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介绍午睡室布置? 保安室怎么布置?英文双语对照


介绍午睡室布置? 保安室怎么布置?英文双语对照











1. 会见室的大小和形状:会见室的大小和形状是决定座位布置的重要因素。如果会见室较小,座位的布置应该尽量保证每位与会者都能看到主持人或演讲者,同时保证与会者之间的距离不会太近。如果会见室较大,可以考虑采用圆桌式或剧院式的座位布置。

2. 与会人数:与会人数是决定座位布置的另一个因素。如果与会人数较少,可以采用圆桌式的座位布置,以便与会者之间更容易交流和互动。如果与会人数较多,可以采用剧院式的座位布置,以便尽可能多地容纳与会者。

3. 活动性质:不同类型的活动需要不同的座位布置。例如,商务会议可以采用U型或V型的座位布置,以便与会者更容易交流和互动。而演讲或讲座活动可以采用剧院式的座位布置,以便演讲者更容易与观众直接对话。

4. 装饰和灯光:座位布置不仅仅是为了容纳与会者,还应该考虑到装饰和灯光的因素。合理的座位布置可以让会见室看起来更加美观和舒适,同时适当的灯光可以提高与会者的注意力和兴趣。













(1)党旗(一般规格144cm× 96cm或旗面长宽之比为3:2);


























怎样布置教室 教室是学生学习的场所。认真布置好教室,对学生的文化学习和品德陶冶,都将起一定的作用。布置教室一般应注意以下几点: 一、教室布置的基本要求是:热情扑实、美观大方、整齐清洁。因此,应力求墙白地平,几净窗明,内容引人,形式生动,物有定处,别类分明。要从实际出发,着眼于教育作用,给学生创造一个良好的学习环境,使他们能从这环境中,受到激励,更爱学习,更爱班集体。 二、布置次数,一般每学期一次就可以了,但也可以根据重大节日、教育活动等进行更换。可依据教育的中心,适量张贴标语、宣传画、名人语录、格言等。但数量不宜过多,色彩淡雅而鲜明,不宜对比太强烈,过分渲染。 三、张贴、陈列物应主要摆在教室的后方(如“学习园地”、“竞赛图表”、“卫生角”等等)正面墙壁,黑板四周,切勿张贴、陈列一些太显眼的东西,以免分散学生的注意力。 四、各种张贴或悬挂物,不仅要求端正,也要注意高矮适中,即底边与一般学生的视平线等高(指站立着)。还必须牢固结实,稳妥安全。 五、教室内的常备用具和学生常带之物,如雨具、小黑板、清扫工具等,应分类集中,放之有序,眉目清楚,避免杂乱现象。 六、布置工作,班主任不要包办代替,最好在教师的指 导下,由学生自己动手。参考资料:




















One, is introductory siesta room decorated?

We are decorated in nursery school when the child sleeps, the distance that we grow each boat by a meter is apart next every position to shipshape, need not disturb a child, it is OK to say little boys so the front lies on the boat to hold high, the good noninterference that read each other, we every boat interval is apart from a meter or so, such children are not disturbed each other, such their siesta are good with respect to what sleep particularly

2, how is security personnel room decorated?

Piece of table is put in room of general security personnel, the wall that has monitoring hangs two LCDs, flashlight, electrical shock club, prevent break helmet, interphone, prevent thorn vest, prevent cut a glove, fire control equipment. In the room besides can put over with the equipment that must go up, the thing that other it doesn't matter uses is not put in security personnel room as far as possible, general and normal circumstance it is OK that two people are on duty to put two pieces of benches.

3, how is interview room decorated?

I do not have a graph, but the sense that the company interview room before me gives me is good still, share with you, the room is not big, only 10 come a square, the poster make it that company culture connotation uses on a two pieces of a piece of table, chairs, big greenery, wall hangs what the picture has arrangement to distributing, feeling giving a person is very relaxed, sweet, have class, have intention.

Need is additional it is the company still has to wait fill out a form room, the person that give interview technically is used fill out a form reach those who wait, inside besides a certain quantity of seat, go up with greenery, newspapers and periodicals was being decorated to wear on mesa except newspapers and periodicals beyond special the weekly publication of brand culture conduct propaganda that put a few companies and enterprise interior the press.

Wall adornment is the same as interview room, still have a few paper, pen, garbage can.

4, interview room seat to decorate?

The answer is as follows: The decorates a basis to differ circumstance that interviews room seat and demand may differ somewhat. Usually, interview room seat decorate should consider the following:

1.Interview the size of the room and appearance: Interviewing the size of the room and appearance is the main factor that decides the seat is decorated. If interview the room is lesser, of the seat decorate the person that should make sure every attend the meeting as far as possible to be able to see compere or lecturer, the distance between the person that assure to attend the meeting at the same time won't be too close. If interview the room is bigger, the place that can consider to use round-table type or theater formula is decorated.

2.Number attending the meeting: Number attending the meeting is another element that decides the seat is decorated. If attend the meeting the number is less, the seat that can use round-table formula is decorated, so that attend the meeting person between communicate more easily and interact. If attend the meeting the number is more, the seat that can use theater formula is decorated, the person that so that be accommodated more as far as possible,attend the meeting.

3.Mobile property: The activity of different type needs different seat to decorate. For example, business affairs conference can use U model or V the seat is decorated, so that attend the meeting person communicate more easily and interact. And the seat that speech or lecture activity can use theater formula is decorated, so that lecturer is easier,speak directly with the audience.

4.Adornment and lamplight: The seat is decorated is to accommodate the person that attend the meeting not just, return the factor that should consider adornment and lamplight. Logical place is decorated can let interview room look more beautiful and comfortable, at the same time proper lamplight can increase the attention of the person that attend the meeting and interest.

5, is the party built room decorate a level?

(One) room of Party member activity presses " commonly 7 have " standard construction:

It is to the Party member activity of above of 15 square metre secures a place (include board chair) ;

2 it is to obligation of right of oath of party flag, join or be admitted to the party, Party member and relevant system and office leading Party group knit framework graph to wait for;

3 it is to necessary Party member report teachs equipment, if measuring projector, multimedia broadcasts equipment, high-definition network to photograph,wait for; with computer like the head

4 it is to have a certain quantity of study data, basically include: View of anthology of complete works of theory of anthology of Marxism complete works, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, XX, scientific progress, talk about manage state affairs the book such as manage politics. People's Daily, new China daily, XX daily and " in straight party is built " , " violet Guang Ge " , " the job and study " wait for the press;

5 it is to have data of relevant platform credit, basically include: Party member party membership dues captures register of circumstance, Party member, leading Party group to knit the conference to record data of book, relevant document, basic level to organize construction experience material to wait for;

6 it is to have honorary column, commend with what at putting the party is organized and Party member place obtains, the honorary; such as award

7 it is to have corresponding administrative system, make clear administrator.

(2) the party builds mobile garden construction. Organization of party of each basic level should make full use of labour appoint the propagandist drawing board of unified configuration, integral setting wants novel, easy, orderly, the " that cooperates to begin two learn to make " study education is timely update, have stronger ideological content, education gender and read a gender, every quarter updates mobile garden content at least.

4, decorate a level

1, go up wall content

(1) party flag (96cm of × of common standards 144cm or banner face grow to compare widely for 3: 2);

(; of oath of 2) join or be admitted to the party

(The right of 3) Party member and compulsory;

(Organization of 4) office party wears; of composition of a picture

(5) concerns system; within the party

(6) Party member organizes; of mobile circumstance photograph

(7) characteristic content.

2, go up wall position standard

The right of oath of join or be admitted to the party, Party member, obligation should be put in advocate metope, oath of join or be admitted to the party is in the lower part of party flag, the Party member's right, obligation is mixed in party flag suspension of each system semmetry is in the; of left, right place of oath the both sides of wall.

5, working requirement

1, improve knowledge.

2, implement a standard.

3, outstanding distinguishing feature.

Standardizing room of Party member activity to build is a rigorous job, want normative standard, managing and practical, concise and grave.

6, how is monitoring room decorated?

1, network ark (put switching equipment and power supply of machine posture centralized power supply)

2, screen masts ark (put liquid crystal TV or monitor)

3, control ark (below put videocorder monitor and control clavier mouse are put on the stage)

4, electrostatic floor 5, UPS (anthology match)

7, how is alexipharmic room decorated?

According to national Ministry of Public Health the door sets, alexipharmic room creates contaminative division commonly, clean a region, bale area, disinfect an area, store a few area such as the area, the sign between area is clear, due and actual protective screen, course and stream of people, content flows by corrupt to clean, do not get retrograde motion. Should use the wall when decorating, ground smooth, be able to bear or endure the material that clean, the light is bright, installation has ultraviolet light or the air such as the ozonizer disinfects device

Disinfect the general composition of the room

Contaminative area, clean a region, bale the area creates a district alone, this area compares dirty chaos, because this is far from the client's line of sight as far as possible, contaminative area should be set in the entrance area that nears alexipharmic area, install the tap water that uses of catharsis and sewer, have enough large position is placed before cleaning immerse box of bucket, contamination and ultrasonic cleaning machine, if use,the unit of one-time medical apparatus and instruments still should set the position that deposits the appliance after using.

Disappear contaminated area does clean palpability simply as far as possible, put alexipharmic equipment only, use open wide type glass, can let a client see, this area needs to keep clean and clean at any time, lest cause needless worry to the patient. Cleaning bale area and the photograph join that disinfect an area to establish the window or door to make, clean dry baled appliance turns into disappear contaminated area directly.

Asepsis stores area: Asepsis area must be separated completely with before two area, the article that finishs via sanitary district disinfection is placed inside area, with cure one is set to pass a window between the area, must undertake delivering through this window when medical personnel fetch, the article after preventing to disinfect is converse enter contaminative area. Inside this area store ground floor of content low ark leaves the area not less than 750px. Additional if clinic space is nervous, ark of usable also deposit is done store area, open one window or the door makes another appliance exit. Store usable and hypostatic wall also can open the area.

8, does elementary school class arrange plan?

How to decorate the room that classroom classroom is student learning. Decorate good classroom seriously, to edify of culture study of the student and moral character, will have certain effect. Decorate a classroom to should notice the following commonly: One, is the main demand that the classroom decorates: ? ⒚ of idle of the alarm that offend Zhu bars Ge of R of yo of Qian of Na of  of be good at ⒄ makes fun of Yin midge  of Chen Wan of  of sole of regretful of the Huaihe River of Fu of  of sword of narrow of vertebra of paddle of Ji of  α η makes fun of  to ask  of Γ of ù of discharge of cadmium of  of capture   a huge legendary turtle of swan Ku buy to R  is mailed, general every semester one OK, but OK also undertake changing according to weighing activity of political integrity day, education to wait. But the center that the basis teachs, ana of catchphrase of right amount paste, poster, celebrity, maxim. But the amount is unfavorable and overmuch, colour quietly elegant and bright, unfavorable contrast is too sharp, beyond the mark apply colours to a drawing. 3, those who display content to basically should be placed in the classroom is paste, rear (be like " study garden " , " agonistic chart " , " wholesome horn " etc) openly wall, blackboard all around, do not paste, display a few too conspicuous things, lest disperse the student's attention. 4, all sorts of paste or pensile content, ask not only decorous, also want to notice height moderate, namely of hemline and average student inspect even wire to wait tall (point to standing) . Still must firm and strong, reliable and safe. 5, the thing that teachs indoor standing appliance and student constant belt, like rain gear, small blackboard, sweep a tool to wait, should classify concentration, those who put is orderly, features is clear, avoid mixed and disorderly appearance. 6, assign the job, classmaster does not monopolize replace, had better fall in pedagogic guidance, start work by him student. Reference material:


9, is content of elementary school mental health brief?


Popularize mental health basic knowledge, establish mental health consciousness, the psychology with simple understanding adjusts method, understanding psychology is unusual phenomenon, and preliminary control common sense of psychological health care.


Intelligence trains, help a student build scientific knowledge to intellective essence namely, be aimed at intellective different composition, wait like attention, observation, memory and design different training activity to wait.


Study psychology is directive, help a student build scientific knowledge to learning mobile essence namely, education student forms motive of healthy and positive study attitude, study, train the study with student good nurturance to be used to, the study method that masters science.


Affection education, church student holds and express oneself mood feeling namely, the society is controlled effectively, adjust the inactive affection with reasonable him drain, experience and observe and the mood feeling that comprehend others, undertake the training of relevant skill.

10, decorate large assembly room?

Decorate go up to be not entered, the space that describes from you looks, use multimedia equipment is indispensable.

Frequency of video of multimedia equipment no more than.

There is video telephone meeting on video, audience screen, before umbriferous wait.

Frequency has rostrum ear wheat, sound of audience seat enlarge, synchronism passes interpret to wait

Of mailbox decorate an attention to want a consideration inclined to place, not right to place. Other also do not have a law to tell, not clear space is specific circumstance.

The electrical outlet of special consideration camera wants dimensional gist much, once have,film otherwise the task, the line procrastinates on the ground will procrastinate going is very no-go.

And the end points of video is much, such having good expanding.
