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1. 壁饰的种类


2. 壁饰的选择要点


  • 风格与主题:壁饰应与房间的整体风格和主题相协调。例如,北欧风格的房间可以选择简约的画作或时钟,而中式风格的房间可以选择传统的挂饰。
  • 尺寸与比例:壁饰的尺寸应与房间大小和墙面空间相匹配,过大的壁饰会让房间显得拥挤,过小则会显得空荡。
  • 颜色与色彩搭配:壁饰的颜色应与房间的整体色彩搭配,避免色彩冲突。可以选择与房间色调相近或形成对比的颜色。
  • 材质与质感:壁饰的材质和质感也影响着房间的整体感觉。可以选择具有质感的材质,如木质、金属等,以增添空间的层次感。

3. 壁饰的搭配技巧


  • 艺术墙:将多幅画作或照片墙上展示,营造出艺术的氛围。
  • 多层叠加:可以在墙面叠加展示不同材质和形状的壁饰,增加空间的层次感。
  • 对称与不对称:如果你喜欢整齐的感觉,可以选择对称搭配的壁饰;如果你喜欢创意和随性,可以选择不对称搭配的壁饰。
  • 主题饰品:根据房间的主题选择相应的壁饰,如海洋主题可以选择海洋画作或壁饰。



Household act the role ofing tastes a wall to act the role of is the important role of the pen that removes bit of eyeball in domestic adornment. No matter be in bridal chamber in decorating still be Laofang to transform, the wall with right choice is acted the role of can add distinctive character charm to live in a space. Point of the sort that the article will introduce household act the role ofing to taste a wall to act the role of, choice and tie-in skill, make you relaxed make a sweet and easy household environment.

1.What the wall acts the role of is phyletic

The sort that household act the role ofing tastes a wall to act the role of is various, include to be drawn, photograph casing, clock, hang adorn etc. It is the commonnest that the picture is made one of mural act the role ofing, can choose landscape, abstract painting, character picture to wait to decorate a style to undertake choosing according to individual be fond of and room. Photograph casing can reveal the work of art of the photograph of family or collect carefully, add friendly atmosphere to the room. Clock can provide time information not only, return the decoration that can make a room. Hang adorn include vase, wall hung store content ark, also have adornment and economic effect on certain level.

2.The choice that the wall acts the role of wants a place

House act the role ofing tastes the home with right choice mural act the role ofing needs to consider the following point:

  • Style and theme: Mural act the role ofing should be mixed with the integral style of the room thematic photograph is harmonious. For example, the room of boreal Europe style can choose contracted picture is made or clock, and the room of Chinese style style can choose to be hanged traditionally adorn.
  • Dimension and scale: The dimension that the wall acts the role of should match with room size and metope space photograph, too big wall is acted the role of can let a room appear crowded, too small meeting shows be free to swing.
  • Color and colour are tie-in: The color that the wall acts the role of should match with the integral colour of the room, avoid colour conflict. Can choose as tonal as the room close or the color that form contrast.
  • Material is qualitative with simple sense: The material that the wall acts the role of pledges and simple sense also is affecting the integral perception of the room. The capable person that can choose to have qualitative feeling is qualitative, wait like woodiness, metal, in order to add administrative levels touch of the space.

3.The tie-in skill that the wall acts the role of

Tie-in and reasonable wall is acted the role of can make a room more vivid and interesting. It is the tie-in skill that a few walls act the role of below:

  • Artistic wall: many the picture is made or reveal on photograph wall, build the atmosphere that gives art.
  • Much cascade adds: Different capable person can be revealed to pledge the wall with appearance is acted the role of in metope overlay, add administrative levels touch of the space.
  • Semmetry and asymmetry: If you like orderly sense, the wall that can choose symmetrical collocation is acted the role of; If you like,originality is mixed along with the gender, the wall that can choose asymmetry to match is acted the role of.
  • Thematic act the role ofing tastes: According to the thematic choice of the room corresponding wall is acted the role of, if marine theme can choose ocean,the picture is made or the wall is acted the role of.

Taste a wall to act the role of through choosing appropriate household to act the role of, reasonable and tie-in, can make the room a sweet and easy household environment, let everybody can experience relaxed and cheerful atmosphere in the home.
