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One, safe operation essentials:

1, drive before the person enters cab, should observe the circumstance affirms safety all round car above all.

2, drive the circumstance after getting off by personnel Shi Yingxian observes side, again delay opens door.

3, drive when motor vehicle, forbidden both hands leaves at the same time change direction dish.

4, no matter be blocked automatically,still be the hand is moved block a car, step footplate of apply the brake, ought to use trample of the palm before right leg. Operate when footplate of apply the brake, step or raise must not observe.

5, when shift gears, must not lower his head to fall inspect.

6, block a car automatically " 2 " block use when gentle slope travel; "L " block use when brow travel; "P " block use when be stationed in a car.

7, when driving to block a car automatically to start, step footplate of next apply the brake, block from P change other block. When park blocks a car automatically, transmission joy stick should be blocked in P unplug next keys, the position beyond is blocked to cannot unplug in P next keys.

8, when blocking a car automatically to start engine, answer to put transmission joy stick in P to block the position.

9, engine oil of cooling fluid, engine, fuel should be checked to wait to whether have a leakage appearance before dispatch a vehicle.

2, drive the environmental influence to safe drive a vehicle:

1, wet is road surface to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle wet slip, suffocate suffocate of line of sight. The road surface after raining is wet slip, when apply the brake is being used in car travel, incidental horizontal stroke slips or sideslip. Be in when car on wet slippery road surface when travel, road surface adds exert oneself as speed increase to be reduced quickly.

2, mist day is visibility to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle low, the line of vision is not clear.

3, when high speed drive a vehicle, car gets the influence of side wind, turn to dish of meeting to have abrupt " be seized " feeling, drive the person answers enclasp changes direction dish, decelerate travel. Fierce wind comes over, the car that may make travel medium produces transverse deflection.

4, the main characteristic of travel ginseng and road transportation is to walk optional sex is big, direction is changeful.

5, nightly road environment is visibility to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle low, go against situation of observation road transportation. Nightly drive the person observation to the object is differred than by day apparently, apparent distance shortens, at the same time attention height is centered, easy generation is fatigue. Drive after nightly drive a vehicle encounters the person to be shot to be being illuminated to lamplight, condition of clear ahead road cannot treat inside short time.

6, road of ice and snow is to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle road surface sneaks away slip, solar reflex is intense, influence line of sight. Put trail road drive a vehicle on the ice, as a result of the firn reflex to the light, cause extremely easily drive person dazzled and generation is illusive. When drive a vehicle of road of ice and snow, distance of apply the brake is lengthened. When up train of road of ice and snow, the stability of car is reduced, quicken previous when car pole easy idling or smooth slippery.

7, muddy road is to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle the wheel slips extremely easily turn and sideslip. When the apply the brake on muddy road, the wheel is easy produce sideslip or throw tail, cause traffic accident.

8, water destroys road surface to affect safety of drive a vehicle, the reason that passes through not easily is to cannot observe dark hole and raised road surface.

9, a mountainous area road is slope to the main effect of safe drive a vehicle long turn is urgent, dangerous a section of a highway is much. Narrow, turn is much and slope of a mountainous area road is long and steep, road surface is urgent, easy happening traffic accident.

10, in drive a vehicle dash forward meet car of the other side forcibly overtake, hold him driveway, right way is as far as possible decelerate avoids let.

11, when nightly drive a vehicle, complete light light goes out suddenly, should instantly apply the brake, keep to the side jockeys.

3, civilization drives:

1, of a qualification drive person, behave not only in the technology adept on, more important is to should be had drive goodly behavior habit and moral training.

2, the 3 gold principle that drives carefully is: Focus attention, observe carefully and prevent ahead of schedule.

3, drive when car, want safe drive a vehicle, civilized comity, friendly drive, do not accomplish heroic car, adventure car, feel wronged and act rashly car and car of in spite of illness.

4, when the discovery in drive a vehicle has the car that needs help, should decelerate jockeys, give opposite party in order to help. Discover other vehicle is immersed in a section of a highway of muddy, attaint cannot travel, when need is helped, should active, endeavor to help. Encounter other drive when the person enquires a course to oneself, should reply patiently. When discovering other vehicle has safe hidden trouble, answer to remind opposite party in time.

5, encounter have accident of ahead happening traffic, when need is helped, should help protective site, call the police instantly. When the person that encounter traffic accident to get hurt needs rescue, should send a hospital in time rescue the person that hurt or dial emergency treatment telephone.

6, meet in narrow a section of a highway when the car, should accomplish comity 3 first: First slow, let first, stop first. Pair of all along cars are encountered to occupy travel when drive a vehicle, answer to give the other side actively to give way. The other side can be encountered to come in the car the car advances when difficulty needs to borrow, should as far as possible go ahead of the rest of comity the other side.

7, crossing is encountered in drive a vehicle when the case is complex, should accomplish " stop 3 minutes rather, do not grab one second " . Discover ahead road is embraced when blocking up, should decelerate jockeys, ordinal queue up to wait, after waiting for dredge, travel of Fang Keji add. Car is when travel of low speed of crowded a section of a highway, encounter other vehicle forcibly " Gasser " , should active comity, ensure drive a vehicle is safe.

8, when overtake of rear car demand is being encountered in drive a vehicle, should seasonable right travel to give way. When the car travelling speed that ahead discovers in drive a vehicle is slower, answer to change driveway to surmount ahead of schedule. Drive the person is when overtake, ahead car not decelerate, do not let, should stop to continue overtake. When overtake, discover ahead car is in overtake, should stop overtake, allow ahead car first overtake.

9, drive traffic is normal when travel, to road the processing of the circumstance should have foresight, can jockey smoothly when be close to an obstacle.

10, drive the person is in in drive a vehicle when course seeper road surface, should special attention decelerate goes slow. Two side have go by pedestrian or have blame motor vehicle and when the road surface that has seeper, should decelerate goes slow.

11, drive when the person is washing car, not informal chaos throws rubbish, should have arranged rubbish put rubbish bag, put rubbish into the place that allows to pile up. When car is washed inside the city zone, the dot ought to be cleaned in car.

12, in car travel process, drive the person ought to throw waste paper or litter to the dustbin that carries along with the car (bag) in. At the same time clew throws litter to the dustbin that carries along with the car by car person (bag) in.

13, should drive when person and other personnel produce contradiction or conflict, should accomplish after waiting for a mood to calm, drive again.

14, drive car is in on road when travel, drive the person should show control speed according to speed watch, in travel of the safety inside formulary limits.

15, drive when car, for safe for the purpose of, drive the person does not wear loafer, female drive the person does not wear high-heeled shoes.

16, drive when car, long left arm is built go up in door window, long perhaps the right hand captures transmission joy stick ball head, it is one kind drives abusive.

17, a mountainous area drive a vehicle, car of the other side is active when to give way, but in a low voice short cry date is thanked with showing.

4, safety drives behavior:

1, the need in drive a vehicle borrows bypass ahead fraise, but when already was close to fraise to all along car, ought to slowdown or jockey, make pair of all along cars preferential and current.

2, lane is changed in drive a vehicle, should shift to an earlier date 3 seconds at least open turns to the lamp, remind rear come car attention,

3, drive car is in before roundabout when modificatory driveway, oriented arrowhead directive should be pressed to sail in dotted line area the driveway that wants change.

4, drive when car towards the left changes lane, should shift to an earlier date Xiang Deng of open left-hand rotation, it is normal to affecting other vehicle below the premise of travel, sail left driveway.

5, drive when car collects mainstay line wagon flow, should shift to an earlier date open turns to the lamp, maintain linear travel, through rearview mirror observation influences a condition, affirm to wagon flow is collected after safety. Car in trunk travel, sail close advocate raise artery to hand in collect when place, to prevent with the car barge against that sails suddenly from spur track, should shift to an earlier date decelerate, observation, discretion drives.

6, car sails when close pedestrian crosswalk, ought to notice to observe motor vehicle of pedestrian, blame is dynamic first, repass. Light of arrowhead of travel driveway green is bright, but car ahead pedestrian crosswalk still has a pedestrian to walk, should wait for pace of the recrudesce after the pedestrian is passed. Sail when the roundabout that does not have pedestrian crosswalk nearly, discovery has person cross way, should decelerate or jockey to give way.

7, when passing the roundabout that does not have traffic signal, should be in enter the slowdown before crossing or jockey Bing looks, straight travel car is preferential and current. When the roundabout green light that blocks a car up is bright, car cannot sail roundabout.

8, when after keep to the side jockeys, car prepares to start temporarily, should observe first all round traffic situation. The discovery after starting is rear surmount car relatively a long time, should follow enters directional amble, await an opportunity to sail traffic lane.

9, when general road backs a car, a sector of an area that should choose to affecting normal liaison man undertakes, if send existing vehicular traffic to pass, should jockey actively avoid let.

10, meet what choose before the car hand in when meeting place is not good, should instantly decelerate, low speed is met car or jockey to give way. On the way that sets central dotted line, right to car sails when coming, should go inside respective travel driveway sail, must not cross central line.

11, when the overtake on the road that does not have central line, should Xiang Deng of open left-hand rotation, from by overtake left surmount. Enter left road overtake, when cannot assuring the transverse and safe span with the car before normal travel, should abandon overtake. When be not had to let exceed a space by overtake, answer to abandon overtake actively. Through channel, railroad mouth, the narrow way, narrow when the bridge, do not get overtake.

12, after the car after encountering issues overtake signal, should have only let exceed a requirement, answer active decelerate, lean on the right side of travel and the Che Chao after signal is jumped over. Encounter car to overload when this car, do not allow towards the left to change direction or urgent apply the brake, lest hind car reaction happens not in time chase after end or side to bump into an accident.

13, drive car is in to road take a sudden turn all right, should sufficient decelerate leans on the right side of travel. Before car of a mountainous area road enters curved talk, did not come opposite below the circumstance of the car, should " decelerate, cry date, rely on right travel " . Edge road answers when car turns on the right side of travel, do not want the driveway of embezzlement the other side, accomplish " left-hand rotation turns to be bent greatly, right-hand rotation turns small turn "

14, drive when car passes the railroad road junction of unmanned guard, should accomplish " stop, 2 look, 3 through " . Sail the decelerate before railroad road junction falls block, block safety to pass with low speed, shift gears cannot change after entering road junction, in order to avoid engine flameout.

15, drive when car enters annulus island, need not open turns to the lamp. Sail before island giving link, should Xiang Deng of open right-hand rotation.

16, surmount in drive a vehicle on the right side of when the car of park, start suddenly to prevent its or open door, should obligate gives transverse safety to be apart from, decelerate travel. Encounter blame motor vehicle prepares to bypass when the car of park, should let its go ahead of the rest. Sail when the public transportation car that parks in the station nearly, start suddenly to prevent a bus or pedestrian from wear before the car piece, should decelerate, maintain enough span, prepare to jockey at any time.

17, in drive a vehicle, active comity answers when encountering the car that enjoys preferential wayleave. Encounter blame motor vehicle to grab when travel, should active decelerate to give way. When meeting way of Yang Qun cross, should decelerate goes slow, jockey when necessary avoid let. When discovering domestic animals is grabbed, should active decelerate or jockey avoid let. Meet someone when driving domestic animals, ought to reduce speed appropriately, maintain bigger safe span. When meeting a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by man, should decelerate goes slow, span of put apart safety. When meeting animal power car, should cry in further place horn, shift to an earlier date decelerate.

18, the ambulance that rescue wounded person meets in drive a vehicle from this driveway converse sail when coming, should decelerate of keep to the side or jockey to give way. When discovering travel of other motor vehicle is unusual, should adopt in time avoid allow measure.

19, when drive a vehicle is pleasant to the eye to notice children indicates, answer to choose driving speed carefully. When treating children, ought to decelerate goes slow, jockey when necessary avoid let. Suddenly rubber ball rolls a road, should instantly decelerate, prepare to jockey at any time, collide in case the children of angle. When encountering rank horizontal stroke to spend viatic pupil, ought to jockey to give way.

20, when stoned pedestrian is being encountered in drive a vehicle, should decelerate goes slow, maintain enough transverse span. Encounter when receiving the pedestrian that listens to the attention height concentration such as the mobile phone, should decelerate, cry the horn reminds. Encounter behavior traffic of unusual pedestrian influence is normal when travel, should shift to an earlier date decelerate goes slow, jockey when necessary. When encountering old people, ought to reduce speed appropriately, cry ahead of schedule horn. When meeting the blind person, ought to decelerate, avoid let.

21, when car passes concave and convex road surface, ought to low speed is slow and smooth through.

22, when group adolescent is being surmounted to ride a bicycle in drive a vehicle, ought to shift to an earlier date decelerate goes slow, prepare to jockey at any time. Surmount when be the same as the bicycle to travel, sound practice is: The attention observes trends, decelerate goes slow, stay have enough safe space. When encountering old people to ride a bicycle, should cry ahead of schedule horn, decelerate avoids let. Nightly drive car encounters a bicycle to be opposite to sail when coming, should use dipped headlight, decelerate or jockey avoid let.

23, car has preferential wayleave in roundabout, encounter car is grabbed when travel, should decelerate avoids let, jockey when necessary to give way.

24, car is in allow to jockey when a section of a highway jockeys, answer to rely on roadside park by direct motion direction, do not get converse or paratactic place. Car jockeys temporarily in roadside when, on the right side of the distance of wheel and road shoulder cannot exceed 30 centimeters. When jockeying when wet, Xue Tianlin, should open danger calls the police flashlight. In mist day, nightly when jockeying temporarily, should open danger calls the police after flashlight, marker lamp is mixed the lamp. Car is long when park, should choose a parking lot to jockey.

25, nightly drive a vehicle, when the car will did not shut headlights on full beam on, ought to decelerate or jockey to give way. Wet drive a vehicle, encounter when maintaining umbrella and the pedestrian that wear a raincoat to walk on highway, ought to cry ahead of schedule horn, reduce speed appropriately. In winter drive a vehicle, when encountering the cap that wear cotton or the pedestrian that wear a coat, ying Ming horn, make preparation of good apply the brake ahead of schedule. Encounter in drive a vehicle when carry a load or carrying furniture person, should observe its are dynamic, control good speed, the need when passing maintains larger safe space.

26, when the travel inside annular crossing, if car sails forcibly, should decelerate avoids let. Car goes to roundabout, encounter turning car is grabbed row, should jockey avoid let.

27, car should notice to observe mark graticule through the school and village, low speed travel, do not cry horn.


Driving fundamental skill

1, get on a car to see a car first

The car is circled to turn before getting on a car circuit, see a car outside besides, oil leaks below tire, car slack. A week still must open cap to check oil of engine oil, cooling water, brake.

2, drive to heat up a car first

Electric gush car need not heat up a car almost. Hot car is to point to here start lubricant system. Jockey more than 3 hours, after engine light fire, idle fast 10 seconds above, revolution counter drops 1000 the left and right sides, reappearance car. Northward and frigid weather lengthens idle appropriately time of fast heat car.

3, brake sees rearview mirror first

The car after wanting to look before brake is apart from, if too close, and oneself and before the car still has certain space, loosen a little a bit brake, the car after avoiding traces remaining part.

4, state of Buddhist templeput on the brakes of hour control foot

Start off is carried fast before dub one offal Buddhist templeput on the brakes, travel time grew dub one offal Buddhist templeput on the brakes, declivous before dub one offal Buddhist templeput on the brakes, the dub before be close to crossing, road junction one offal Buddhist templeput on the brakes. Accomplish master state of crural Buddhist templeput on the brakes constantly, once discovery is unusual, use immediately decrease archives and decelerate of hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes to jockey. No matter your car is ABS, should learn " spot check " , the line of sight is put a bit further, reckon good stop a car is apart from, shift to an earlier date decelerate, 80 speed, no matter directional problem, walk after all to arrive to stop completely from brake, still need 20 meters about, oneself are weighed in the hand below. Must have the consciousness that estimates a circumstance ahead of schedule. And once one foot causes stop a car very easily after all,car hits a horizontal stroke, roll. Additional, it is certainly archives should be decreased after decelerate first, handle a circumstance to provide grade again first, the novice makes a mistake the most easily on this problem.

5, public transportation station has risk

After pull in of bus keep to the side, after often the passenger gets off run on Xiang Ma road hastily. Individual and public transportation when giving a station, do not hit turn to the lamp, abrupt start off.

6, before the car gives way suddenly have risk

In normal travel, the car gives way suddenly before, must not forth overtake, emergency may happen in front.

7, the car that does not approach roadside to stopping

The car that parks in roadside may open door at any time, want to maintain a safe distance with any cars of roadside when travel. If avoid,do not let, cry the decelerate after flute hints is passed.

8, of Xiang Lu among lean

Be in two-way when mixing travel driveway travel, the bicycle that leaves roadside as far as possible and pedestrian are a bit further, toward the road among lean, because of the car on each other can see, and roadside pedestrian and bicycle are a back to you, must maintain safe distance! Drive in the city, go medium to as far as possible, both sides afforest is very dense now, do not have the line of sight at all, can abrupt change goes a person to come, at least of the path in going still has proper reaction time.

9, roadside suspends wanting revolve Xiang Deng

When roadside jockeys temporarily, must open ahead of schedule turn to the lamp, and observe rearview mirror, do not have a car certainly, when doing not have a pedestrian, rely on to stop again. Jockey the place must be the ` that allows jockey, do not affect other vehicle and pedestrian to pass through again. Observe first hit the lamp to observe again again jockey again.

10, roadside starts want revolve Xiang Deng

When after relying on roadside to pause, wanting to drive again, want to observe road condition in the round. See rearview mirror not only, had turned even the head looks. After everything is normal, open turn to the lamp, cry flute, start off. Buddhist templeput on the brakes of lamp grade name, although you drove a car all one's life, starting still is this order.

11, the time-out on the road is fastened in front of the car is too close

When block a car up or waiting for signal lamp to jockey, it is OK to want put apart at least one breaks the distance that go out, in case before car breakdown, oneself also are gone out not to come by clip inter. Generally speaking, the car is, rear wheel of the car before you can see completely + 2 meters.

12, overtake decreases archives to carry fast

The overtake in travel, want to make a prompt decision, cannot hesitate protracted. Be certain empty seat, raise speed overtake quickly. If the load of the car is heavier, should decrease an archives hind cheer, increase the traction of engine, realize overtake. Overtake affirms car of excessive consumption of fuel and oil, cost, apprentice increases risk, can not exceed had better not exceed. The space following a car of the car before estimating beforehand wants before overtake, cannot grow to also cannot pass too short, before overtake, car head slightly with in lean some lefter, look get far, in front of car period of time, the opportunity exceeds again.

13, cannot 5 places of overtake

When be not the travel on the freeway:

① is bent cannot overtake

② slope road cannot overtake

③ crosses the bridge cannot overtake

④ ahead has crossing, road junction cannot overtake

200 meters of less than come to a car on ⑤ cannot overtake.

Compensatory two: Be not a freeway to close driveway, on the right side of cannot overtake. Once be opposite,have a case to driveway, and your just in time is right super- , either you are squeezed to fly is by the car hits a car. And on the right side of you do not have overtake at all the line of sight goes observing pair of conditions to driveway. Encounter left square car slow, and hold heretical talk for long, first decelerate observes next, must not direct Jiang Chaojiang is passed quickly. Do not want successive overtake.

14, high speed is urgent, step on brake only

Change direction when high speed travel extremely acute, move slightly arose very big change direction. If produce emergency, with the habit gimmick makes steering wheel, quite dangerous! So, emergency is broken out in high speed travel, would rather steps on decelerate of crural Buddhist templeput on the brakes only, do not hit steering wheel to increase risk again in disorder.

15, wait for signal to jockey

Of a minute of above wait for signal to jockey, should flameout, accord with item oil, environmental protection. The signal such as a minute of less than jockeys, need not Buddhist templeput on the brakes of flameout, neutral, shake handshandle, but ten million cannot take file.

16, 4 places that do not follow a car

① does not follow at the back of nonlocal car, jockey suddenly ask the way

② does not follow at the back of head coach, jockey suddenly gather a person

③ does not follow at the back of the taxi, sudden wave stops urgently

④ does not follow at the back of old freight car. Abrupt police makes stop.

Compensatory: Be based on certain " river crab " reason, do not follow in army card, public security or at the back of prerogative car, can sudden slowdown, or overtake suddenly forcibly come back, and these cars often are stand aloof it is besides Road Traffic Law, the existence of absolutely hegemony.

17, pass by mouth must decelerate observation

Cross all crossing to want to shift to an earlier date decelerate, it is green light also wants decelerate! Guard against transverse road surface comes high speed of Che Chuanggong lamp passes crossing forcibly, if you are going,arrive in the center of crossing, how to avoid? Had everybody seen the traffic monitoring kinescope that CCTV broadcasts? The more nightly more dangerous!

18, too tortuous path is regular

Before the path that take a turn first decelerate, tortuous path passes half hind quicken again, fast firm. If enter a turn too fast, step on brake again next, swing end or side very easily to break up. Too left turn relies on right place, turn right curved different point slants in leaning, make way again into the turn, the line of sight sees tortuous path end as far as possible.

19, discretion cries flute

Cry suddenly flute, the likelihood makes pass by pedestrian panic-stricken, run to bump in disorder in disorder. When especially the child crosses a street. Decelerate goes slow or should jockey await. Nightly do not cry flute, learn campus territory, the village does not cry flute.

20, invisible cry flute

Suffocate suffocate of line of sight wants only in travel, invisible ahead road besides, there is high-rise high fence in viatic turning for instance, have building crawl keep out, or be in in hill journey make a radical change, must decelerate, cry flute. Hit main beam even when necessary, clew the other side avoids let. Should guard against over there run suddenly a person or car! Still have the way that has fork in a road commonly, draw near especially of the village, the house entrance door of some other peoples is direct to the driveway, your far sees an entrance door is closing, run suddenly child runs the dog runs the tractor comes out is commonplace then!

The car drives the commonsensible skill that lash-up handles

One, equipment is excellent

Above all car advocate need has the certificate such as the driver's license, have independence to drive the ability of a travel. Should have on the car box of good emergency treatment, attack window hammer, reserve embryo, flashlight, jack, the car uses the tool such as kit. Of course, perfect better more, life the first, with changeless should 10 thousand change.

2, car does not have oil

This problem is commonner, majority because car advocate drive before going on a long journey, forget cheer bring about. Encounter this kind of circumstance to had better go out benzine reserves in the car before travel, such with respect to everything is just fine. Did not reserve hapless child paper can phone petrolic only division of recent gas station service appeals, or the car with transient intercept appeals borrow oil to perhaps pull the gas station that goes to recently. Capacity of oil of best nurturance gasoline tank is remained probably 1/3 when the habit that cheers.

3, forget to take jack

Occasionally the car encounters the problem such as tire damaged to need to go to automobile body drive up below the car examine, with respect to need jack secures automobile body. If forget the sentence that carries jack,the article such as only useful brick folds a small ramp, drive the car slowly go up impending.

4, love car starts flameout

Ordinary new hand encounters this kind of situation easily, if drive bumpy flameout of a few cars, this moment can step on next clutch gently (very light very light contact) , next accelerator walk later, again loose clutch, tried a few times to be able to be started repeatedly.

5, car sideslip

Encounter fluctuation occasionally wet is enraged or soup, the car can appear the phenomenon of tire sideslip. Ten million of this kind of circumstance cannot anxious chaos makes steering wheel, and footplate of should loose apply the brake, turn those who change Pan Chao to sideslip at the same time at the same time. If road surface has accumulated snow, be sure to keep in mind not to make urgent apply the brake so, the road surface that ice and snow covers can be just the opposite to what one wished.

6, start uphill the car goes backwards

Encounter this kind of situation, choose first gear above all, pull stop stop, carry gently clutch, till the feeling car head has raised a head to come, perhaps have shake apparently feeling. Light cheer, probably rotate speed is in 1000-15005, let go Buddhist templeput on the brakes.

7, car to turn over

Play to hard luck occasionally meet car to turn over, very unmanageable. Actually car to turn over can be experienced beforehand commonly slight change, play flying car game to be able to feel the change with slight car before car to turn over even. Should feel a car beforehand will the instant of to turn over should clutch steering wheel, whole body shrinks downward as far as possible, outside preventing the dispatch a vehicle that be swung. Jump car when should run way to car or retroflexion opposite way of direction jumps car. If safety flees for his life, should stop in the car firm hind shut engine, discharge drops the batteries of the car, whether does the examination have oil gas leak, prevent car on fire.
