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国家自然科学奖是由中华人民共和国国务院设立,由国家科学技术奖励委员会负责的奖项,是中国五个国家科学技术奖之一,授予在基础研究和应用基础研究中,阐明自然现象、特征和规律、做出重大科学发现的公民。以下是2011-2019年国家自然科学奖的获奖项目目录 :

- 2011年度国家自然科学奖

    - 一等奖:

        - 序号:Z-101-1-01

            - 项目名称:量子通信的基本原理与关键技术

            - 主要完成人:潘建伟、陈宇翱、陆朝阳等

    - 二等奖:

        - 序号:Z-101-2-01

            - 项目名称:流体力学与量子力学方程组的若干研究

            - 主要完成人:张平、江松等

        - 序号:Z-102-2-01

            - 项目名称:薄膜/纳米结构的控制

            - 主要完成人:杨学明、李舟波等

- 2012年度国家自然科学奖

    - 一等奖:

        - 序号:Z-103-1-01

            - 项目名称:超大规模集成电路中新型低功耗器件及新结构研究

            - 主要完成人:郝跃、张万里等

    - 二等奖:

        - 序号:Z-103-2-01

            - 项目名称:基于原子层沉积技术的氧化物薄膜生长与表征

            - 主要完成人:陈小龙、王志忠等

        - 序号:Z-104-2-01

            - 项目名称:多相流反应器传递现象与反应动力学研究

            - 主要完成人:李兴民、李春山等

- 2013年度国家自然科学奖

    - 一等奖:

        - 序号:Z-105-1-01

            - 项目名称:拓扑量子态的实验观测和理论研究

            - 主要完成人:赵博、陈谐等

    - 二等奖:

        - 序号:Z-105-2-01

            - 项目名称:高温超导体中的电子结构和配对机制的研究

            - 主要完成人:闻海虎、李强等


National science award is by People's Republic of China the State Council is established, the award that by national science and technology promotive committee is in charge of, it is one of award of science and technology of 5 countries of Chinese, award in basic research and applied basic research, clarify the natural phenomenon, feature and rule, citizen that makes great and scientific discovery. 2011-2019 is under year the catalog of project of bear the palm of national science award:

- award of science of 2011 year country

  - first prize:

       - serial number: Z-101-1-01

      - project name: The fundamental that quanta corresponds and crucial technology

      - basically finish person: Pan Jianwei, old Yu Ao, Liu Chaoyang

  - second-class award:

       - serial number: Z-101-2-01

      - project name: Hydromechanical a certain number of research of group of as mechanical as quanta equation

      - basically finish person: Zhang Ping, Jiang Song

    - serial number: Z-102-2-01

      - project name: Filmy / the control of accept rice structure

      - basically finish person: Wave of Yang Xueming, Li Zhou

- award of science of 2012 year country

  - first prize:

       - serial number: Z-103-1-01

      - project name: Parts of an apparatus of new-style low power comsumption reachs new structure research in VLSI

      - basically finish person: Hao Yue, Zhang Moli

  - second-class award:

       - serial number: Z-103-2-01

      - project name: The oxide film that is based on technology of atomic layer deposit grows with token

      - basically finish person: Chen Xiaolong, Wang Zhizhong

    - serial number: Z-104-2-01

      - project name: Heterogeneous shedding reactor delivers phenomenon and response kinetic research

      - basically finish person: Li Xingmin, Li Chunshan

- award of science of 2013 year country

  - first prize:

       - serial number: Z-105-1-01

      - project name: Develop attacks the experimental observation of quanta condition and academic research

      - basically finish person: Zhao Bo, Chen Xie

  - second-class award:

       - serial number: Z-105-2-01

      - project name: The research of the electronic structure in high temperature superconductor and conjugate mechanism

      - basically finish person: Wen Haihu, Li Jiang

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