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  蓬莱海上仙山——长岛。感受黄、渤两海交汇时激起千重浪的豪迈;体验渤海第一湾——月牙湾刚毅外表下的柔美;享受高负离子含量清新空气的惬意!  蓬莱长岛,秦始皇眼中可望不可及的长生岛,苏东坡赞为“真神仙所宅也。”风景让人叹为观止!7月9日将带您走进这个中国十大最美丽海岛之一——长岛,亲身体验与海的亲近,视觉享受原生态美景,弥补那些在都市繁忙生活中不知不觉悄悄溜走的快乐。  眼睛与舌头一起舞蹈  长岛美景美食大集锦  长岛与蓬莱隔海相望,共由32座形态各异的海岛构成,百余处景观都保存着原生态原貌,黄、渤海交汇处的激昂;九丈崖的魁梧;月牙湾的妖娆;姊妹礁的沉静;万鸟岛的静谧;庙岛妈祖庙的广博;大黑山岛远古智人的神秘……大自然鬼斧神工的杰作以及古人留下的不朽遗迹,造就一个让人流连忘返的“人间仙境”。  【月牙湾】  有渤海第一湾之誉,长约2公里,月牙湾最大的特色当属它诸多形态各异的卵石,光滑细腻或洁白如玉或者晶莹剔透,别有一番情趣。  【九丈涯】  山崖险峻,水深流急,岩礁棋布,自然景观独树一帜。崖壁绵延400余米,在全国众多海蚀崖中独占鳌头。景区集山、海、礁、崖、洞及古迹于一体,融奇、雄、秀、美、险、神于一身。  【林海公园】  北接烽山,南衔玉滩堆雪的长山尾(黄渤海交汇处),隔登州水道与蓬莱相望。登上观海亭,不仅可以看到长山列岛的风貌,还可以观日出、日落,甚至可观赏海市蜃楼等稀世景观。  【万鸟岛】  又称车由岛,岛上栖居着几万只黑尾鸥、海鸬鹚、白腰雨燕等海鸟,全岛唯中部有一涵洞可至山腰,人称“通天路”,极其险峻。走在通天路上,宛如置身于海鸥的王国,登上山顶,密密扎扎的鸥鸟上下翻飞,可以随心所欲地欣赏绝世的“鸥鸟百态图”。  长岛,历称庙岛群岛,又称长山列岛,由32个岛屿组成,岛陆面积55.96平方公里,全县海域面积8700平方公里,海岸线长146公里,隶属烟台市。 长岛县位于胶东和辽东半岛之间,黄海、渤海交汇处,南临烟台,北倚大连,西靠京津,东与韩国、日本隔海相望。长岛古为莱夷之地,秦朝属黄县,唐神龙三年(公元707年)归蓬莱县管辖。1929年设长山岛行政区,隶属山东省府。1945年8月,成立长山岛特区,隶属北海专属。1949年8月长岛解放后,仍设长山岛特区。1956年5日,长岛县隶属莱阳专区,后隶属烟台专区。1963年10月恢复长岛县,隶属烟台专区。1983年11月隶属烟台市。政区划分:现辖8个乡镇,40个行政村,1个城区街道办事处。 长岛属亚洲东部季风区大陆性气候,具有冬暖夏凉的特点,年平均气温11.9℃,无霜期243天。 全县森林覆盖率53.2%,独特的理位置和优越的自然条件, 使之成为候鸟迁徙的必经之地,每年途经的候鸟有200余种,百万只之多,享有候鸟“驿站”的美誉,被列为国家级自然保护区。长岛南临蓬莱,北接旅顺,自然风光秀丽,气候宜人。岛屿周围有星罗棋布的港湾,众多的海水浴场,还有千姿百态的奇礁异石,素有“海上仙境”之称,它与蓬莱被列为蓬莱长岛国家级风景名胜区。长岛无岛不秀,无岛不奇,是一处天然的海上大花园。著名的景点有:九丈崖(半月湾)、庙岛、龙爪山、宝塔礁、珍珠门、砣叽岛等。为加速长岛旅游事业的发展,一批新的景点如林海峰山景区、望福礁民俗风情公园等又相继向游人开放。美丽的长岛  长岛东西窄,南北长,地图上看又瘦又长,所以叫长岛。也有人说秦皇汉武认为登上此岛即可长生,便将它取名长生不老岛,即长岛。。


A fabled abode of immortals is maritime celestial being hill -- long island. Experience two seas of yellow, Bo to hand in what 1000 heavy billow arouse when collecting is bold and generous; Experience Bohai Sea the first bay -- the soft beauty that resolute appearance issues crescent moon bay; Enjoy tall anion content pure and fresh airy is satisfied! A fabled abode of immortals grows an island, the immortal island that Qin Shi is expected to cannot be reached in emperor eye, su Dongpo assist is " true immortal place curtilage also. " the scenery lets a person acclaim as the peak of perfection! Will take you to walk into one of 10 big the most beautiful island of this China on July 9 -- long island, those who kiss body check and sea is close, the vision enjoys former zoology beautiful scenery, make up for those is in the joy that city escapes stealthily insensibly in busy life. Long island of big a collection of selected specimens of cate of beautiful scenery of long island of a dancing and a fabled abode of immortals lie between eye and tongue sea facies looks, in all by 32 configuration the island of each different is formed, landscape of more than 100 place former appearance of in store former zoology, yellow, Bohai Sea is handed in collect the infuriation of place; Of cliff of 9 a unit of length big and tall; The enchanting of crescent moon bay; Of sister reef calm; Of island of 10 thousand birds quiet; Of Zu Miao of temple island Mom encyclopedical; Island of big black hill is ancient the mystery of wisdom person... what the classic of nature uncanny workmanship and the ancients stay is immortal and vestigial, bring up an enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person " terrestrial elfland " . [crescent moon bay]   has the Bohai Sea of the first bay praise, grow about 2 kilometers, the characteristic with crescent moon the biggest bay should belong to it a lot of configuration the pebble of each different, smooth and exquisite or white like jade glittering and translucent perhaps get rid of is appeared, do not have interest one time. [limit of 9 a unit of length]   cliff is arduous, shedding of depth of water is urgent, cay chess cloth, natural landscape develop a school of one's own. Precipice is continuous more than meters 400, in the be the champion in cliff of corrode of countrywide numerous sea. Hill of scene region market, sea, reef, cliff, hole and historic site at an organic whole, be in harmony is strange, male, beautiful, beautiful, danger, magical at a suit. [immense forest park]   north receives beacon hill, the long hill remaining part that jade beach holds to pile snow south (yellow Bohai Sea is handed in collect place) , lie between the aqueduct that enter a state and photograph of a fabled abode of immortals to look. Ascend Guan Haiting, can see the view of long hill a chain of islands not only, still can watch sunrise, sunset, can view and admire the rare world landscape such as mirage even. [island of 10 thousand birds]   weighs a car again by the island, the dwell on the island is residing the seabird such as swift of cormorant of gull of tens of thousands of black end, sea, white waist, complete island only mid one culvert can come half way up the mountain, person " road of exceeding lofty or great " , extremely arduous. Go on road of exceeding lofty or great, the kingdom of Yu Haiou of just like place oneself, enter the peak, plunge into the gull bird that plunge into closely to get on next turning over to fly, can admire follow one's inclinationsly unique " gull bird 100 condition pursue " . Grow an island, all previous calls temple island archipelago, call long hill a chain of islands again, by 32 islands composition, insular land area 55.96 square kilometer, area of entire county maritime space 8700 square kilometer, coasting grows 146 kilometers, subject Yantai city. Long island county is located in glue east with distant east between the peninsula, yellow Sea, Bohai Sea is handed in collect place, yantai is faced south, north leans on Dalian, beijing ferry leans on the west, sea facies is lain between to look with Korea, Japan east. Grow the ground that insular Gu Weilai smooths, qin Chao belongs to yellow county, tang Shenlong 3 years (the Christian era 707 years) put in county of a fabled abode of immortals 's charge administer. Set canton of long hill island 1929, subject Shandong visits government office. In August 1945, establish special zone of long hill island, subject the North sea is exclusive. After long in August 1949 island is liberated, still establish special zone of long hill island. 1956 5 days, long island county is subject Lai in relief zone, hind subject Yantai zone. Restored to grow insular county in October 1963, subject Yantai zone. City of subject in November 1983 Yantai. Politics area differentiates: Show administer 8 villages and towns, 40 administrative village, a the city zone is street agency. Long island belongs to continental climate of area of monsoon of Asian the eastpart part, have the characteristic with wintry warm cool summer, year average air temperature 11.9 ℃ , frost-free period 243 days. Entire county forest is enclothed rate 53.2% , unique manage position and advantageous natural condition, make become what migrant migrates to need the ground of classics, annual the migrant of by way of has more than kinds 200, 1 million, enjoy migrant " dak " beautiful praise, groove guard of nature of level of the state that be labelled. A fabled abode of immortals is faced south long island, north receives brigade to arrange, natural scene is beautiful, climate is delightful. There is dotted harbour all round islands, numerous briny bathhouse, still have 1000 appearance the stone of strange reef different of 100 condition, element has " maritime elfland " say, it and a fabled abode of immortals are labelled scenery of class of home of long country consisting of one or more islands of a fabled abode of immortals scenic spot area. Long island does not have an island not beautiful, do not surprise without the island, it is the maritime big garden with one natural place. Famous tourist attraction has: Cliff of 9 a unit of length (half moon bay) , island of Ji of door of reef of ungual hill of temple island, dragon, pagoda, pearl, the sliding weight of a steelyard. To accelerate the development of career of travel length an island, a batch of new tourist attractions if park of amorous feelings of folk-custom of area of scene of hill of immense forest peak, reef looking at blessing open to tourist in succession again. Thing of beautiful long island long island is narrow, north and south is long, look on the map thin grow again, make grow an island so. Also someone says fierce of Qin Huang Chinese thinks to ascend this island can immortal, name it immortal not old island, grow an island namely. .
