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大嘴狗品种? 宠物店给狗狗洗澡控制狗嘴吗?英文双语对照


大嘴狗品种? 宠物店给狗狗洗澡控制狗嘴吗?英文双语对照










































3)耳朵下面的毛毛一般容易打结,而且容易滋生细菌,这部分的毛可以愉快地剪掉了。修剪的时候要注意挖空耳朵内侧的毛发,可以让狗狗在闷热的夏季尽量感到舒爽一些。 如果你想它看起来显得圆一些,耳根周围就不要剪得太短,根据你的喜好来定。














One, breed of big mouth dog?

Russia is red it is folk makes a way. Actually civilian breed comes out this kind of dog, call Lai city red dog!

The gene of the gene that I write down so that this goods has big red only and De Mu, other and consanguineous was unable to call to mind.

This is a kind of very lofty husky spirited dog, disposition is exceedingly feral and irratable, dry a big wolfhound, it is cole dishful of course!

2, does pet shop give dog dog bathing control dog mouth?

Dog dog bites person pet shop is to what bathe, but the case that you want to show dog dog with inn-keeper ahead of schedule. And cooperate inn-keeper control good dog, had done defend the job. If you take dog dog to bathe, did not inform inn-keeper dog dog to bite the person's circumstance, appear need bears the blame the consequence such as attack gnawing a person.

It is OK to buy the cover of mouth of ring dog dog, cover to it when dog dog should bathe on, after be being washed, take immediately, give it the award on a few snacks, need master conciliation. The process reaction that if dog dog is in,bathes is strong, ceaseless ask for a favor bites a person, which are about to establish master popular trust. Need severity to teach a dog a lesson when necessary, can use the thing of an empty bottle and so on, hitting already do not ache, can give out noise again, until hit it be convinced till. Time became long dog dog to going pet shop bathes won't because of fear or be defied and bite a person.

3, what dog is the dog with mouth big big ear?

Should not be earthy dog, you circumstance of this dog dog, will look from the picture that you send, should be to string together string of possibility big, namely the result of cross of dog of dog of two kinds of breed.

4, how is the big mouth of the dog described?

One, the good word that describes a dog:

Coquetry: What make intentionally is fetching the attitude that like.

Obedient: It is the utterance that hears others conversation and obedient someone with ear.

Sensible: When learning to understand others namely.

Faithful: Wholehearted good faith, with one one's heart endeavors, without disloyalty. Faithfulness is representing sincere letter, be as good as one's word and obedience.

Guard the entrance is magical: Host was not in the home when, help master look after the house, do not let stranger take the door, protect master property.

2, those who describe a dog is good sentence:

The doggie has a piece of wide and big mouth, there is a whiteness in the mouth and sharp tooth, it readily OK big mouse is bitten dead!

The doggie is having strong and vigorous limb, it runs rate is very quickly, one minute can run 2, 3 lis of roads!

The eye of the doggie is not very good, can see a li space only about. So, why can it be certain thing? It basically relies on to get the nose that is it.

The claw of the doggie is very sharp, need not how long, it can dig the hole of a very big circle.

The nature of the doggie is very gentle. If you are right it is good, it can use the top of head your leg, seeming is to be in act like a spoiled child to you; But if be stranger,come in its home, it still is met " tearful " the ground calls ceaseless, can attack to bite you to your body even.

5, the mouth often rots - dog mouth is sodden take what drug / our big dog, does the mouth often rot?

The reason that dog dog mouth often rots divides a lot of kinds, commonner likelihood is cleanness of daily oral cavity do not reach the designated position, or it is to lack vitamin and microelement provision, the be caused by such as immune power difference. If bestow favor on advocate in this field experience more insufficient, do not understand the word that how solves, might as well referenced and following experience and method:

One, adjust food, increase water quantity

Because ate,dog of dog of a lot of moment is of too dry get angry food or the ability such as hard and sharp food brings about the mouth to rot. Bestow favor on main attention to adjust the food of dog dog so, the choice feeds those who feed a few soft glutinous, easy masticatory deglutition to flow feed, wait like millet congee, lean lean congee, wet grain. In the meantime, make dog dog much drink water even, maintain oral cavity wet, feed appropriately eat a few fresh fruit vegetable.

2, notice oral cavity is clean

Dog dog mouth often rots, nurse daily with buccal also have very big concern, because cleanness does not reach the designated position to make oral cavity causes a bacterium easily, such nature rotted with respect to easy mouth.

Bestow favor on to this proposal advocate use gargle water to rinse oral cavity to dog dog with attenuant physiological saline or dog, next gush enters the blueness that bestow favor on a mouth agent of gush of cleanness of oral cavity of appropriative of this kind of pet. Help the oral cavity environment that dog dog returns to normal at an early date. Bestow favor on additionally advocate should notice to brush his teeth to dog dog on time at ordinary times, offer a few small snacks that have clean tooth effect or toy to it more, help it maintain oral cavity sanitation.

3, compensatory vitamin B

Dog dog is long-term food is onefold, enough vitamin and minim provision are lacked inside body, if immune force is poor, it is easier mouth is sodden, and have a relapse easily still. Because this suggests to bestow favor on advocate right amount in the diet of dog dog mix Wang Xiangwei gives birth to element B pink, compensatory the vitamin B inside its body and microelement composition. Additional, still can let edible of dog dog collocation bestow favor on a mouth to pay, the absorption with conduce to its oral cavity better and restore.

The hope is afore-mentioned content, can bestow favor on to what have need advocate bring a few helps.

6, the accurate method of poodle of big mouth dog?

If giving dog dog poodle, you need to accomplish the following very much

One, tool preparation

When oneself are dog dog poodle, had better be the appliance that prepares major. Can buy dog dog appropriative shave wool implement (should buy according to the breed of oneself dog dog, the shave wool of dog of accident wool dog implement different) , prepare sharp but not acerb scissors, preparation a comb, towel, blower.

2, note

Shave wool must be debugged first before shave wool implement archives with strength, find the shave wool rate that suits dog dog most. If shave Mao Qifa gives strange voice,perhaps use next not smooth, block hair namely, need clears clean continueing shave wool, also perhaps can increase lubricant. Had better be to give dog dog to bathe before poodle, straighten hair manage is clean.

3, poodle process

1) should comb the hair of dog dog above all smooth. With the comb dog giving a dog has combed Mao Mao, use scissors next very long very long Mao Mao is cut short, still have comb the Mao Mao that be illogical to also be cut off together. If dog dog generates alarmed sentiment, need pacifies a dog first, lest because they are unwell and move in disorder.

2) the mainest after simple clip is meticulous repair a wanted length and modelling. Attention, want to be pushed down Mao Mao's direction, become otherwise " the dog gnaws " the appearance of the sort of farfetched as one falls oh. Of course if you hope one wool does not stay, it is OK to use razor to be pushed down wool wool direction directly.

3) the Mao Mao below ear is general and easy knot, and cause a bacterium easily, the wool of this part was cut off happily. Clip when the hair that should notice hollow ear inside, can let dog dog feel Shu Shuang as far as possible in fuggy summer a few. If you think it appears a few rounder it seems that, do not cut too shortly all round ear root, will decide according to your be fond of.

4) brim of dog dog lip and mandible grow long wool no use to be in, often still can touch when take food sail upstream, influence exterior, had better be to be cut off. Clip Shi Yingxian presses its lip, lest it is moved suddenly in disorder,cause harm. When the word proposal that is not professional pet beautician gives dog dog poodle, had better be to two people are operated jointly.

7, does pet shop sell a dog?

Of course, some raise pet to be taken care of without time, meeting choice is put in the consign for sale on commission in pet shop.

8, breed of flat mouth dog?

Cling to elder brother dog is considerate, lovely small-sized dog is planted, this dog has the good individual character that loves clean, these characteristics are his wide get the account that like.

The head big, loud and jarring, do not go up arch, show an apple model. Forehead not retraction, very bright, enthusiasm is full of when excitement. Furrow is big and deep. Eye big color is very deep. Outstanding and marked. The eyes is unruffled and be full of longing. The expert thinks, this dog originates in Scotland low-lying, pass Asian hind to bring back the west from far east area by Holand businessman again.

9, dog mouth is very long, very pointed what dog be?

Be Scotland sheperd dog? Su Mu is Huang Bai. Mouth of general dog dog is quite long, also be Afghan gundog likely.

10, it is good to go to dog city buying dog or pet shop to buy a dog?

Pet shop. The word of dog city buys week dog easily, and say like you, blood relationship did not assure. Go normal pet shop, should do not have a problem.

I buy GG that moment to had signed a contract with inn-keeper namely, the word sum refund with petty acute communicable diseases of dog of the GG inside a month. What the word of price respect tastes be on intimate terms is can a bit more expensive, do not have method.

Actually the safest is the home is raised, look for this locality to have the bitch of firm whelp, mom of dog father dog still can look if the home is raised, healthy respect is safer also.
