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1. 教育资源分配不均:城市学校享有优质教育资源,如图书馆、实验室、先进的教学设备等,而农村学校往往面临资金不足、设施落后等问题。

2. 师资配备差异:城市学校拥有更多高素质的教师,农村学校面临师资不足、教师流动性大等问题,导致教学质量下降。

3. 学生家庭背景不同:由于经济发展不平衡导致的贫富差距,城市学生家庭背景普遍好于农村学生,这也会影响到他们的学习条件和学习动力。

4. 教育观念差异:城乡居民的教育观念存在差异,城市家庭对教育的重视程度普遍较高,而农村家庭在教育投入和对子女教育的重视上存在一定的滞后。


1. 加大对农村学校的投入:政府应加大对农村学校的资金投入,改善学校的教学设施和教育资源。此外,还应加大对农村教师的培养和支持力度,提高他们的教学能力。

2. 建立城乡教育协作机制:通过建立城乡教育协作机制,将城市学校的优质资源与农村学校进行共享,让农村学生也能享受到优质的教育资源。

3. 培育乡村教育带头人:培养乡村教育带头人,引领和推动乡村教育的发展,提升农村学生的学习动力和教育意识。

4. 引导家庭重视教育:通过加强家庭教育宣传,提高农村家庭对教育的重视程度,鼓励他们积极投入子女的教育,为农村学生提供更好的学习环境和条件。

5. 加强教育政策的实施:完善农村教育政策,保障农村学生的受教育权益,减少城乡教育差距。






China is one is had vast a rural area and develop urban country, urban and rural the educational difference between is a problem that gets attention fully all the time. Urban school is in the respect such as level of education natural resources, persons qualified to teach is relatively advantageous, and rural school faces all sorts of challenges, this caused the presence of difference of urban and rural education. The article will discuss the matter of difference of urban and rural education, put forward to answer strategy.

The reason of difference of urban and rural education

1.Educational resource allocation not all: Urban school enjoys natural resources of high grade education, wait like the library, lab, advanced education equipment, and rural school often is faced with capital inadequacy, establishment to lag behind wait for a problem.

2.The persons qualified to teach provides difference: Urban school has the teacher of more high quality, rural school is faced with fluidity of inadequacy of persons qualified to teach, teacher to wait for a problem greatly, bring about education quality to drop.

3.Student family background is different: The difference of the rich and the poor that because economic progress is lopsided,causes, background of urban student family is common good at rural student, this also can affect their study condition and study motivation.

4.Teach ideal difference: The educational idea of urban and rural dweller is put in difference, urban family is spent to heavy visual range of education general taller, and rural family is thrown in education and take what children teachs seriously on the lag with constant presence.

Answer strategy

1.Increase the investment of pair of country schools: The government should increase the capital investment of pair of country schools, improve the education establishment of the school and educational natural resources. In addition, return the education that should increase pair of country teachers and supportive strength, increase their education capacity.

2.Establish mechanism of efforts of urban and rural education: Through establishing mechanism of efforts of urban and rural education, have the high grade resource of urban school and rural school sharing, let rural student also can enjoy high grade education natural resources.

3.Breed countryside to teach a leader: Education countryside teachs a leader, lead and promote the development that countryside teachs, elevate the study of rural student motivation and educational consciousness.

4.Guide a family to value education: Teach conduct propaganda through strengthening a family, raise rural family to be spent to heavy visual range of education, encourage them to throw filial education actively, offer better learning environment and condition for rural student.

5.Strengthen those who teach policy to carry out: Perfect rural area teachs policy, those who ensure rural student suffer educational rights and interests, reduce gap of urban and rural education.


Difference of urban and rural education is a when restrict our country to teach fairness serious problem all the time, but throw through increasing the capital of pair of country schools, build urban and rural education synergic mechanism, breed countryside to teach a leader, guide a family to take what teach and reinforce educational policy seriously to carry out, we have hope difference of contractible and urban and rural education, implementation teachs fair evolution.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can know difference of urban and rural education better through the article, and how to answer this one question, stimulative our country teachs the evolution of the career.

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