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In recent years, as the rapid development that intelligence lives in, more and more people begin to pay close attention to intelligence to live in a technology to be affected to what live daily. Among them, from line speech control technology regards intelligence as the main component of household, getting applied extensively gradually.

Speech leaving a line controls technical overview

Leaving line speech to control a technology is to show intelligence lives in equipment to be able to be in not below the circumstance of couplet net, through speech the command undertakes operate and be controllinged. With traditional online speech control technology differs, from line speech control technology has faster response speed and higher security.

Speech leaving a line controls technical dominant position

Above all, from line speech control technology can avoid the inconvenience that network defer brings effectively. When the network is not stabilized or stopping a network, use speech leaving a line to control a technology to be able to make sure intelligence lives in the normal operation of equipment. Next, from line speech control technology can promote user privacy protection. Because speech data does not need to upload to undertake handling to high in the clouds, the privacy information of the user gets better protection. Finally, from line speech control technology can be offerred more the user experience that intelligence turns. Equipment can undertake in this locality speech recognition is mixed alternant, reduced the dependence to high in the clouds, can understand the intention of the user better.

Speech leaving a line controls applied setting of the technology

From line speech control technology can apply extensively at intelligence to live in each respects of the domain. For example, in domestic environment, the user can control the device such as lamplight, temperature, curtain through speech instruction, realize the life occupying the home that intelligence spends. In office environment, the user can control the device such as measuring projector, acoustics through speech instruction, promotion work efficiency and convenient quality. In addition, OK still from technology of line speech control in applying how to prevent the domain such as the system, healthy equipment that monitor, offer more comprehensive intelligence to change a service for the user.

Speech leaving a line dominates development climate of the technology

Expand what live in the market as intelligence ceaselessly, technology of control of speech leaving a line also is innovating ceaselessly and develop. Future, speech leaving a line controls a technology to will stress the application of artificial intelligence more, raise the accuracy of speech recognition and precision through the method such as deepness study. In the meantime, speech leaving a line controls a technology to still will pay attention to the interconnection each other that crosses equipment to connect more, realize many intelligence to live in the linkage of equipment to control.

Live in a technology through leaving line speech intelligence, we can control household device more conveniently, enjoy intelligence to turn brought advantage. In the meantime, from line speech control technology still can protect user privacy, promote intelligence the security of household. Hope the article understands intelligence of speech leaving a line to live in a technology to be helped somewhat to you, thank you read.

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