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青州回民街美食? 汕头美食街在哪?英文双语对照


青州回民街美食? 汕头美食街在哪?英文双语对照




从金凤坛向摩罗街方向走,看到华生药店就向右拐,就是小吃街了。1、金凤坛(摩罗街) 你到了那里问下就知道了。在小巷里。有十多家小吃摊,开到晚上7点半吧!价格很实惠!





1、恒茂美食一条街  位于广场南路的恒茂美食街连锁店多,美食的种类也不少,街道旁还有下午茶,店内的喝茶环境很不错,适合朋友聚会聊天。  


3、百盛后面的美食街  这是一条无名的街道,但位置却非常容易寻找。因为这条街道就是南昌中山路百盛购物广场旁边的一条小巷子,被称为“隐藏在深处的美味小吃街”。口味虾、担担面、花甲,是网友们热衷的美味。  

4、绳金塔美食街  位于南昌市西湖区绳金塔,是南昌著名的夜宵一条街。绳金塔的瓦罐汤很有名,味道很不错。  

5、万达金街主题餐厅一条街  红谷滩万达金街位于红谷滩万达广场的第一层,是一条由各种美味组成的美食街,其中又以外国风情餐厅为主。  

6、建德观火锅一条街  建德观街的餐饮有着10多年的历史,如今,已成为南昌市的火锅一条街。  

7、羊子巷赣味烧菜馆一条街  羊子巷之所以在南昌的人气颇高,很大的原因都在于这条巷子藏匿着许多餐厅和美食。羊子巷有许多的两室一厅餐馆,都是由原来老的居民房改建而成。里面的菜系颇具南昌特色,非常好吃。有代表的如花甲、油浸鱼、飘香鸭和甲鱼等。  

8、福州路烧烤一条街  福州路原本是有名的运动一条街,沿街有各种运动场馆和服饰店。不过到了晚上,福州路便成了南昌的烧烤夜宵聚集地。各种夜市排档一路排开,热闹非常。必点的有烤牛肉、烤小黄鱼、烤羊肉、烤馒头、烤鸡翅等。  

9、船山路烤鱼一条街  南昌市船山路的烤鱼味道独到,在南昌可谓颇具特色,到了夏天,这里更是变成了小龙虾一条街。除此之外,船山路的田螺王、甲鱼也堪称一绝,被吃货们所喜爱。  

10、丁公路美食一条街  丁公路是南昌最古老的街道之一,也是南昌人颇为熟悉的美食一条街。街边有米线馆、饺子馆、烧菜馆和汤包店等,餐厅内的粉蒸肉、铁板鲈鱼等受美食爱好者欢迎。  

11、蛤蟆街小吃一条街 南昌市的蛤蟆街(豫章后街)是一条名副其实的美食街,在南昌可谓无人不知无人不晓。在南昌蛤蟆街上,光小吃店就有14家,还不算旁边的餐馆及各类特色食品店。


近几年方庄美食街已成为南城美食界的龙头,数十家餐馆编织成的方庄美食网络可与东城簋街齐名。食街餐馆设施完备,店面宽阔,菜系全面而多样,中餐、西餐交相辉映。 乘车路线:乘37、39支、122、800路十里河站下


广州美食街的地方太多了,越秀区 惠福东风味食街、禺山路至惠福东路盘福流花美食街区、盘福路、人民北路及周边东山区、环市东国际商务美食区、环市东路东都大世界美食街、环市东路东都大世界荔湾区、广州美食园、泮塘路及周边沙面异域风情美食区、沙面芳村区、花地休闲美食天地、花蕾路及周边天河区、龙口西风味美食街、龙口西路体育东商务美食区、体育东路北段粤垦路美食街、粤垦憨珐封貉莩股凤瘫脯凯路白云区、白云大道美食长廊、白云大道黄埔区、丰乐北美食街、丰乐北路番禺区、雁洲河鲜食街、清河东路洛溪特色风情美食街、洛溪新城花都区、花都美食街、新华镇站前路从化市、温泉美食街、温泉镇增城市、荔乡美食街、荔园路至荔兴路、还有岭南传统特色美食和东南亚风味美食,以中档消费为主。一条街都是美食,各种口味,各种连锁店和传统广州老店云集,总有一款合你胃口!






莱蒙都会 南大街三楼 迎春步行街里面 还有文化宫对面的小巷子里 就是二院那边啦 有很多好吃的




在湖滨北大道上,乘坐 4路,103路,都可以到天衢工业园的“美食街”,(原来好象叫果园路的)。路口有一个摩托车学院。


One, cate of street of the Hui people of green administrative division?

Big skin courtyard, short for Shaanxi Province 13, spend grandma plum juice, fermented glutinous rice, home Laoli miscellaneous liver

2, is street of Shan head cate in?

Cong Jinfeng altar to rub Luo Jie direction goes, see China crude drug inn right abduct, be fastfood street. 1, Jin Feng altar (rub Luo Jie) you arrived over there ask to know. In lane. Have more than 10 fastfood vendor's stand, leave in the evening at 7 o'clock half! The price is very substantial!

3, Jin Sha countryside has then famous " hemp hot market " , hemp of a lot of booth is hot very hot, apricot beautiful market also calculates once fastfood street, just did not flourish so before now, 3 in around also be the fastfood place that centers quite, the characteristic of Shan head can eat in that.

4, suggest you go littoral way looks, that has small night fair.

3, is Nanchang cate street in?


1, Heng Maomei feeds a street to be located in south square the Heng Maomei of the road feeds a street to interlink inn much, the sort of cate is not little also, street by still have afternoon tea, the environment drinking tea inside inn is very good, suit friend party to chat.   

2, Taiwan cate street is located in inside square of autumn water of new developed area of Nanchang city Gong Gu beach, it is Jiangxi first Taiwan is fastfood street, but the price slants a bit expensive.   

3, 100 fill the cate street from the back this is anonymous street, but the position is searched very easily however. Because of this street it is a lane on the side of shopping square of Nanchang Zhongshan Lu Baicheng child, be called " the delicate and fastfood street that is concealed in the depth " . Taste shrimp, Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce, a cycle of sixty years, it is netizens those who be fond of is delicate.   

4, street of cate of stringy gold tower is located in tower of gold of rope of area of Nanchang city west lake, it is the food taken late at night with famous Nanchang a street. The soup of made of baked clay canister of stringy gold tower is very famous, taste is very good.   

5, dining-room of theme of the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold the 10 thousand streets that amount to gold are located in beach of red cereal of a street red Gu Tan the 10 thousand ground floor that amount to square, be by the cate street of all sorts of delicate composition, give priority to with dining-room of foreign amorous feelings again among them.   

6, build heart view chaffy dish the meal that a street builds heart outlook market is having 10 old histories, nowadays, the chaffy dish that already became Nanchang city a street.   

7, flavour of another name for Jiangxi Province of Yang Zi alley burns food shop Yang Zi alley is in a street the person morale of Nanchang is quite high, very big reason depends on this alley child conceal is worn a lot of dining-room and cate. Yang Zi alley has a lot of two rooms one hall cafeteria, it is be rebuilt by old before dweller house and become. The dish department inside has Nanchang distinguishing feature quite, very delicious. Have a delegate like fish of a cycle of sixty years, oily dip, wave sweet duck and soft-shelled turtle.   

8, Fuzhou road barbecue road of Fuzhou of a street is famous motion originally a street, edge street has all sorts of motion place and dress shop. Arrived nevertheless in the evening, fuzhou road became the barbecue food taken late at night of Nanchang to collect the ground. All sorts of night fair discharge archives to be discharged all the way, lively and special. Nod surely wing of the beef that bake, little yellow croaker that bake, hotpot that bake, steamed bread that bake, chicken that bake waits.   

9, grilled fish of boat hill road the grilled fish flavour of road of hill of boat of city of Nanchang of a street is original, have distinguishing feature quite in Nanchang it may be said, arrived summer, here was to turn crayfish into a street more. Besides, the river snail king of boat hill road, soft-shelled turtle also can weighs a special skill, goods be eatinged people be loved.   

10, fourth highway cate fourth highway of a street is Nanchang the oldest street one of, also be Nanchang person's very familiar cate a street. Street edge has the rice line house, dumpling house, house that cook food and dumpling inn to wait, weever of the powdery evaporate flesh inside dining-room, iron plate get cate lover reception.   

11, toad street is fastfood the toad street of city of Nanchang of a street (comfort chapter back street) the cate street that is a be worthy of the name, in Nanchang it may be said nobody do not know nobody not dawn. On Nanchang toad street, smooth snack bar has 14, still do not calculate the cafeteria on the side and store of food of of all kinds characteristic.

4, is street of square village cate in which / ?

In last few years street of square village cate already was become south the bibcock of city cate bound, the network of square village cate that tens of home cafeteria braid but with east street of city a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles is eponymous. Establishment of the cafeteria that feed a market is complete, storefront is broad, dish is comprehensive and diversiform, chinese meal, Western-style food hands in photograph reflect. Take car course: Multiply 37, 39, 122, below stations of 800 10 lis of rivers

5, where is Guangzhou cate street?

The place of Guangzhou cate street is too much, flavour of east wind of blessing of benefit of more beautiful area feeds street, Yu hill Lu Zhihui blessing east Lu Panfu sheds road of north of beautiful cate block, Pan Fulu, people and periphery east city of a mountainous area, annulus east area of cate of international business affairs, with intermediate consumption is given priority to. A street is cate, all sorts of taste, old store of all sorts of chain store and traditional Guangzhou gathers, always one adds up to your appetite!

6, does Jing Tianmei feed a street to be in?

Lotus road and crossing of scene cropland road, scene cropland road has plain dish, Hunan dish, congee toward north, among them plain food is good. Scene cropland road has southward in seminary Islamic dining-room, originate in the has scene cropland public house the East China Sea opposite side, the petty gain of scene cropland north some, jing Tianna these two a few more expensive.

7, where be from tribute cate street?

Many homocentric road is delicious and amused, fastfood still be in Oriental square, additional, the delicious hare that collects Dong Dangui and the dry boiler hare of one hospital backside must queue up everyday

8, where is Changzhou cate street?

The ave austral unconscious metropolis returns Lai inside shopping mall of 3 buildings winter jasmine literate the lane on palace child in it is 2 courtyards there have a lot of delicious

9, is bright cate street in Heng Shuidong?

The A on the map chooses the place, it is Dong Ming a street inside content shedding garden

10, is street of heart city cate in which?

On lakeside north highway, take 4, 103, can thoroughfare to the day of industrial garden " cate street " , (seem to call an orchard the road so) . Crossing has an autocycle college.
