 040110406056 psychology history 040110502047 societies are psychological (2) 040110800284 mental hygiene of psychology of 040110700643 public relations and psychology seek advice from 040110606059 psychological research technique 040110906057 physiology are psychological 0401101006058 schools psychology psychology of 0401101106060 individual character if: 0401101300018 computers apply 0401101202108 experiments psychology 0401101400471 cognitive psychology notice the foundation: Do not take an examination of English (2) if choose the 3 families that study to want to take an examination of, and do not take an examination of English (2) if can not apply for baccalaureate oh ~ !

2, study mental health education and elementary school education oneself which good?

Take an examination of mental health to teach major and major of elementary school education to be compared oneself, be educational major has compared elementary school to take an examination of a few, obtain employment circumstance also compares psychological major after better.

3, how to take an examination of mental health to teach undergraduate course to sign up oneself?

1. head examinee must be dealt with first register, upload certificate photograph, wait for register examine and verify (3 days) after passing, fang Kedeng records a system to enter oneself for an examination course.

2. comes sign up to be registered at that time full already 5 years, but the add examinee that did not upload the photograph that the near future films afresh, need the picture that lands a system to upload the near future to film, classics examine and verify (3 days) after passing, enter oneself for an examination course.

Examinee of 3. other add, land a system to enter oneself for an examination directly course.

4. enters oneself for an examination entrust the examinee that takes an examination of major what have limitative requirement to be in charge of sectional registration book to local business first please individually (specific time is in charge of a branch to contact with local business please) , take an examination of oneself to place by business director branch next do conduction collective to sign up for add of a famous player.

4, do 35 years old take an examination of mental health to teach foreground oneself?

35 years old take an examination of what mental health is taught or have perspective very much oneself. Now the health in the person's heart more and more be taken seriously, and each respect pressure is increasing, everybody can have problem of a few psychology more or less, also slowly accept psychotherapy, abstain from before unlike see psychological doctor, so mental health education also is a job that has perspective very much

5, it is difficult to take an examination of mental health to teach oneself? Specialized subject school?

Be difficult! It is very difficult to be taken an examination of oneself above all. It is so good that mental health is done not have take an examination of, it is psychological no matter pedagogic still, it is pay attention to practical effect very much the sort of. I learn education, our teacher gives a title very vivid. Case held great majority. Academic knowledge is occupied specific gravity is rarely, if you want,take an examination of so, you are about to look for a lot of case to look, true. Otherwise, more difficult.

6, how to take an examination of mental health to teach practice class to take an examination of oneself?

1. registers time

Practice takes an exam and common like taking an examination of course oneself, it is OK to have one year in all 2 arrive 4 times the opportunity of to take an examination signing up, specific of course time is decided by each school, school of be in charge of an examination takes an exam in practice the meeting before 3 months announces exam arrangement.

2. signs up for distinguished personages Cheng

Signing up when taking an exam, we also should notice to signing up before the practice of this class takes an exam, need passes the academic exam of this class first. Additional, you need to show standard textual criticism, id card, provide the relevant information of the requirement that take an examination of an official.

Before 3. is taken an examination of, groom

Take an examination of an official to be met commonly professional to each before the exam examinee undertakes groom accordingly and coaching. Exam place is set in school of be in charge of an examination commonly.

7, what does specialized subject of mental health education take an examination of course to have oneself?

Schools of each be in charge of an examination fly exam course take an examination of course to differ somewhat, specific this professional exam plan that examines each schools.

The examination that provides school of a few be in charge of an examination plans to offer reference:

1, Hua Dong Normal University

2, Hua Na Normal University

3, Zhejiang Normal University

4, Nanjing Normal University

8, the school that mental health education suits to take an examination of this taking an examination of to grind oneself?

Mental health education takes an examination of oneself one's deceased father grind the school recommends as follows:

Is 1. Liaoning Normal University selected reason: ? ?1 of press or rub against of harmonious of  of Gou of hole of Ψ of provide for  year flexible division ranks the 16th (Tsinghua 20) , number does not consider recruit students person very much, 20 people, 21 34 people take a second-round exam, enter time-sharing of second-round exam lowest 358, 29 people plan to admit, planning to admit lowest to divide is 361, the cent that Liaoning area gives is tall, the mark is so general on the high side.

2. Fujian Normal University: Selected reason: ? ? of Miao of gorge of excrement of emperor of Peng of Υ of moisture in the soil of Quan  pilfer so Fujian normal school suits to cross suitable school namely, professional class studies a book 2 times, the content that says to need to review to crossing examinee to come is relatively a lot of less, eductional systme 2 years.

Is 3. Jiangsu Normal University selected reason: ? Does У of Gou of hole of  account Ψ flinch climb by maltose of rapid of courtyard of word of fade wall  already " does qualitative  low?

4. northwest Normal University

In the center of 5. ethical university.

9, take an examination of mental health to teach undergraduate course to want what to course take an examination of oneself?

Shandong psychological course is installed

Mental health teachs (undergraduate course) professional code: B040110, school of be in charge of an examination: Shandong Normal University, university talking about a city

This major sets 11 course and project in all

1, generality of Mao Zedong Thought (2 credit) 2, Marxism plutonomy principle (3 credit) 3, English (2) (14 credit) 4, psychological history (6 credit) 5, social psychology (2) (6 credit) 6, psychological research technique)

10, check mental health oneself how does education obtain bachelor's degree?

Do not need, mental health teachs professional undergraduate course to need to take an examination of English only (2) OK, baccalaureate wants to apply for to the school only, it is OK to attend degree English to take an exam, your undergraduate course major and specialized subject major do not have a relation, be at ease ~

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