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福州历史文化景点? 福州著名历史文化景区?英文双语对照


福州历史文化景点? 福州著名历史文化景区?英文双语对照


























塔位于福州市内乌石山东麓,与于山白塔遥遥相对,原名 “崇妙保圣坚牢塔”。因塔身为花岗岩青石所砌呈乌黑色,故称乌塔。它的前身系唐贞元十五年(799年)所建“净光塔”。
























One, tourist attraction of Fuzhou history culture?

Have these 3

1, hill of Fuzhou smelt metal

Introduce this above all, because of Fuzhou the earliest capital is built hereat, hill of Fuzhou smelt metal is located in the foot of mountain of Shandong of screen of the Fuzhou City, chinese great-great-grandfather 5 years (BC 202 years of) , do not have all is in this fortification found a capital. For the first inner and outer city walls.

Years vicissitudes of life, the smelt metal hill nowadays is being changed to build historical scene block nowadays---Area of scene of culture of history of smelt metal hill, have a famous tourist attraction among them, ou Ye child the pond that Ceng Zhujian quenchs - Ou Yechi, the young associate that call in but must not miss.

2, 3 lane 7 alley

This, regard scene of class of national level 5A as the area, have the small companionate affirmation that will cross Fuzhou had listened, and it is one of places that go surely.

3 lane the root of the source of the history that 7 alley itself is Fuzhou, culture, still have a museum among them---Fujian folk-custom museum, it also is the Fujian Province exclusive museum of a provincial folk-custom

Address: 3 lane alley of official of 7 alley man 25

3, Chinese boat politics culture museum

Chinese boat politics culture museum is located in Dong Lu of Ma Xianshan of horsetail Zhao Zhonglu, ancestral temple of Fuzhou Zhao Zhong is on the side.

Modelling of this house front is two battleship that brave the wind and waves, there is model of a large number of precious cultural relics, picture to reach emulation setting inside the house, it is understanding China a of boat politics mordern history important place.

2, is Fuzhou famous area of historical culture scene?

1, scenery of hill of Yong Taiqing cloud scenic spot

Scenery of hill of Yong Taiqing cloud scenic spot the area is grass of collect gorge, forest, chute, ancient crater, high mountain and avian nature groove guard the zoology that is an organic whole travels area, main travel tourist attraction has empyreal chute, green dragon chute, Yun Tianshi area of scene of cereal of god of Luo of corridor, Suo and the day that run alone area of pool meadow scene () of Chinese cloud top. On July 31, 2003, scenery of hill of Yong Taiqing cloud scenic spot the area obtains 4A class scenery scenic spot the area is honorary.

2, Fuzhou China Lin Si

Fuzhou China Lin Si is unit of protection of countrywide key cultural relic, be located in the foot of mountain austral hill of border of north of Fuzhou drum-tower area, screen, government of Fujian Province people east side. Heart of male of Northen Song Dynasty 2 years (964 years) , when family name of fund of Wu Yue king sets up a separatist regime by force of arms, fuzhou county is defended for invocatory territory quiet and build, first renown " jump over courtyard of Shan Jixiang buddhist " .

Compose of Song Gaozong Zhao gives drive book " jump over a name " jump over courtyard of Shan Jixiang buddhist " . Compose of Song Gaozong Zhao gives drive book " exceed peak of hill, annulus " , bright lineal 9 years (1444) give the specified number " Hua Lin temple " . Renown official Li Gang, Zhang Jun all Ceng Yu swims hereat.

3, forest criterion Xu grave

Forest criterion Xu grave is inside military region of province of the Fuzhou City, make the foot of a mountain of lion of saddle village gold, sit boreal Xiang Na slants southeast, face 5 phoenix hill. Plane is shown flexibly form, its grave is built for 3 tamper closing territory, 5 graves Cheng, bizygomatic breadth 14.6 meters, depth 37 meters.

Seal earthy apophysis, form if Fu boiler. One circle acts the role of in the middle of the slope protection after sealing earth " birthday " word, diameter 0.82 meters. Before sealing earth erect together 1.08 meters tall, 2.55 meters wide, thick 0.16 bed gravestone, it is drive gives elegiac address, it is drive grants epitaph.

4, relics of culture of hill of stone of covered with clouds

Relics of culture of hill of stone of covered with clouds is located in sugar cane of county of Hou of Fujian Province Fujian to press down village of stone of covered with clouds, discover in January 1954, undertake 8 times disentombing early or late, disentomb the area amounts to 2000 square metre, discover grave in all 89, contented kiln 9, entrenchment 2, come up out of land large quantities of crockery, stone implement, bone object and jade article.

The culture of Shishan of covered with clouds that names with relics of hill of stone of covered with clouds, river of distributinging Yu Min is downstream, arrive directly at foreland, have bright marine culture distinguishing feature, be first the fountainhead of culture of ocean of two sides of stage of Fujian of period of the Qin Dynasty.

5, black tower

The tower is located in inside the Fuzhou City black stone Shandong thes foot of a hill or mountain, with Yu Shanbai tower stand far apart facing each other, original name " esteem clever Bao Shengjian firm tower " . Because tower is build by laying bricks or stones of granite bluestone place to present black black, friend calls black the tower. Its predecessor is Tang Zhen yuan 15 years (799 years) be built " clean smooth tower " .

Tang Qian Fu Liunian (879 years) be destroyed. Fujian always grand 3 years (the Christian era 941 years) , careful of Fujian king king knows the 7th child Wang Yanxi prepares to rebuild on site 9 pagoda, just go to 7, wang Yanxi is belonged to by me be killed, the project announces an end then

3, block of culture of a few histories does Fuzhou have?

Block of culture of 15 characteristic history, include:

Block of culture of history of characteristic of the park austral area of river of block of culture of history of characteristic of glow of dark green of area of block of culture of history of characteristic of lane of peak of drum-tower area a huge legendary turtle, stage river, stage, storehouse is a mountainous area block of culture of history of Yantai hill characteristic (Le Qun Lu Ai country road, horse.

4, entrance ticket of block of culture of Fuzhou bridge laying history?

Block of culture of history of bridge laying characteristic is located in Fuzhou 3 estuarine, on center of channel culture art, the 3 lane that are 3 estuarine 7 alley, be located in Fujian river and Wu Longjiang to hand in collect place, back swallow hill, cover an area of 34.24 hectare, water is circled here get together fall, country sets off one another, rural and elegant, block is round-the-clock and open, do not need to buy entrance ticket, free amuse oneself.

5, does Fuzhou fluctuate Hangzhou does historical culture street want entrance ticket?

Fuzhou fluctuates Hangzhou historical culture street is one saves whole traditional block, the tourist can learn the traditional culture of Fuzhou and structure style here. Current, street of culture of fluctuation Hangzhou history does not have charge of collection entrance ticket, the tourist can be entered freely and enjoy the scenery here and culture. However, if you want to visit certain and material tourist attraction to perhaps enter specific activity, the likelihood needs to pay additional fee. Relevant news knows before suggesting you are being gone to or seek advice from local travel department in order to get accurate information.

6, Fuzhou did street of culture of 7 alley history withhold 3 lane?

Fuzhou street of culture of 7 alley history is withholding 3 lane the lane alley pattern that Tang Song leaves and the ancient building of period of a large number of bright Qing Dynasty.

Among them, the ancient building of the protection that register in all 159 place, countrywide key cultural relic protects an unit 15 place, type civilian resides the traditional yard that still has big and Fuzhou is peculiar " bavin column lays " (Fuzhou is vintage civilian house, wooden structural frame, made of baked clay roofing, board is a wall all around, house is building of bavin of the type that join a platoon, common says bavin column lays) commercial civilian occupies a building.

Its " street - lane - alley - do " " blame " word layout, " the bedroom after antechamber " take side of compound, side more changeful gardens type spends hall, the internal composition that wears bridge of compose of the wood that fight form to wear, rise and fall of change " saddle, all without exception is highlighting style of local architectural aesthetic, be known as " in stone of lane system activation " and " Ming Qingjian builds museum " .

In addition, the craft that the field such as folk-custom, religion, artistic, handicraft industry and commerce still preserves inside block and work, they formed 3 lane jointly the strong modes of life and relation to their environment of block of culture of 7 alley history.

7, is the 4th Fuzhou famous block of culture of what characteristic history?

The culture block with the 4th famous Fuzhou has 3 mill 7 alley, fluctuation Hangzhou

8, Fuzhou contrast Chengdu the historical culture of that city is long, is still having that city suits to live?

Fuzhou belongs to Hou of foreign flavour of sea of semi-tropical monsoon sex, all the year round very wet, xia Tai is hot without Guangzhou, general in the winter ten degrees, fuzhou calls banyan the city again, banyan is very much, spending is quite high also, house price of the urban district is very high also, food slants delicate, fuzhou word is particularly difficult, one lived one year to be understood in that not, hold out with difference of the language austral Fujian big, fuzhou person is quite antiforeign, be like quality not as tall as Guangzhou person, come always for living still is pretty good, without Guangzhou the pollution there is weighed, air is better

9, culture of fat city history?

The history of fat city is long, culture is bright. Fat clansman lives scattered when the Western Zhou Dynasty hereat, ancient weigh fertilizer child country, fat city gets a name because of this. Fat city county is installed at the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, already had 2200 old histories up to now, be " Shi Sheng " native place of left Qiu Ming, " business emperor " Fan Li lives in seclusion the ground that be in business, have " the city of gentleman " praise. Temple of grave of grave of left Qiu Ming, model gourd ladle, deep and remote dwell vestigial still put. "Two emperor " the inheritance of culture, casting fat city sincere the humanitarian characteristic that abides by Nuo, honour business weighs the terrain distinguishing feature of business.

Churchyard still has the famous places and historical sites that the historical celebrity such as Confucius, Yan Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, Guan Yu makes friends. Famous motion picture performs artist Zhao red, famous calligrapher Ouyang Zhongshi, ancestral home is fat city. Be in latter-day the revolutionary history that also having glory, famous peaceful fights day of armed uprise and Luo Ronghuan, Chen Guang on the west battle of commanding land room happens in fat city.

10, Lincoln history culture?

Answer: ? Earnest delicacy is knocked bar  ?6 assumes a president, abolish black slave is made, put forward civilian have, civilian treat, civilian enjoyed creed catchword, issued curtilage standard. .
