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竞舟路美食街。河坊街河坊街。高银巷美食街。保俶路美食街 保俶路一带有许多有特色的餐馆,现介绍几家不错的饭店以供参考:刘家香辣馆地址:西湖区保俶路116号推荐理由:带些杭州特色的川菜馆。特色菜:香辣小龙虾、臭豆腐、鸭脖子、酸菜鱼、乞丐排骨片儿川特色面:片儿川面、三鲜面、美味鸭舌、香辣小龙虾 竞舟路美食街 竞舟路是近年新兴起的美食街,位于杭州市的西区。街道两边有不少小饭馆,装修得都很有特点,味道也各有特色。只是地理位置偏远一些。以下介绍一家不错的饭店。柴火食坊推荐理由:以做汤溪(金华和兰溪中间偏北的地方)菜为其特色,微辣的口味很适合现代都市人的口味。特色菜:酸豆角辣子鸡、核桃仁酒糟羹、五香牛蹄、三月青千张。河坊街河坊街 河坊街河坊街是一条明清仿古步行街,除了有胡庆余堂、王星记扇厂、万隆火腿庄等老字号可以参观外,很多游客前去游玩的主要理由还是美食。不长的街道上有不少传统小吃摊,什么定胜糕、葱包桧、臭豆腐、油酥饼都值得一尝。步行街走到底还有不少饭店,量多味美实惠,值得一试。江南红楼地址:河坊街57-4号特色菜:醤鸭、酱肉、咸肉蒸河虾、咸肉蒸湖蟹药膳馆地址:河坊街大井巷92号推荐理由:绝对幽静的用餐环境,口味和服务都不错。汤或煲里面都是各种药材,非常健康的食品。高银巷美食街 高银巷与清河坊平行,且相距不远。那里好吃的饭店太多,让人真不知道选什么好。一到晚餐时间,窄窄的街道两边就停满了私家车。皇饭儿地址:清河坊高银巷53-57推荐理由:绝对物超所值的一家饭店。特色菜:乾隆鱼头、西湖醋鱼小贴士:千万不要在吃饭高峰时去,要等很久才有位子。秘笈:东坡肉加葱油拌面,才8块钱,却味道奇佳。5、河东路美食街

















九、景东美食一条街在哪? ?





One, cate of Hangzhou west lake is a street the famousest?

The cate street with the most welcome Hangzhou, this street it is river lane street, believe a lot of people had heard of this is street, strewn at random in Wu Shan the foot falls, it is the one part of clear river lane, belong to the old the city zone of Hangzhou. Leave very nearly with the west lake, and be the flourishing land that trade focuses from of old, having the view of of primitive simplicity, also collected the special local product of Hangzhou, numerous cate. Because distance west lake is closer, so a lot of people that come to west lake amuse oneself, organic meeting also can come to here amuse oneself one time, to driving local economy, also having certain effect.

2, does street of fastfood street cate rank Hangzhou?

Hangzhou cate street ranks a list of names posted up:

Street of cate of the road austral 1. Zhongshan;

Street of cate of 2. victory river;

Seafood of 3. close river discharges archives greatly;

4. benefit begins Lu Wushan night fair;

Shopping mall of street of 5. river lane;

100 wells of 6. street of lane alley cate;

Road of 7. contest boat;

8. river east road cate street;

9. wraps up road cate greatly.

3, what cate market does Hangzhou have?

Keep market of road cate.

Contest Zhou Lumei feeds a market. Street of lane of river of river lane street. Tall Yin Hangmei feeds a market. Street of cate of the road that protect protects road to contain a lot of distinctive cafeteria, introduce a few pretty good restaurant to consult in order to offer now: Address of Liu Jiaxiang hot house: West lake area keeps distance 116 recommend reason: Bring the plain dish house of some of Hangzhou characteristic. Characteristic dish: Chop of fish of neck of sweet hot crayfish, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, duck, pickled Chinese cabbage, beggar piece plain characteristic face: Piece contest Zhou Lumei feeds tongue of plain face, 3 delicacy face, delicate duck, sweet hot crayfish road of street contest boat is in recent years new arisen cate street, be located in Hangzhou city on the west area. Street both sides has many small restaurants, decorate so that have a characteristic very much, flavour also has distinguishing feature each. Just situation is a few more out-of-the-way. Introduce a pretty good restaurant below. Firewood feeds lane to recommend reason: In order to do Shang Xi (Jin Hua and the place that north slants among orchid brook) dish is its characteristic, small the taste that hot taste suits contemporary urbanite very much. Characteristic dish: Hoof of ox of a thick soup of lees of chicken of hot pepper of acerbity beans horn, walnutmeat, the five spices, green in March 1000 pieces. Street of lane of river of street of lane of river of street of lane of river of river lane street is shopping mall of archaize of a Mingqing, it is OK to write down village of ham of fan factory, Banding to wait for old name besides Qing Yutang having moustache, Wang Xing outside looking around, the prime cause that amuse oneself goes to before a lot of tourists still is cate. Not long market has many traditional and fastfood vendor's stand on the road, what gets the better of cake, green to wrap cake of Chinese juniper, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, short to be worth to be tasted surely. The shopping mall goes after all to still have many hotel, measure much more delicious material benefit, be worth to try. Address of Changjiang Delta red building: Dish of characteristic of date of 57-4 of river lane street: Address of house of medicinal food of crab of lake of evaporate of shrimp of river of evaporate of flesh of Zuo duck, sauce, bacon, bacon: Alley of big well of river lane street recommends reason 92 numbers: Absolutely and peaceful have dinner environment, taste and service are good. All sorts of medicinal materials are inside soup or Bao, very healthy food. Alley of tall silver of street of cate of fast silver-colored lane and clear river lane are parallel, and apart is not far. Over there delicious restaurant is too much, make the person does not know what to choose really good. Arrive dinner time, narrow narrow street both sides stops full illicit home car. Emperor meal address: 53-57 of alley of tall silver of clear river lane recommends reason: Very other people exceeds a restaurant of a value. Characteristic dish: Fish of vinegar of Qianlong fish head, west lake is small stick person: Must not having a meal go when the height, should wait very long just have place. Secret Ji: Slope flesh adds green oily noodles served with soy sauce east, just 8 money, taste however outstanding. 5, river east road cate street

4, does a street rank Dazhou cate?

3 holy palace of Dazhou are delicious street, south outside sunshine makes fun of delicious street

5, is Shanghai the biggest cate a street?

Shanghai is before street of the biggest cate suddenly Pu Lu, now is Yellow River road

6, does Yan Jimei feed strategy of a market?

Yan Jimei feeds a street to be able to delay town of college of edge university opposite. The city that delay auspicious has many cate market, for instance, the college town that is located in opposite of the university that extend a limit also is the ground that nonlocal tourist hits calorie of photographic to arrive surely, the cold face of building of here general merchandise, characteristic that extend a limit is baked string, characteristic Han feeds have everything that one expects to find, upstairs come here to endure the home to eat downstairs, you are OK one full the luck to eat sth delicious.

In addition, be located in the city that delay auspicious to develop area, delay Jimoda, delay Ji Baili city these 3 area also are the city that delay auspicious' main cate block, what do you still wait for, come over at once!

7, does a street rank Zhenjiang cate?

Street of cate of travel of 1. river stride, in market of river stride travel fastfood be in the majority, cate of of all kinds and business spread too many things to see letting a person.

Street of inclined bridge of mouth of 2. big city. Inclined bridge street! The position is in downtown, no matter be to shop, have a meal, recreational by accident happy, very convenient.

3. the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold, the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold are welcome degree is very tall, basically ate to be able to see a movie.

Street of 4. hill doorway. This street rambles to also go to the lavatory exceedingly, it is opposite of Su Ning electric equipment, go in in going is manna store, here fastfood also be full of beautiful things in eyes.

8, Great Harmony cate address of a street?

The fastfood street of Great Harmony basically has 3 places: 1. The street of handsome government office inside Gu Cheng, give priority to with hare head.

Street of 2. peace and happiness is given priority to with barbecue and chaffy dish.

Street of 3. Zhen Hua is given priority to with barbecue.

9, does Jing Dongmei feed a street to be in? ?

Jing Dongmei feeds a street to be located in Yunnan to save Jing Dong county of general Er city, border government of Jing Dong county, the environment is beautiful, communication is easy. Whole street about 800 meters long, gathered together all sorts of Yunnan characteristic cate, if cross pink of bridge rice line, parched rice, acerbity Shang Yu to wait, mouthfeel is delicious, lick one's chaps letting a person. In addition, jing Dongmei feeds a street to still all sorts of snack bar, bar, cafes waits, make a tourist OK sampling cate while, also can experience local culture and life. Anyhow, jing Dongmei feeds a market is the cate bethel that city of Er of Yunnan province general cannot miss, it is the brigade of the cate that manages forgetting to return letting a person.

10, does Hamimei feed a street to be in?

It is rocket farm cate a street, cate of road of exposed to the sun a street, safe path cate a street, north of division of city appropriate state closes cate a street, cate of railroad shopping mall a street, big crossed cate a street, this. It is haing close cate a street is in which place
