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东西方文化差异名言? 东西方文化差异的原因?英文双语对照


东西方文化差异名言? 东西方文化差异的原因?英文双语对照


1. 文化就是“了解世界上人们说过的最好的思想”。——〔英〕阿诺德

2. 知识是智慧的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。——〔印〕泰戈尔

3. 由于人类力量的无尽扩展,智慧和美感的无尽增长,人类精神发现了它的理想,从而为自身提供了无尽的补给。为达到此理想,文化是必不可少的资助,而文化的真正价值正在于此。——〔英〕马·阿诺德:《文化与混乱》

4. 我们需要文化,就像需要空气一样。——〔苏〕加里宁:《论共产主义教育》





1. 食材选择:中餐食材丰富多样,包括蔬菜、肉类、海鲜、豆腐等,强调食材的本味。而西餐食材相对较少,主要以牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉等为主,注重食材的鲜嫩度和烹饪技巧。

2. 烹饪手法:中餐烹饪手法多样,包括炒、炖、煮、蒸、煨等,强调火候和控制。而西餐烹饪手法相对简单,以烤、炸、煎、烩为主,注重食材的搭配和调味。

3. 调味方式:中餐调味复杂多变,讲究五味调和,注重探索各种调味品的搭配,如酱油、醋、糖、料酒、葱、姜、蒜等。而西餐调味相对简单,主要以盐、胡椒、奶油、黄油等为主,注重凸显食材的本味。

4. 餐具使用:中餐餐具主要以筷子为主,勺子为辅,碗盘用来盛放食物。而西餐餐具以刀叉为主,盘子用来盛放食物,酒杯用来饮用酒水。

5. 进餐礼仪:中餐进餐礼仪强调长幼有序,主客有别,进餐时相互敬酒、劝菜,体现亲情和友情。而西餐进餐礼仪注重个人独立,进餐时一般不说话,注重享受食物和氛围。

6. 餐桌氛围:中餐餐桌氛围一般较为热闹,家人和朋友围坐在一起,共享美食。而西餐餐桌氛围相对安静,注重个人空间的尊重和私密性。







3 后来由于贸易发展和封建经济独有的弊端,两者为文化走向了更为不同的方向。








1. 主食:在西班牙,米饭是主要的主食,例如传统的西班牙海鲜饭(Paella)。而法国则以面包和土豆为常见的主食,如法国传统的面包和土豆泥(Pommes Anna)。

2. 调味品:西班牙菜以香料和橄榄油为主要调味品,例如西班牙经典的香草油腌制食材(Escabeche)和各种海鲜料理。法国则重视黄油、奶酪和奶制品,如法式白汁炖牛肉(Blanquette de veau)和奶油蛋糕。

3. 食材:西班牙菜注重新鲜的海鲜和蔬菜,如西班牙经典的生鱼片(Ceviche)和西班牙冷汤(Gazpacho)。法国则以奶制品、肉类和禽类为主,如法式传统的鹅肝酱(Foie gras)和传统烤鸭(Canard à l'orange)。

4. 礼仪:在西班牙餐桌礼仪中,吃饭时间较晚,晚餐通常在晚上9点或更晚开始。西班牙人喜欢悠闲地享受一顿长时间的晚餐。而法国则更加重视就餐的仪式感,晚餐时间通常在晚上7点或7点半开始。

5. 餐桌氛围:西班牙人在用餐时喜欢边吃边聊天,注重社交和亲近感。而法国人则更注重用餐的优雅和品味,用餐时通常会饱含热情地欣赏食物的味道和质量。





“靠山吃山, 靠海食海”,现代以前,中国居民饮食多是就地取材。例如,东南沿海地区,人们嗜食鱼虾,且尚生猛;而西北地区基本不吃海产鱼虾;中北地区,人们离不开牛羊奶酪;长江中下游地区则是“饭稻羹鱼” 、时鲜蔬果、精细点心、 风味小炒。一般地域相邻地区的饮食文化差异相对较小。当然这要以 自然地理不出现巨大反差以至造成物修差异过大为限。


这是形成饮食文化地域差异性的最根本原因。在远古时代,由于经济发展水平低下,运输和通讯手段都十分匮乏和落后,人们的生产活动往往局限于一个较小的范围内,食料的来源多为 就地取材。地区之间缺乏沟通和交流,文化的封闭性也造成生活习惯的承袭性而久之成为习俗。






One, logion of difference of thing square culture?

1.Culture is " the best idea that the people on understanding world has said " . -- Arnaud of 〔 flower 〕

2.Knowledge is the crystallization of wisdom, culture is the burnish that gem gives off. -- 〔 imprints Er of 〕 peaceful dagger

3.As a result of human force endless and patulous, the endless growth of wisdom and aesthetic feeling, human spirit discovered its ideal, provided endless supply for oneself thereby. To attain this ideal, culture is indispensable aid financially, and the real value of culture is depending on this. -- Arnaud of · of horse of 〔 flower 〕 : " culture and disorder "

4.We need culture, resemble needing air same. -- 〔 revive 〕 adds li of peace: " teach by communism "

2, the reason of difference of thing square culture?

If the genetic landlord because of the west originates the place at much islands, resemble Aegean, annulus sea, because of the west located district and China's located district differs, the west basically is with ocean culture is given priority to, the land that land unlike China of the west can cultivate so concentration, get the limitation of local climate reason, the agriculture that so agriculture did not resemble China so develop, below the premise that did not accord with agricultural development relatively, hesperian must turn to expand business, so this is one of prime cause of difference of square culture of Chinese and Western.

3, difference of culture of food of Chinese and Western?

Square dietary culture difference basically reflects Chinese and Western in the following respects:

1.Feed material choice: Chinese meal feeds material to abound diversity, include vegetable, pork kind, seafood, bean curd, emphasize feeding this flavour of material. And Western-style food feeds capable person opposite less, basically wait with beef, chicken, pork give priority to, pay attention to those who feed capable person is fresh and tender spend and cooking skill.

2.Cooking gimmick: Gimmick of Chinese meal cooking is diversiform, include to fry, stew, boil, evaporate, cook over a slow fire, stress duration and control. And ploy of Western-style food cooking is relatively simple, in order to bake, scamper, decoct, braise is given priority to, pay attention to the collocation that feeds capable person and flavor.

3.Flavor means: Chinese meal flavors complex and changeful, exquisite the five flavors is harmonic, pay attention to the collocation that explores all sorts of dressing, wait like soy, vinegar, candy, cooking wine, green, ginger, garlic. And Western-style food flavors relatively simple, basically wait with salt, peppery, butter, butter give priority to, pay attention to highlight those who feed capable person this flavour.

4.Tableware uses: Chinese meal tableware basically is given priority to with the chopstick, ladle is complementary, bowl dish use Cheng Fang food. And Western-style food tableware is given priority to with knife and fork, dish uses Cheng Fang food, goblet uses drinkable wine water.

5.Dine formal: Chinese meal dines formal emphasize growing young orderly, advocate the guest has not, when dining, propose a toast each other, persuade dish, reflect close affection and friendship. And Western-style food dines formal pay attention to an individual to become independent, when dining, do not talk commonly, pay attention to enjoy food and atmosphere.

6.Mensal atmosphere: Atmosphere of Chinese meal table is general relatively lively, family and friend are surrounded sit together, share cate. And atmosphere of Western-style food table is relatively quiet, pay attention to close sex of the esteem of individual space and illicit.

Of course, these difference are not absolutely, as the communication of culture and confluence, culture of food of Chinese and Western also is being affected each other ceaselessly and develop.

4, what does difference of thing square culture say to understand?

The difference of thing square culture, explained environment of thing square culture is different, so such meetings produce different culture to savour, located environment is different, formed different political economy so, so ability culture also can produce different difference, with respect to the culture e.g. east, it has its bright characteristic and characteristic, can leave more deep impression to the person, and western nature also has their distinctive characteristic.

5, the cause that creates difference of culture of thing square campus?

1. is district reason above all, as a result of Chinese and Western square located different to the environment. China culture fountainhead is great river civilization, farming agrarian civilization, because land is even and fecund, vast,be wait for natural ingredient; And western culture birthplace is in Aegean, annulus sea, much islands, land is not centered and climate limitation, agriculture develops not quite, make must expand business. Because of these two civilization differs from germ.

2, moreover feudal level is different. Our country ancient time is centralized China home, the country can undertake technical culture studies centrally, the effect of culture product technology that thinks crown serves so is apparent; Western religious authority overrides at crown, national authority is not centered, cannot undertake large-scale concentration technical research and development and improved, and the effect that because agriculture is underdeveloped,cannot have to support culture to develop in feudal society initial stage.

3 develop as a result of commerce later and the malpractice with feudal particular economy, both moved toward more different way for culture.

6, difference of culture of thing square tea and same point?

Oriental tea service is ceramic more, western tea service is silver more.

Oriental stresses tea line, hesperian drinks tea to also have a courtesy, if want to use filter tea implement, pour tea to want to come in the cup 3/4 full.

Chinese tea is to taste its the most sterling tea is sweet, any dressing won't be added in tea. Western-style tea criterion amid adds grandma, candy, lemon piece wait with honey, want to pour tea to add other dressing again first, order cannot put upside down.

Oriental drinks tea and not particular demand should have refreshments, but Hesperian drinks tea to often be accompanied have refreshments, the commonnest have sponge cake of Scotland cream cookies, Victoria, muffin.

7, Spain and difference of French food culture?

Spain and France are two states that having rich food culture, a few difference exist between them. The difference with common wh some of which is below:

1.Staple food: In Spain, rice is main staple food, for example traditional Spanish seafood meal (Paella) . And France is common staple food with biscuit and potato, the biscuit that is like French tradition and potato mud (Pommes Anna) .

2.Dressing: Spanish dish is main dressing with flavor and olive oil, for example the sweetgrass oily souse with classical Spain feeds capable person (Escabeche) with all sorts of seafood arrange. France takes butter, cheese and milk products seriously, if rule is white,juice stews beef (Blanquette De Veau) with butyric cake.

3.Feed capable person: Spanish dish pays attention to fresh seafood and vegetable, if Spain gives birth to slices of fish meat classically (Ceviche) with Spanish Leng Shang (Gazpacho) . French criterion with milk products, flesh kind with birds kind give priority to, the goose liver sauce that is like French tradition (Foie Gras) with traditional roast duck (L'orange of Canard à ) .

4.Formal: In Spanish table formal in, have a meal time is later, dinner normally in the late evening at 9 o'clock or begin later. Spaish likes to enjoy long dinner leisurely. And the ceremonial feeling that France takes repast seriously more, dinner time normally in the late evening at 7 o'clock or began partly at 7 o'clock.

5.Mensal atmosphere: Spaish likes an edge to eat an edge to chat when have dinner, pay attention to socialization and close feeling. And the grace that the French pays attention to have dinner more and savour, normally ground of can full of enthusiasm admires alimental flavour and quality when have dinner.

8, in is paper of difference of heart food culture good write?

Because,write relatively easily in the dietary culture of heart two countries has very big difference. For example, in Chinese meal, rice and cooked wheaten food are staple food, and go up in German table, it is staple food tomato patch. In addition, the cooking means of Chinese meal and with makings also mix with cooking means of Germany with makings differ somewhat. These difference make in heart food culture becomes interesting and the topic that deserves research. In addition, in the difference of heart food culture also involves table formal wait for a respect with have dinner time. It is OK to write a paper the development course of culture of food of two countries of the heart in survey, discuss the effect that culture and history are used to to food, also can analyse different culture to drink the influence that feeds an industry and contribution.

9, the humanitarian reason of difference of Chinese food culture?

1, the influence of element of region of and other places of products of geographical environment, climate

"Backer has mountain, rely on the sea to feed the sea " , contemporary previously, chinese dweller food is use local materials more. For example, southeast foreland, people be addicted to feeds piscine shrimp, ju Shangsheng is fierce; And northwest area does not have marine fish shrimp basically; In boreal area, people cannot leave cheese of flocks and herds; Downstream area is in the Yangtse River " fish of meal paddy a thick soup " , in season vegetables and fruits, careful mug-up, local color is little fry. The dietary culture difference of area of adjacent of popularly region photograph is relatively lesser. Of course this should not appear with physical geography tremendous contrast down to causes content to repair difference to be restricted greatly too.

2, the influence of politics, economy and element of dietary science and technology

This is form otherness of dietary culture district most prime cause. In fast ancient, because economic progress level is low, carry and communication method very short and lag behind, the manufacturing activity of people often bureau be confined to inside a lesser limits, feed the origin of makings to be use local materials more. Lack is communicated between the area and communicate, of culture close the adopy sex that the gender also causes habits and customs and become for a long time consuetudinary.

10, is difference of culture of square food of Chinese and Western comparative?

Because environment outcome is different, of the dietary culture of the west in was being formed.

Dietary means of China basically is given priority to with the chopstick, the west basically is given priority to with knife and fork. China is main cooked wheaten food with rice, north still has steamed bread of flat bread steamed stuffed bun to wait.

The west with sandwich hamburger, wrap around the cooked wheaten food such as Sa is given priority to. Lay particular stress on of Chinese food taste has acrimony, acid is sweet wait for a variety of taste, dietary taste of the west slants light, flavour is onefold.

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