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用料:香肠4根,马苏里拉芝士条4根,高筋面粉100g,粘米粉100g,干酵母3g,泡打粉4g,盐3g,细砂糖15g,温水180g,面包糠,玉米淀粉,红薯丁1把 ,土豆丁1把,番茄酱,蜂蜜芥末。





















韩国料理大酱汤做法 材料: 牛肉 100g 、土豆 1个、 蛤蜊 4~6个、 豆腐 半块 、辣椒 2个、 红辣椒 1个 、大葱 1个、 洋葱 1/2个、 蘑菇 适量、 食用油 少量 。

制作步骤: 1.先炒牛肉,等牛肉的颜色变白的时候,放水,加入大喜大牛肉粉。

2.汤开始沸腾的时候,放户户大酱1大勺;户户辣椒酱1/2小勺;户户辣椒粉1/2小勺 和蘑菇。这时出来的泡沫要去掉。


4.炖至30分钟就可以了 。制作要点:


2.豆腐切成拇指大厚度的片,土豆切成拇指大的块后 。























One, 10 big the most classical Korea cate?

1, 8 kinds of barbecue

2, fried chicken beer

3, Han Niu

4, stone boiler mixes meal

5, Myth pig hoof

6, new hall hole is hot fry New Year cake

7, spinal potato soup

8, Zhi person chop

9, earthy convention village joins chicken broth

10, army food

2, the cate of Korea?

Korea cate has:

Hot fry New Year cake

With New Year cake, piscine cake, cabbage, green Chinese onion fry what make and become with pepper sauce. Besides hot fry New Year cake besides, see on big archives that often is by the side of Korea street of course still piscine cake is strung together with Mi Chang. Saying is Mi Chang, still can have splanchnic and so on actually. Now of Korea hot fried New Year cake to also have a lot of new breed, remove department to fry New Year cake for example, seafood is hot fry New Year cake to wait.  


Barbecue also is classical Korea cate, the pork of classy 5 beautiful three-layer, bake make small ripe later cut small to bake ripe, deserve to go up with lettuce next garlic, mix green silk, the bag such as barbecue sauce rises eat. A lot of moment, still bake onion hot perhaps Chinese cabbage. At that time Korean like to deserve to go up very much arrack eats together. The baking steaky pork that had better eat in Korea is the black pork of aid city island, fleshy color is delicious, and fleshy quality is first-rate.

Fried chicken

Fried chicken to Korean for be a kind of cate with indispensable food taken late at night! Fried chicken distributes drink absolutely is beer of course! The fried chicken of Korea also is divided it is a lot of kinds, have pure fried chicken, condiment fried chicken, fried chicken of soy green Chinese onion. The flavour of avery kind of is different also!

The pig's large intestines that bake

The pig's large intestines that bake, be in China commonly by people place of hep large intestine eat a law to should explode namely fry pig's large intestines. In Korea the place of this barbecue the world, the pig's large intestines that bake also becomes Korean one great rejoicing to love one of cate. Pig's large intestines is cut paragraph after perhaps be being baked first, cut paragraph, deserve to go up all sorts of vegetable, the makings that touch sauce eats. Barbecue of thick chili sauce is joined directly when have or baking pig's large intestines!

Foot of Han type pig

The pig foot of Korea eats a law to follow us China is not quite same, foot of pig of a lot of moment is had been cut a shape, with lettuce, big sauce, a bag such as garlic rises eat. The practice sort of pig foot also is divided for, carbon is baked, fumigated wait. At the same time pig foot also becomes one of TOP10 of Korean food taken late at night!

The hot platoon that fry chicken

The hot platoon that fry chicken, also be the cate with a kind of peculiar Korea. With pigeon breast flesh, new Year cake, cabbage, the vegetable such as green Chinese onion matchs what sauce makings fries chili to make and be become to go up. General this dish can nod above of two people portion only. And Korean still one kind has a way peculiarly, when what eat in the hot platoon that fry chicken is about the same, baking dish on put rice, broken laver, sesame seed, balm fry together will eat.


3, is cate of Korea street edge made?

Scamper Zhi person hot dog, can say the king of person energy of life that is Korea street cate.

With makings: Banger 4, equestrian Su Li pulls Zhi person 4, 100g of tall muscle flour, stick ground rice 100g, do yeasty 3g, bubble hits powdery 4g, saline 3g, fine saccharic 15g, wen Shui 180g, biscuit is branny, corn is amylaceous, yam is fourth 1, potato is fourth 1, ketchup, honey mustard.


1. bamboo autograph is abluent, pull banger and equestrian Su Li Zhi person club parts string, also Ke Zhishi and banger half and half, banger rear cuts a cross, the meeting after deepfry becomes warped shape of lovely 8 ungual fish.

2.3g yeast enters 180g Wen Shui in, agitate comes melt, flour of 100g tall muscle, 100g falls to stick bubble of ground rice, 4g to hit salt of pink, 3g, 15g in big basin fine saccharic, enter yeasty water slowly, agitate comes condition of pink of have nothing to do with.

3. enters panada tall cup, last on the lid film, put freezer cold storage to ferment 20-30 minute, let panada ferment greaten.

4. banger club or Zhi person wrap a thin thin starch, insert the panada in the cup, touch panada equably, wrap a thick bread again branny / potato is fourth / yam is fourth, with handle gently light squeezing ramming.

The boiler since 5. enters edible oil, warm-up reachs 170 degrees, the hot dog club that has wrapped scamper comes golden crisp, 2-4 is made an appointment with when needing minute.

4, the cate with delicious Korea?

Korea chop

Be in Korean the meat that love kind in food, chop is ritzy arrange. It is about 1 centimeter long, two sides makes an appointment with 1 centimeter of removed beef or pork incision, put green Chinese onion, garlic, balm and big sauce, in in next moves that bake take high baking temperature, sweet fragile goluptious. Chop is compared in the price of Korea expensive, make more troublesome also, in Korea so average household has birthday or special red-letter day only commonly when just eat, and it is to go more outside eat in inn. Chop had better be the edge bakes an edge to eat, the flesh that takes character can cut open clip to wear with scissors eat, the character that takes the flesh can be taken with the hand directly gnaw.

5, what cate does Korea have?

Meat of Korea cold face, dog, Gao Lixian dish, auspicious stalk dish, turnip doing, make chicken of cuttlefish of cake, acerbity pickle, hot pepper, Shan Zhen. Actually also it doesn't matter, it is Korean only change them decorous through hype. e.g. Korea arrange, in me native place calls barbecue, have such barbecue vendor's stand everywhere, before eating, with a jin of Gao Li pickle presses boiler to prevent to heat up oil to skip it is OK to come out, tell ceremony to explain process even in Korea, in native place a few people sit toward Ximengsai put piece of teapoy to go.

6, is Korea cate fastfood?

1, fry New Year cake: In Han drama, appear most street is fastfood, blame fry New Year cake to not be belonged to. Frying New Year cake is to use pepper sauce, candy, green, water to break up to fry and be become, not oily not be bored with, taste hot hot sweet, very delicious. Fry the piscine cake inside New Year cake especially, flavor is more delicious.

2, parched rice bowel: Speak of Mi Chang, it is the fill in bowel of a kind of past pig or Niu Chang the burden such as the blood that enter a pig, vegetable, vermicelli made from bean starch, the Korea tradition food that evaporate is made and becomes. The material of perfusion is different flavour is natural each different, material can amount to 229 kinds.

3, tornado potato: The cate with peculiar appearance is so-called " tornado potato " . It is to use a kind " special model bit " the flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil in putting the potato that has cut oily bowl is short, next again above scatter a few flavoring. The price controls a string in 7 RMBs probably.

4, laver gets or supply meals at a fixed rate: Laver gets or supply meals at a fixed rate is a very common Han type arrange. Korean to sea product, such as kelp, laver is very zealous. A lot of deadbeat can feel to laver gets or supply meals at a fixed rate and manage with the birthday in Japanese arrange ten split phase are like.

5, east of Shanhaiguan boils / piscine cake strings together: It is Korea the most cheap and fine street is fastfood. The cup that use paper contains the boiling water that cake of on one cup of fish that boil strings together, very bright. It is especially in in the winter, eat cake of a fish to string together, come a soup, immediately warmth spreads everywhere to the whole body.

7, does Korea cate form a reason?

Their food forms a reason is the limitation because of resource, korea includes Japan, next the food that you can discover them is phyletic less, especially Korea does not have so much arable land area because of them namely.

8, encyclopedia of Korea cate practice?

Material of practice of soup of Korea arrange big sauce: Beef 100g, potato 1, clam 4~6, bean curd half, chili 2, chili 1, green Chinese onion 1, onion 1/2, dawdle right amount, edible is oily a few.

The measure that make: 1. Fry beef first, when the color that waits for beef is whiten, turn on the water, join white of great rejoicing big beef.

2. When soup begins boiling, put a big sauce 1 big spoon; A small spoon of pepper sauce 1/2; A small spoon of chili pink 1/2 and dawdle. The bubble that comes out at this moment wants take out.

3. Put clam, bean curd, potato, onion, green Chinese onion again, put chili finally.

4. is stewed it is OK to come 30 minutes. The point that make:

1. It is clam bubble first in brine hind put in shadow 3- - 4 hours, make clam spits mud, wash clean again next.

2. Bean curd cuts big toe big ply piece, cut big toe tomato patch big piece hind.

3. Chili is cut with what green Chinese onion wants big, and chili wants seed of take out chili.

9, is Korea cate fastfood strategy?

Measure / means 1

Barbecue. Korean from of old barbecue kind basis, the live pig that bake 5 flowers, also be foreign tourist after coming to Korea eat surely.

Measure / means 2

Sauce crab. Sauce crab is one of Korea delegate arrange, special the reception that gets Korea native and abroad tourist, sauce crab all the time since have " the thief that steal a meal " renown date, flavour Xianxiang is goluptious.

Measure / means 3

Mi Chang. Although the Korea rice bowel that contains a lot ofextremely high nutrition value calls Mi Chang, however rice is not done, enter the fill after yam noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is mincing the pig large intestine that washs clean however in fastfood. Korea rice bowel is on this foundation, undertook reforming, will fresh vegetable is mincing in joining bowel, mouthfeel is much better, nutrient value is more rich also.

Measure / means 4

Fried chicken. Korea most distinctive fried chicken includes course, the vegetable of multicoloured, with delicate fried chicken the bag is together, the aftertaste is boundless.

10, what does Korea tradition cate have?

1. Han Ding is fed. With evaporate, boil, bake, the means such as scamper will have cook, make famished look rich and clinking. Arrive from appetizing dish staple food, there still is a desert finally, every same weight is not much, but because sort can let you more very much,eat full.

2. Han Shi mixes meal. Can see in a lot of bazaar of China Han Shi mixes the existence of the meal. In Korea, han Shi mixes the characteristic that the meal is place. Han Shi mixes the meal is to use stone boiler to installing reeky Gu Mi meal, complementary with all sorts of vegetable, thick chili sauce of the type that write Han is put above, put a raw yolk again, when eating, him need mixes.

3. ginseng chicken broth. Korean ginseng chicken broth eats in summer, best to the body, through infusion the flesh also won't harden character, enter the mouth to be changed namely however, entered ginseng plus a place of strategic importance in chicken, return the food that can add other nutrition according to his taste, add the special flavor of chicken broth at the same time.

Face of fried bean sauce of 4. Han type. The noodle that follows face of fried bean sauce of general Chinese style is different, attach uses hot Chinese cabbage of the yellow turnip that solves be bored with and Han Shi,

5. Korea barbecue. Put beef or pork into by big sauce, of the make it such as honey flavor li of arrange that after immersing, bakes. Roast meat eats in Korea, take a lettuce, put a grow the barbecue of grow, put garlic again piece, add sauce of a bit pepper.

6. cold face. Dry mix cold range is similar the cool side that we often take commonly, just expecting with the sauce that will flavor is pepper sauce of Gong Gong; As to water-cooling face the mouthfeel that is noodles in soup, soup is cold, some inn-keeper still can be in even Shanglijia enters a few broken ice, special Q plays mouthfeel.

7. army boiler. Call army boiler, main because be in army food natural resources is not sufficient, and also do not have so fresh pork kind. Accordingly the common luncheon meat in army, banger, rejoin feeds capable person variously, the army boiler that everybody calls make it now, also can call Hanshi chaffy dish.

Pickle of 8. Han type. Korea pickle is Korean table go up indispensable. Korea pickle is in China very popular also, love by everybody. Most hep pickle is the hot Chinese cabbage that makes to expect with chili, but actually the sort of pickle amounts to tens of planting.

Fried chicken of 9. Han type. Fried chicken gets all along of the youth love, go to the lavatory not only delicate still, fried chicken cooperating to eat that together when brushing drama is delicate simply. The golden yellow fried chicken of its skin crisp, bite readily go down to make a person cannot help doing sth.

10. is hot fry New Year cake. Make for raw material with rice, the sweet and goluptious New Year cake that all sorts of material make, it is the traditional cate of Korea.

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