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米林海拔? 米林黄耆介绍?英文双语对照


米林海拔? 米林黄耆介绍?英文双语对照





米林黄耆(学名:Astragalus milingensis Ni)为豆科黄芪属的植物,是中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的西藏等地,生长于海拔2,900米至3,200米的地区,多生长于山坡路旁。




























One, rice forest altitude?

3700 meters

Rice forest county is located in ministry of southeast of the Xizang Autonomous Region, southwest department of Lin Zhi city, in the Brahmaputra downstream, tanggula reading aloud blueness between mountain range and the Himalayas arteries and veins, southeast ministry and Chinese ink take off a county to be linked together, connect with bright county western, ministry of north and Ba Yi area, northwest and county of labour cloth Jiang Da border, the south and Long Zi county are linked together. Gross area is 9500 square kilometer, relief Xi Gaodong is low, average height above sea level 3700 meters, town seat altitude 2941 meters.

2, does rice Lin Huangqi introduce?

Rice forest yellow over sixty years of age (formal name: Astragalus Milingensis Ni) the plant that belongs to for leguminous the root of remembranous milk vetch, it is peculiar plant of China. Distributing the Tibetan and other places in chinese mainland, grow at altitude 2, 900 meters to 3, 200 meters area, grow at the hillside more wayside.

3, brand of Mi Linna what?

Mi Linna is brand of dress of fashionable men and women, result from Japanese design, the Mi Linna tide that melting and pure and fresh style caused, formed Mi Linna wind. Its design concept zephyr case to be amounted to person and young crowd by many vogue love, chase after hold in both hands. The VIVI that is in Japan and MINA magazine often appear. 1 bring the tide information with new Tokyo 2 it is a center with the client " your Minacollection "

3 diversification (hand-me-down, brand, the price)

4 interactive (rich communication activity)

4, strategy of Mi Lin of luck of a place of strategic importance?

1, the importance that introduces program of one servent content first. "Honorary " adding bit of program to the character is a very important.

2, achieve when honor 1100, the good person feudal lord of complete map can obtain 90 good opinion. (seigniorial good impression 90 above, can obtain attribute was rewarded at 1 o'clock)

3, give integrity nimble, gentle and kind give charm, run to pursue out and out, these two attribute can increase 20-30 respectively, won't need a player to throw check the number to give nimble charm again, also can help a player throw check the number other property so.

4, time is longer, player and NPC (NPC is in the capital of each a group of people of same interest, need challenges a victory, friendly be more than 50 can recruit) can raise ability cost randomly, intellective probability is the biggest, force glamour next.

5, when the proposal begins, cast develop power, moment of 10 level strong an old unit of length for measuring land takes black wood bow, defend a city to be able to gain huge experience through helping puny interest next, throw its intelligence entirely next.

6, the arms of service that adds group mastery of a skill or technique in great quantities as a result of this MOD existence, besides command, trade, the article government that chooses with 2-3, the others must not need him to learn. After shaping when Jiang Gong, go visitting good person feudal lord, can fill ability at this moment come up, OK a command, persuade, attack iron bone, by force, equitation, run move one by one to strengthen, because early days develops experience intelligence entirely, so at this moment leading role also is not short of intelligence. .

5, is Mi Lin much further from India?

Mi Lin has 28 kilometers from India far.

Rice forest county is located in ministry of southeast of the Xizang Autonomous Region, southwest department of Lin Zhi city, in the Brahmaputra downstream, tanggula reading aloud blueness between mountain range and the Himalayas arteries and veins, southeast ministry and Chinese ink take off a county to be linked together, connect with bright county western, northwest ministry and county of north and Lin Zhi county, labour cloth Jiang Da border, the south and Long Zi county are linked together. Gross area is 9471 square kilometer, relief Xi Gaodong is low, average height above sea level 3700 meters. Belong to downy temperate zone climate of monsoon of half wet sex, year all air temperature 8.2 ℃ , year fall 641 millimeter, sunshine is enough.

6, what condiment is Mi Lin?

Mi Lin is a kind of special product in Japanese flavoring, the ingredient that order alcoholic drink is contained in sweet taste, call flavour Zuo again.

Flavour Zuo is like the effect of rice wine, alcohol can be helped go render palatable of raw meat or fish; The candy cent in the center can increase glossiness for arrange, and conduce alleviation saline taste, make flavour richer. Most what often use is brawn, strengthen purify fishy smell; If tone sauce is illuminated burn juice, ginger juice, increase arrange sugariness. And flavour Zuo can make food not easy dissolve is sodden, japanese at the arrange such as stew of n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine, can join flavour Zuo . Because feed material to need to cook period of time in the boil inside Bao, boil easily so that be out of shape, and the pork that the alcohol among flavour Zuo and candy cent can make feed capable person is sent closely character, special need long boil boils feed material not to get dissolve to rot changeably.

7, number of polo shirt of Weiji of Sa of Mi Lin division?

Milinkesaweiji was born on Feburary 27, 1995, this year 26 years old, height 192 centimeters, weight 76 kilograms, football athlete, have dual citizenship of Saierweiya and Spain, the field in department office, of responsible team defend and attemper, in Europe effectiveness of much home club passes, care about armour to pull kickball of Qi Ao team at present, wear 21 polo shirt, have on the football ground " white Bokeba " say

8, the practice that Fuqing places Mi Lin?

The data that needs preparation above all has: Polished glutinous rice (3 jins) , chopped green onion (a certain number of) , white sugar (100g) , currant (a certain number of) , black sesame seed (a few) , pink of the five spices (a few) , flour, edible oil, boiler, big plate, spoon.

Polished glutinous rice washs Bao of good electrify meal to thoroughly cook (as OK as meal of the common rice that boil) , polished glutinous rice has been boiled fill piece reserve, scatter pink of the five spices on the polished glutinous rice that has cooked, again white sugar, chopped green onion, currant is on polished glutinous rice mix is even. Go up again finally mix of black sesame seed is even. Bit of flour is aspersed on serving dish, bit of water is touched on spoon, put on group of a polished glutinous rice to be put on dish with spoon, retroflexion, wrap above pink, hold elliptic record with the hand next. Prepare oily boiler, pour oil of half boiler edible to be burned, put group of polished glutinous rice oily bowl one by one, scamper fizzles out to gold color is OK fish out, drop does oily outfit dish with respect to OK. Sweet the group of deepfry polished glutinous rice of soft glutinous was finished. Everybody also tries.

9, does Qinghai rice immense forest unplug?

Park of forest of country of rice of Qinghai celestial being is located in Qinghai to save autonomous prefecture of sea north Tibetian autonomous county of door source the Hui nationality east upright, it is park of one place theme kind area of natural scenery travel, program gross area 148 thousand hectare. Park of forest of country of rice of Qinghai celestial being is located in Qi Lianshan hinterland, altitude 4949 meters (Leng Long Gu Bingchuan) , belong to highland area of climate of cold lukewarm wet sex, tree is enclothed lead 95% above, the vegetation such as belt of shrubbery of Xie Lin of mixed forest of leaf having broadness, needle broad mixed forest, needle, high mountain, tall cold meadow, have a plant 54 divisions more than kinds 800, animal more than 10 kinds.

10, where is airport of Lin Zhi Mi Lin?

Airport of Lin Zhi Mi Lin is the airport that Tibet throws operation the 3rd times, devise year of guest flow for 120 thousand, be located in Mi Lin of city of Lin Zhi of Chinese the Xizang Autonomous Region, city of distance forest Zhi only 52 kilometers. It is considered as one of instrument meanses that challenge sex provides most on the world, because the airport is located in in the winding valley of the Brahmaputra. In addition, many meters of 4000 high mountain that annual is enveloped by cloud and mist surrounds, be called " on the world most inapproachable airport " . A ridge of valley of the narrowest flight path distance across ridge is less than 4 kilometers. However, so much tourist chooses to because it is the airport of Tibetan lowest,fly to Lin Zhi, altitude 2, 949 meters.

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