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穿越火线 游戏热度:16435 测试日期:2008-7-25

CrossFire的位置和方向   在最近开发的多种在线FPS中,CrossFire (以后简称 ‘CF’)分析了包括counterstrike (以后简称 ‘CS’)的人气FPS的优点并吸取了玩家喜欢的内容,并提供大众喜欢的FPS游戏。而且相比丰富的游戏内容,在低配置的PC也可以进行很顺畅的游戏。

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战争雷霆 游戏热度:13245 测试日期:2015-8-11

《战争雷霆》(曾用名:空战世界)是俄罗斯开发商Gaijin Entertainment开发的一款以二战历史为背景的飞行模拟网游。游戏将加入超过100种以上的飞机模型,玩家可以选择来自德国、苏联、英国、日本、美国的飞机,并对自己的飞机进行一定限度的升级改造。除了飞机以外,玩家所扮演的飞行员也会在作战经验积累中逐步获得更高的军阶与相应的能力。

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使命召唤OL 游戏热度:12076 测试日期:2012-11-29

美国动视暴雪公司FPS网游产品《使命召唤OL》(暂译,原名Call of Duty OL)是动视旗下著名跨平台FPS游戏《Call of Duty(使命召唤)》系列的网游版本,动视表示该版本是专为“中国玩家设计”。

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战舰世界 游戏热度:11484 测试日期:2015-9-24


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攻壳机动队OL 游戏热度:10544 测试日期:


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反恐精英OL 游戏热度:8921 测试日期:2008-12-16


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反恐精英OL2 游戏热度:8697 测试日期:2015-4-22


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飓风行动 游戏热度:8454 测试日期:2015-3-25


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泰坦陨落 游戏热度:8445 测试日期:

Respawn工作室首部作品,EA发行的《泰坦陨落》(曾用名:泰坦神兵)是一款以行星阵营争夺战为背景的第一人视角射击游戏,玩家们可以在游戏世界中作为"飞行员"(pilots)自由行动,也可以进入称之为"泰坦"(Titans)的机甲之中完成一系列团队任务,而后者则会是游戏的精髓。本作专注于多人联机,没有离线下的单人模式,将登陆Xbox360、Xbox One及PC平台。

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火瀑 游戏热度:8366 测试日期:2015-9-22

《Firefall》(暂译为《火瀑》)是九城控股公司Red 5工作室发布了全新的次世代作品。Red 5研发团队由原《魔兽世界(WOW)》以及《银河生死斗(Tribes)》的研发人员组成,《Firefall》为该研发团队的第一款游戏。


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Pass through heat of live wire game: 16435 tests date: 2008-7-25

In a variety of online FPS that the position of CrossFire and directional   develop recently, after CrossFire (abbreviation ' CF ' ) analysed after including Counterstrike (abbreviation ' CS ' ) the content that the person enrages the advantage of FPS and absorbed a player to like, offer the FPS play that the masses likes. And the game content with photograph rich comparing, the PC in low configuration also can have very smooth game.

Top 2

Heat of warlike thunderbolt game: 13245 tests date: 2015-8-11

" warlike thunderbolt " (ever used a name: Air battle world) a be development of Gaijin Entertainment of Russia development business flight simulation net that is setting with history of World War II swims. Game will add the plane model of more than 100 kinds of above, the player can choose to come from the plane of Germany, Russia, England, Japan, United States, have certain limit to his plane upgrade transform. Besides the plane, the air man that player place acts also can be in fight experience is accumulated in obtain higher grade and corresponding capability stage by stage.

Top 3

Heat of game of mission call OL: 12076 tests date: 2012-11-29

The United States is moved inspect net of blizzard company FPS to swim product " mission call OL " (interpret of of short duration, original name Call Of Duty OL) is to move inspect subordinate and famous cross platform FPS game " Call Of Duty (mission call) " the net of series swims version, move inspect expressing this version is to be only " Chinese player is designed " .

Top 4

Heat of battleship world game: 11484 tests date: 2015-9-24

" battleship world " it is Wargaming company afterwards " tank world " , " world of opportunity for combat " hind, net of another of development large war swims. As we have learned, " battleship world " the maritime war that game setting set is 20 centuries. " battleship world " will be " the world " the last part of warlike trilogy, sea land is vacant eventually complete.

Top 5

Heat of game of OL of team of the motor-driven that study case: 10544 tests date:

" OL of team of the motor-driven that study case " become development FPS network game, with real sense strong gunfight and movement are a characteristic. In the meantime, still have in game transform through justice body make fighting capacity aggrandizement, the characteristic content such as artificial intelligence and the mode of battle of new idea cooperation that the player cooperates.

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Fear heat of elite OL game instead: 8921 tests date: 2008-12-16

" fear elite OL instead " it is the FPS network game that the homonymic original work that Korea NEXON company develops with American Valve company develops for the foundation. " fear elite OL instead " game of network of as numerous as existing Korea FPS lies differently at buying weapon system distinctly. Game sends play money according to the game result of every bout, the play money that player basis obtains closes next time in what initialization passes buy weapon and equipment.

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Fear heat of elite OL2 game instead: 8697 tests date: 2015-4-22

" fear elite OL2 instead " it is a paragraph with " fear elite instead 1.6 " develop for the foundation " fear elite OL instead " add is made. Game not only aggrandizement community function, still add detailed novice guide function, let rookie player also can quick start. In the meantime, express according to relevant personage, " fear elite OL2 instead " did not lose " fear elite instead " the game sex of series.

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Heat of hurricane action game: 8454 tests date: 2015-3-25

" hurricane acts " it is a target of online development " MKZ " add is made " MKZ2 " operation of You Meihua new intelligence. Game is provided with much arm of services cooperates and carrying fight for characteristic. " hurricane acts " shirt-sleeve a variety of game mode such as a street battle, large war, use machinery. The landform that the player can wait for diversity in urban street, field battlefield, blue sky gallops below the environment, perhaps cooperate to carry a game experience that has be stimulatinged more.

Top 9

Heat of game of peaceful calm fall from the sky: 8445 tests date:

Respawn atelier first work, EA issues " peaceful calm fall from the sky " (ever used a name: Titan arms) it is a the first person that is setting with battle of contention of planetary a group of people of same interest the perspective shoots play, players can regard " air man as " in game world (Pilots) loose-jointed, also can enter say for " of " Tai Tan (Titans) a series of group jobs are finished in machine armour, and the marrow that latter can be game. This making dedicated at much person online, did not leave the single person mode below the line, will land Xbox360, Xbox One and PC platform.

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Heat of igneous waterfall game: 8366 tests date: 2015-9-22

" Firefall " (interpret of of short duration is " igneous waterfall " ) it is 9 cities atelier of holding company Red 5 released opus of brand-new second for generations. Group of Red 5 research and development by former " demon animal world (WOW) " and " galactic life and death is fought (Tribes) " composition of personnel of research and development, " Firefall " the first game that is group of this research and development.

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