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长安旅游景点? 砀山旅游景点有哪些地方?英文双语对照


长安旅游景点? 砀山旅游景点有哪些地方?英文双语对照






































1. 炳灵寺世界文化遗产旅游区:规模宏伟,地势开阔,布局协调,颇具大丛林气象。 

2. 老二连:刘家峡水库湖面辽阔,风光旖旎,气候宜人,环境优雅,水质好,无污染,是甘肃省最大的水产养殖基地和水上度假旅游胜地。

3. 临夏市博物馆:展示了临夏地区的历史、文化、民俗等方面的内容。

4. 临夏市清真寺:是中国西北地区保存最完整、规模最大的清真寺之一。

















1. 文县古城:这是一个保存完好的古城,拥有传统的建筑和独特的文化氛围。在古城内可以漫步于曲径通幽的街道,欣赏明清时期的建筑风格。

2. 白龙寺:位于文县城郊区,是一个古老的佛教寺庙。寺内有一坐著名的佛像,被誉为"金身佛",吸引了众多信徒和游客前来朝拜。

3. 艾蒿山:这是一个以溶洞和瀑布而闻名的风景区。游客可以探索神奇的溶洞景观,欣赏壮丽的瀑布景色。

4. 星宿湖:位于文县和两当县交界处,是一个美丽的高山湖泊。湖水碧绿清澈,四周群山环抱,是休闲垂钓和观光的理想之地。

5. 茂兰古树群:这是中国著名的古树群之一,位于文县境内的茂兰乡。这里有众多的古老树木,其中最著名的是一棵年龄超过1200年的巨型古银杏树。





Chang'an travel tourist attraction?

1. eventually south park of hill country forest

2. emerald green Mount Hua

Garden of wild animal of 3. Xi'an Qin Ling

Museum of art of folk-custom of 4. the central Shaanxi plain

5. Feng east modern city agriculture reads extensively field

6. Xi'an China carries on his shoulder or back

Park of forest of 7. auspicious valley

Village of nation of 8. An Xinyuan

10 thousand Mount Hua of 9. scene area

Mountain villa of idle of Gong Xiu of 10. Chang Ning

What place does tourist attraction of Dang hill travel have?

Tourist attraction of Dang hill travel has the following place: Garden of Qing Zhuang of beauty spot of pear tree king, green jade, dash forward garden of establish of drive of belt of landscape of hill culture beauty spot, swan continent, Wen Jiahe, Hei Longtan, Qianlong.

Dang hill element has " pear " say, measure 1.5 billion jins or so with teeming with crisp pear to produce per year, dang Shan Li sells past Europe, beautiful, southeast Asia and throughout the country each are big in city, renown raise global. Nearly 1 million mus connect an orchard to produce per year of all kinds fruit 3 billion jins, can weighs the world most.

Dang hill county, be subordinate to belongs to city of old state of the Anhui province, ancient say to leave city, be located in the Anhui province most boreal end, be located in Anhui, revive, rash, comfort 4 provinces 7 counties boundary, southeast saves desolate county originally repeatedly, by south to the part is not saved with Henan on the west always county of city, Xia Yi, Yu Cheng county borders; Northwest ministry and Shandong province odd county are linked together, abundant county border on is saved with Jiangsu, gross area 1193 square kilometre.

What place does tourist attraction of heart river travel have?

Gao Jiawan is efficient area of agricultural travel scene, cent helps advance somebody's career for garden of earthy home amorous feelings, experiment vegetables of garden, country orchard, fruit mixes park of kind of garden, recreational motion, recreational sport industry of sightseeing garden, zoology reads extensively garden of example of landscape of grange of garden, zoology, stereo agriculture, outdoors extend training scene of reservoir of channel of garden, Zhu Jia, 12 garden one area, nong Gengwen of diversity of thrust deep into the enemy forces changes landscape.

What place does brillant travel tourist attraction have?

Brillant be located in Guangdong the province is mid, be subordinate to belongs to Fosan city, famous travel tourist attraction has over there: It is Pearl River, on the west river hand in the important node that collect,

Golden water table is seaborne

Clever chelonian park

Hill of reach the clouds

Lu Dongshan

Be filled with garden of welcome modes of life and relation to their environment

Reservoir of difficult situation water

Avalokitesvara buddhist temple

What travel tourist attraction does Dongguan Chang'an have?

The travel tourist attraction of Dongguan Chang'an recommends as follows:

1, Chang'an park. Be located in Dongguan Chang'an to press down a center, have a lot of beautiful flowers and grasses, open freely, suit what work here to work very much the place that gens goes to lying fallow.

2, lotus hill. Lotus hill beauty spot also calls Chang'an outskirt wild park, this park basically is in order to climb, pedestrian, recreational give priority to, there still is cloister inside, burning incense at the height of power and splendour, still have lotus lake additionally, can view and admire lotus, suit to lie fallow very much.

3, beautiful sea mile. Be located in bay of Dongguan city seaside highway and in mouth of sea route across is southwest, dak of way seaside bay, coming out is the sea, the scenery is elegant, blow blow sea wind. Time rambles amply circuit goes field toward Dong Baogong, go for a walk in the country in spring suits to come loose very much on the weekend beguilement.

4, lotus bead bridge. Two side protect lotus bead bridge on column besmear bright color, hanging the landscape of the design such as Yin Youlong boat, zhongzi to decorate, lotus bead bridge is more than 500 meters long, it is Chang'an town connects the landing stage project of beauty spot of hill of lotus lake, lotus. The citizen is visited to lotus lake hind need not be folded return, through this the bridge can arrive at lotus hill, see Shan Guangshui look along green line.

5, at 5 o'clock plum reservoir. This reservoir is located in hill of calabash of sanded head community and side of big slope Shanxi, the largest storage capacity amounts to 6.58 million stere. This reservoir is citizen and tourist outdoors and pedestrian, camp the recreational land with go angling.

6, the park of recreational fitness. Have Chang'an sports park, equestrian hill park, timbal hill park.

Above is the Chang'an tourist attraction that I know and has been to, ask everybody to consult, if have,do not complement please completely.

Face Xia Lv to swim to play a tourist attraction surely, face summerly tourist attraction what to place there is?

Face Xia Zhou to have tourist attraction of a lot of travel, it is a few popular tourist attractions below:

1.Area of travel of bequest of culture of world of bright spirit temple: Dimensions is grandiose, relief is open, layout is harmonious, have big jungly weather quite.

2.The second connects: Area of lake of reservoir of Home Liu gorge is vast, scene charming and gentle, climate is delightful, environmental grace, water quality is good, free from contamination, it is the holiday resort on the aquiculture base with the largest the Gansu Province and water.

3.Face summerly city museum: Showed the content of the respect such as the history that faces summerly area, culture, folk-custom.

4.Face summerly city mosque: It is Chinese northwest area saves one of mosque with the most complete, the largest scale.

What place does Xi'an have toward boreal travel tourist attraction?

Xi'an the tourist attraction of one direction north:

1, area of Huang Diling scene. In county of Yan'an city yellow hill.

2, the old furnace ancient town of cupreous plain city

3, the crock mouth chute of appropriate plain county. Annual spring, the summer. It is the optimal time that view and admire.

4, gold of cupreous plain city reflects gules travel tourist attraction.

5, the loess terraced field of appropriate gentleman county.

6, of Yan'an city south slimy bay.

7, the Yang Jialing of Yan'an city.

8, the stage pressing down north of Yu forest city.

9, the bright phearl on a place of strategic importance is red alkaline mire.

10, li Zicheng make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital.

What place does travel tourist attraction have southeast Guizhou?

Autonomous prefecture of the Dong nationality of Miao Zu of southeast of Guizhou Province Guizhou is located in Guizhou southeast ministry, with Hunan Province the bosom turns city, the Guilin city of Guangxi municipality, liuzhou city border on, the follow that periphery still has Guizhou justice city, cupreous benevolence city, the autonomous prefecture austral Guizhou. Here nation amorous feelings is full-bodied, put You Jing to nod a lot of. Compare fame to have greatly on the west stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door, goosefoot makes the same score stockaded village of Zhao Qing Dong, lang De, hill of stage of brigade grasping cloud, press down ancient city, day column ancestral hall of 3 ponds Liu, the Gu Cheng in grand of bright and beautiful screen.

What place does tourist attraction of travel of county of Gansu Province article have?

County of article of the Gansu Province is the place with a long history, have a lot of travel tourist attractions that are worth to swim. It is a few famous tourist attractions below:

1.Article county ancient city: This is one saves in good condition Gu Cheng, have traditional structure and distinctive culture atmosphere. Can stroll inside Gu Cheng at a winding path leading to a secluded spot street, enjoy the structure style of period of bright Qing Dynasty.

2.White Long Si: Be located in article town suburban district, it is an old Buddhist temple. There is one to sit inside the temple famous figure of Buddha, be known as " of Buddha of " gold body, pilgrimage comes before attracting numerous believer and tourist.

3.Moxa Hao hill: This is a with cave and chute famed beauty spot. The tourist can explore magical cave landscape, admire gallant chute scenery.

4.Constellation lake: Be located in article county and two when prefectural boundary, the high mountain that is a beauty is laky. Lake water verdure is clear, all around group hill encircle, it is the good land of recreational go angling and sightseeing.

5.Mao Lan Gu Shuqun: This is one of China's famous Gu Shuqun, be located in the luxuriant Lan Xiang of article county churchyard. Here has numerous old tree, among them the famousest is an age exceeds 1200 giant Gu Yinxing is cultivated.

Above is the one part of tourist attraction of article county travel only, still have a lot of other and worth while the place that swims, if channel of all corners of the country of hill of high official position, cheap, red valley is waited a moment. When you head for travel, can seek advice from travel directory of place or tourist guide in detail, in order to obtain more comprehensive information.

What place does tourist attraction of travel of the county that search pasture have?

Yunnan searchs source of idle fund of pasture churchyard brigade to abound. Bayou countryside scatters rice collect cave group make an on-the-spot investigation via Belgian burrow expert and domestic expert, give " southwest the first hole " good name, have taller science value and visit value; The sea of clear water of natural and laky downy bright phearl with the greatest northeast of another name for Yunnan Province, encircle of all sides green hill, careless hill, it is the fountainhead ground of Kunming ideal; Pond child the town has park of forest of level of state of Zhong Ling hill, relics is asked for to close tablet of alliance of Suo Ling, meeting to wait south Zhu Geliang vestigial; 10 thousand mus of careless hill do not have camp of bayou Beijing University strong Australia sentiment, let a lot of tourist exclaim unceasingly; The area of scene of phoenix dragon bay of 7 stars is continuous 10 much kilometers, have long to put in chute of water of hill, small 3 gorge, big drop 's charge group wait for a tourist attraction, landscape encircle, the picture is attractive; Long march period, mao Zedong, Zhou En comes, what Zhu De leads is red on one hand army what He Helong leads is red 2 front army 2, 6 army group are passed early or late search pasture, red army commander asks for Ke Du memorial hall to carrying out gules travel to develop.
