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长春出发的旅游专列? 长春出发的旅游路线?英文双语对照


长春出发的旅游专列? 长春出发的旅游路线?英文双语对照


















































1. 长白山:长白山是中国著名的旅游胜地之一,被誉为“东北第一山”。你可以在长白山脚下的长白山风景区内欣赏到壮丽的自然景观,如长白山天池、长白山瀑布等。同时,你还可以体验滑雪、泡温泉等活动。

2. 吉林市:吉林市是吉林省的省会,有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产。你可以参观吉林市的著名景点,如吉林大桥、朝鲜族村寨等。此外,吉林市还有许多美食值得品尝,如吉林市的冷面、烤肉等。

3. 长春市内:如果你想在长春市内进行旅游,你可以参观长春市的著名景点,如南湖公园、净月潭、长春世界雕塑公园等。此外,长春市还有许多购物中心和美食街,供你购物和品尝美食。




1. 从长春出发,沿G12高速公路向东行驶,经过德惠、桦甸等地,大约需行驶2小时,到达集安。

2. 在集安停留一段时间,可以游览集安汉文化遗址、龙山景区等景点。

3. 从集安出发,沿G12高速公路继续向东行驶,经过通化市的辉南、柳河等地,大约需行驶3小时,到达梅河口。

4. 在梅河口停留一段时间,可以参观梅河口国家级自然保护区、刘邓故居等景点。

5. 完成梅河口的旅游后,可以根据自己的行程计划,选择返回长春或继续前往其他目的地。



The travel special train that Changchun sets out?

Special train from Changchun only then hair, accept of Le Tai of A of by way of, noise made in coughing or vomiting this, cocoa holds the sea, Ji Mu in the palm to be port, Yi Li to be pulled then carry, spit rash time, Shan Tianchi of the Pamirs, day, bus is plunged into wait for famous beauty spot, strap time of peaceful area travel to be 3 days in A among them.

The travel course that Changchun sets out?

Provincially Changchun arrives long Bai Shan, changchun arrives Yan Ji, changchun arrives Jilin, how is Changchun waited a moment to collect. Outside the province more, changchun arrives Dalian, changchun goes to Shanghai, changchun goes to Hangzhou, changchun is waited a moment to Shenyang.

Does Changchun give travel of draw well car to recommend?

Set out from Changchun, a lot of train travel courses can choose, it is a few kinds of common option below:

Head for Harbin: ? Ji of sheng of common   mirrors Ji of  of  of actinium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens to use up U dainty and  of commission of anxiety Ta  compares  >  of the  that be troubled by  is useless the tourist attraction that? passes a lot of beauty, wait like macrocosm of the Songhua River, ice and snow. Stand in Harbin, you can visit and other places of side of the river in central ave, path, experience the distinctive glamour of this city.

Head for Shenyang: ?

Head for Dalian: ? Does Ji of sheng of common  gauze mirror cracking  of Californium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens to use up U dainty and is  of grandma of  of broadleaf plant of exuviate of  of provide for of Yong of anxiety Ta  useless does belch of Ji of  of the  that punish  see Bao wood dark be contrary to choke of ill ⑿ of ⑻ of  Hui small box 9 angry > take T?

Head for the: that extend a limit? Ji of cangue of common  ね mirrors? of aurelian  of americium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens to turn next by the graph people sudden train arrival delays city land with certain boundaries border city. The railroad line that this is province of Jilin of a join and Liaoning province, through a lot of beautiful tourist attractions, if grow Bai Shan, plan people the river.

Head for the: that connect distant? Ji of the first month of common  ㄈ mirrors dainty of U of burn oneself out of  of einsteinium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens and aurelian  of anxiety Ta  is qualitative " rapid to shirk basks in  of the kiss that cast calamity to suckle  to abandon the tourist attraction that? passes a lot of beauty, if Mo Li amounts to banner of made of baked clay the Daur nationality, brightness south the county. Above is a few common train travel lines, can mix according to oneself interest give a demand to undertake choosing

Head for: of Hu Lunbei Er? Ji of sheng of common   mirrors? of neptunium of Fan of  of Berkelium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens to take the train to pass through again next prairie of Hu Lunbei Er arrives at Eerguna to stand. This is Heilongjiang of a join the railroad line of province and Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, through a lot of beautiful tourist attractions, if breathe out human relations lake, full continent in country door scene area.

Head for the: that extend a limit? Ji of cangue of common  ね mirrors? of aurelian  of americium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens to turn next by the graph people sudden train arrival delays city land with certain boundaries border city. The railroad line that this is province of Jilin of a join and Liaoning province, through a lot of beautiful tourist attractions, if grow Bai Shan, plan people the river.

Head for the: that connect distant? Ji of the first month of common  ㄈ mirrors dainty of U of burn oneself out of  of einsteinium of sauce of ご conspicuous lens and aurelian  of anxiety Ta  is qualitative " rapid to shirk basks in  of the kiss that cast calamity to suckle  to abandon the tourist attraction that? passes a lot of beauty, if Mo Li amounts to banner of made of baked clay the Daur nationality, brightness south the county. Above is a few common train travel lines, can mix according to oneself interest give a demand to undertake choosing

Head for Bai Shan: ? Ji of flood of common  seed mirrors ご He humorous to show? by way of to grow and other places of Bai Shan, Song Jianghe, reach white hill city finally. This course suits to like the tourist of natural scene and historical culture, rich landscape and historical culture bequest can be admired on the road.

Head for black river: ? Condition of of lineal descent of partridge of wholesale of of  of grave of Zuo of Gan of common  Chuo shows Yi Chun of? by way of, abdicate to overcome and other places, reach black river city finally. This course suits to like silvan landscape and the tourist that border land experiences, the glamour of nature can be experienced on the road.

Does Changchun set out is 51 travel course recommended?

1, park of wet ground of state of Changchun north lake

Park of wet ground of boreal lake state is located in the Changchun City, corridor of freely of crisscross of park river lake, a network of rivers, meandering, wild interesting be overflowing with. Wild vivid plant is rich inside garden, provide most with pine, willow, birch representative, have all sorts of wet land avian, it is the good land that all sorts of plants, animal perchs. This year, the park adds newly 520 meters long, 2.8 meters wide, highest 30 meters celestial corridor bridge, very dazzle cruel, super stimulation, be worth to play card.

This season goes boreal lake appropriate, drive boreal lake oneself, jockey the stroll about that enter garden, greenery grows the bridge inside, the lake of wet ground, wave light ripples, take a walk to loosen the mood at the same time at the same time.

2, travel of zoology of Changchun lotus hill goes vacationing area

Travel of lotus hill zoology goes vacationing the good place that the area is close outing. Travel of zoology of Changchun lotus hill goes vacationing the 4th pear spends the area the part came to was held in hundred years the operatic circle on May 9 on April 30. This year " pear spends a red-letter day " open freely to the public!

Besides the flower that admire pear, area of lotus hill scene is amused true many, in organic vegetable big canopy, can experience the fun with picked green, cinema of camping ground of car of the thematic stage of lotus hill and meal, recreational accommodation, house, car at an organic whole, suit a family to swim very much.

Does Changchun set out 34 days does travel recommend a course?

Recommend Yan Ji, yan Ji travels to basically be given priority to with characteristic of the Chaoxian nationality, can experience cate of the Chaoxian nationality, OK also check-up the Chaoxian nationality civilian constellation.

Still can go Shenyang, museum of Shenyang the Imperial Palace, big Shuai Fu is famouser famous places and historical sites, return one case square special pleasure ground plays.

Logion of A Ershan travel?

Lofty promotes An Ling, jade column props up a day,

Cang Yan accumulating is emerald green; Ooze of Er of boundless and indistinct division,

Plain raw length and breadth of land, green jade careless immensity.

The cold hot weather of all previous all ages, the star moves content is changed;

The great change of classics vicissitudes of life, faint has promote how.

Full language " promote how " , meaning for upland.

Hong Huangchu monarchs, pure and detached.

God thes Creator, terrestrial altar.

Clever Shan Xiushui of be pregnant with, creat great beauty is promoted how.

Xing Anzhi is beautiful, the United States is in a long time ago.

The back leans on Xing Anling more than arteries and veins, content Feng Linmao;

Prairie of ooze of Er of division of body be in harmony, shui Bihua is numerous.

Tao riverside, taste You Yi east introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad,

Advantages and disadvantages of A Ershan travel?

The place with favorable travel of A Er hill is natural resourceful. Each establishment is in all ready. Attractive scenery, one day pool, have rose peak, have 3 pools gorge, had had dark channel, have white wolf peak. Travel industry already took shape. But with old brand travel industry posture is compared, still have very big difference.

Malpractice is travel time short. Tourist acute was decreased after end in September. Establishment of form a complete set is not quite perfect still.

Table of article of A Ershan travel?

Welcome to A Ershan, here is a place that is full of glamour and mystery. A Ershan is a of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region small town, be known as China " boreal border bright phearl " . Here has the prairie of boundless of length and breadth of land and dense wood, still have famous hada hill and the travel famous scenic spot such as lake of the Marlin that expend Er.

Here, you can probe nature to the top of one's bent, breathe fresh air, experience the shock of nature and beauty. If you like outdoors activity, can spread out horseback to ride all sorts of expeditionary activities such as travel, ski, mountain-climbing, still can enjoy the daily pastime such as hot spring and SPA. Here, you can try fresh cate, experience local culture and traditional handicraft, still can visit museum and history vestigial.

No matter you are to want to loosen body and mind, still search new challenge and stimulation, a Ershan can give you satisfactory answer. Here has beautiful scenery and distinctive culture, awaiting your arrival. We are expecting your presence, let us one step aside opens a paragraph wonderful itinerary!

Set out 3 days from Changchun where can travel go to?

Set out from Changchun, you can choose the travel that the following destination undertake 3 days:

1.Grow Bai Shan: Long Bai Shan is one of China's famed travel resorts, be known as " northeast the first hill " . The long Bai Shan that you are growing white foot of a hill to fall admires magnificent natural sight inside beauty spot, if grow fall of pool of white mountain sky, long white mountain,wait. In the meantime, you still can experience the activity such as hot spring of ski, bubble.

2.Jilin city: Jilin city is the provincial capital that Jilin visits, having long history and rich culture legacy. You can see the famous tourist attraction of Jilin city, wait like village of Jilin big bridge, the Chaoxian nationality. In addition, jilin city still has a lot of cate to be worth to sample, the cold face that is like Jilin city, barbecue.

3.Inside the Changchun City: If you want to undertake travel inside the Changchun City, you can see the famous tourist attraction of the Changchun City, be like south park of sculpture of world of pool of lake park, only month, Changchun. In addition, the Changchun City still has a lot of shopping centers and cate market, shop for you and sample cate.

Above is a few proposals, specific tourism travel still needs to be arranged according to your interest and time. Hope you can have a happy trip!

Does Changchun collect setting out install plum bayou optimal travel course?

If you set out from Changchun, past collect is installed before the plan and plum bayou undertakes travel, it is a possible optimal course below:

1.Set out from Changchun, edge G12 freeway eastwards travel, through and other places of pasture of De Hui, birch, require travel 2 hours about, install to arrive at collect.

2.How to keep period of time in collect, can visit collect An Hanwen to change area of scene of hill of relics, dragon to wait for a tourist attraction.

3.How to set out from collect, edge G12 freeway continues eastwards travel, turn city through connecting brightness south, Liu He and other places, require travel 3 hours about, arrive at plum bayou.

4.Period of time keeps in plum bayou, can visit nature of level of plum bayou state the tourist attraction such as former residence of Deng of groove guard, Liu.

5.After the travel of bayou of the plum that finish, can plan according to oneself journey, the choice returns Changchun or continue to head for other destination.

Those who need an attention is, whole journey needs to expend proper time, because this suggests to plan ahead of schedule good journey, and the time with enough put apart undertakes visit and rest. In addition, in travel process, want to abide by traffic regulation, ensure drive a vehicle is safe. Wish you journey is happy! If have other issue, continue to quiz please.

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