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《催科》 明·江盈科,译文?英文双语对照


《催科》 明·江盈科,译文?英文双语对照

催科①[明]江盈科 为令之难,难于催科。催科与抚字②,往往相妨,不能相济。條萊垍頭

阳城③以拙蒙赏,盖由古昔为然,今非其时矣! 国家之需赋也,如枵腹④待食;穷民之输将也,如挖脑出髓。为有司者,前迫于督促,后慑于黜罚,心计曰:“与其得罪于能陟我、能黜我之君王,不如忍怨于无若我何之百姓。”萊垍頭條



如是而后赋可完,赋完而民之死者十七八矣! 呜呼,竭泽而渔,明年无鱼,可不痛哉!或有尤之者,则应日:“吾但使国家无逋赋,吾职尽矣:不能复念尓民也。”頭條萊垍








噫!居今之世,无论前代,即求如二祖时,比岁蠲⑥,比岁免,亦杳然有今古之隔矣。 (选自《雪涛阁集》卷十四)【注】①催科:催办缴纳赋税。頭條萊垍





⑥蠲(juān):减少。参考译文: 当县令的困难,莫过于向老百姓催税。催税和爱惜长养百姓,往往互相妨碍,不能够互相帮助。唐代的阳城因为拙钝而受到奖赏,不需贡税给朝廷,这仍然是古代才做得到的啊!可惜如今却没有这样的时机! 国家需要赋税,就像空肚子的人需要食物一样;而穷苦百姓的缴纳赋税,就像是要挖他的脑、要抽他的髓一样。條萊垍頭


所以发号施令出去,百姓还不缴纳赋税,接着就是追赶、呼叫他们了。鞭打、刑罚下去,百姓还不缴纳赋税,接着就是把他们逮捕、囚禁了。老百姓于是就只好去借贷了;如果借贷不到钱,就只有出卖新丝、出卖新谷了;新丝新谷都卖光,就只有典卖家产了;又甚至连家产都卖光了,就只好卖妻、卖子女了。到了这个样子,然后赋税都可以缴纳了,赋税缴纳了而老百姓也死了十分之七、十分之八了啊! 唉!弄光湖水来抓鱼,明年就没鱼可抓了,能不让人觉得痛心啊!偶尔有责备他的人,他就回答说:“我只要让国家没有人拖欠赋税,我的职责就算尽到了,我根本没办法再想到你们这老百姓啊!”我试着用比喻来说说这些人,大概类似“驼医”吧! 从前有个医生,他自我宣传说会医驼背,说:“驼背的像弓一样的人,驼背的像虾一样的人,驼背的像曲环一样的人,请我去医,我保证早上医,晚上直的像箭一样。”结果有一个人信以为真,请他治疗他的驼背,医生拿了两片木板,一片放在地下,叫驼背的人躺在上面,再拿一片木板,压在他的身上,立刻跳到他身上跳一跳,驼背的人立刻变直,但也立刻死了。驼背者的儿子,要到官府控告驼背的医生,但驼医我却说我的职业是医驼背的人,哪管他是否死亡。 唉!世上那些当县令的人,只管钱粮租税有没有缴纳,根本不管老百姓死活,和那个驼医有什么不一样?虽然这个样子,还是是要仰赖严格的君王,亲自实践节俭的政策,发布宽容体恤老百姓的诏令,如果不这么做,却立刻想要官吏不去当驼医,做的到吗?咳!处在今天的世道,不用说同前代相比,就同英宗、孝宗二祖时期,一年比一年减少,一年比一年减免比,也令人觉得有今古之巨大差别啊!萊垍頭條


Urge division ① [bright] Jiang Ying division is those who make is difficult, be hard to urge division. Urge division and the ② that stroke a word, often photograph hamper, cannot photograph aid. Zuo of Qu

③ of in relief city is cheated with clumsy admire, the lid is by Gu Xi like that, be not meantime today! Of the country need to endow with also, if empty,celiac ④ is waited for feed; Of end civilian be defeated will also, if dig a head,give pith. To have the person that manage, before by force of supervise and urge, be awed is punished at removing from office after, calculation says: "Displease Yu Nengzhi with its me, can remove from office my emperor, be inferior to bearing complain Yu More common people of my He Zhi. " of Qu Zuo

Hereat order is not over, chase after Hu Jizhi; Chase after do not breathe out, mallet Chu Jizhi; Mallet Hunan is not over, and jail, and fetters and handcuffs. of Qu Zuo

Civilian have then say to borrow ear; Say to borrow must not, have sell new silk, sell new Gu Er; Silk uses up cereal exhaust, have sell produce side; Its very, have sell wife, sell filial side. of Qu Zuo

Endow with after that so can be over, the ode is over and civilian the dead seventeen 8! Alack, drain the pond to get all the fish, do not have a fish next year, but indolence! Or the person that have You Zhi, answer day: "I but make the country does not have fleeing ode, my duty use up: Cannot answer read aloud civilian also. " of Zuo Qu

Yu Qiuji is likened to, kind camel cure like that. Zuo of Qu

Former times has cure person, can treat back camel from intermediary, say: "The person that be like bend, the person that be like shrimp, the person that be like Qu Huan, yan Wu is treated, but face is treated and evening is like arrow. " of Qu Zuo

One person believes Yan, and make treat camel. It is all alone board 2, with one buy underground, lie camel person on its, with pressing Yan, and Yan of crural Zuo ⑤ . of Zuo Qu

Camel person along with straight, yi Fu is followed dead. of Qu Zuo

Its child be about to toot all officials, cure person says: "My course of study treats camel, but tubal person is straight, which canal person is dead! " of Qu Zuo

Alack! Of the world to make, but tubal v/arc land tax is over, no matter common people is dead, why different hereat cure also! Husband doctor and as to the the dead, it is as what listen to its camel Yan more also; Make and as to dead common people, it is as what make the ode is over very much more also. of Qu Zuo

Although, blame battle Ming Jun bend forward of section caustic politics, of next wide compensate instruct, namely be about to department is not camel cure, do not commit murder, can be you gotten? Zuo of Qu

Alas! House today world, no matter before acting, be like,beg namely 2 ancestor when, compare year old of Juan ⑥ , than year old avoid, yi Yao has like that be lain between anciently today. (anthology from " collect of Xue Tao cabinet " roll 14) [note] ① urges division: Urge do pay taxes. of Zuo Qu

② strokes a word: Pacify show solicitude for. of Qu Zuo

③ in relief city: Person name, tang Dynasty honest and upright official. Qu of Zuo

④ empties (abdomen of Xi ā O) : Hollow. of Zuo Qu

⑤ Zuo (X ǐ ) : Walk, step. of Qu Zuo

⑥ Juan (Ju ā N) : Decrease. Referenced translation: What make when the county is difficult, nothing is more... than urges tax to common people. Urge duty and cherish long raise common people, often hamper each other, cannot help each other quite. The in relief city of Tang Dynasty because clumsy is blunt and get award, do not need tribute and taxes to give a royal or imperial government, this remains ancient time to just be done get ah! There is not such opportunity however nowadays regrettablly! The country needs taxes, like needing food with respect to the person that resembles empty stomach; And the pay taxes of poverty-stricken common people, resembling is the head that should dig him, marrow that should smoke him same. Zuo of Qu

Those become the government official's person, in front by force of the director supervise and urge, fear from the back by the punishment of demote, inner ego is measured, say: "Go displeasing with its can let me be promoted, can let me demote government-owned emperor, be inferior to bear the resentment of the common people of those pairs of my have no alternative! " of Qu Zuo

Issue orders so go out, common people is returned not pay taxes, catch even if chase, call they. Flog, penalty goes down, common people is returned not pay taxes, catch even if arrest them, captivity. Common people is forced to go then leasehold; If leasehold be less than money, betray new silk only, sell new grain; New silk new cereal sells light, only allusion sells family property; Sell light even again even family property, be forced to sell wife, sell children. Arrived this appearance, next taxes is OK pay, taxes pay and common people also died very, very ah! Alas! Water of the lake that get light will catch a fish, did not have a fish to be able to be caught next year, can not let a person feel distressed! Have the person that blames him now and then, he says with respect to the answer: "I should let a country default taxes without the person only, my duty calculates, I do not have method to think of you again at all this common people ah! " I try to use these people say for the analogy, probably similar " camel cure " ! There was a doctor once upon a time, his ego conduct propaganda says meeting cure is bow-backed, say: "Resemble the person like bend bow-backedly, resemble the person like shrimp bow-backedly, resemble the person like Qu Huan bow-backedly, ask me to go cure, I assure in the morning cure, straight in the evening like the arrow. " the result has a person to believe, those who ask him to treat him is bow-backed, the doctor took two board, one is put in underground, call bow-backed person to lie above, take a board again, press on his body, jump to his body immediately, bow-backed person becomes straight immediately, but also died immediately. Bow-backed person son, want the doctor with feudal official bow-backed charge, I say Dan Tuo doctor however my profession is the person with bow-backed cure, are in charge of him to whether die. Alas! Those become the person that the county makes on the world, simply tax of v/arc land tax has pay, be in charge of common people anyway far from, what to have with that camel cure different? Although this appearance, still be to want Yang Lai's strict emperor, practice economical policy personally, those who release common people of good-tempered show solicitude for instruct your, if not so do, want a government official to be not become immediately however camel cure, do arrive? Cough! At today's the manners and morals of the time, need not say ibid generation is compared, with respect to period of Zong Erzu of Tong Yingzong, filial piety, decrease one year than a year, compare a year of derate comparing one year, also make a person feel to have today ancient vast difference ah! of Qu Zuo
