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Is tourist attraction of travel of Changchun north lake ranked?

Changchun north lake is a very beautiful travel tourist attraction, have a lot of places that are worth to swim.

It is the rank of my individual below:

1.Boreal lake park:

Boreal lake park is one of tourist attractions with Changchun north the famousest lake, it is a very beautiful park, have a lot of gardens, laky with You Le establishment.

The boreal lake inside the park is a special beauty is laky, there are hill and woods all around, suit to take a walk and be loosened very much.

2.Changchun zoo:

Changchun zoo is a very welcome travel tourist attraction, have the animal with a lot of rare precious and plant.

There is a lot of exhibiting inside the zoo house and performance, suit family and children very much.

3.Changchun is polar house:

Changchun is polar the house is an absorbing travel tourist attraction, revealed arctic and antarctic zoology and culture.

There are a lot of item on displays and imitate setting inside the house, suit scientific lover and family very much.

4.Changchun arboretum:

Changchun arboretum is a very beautiful travel tourist attraction, have the plant with a lot of rare precious and painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style.

There are a lot of flowers to be mixed field inside arboretum exhibit a house, suit to take a walk and be viewed and admire very much.

5.Macrocosm of Changchun ice and snow:

Macrocosm of Changchun ice and snow is an absorbing travel tourist attraction, have a lot of ice carve and Xue Diao.

There are a lot of item on displays and activity inside macrocosm, suit winter travel and family very much.

Above is the rank of my individual, the beautiful level that basically considered a tourist attraction, welcome degree and suit degree.

The rank of everybody may be different, but these tourist attractions are to be worth to swim.

Relief of Changchun north lake?

Boreal lake is located in Changchun to connect a river in Yi downstream to the south of, act vigorously of wide the city zone receives countryside dragon small stream the railway station is apart from to be apart from point-blank inside the village only 10 much kilometers. In north of wide the city zone of urban district of the Changchun City north of 4 annulus road 50 meters, belong to inside shed a river. Area of program of face of lake of Changchun north lake 3.5 square kilometer. There is the lake heart island of 1.2 squares kilometer in the center of surface. Gathering ground area 11.97 square kilometer.

Origin of Changchun north lake?

Park of wet ground of Changchun north lake calls organisms' habits of long northeast town wet park again, national forestry bureau names. Park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake opened garden formally in July 2012. In May 2014, park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake is travelled for national 4A class by assess scene area. Park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake calls organisms' habits of long northeast town wet park again, national forestry bureau names, be located in Changchun high new developed area to grow ministry of southwest of northeast core area, north comes bridge of railway of a fort, come south 4 change the bridge, railroad is breathed out to Beijing on the west, north comes east far amount to an ave. Address, the Changchun City is new and high road of lake of boreal area annulus.

The fokelore of Changchun north lake?

Fokelore of it doesn't matter

Park of wet ground of Changchun north lake calls organisms' habits of long northeast town wet park again, national forestry bureau names. Park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake opened garden formally in July 2012. In May 2014, park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake is travelled for national 4A class by assess scene area. Park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake calls organisms' habits of long northeast town wet park again, national forestry bureau names, be located in Changchun high new developed area to grow ministry of southwest of northeast core area, north comes bridge of railway of a fort, come south 4 change the bridge, railroad is breathed out to Beijing on the west, north comes east far amount to an ave. Address, the Changchun City is new and high road of lake of boreal area annulus.

Changchun north lake belongs to a few annulus

Changchun north lake belongs to Changchun 3 annulus between 4 annulus.

Is elementary school of Changchun north lake ranked?

Ranking first should be school of Jilin university person of outstanding ability, northeast Normal University bright amount to the school, 11 glad China the school, school of lake of 11 tall north (private school) , school of boreal lake experiment is in construction, at present these schools are the school that middle and primary school reads repeatedly, still having a school is the rich far school via opening an area, but distance north lake is closer, have elementary school only, without the middle school.

Life of big bridge of Changchun north lake?

Bridge of churchyard of the Changchun City of Chinese Jilin province has the life of hundred years below normal circumstance.

Big bridge of Changchun north lake is full-length 2781.5 meters, invest 550 million yuan, xiaochengzi rises on the west highway east about 450 meters of place, dong Zhiyuan amounts to an ave 1100 meters of place are arranged on the west, among them, warden of scenery of the lake that cross north is 1602.5 meters, cross line of haing long railroad to grow it is 1179 meters, the bridge is 40 meters wide, two-way 8 driveway, design driving speed is horary 40 kilometers.

Brief introduction of park of Changchun north lake?

The area of scene of travel of national 4A stage inside

Park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake is located in the Changchun City, cover an area of kilometer of about 11.97 square, 2010 start working is built, open garden formally on July 28, 2012, it is a variety of functions such as development of the market modes of life and relation to their environment with northeast the largest area, culture, travel, recreational, estate the park of wet ground of organisms' habits of town of large nation level at an organic whole.

Is school of Changchun north lake ranked?

1, school of person of outstanding ability.

School position: North is far amount to ave and college city district to hand in meeting;

2. bright amount to the school.

School position: Ave flourishing north and should change south the road is handed in meeting;

3, the Changchun City school of lake of north of 11 high school.

School position: In division ave and should change south the road is handed in meeting;

4. esteems literary school.

School position: And install street and Xin to fill the highroad to hand in meeting;

Time of temple fair of Changchun north lake?

Temple of 10 thousand birthday reachs boreal lake every week weekday, came early at 8 o'clock afternoon at 4 o'clock.
