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The Confucianist is Confucius institute founds, its become part of institute of Mencius place development, Xun Zi greatly, later Yan Mian is ceaseless, still have the academic school of certain vitality up to now.

Confucianism is very deep to the influence of Chinese culture, the feudal society that comes thousands of years, chinese acting generation imparts nothing more than " the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) " , " the five classics " . The responsibility thought in Chinese gene (it is with the world oneself) , thought of faithful filial piety (benevolence, justice, ceremony, wisdom, letter) , the thought of excuse me (personal place not desire, do not apply at the person) , ethical thought (cultivate one's morality, neat home, manage state affairs, smooth the world) the result that is Confucianism and absolute and regnant union.

Commentate, commentate the meaning of the door, Buddhism. Commentate namely a branch of the Buddhist, with confluence of Taoist school photograph.

Commentate- - Zen Shang Jing is realized, expensive disengagement, it is time in order to enter surely, it is method in order to join card, can hereat and realize somewhat, after that sexual static heart is empty, break away from all hanging to hinder. Without hang hinder this do not have horror, do not have Qing Dynasty of horror criterion god, divine Qing Dynasty is enraged sufficient, energy of life is full a not in the proper way of meet an emergency, random unripe artful. So after that, bright at the law not stick to at the law, heavy its heart and do not move its to enrage. For the angle from broad sense, commentate a general designation of the abbe lay Buddhist that the home is devotional buddhism, their life world accepts dominant of Buddhist and devotional place.

Year period, the great wisdom of wise man of father collect ancient emperor. Summed up the elite of old Taoist school idea, formed Taoist school the theory of whole system, indicating Taoist school mind is already official shape. Taoist school is right China philosophy, literature, science and technology, artistic, music, preserve one's health, religion affects the most far-reaching school etc.

Taoist school with " path " for core, think the highway is do-nothing, stand way way is natural, put forward to lay a law, with female defend male, firm soft and the politics such as aid, economy, manage state affairs, military affairs is politic, have simple dialectic idea, be " the various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty " in a very important philosophy genre, consist in China each culture domain, produced tremendous effect to the culture of China and even world. Scholar of many China and foreign countries begins to notice as active as what absorb Taoist school idea, friend learned man says: "Taoist school thought can look for the child with Chinese great nation. It is the center of national thought, have greatly ' benevolence person those who see call benevolence, the person that know sees call know, common people daily expense and do not know ' lofty quality. Common people daily expense and do not know ' lofty quality..

After evolving through long-term history actually, confucianism, commentate, path had permeated 3 times each other, mutual absorb, go up somehow already " 3 teach an organic whole " . Shaolin Temple has a consecrate the place of Shi Jiamou Buddhist nun, Confucius, father, couplet is: "A hunderd schools disputes put in order, unify of 10 thousand laws; 3 teach an organic whole, 9 flow with the source " , little room hill still has a couplet: "Just divide person of heaven and earth to always belong to one manage, religion have Confucianism commentate path eventually one road " , generalize very reach the designated position, that is to say we can set out from different way, but final we can achieve common goal.

The Confucianist, Taoist school, Buddhist is our country on culture history 3 kinds of important thought resource and thought tradition. Chinese article spirit, behave especially go up in life wisdom. The life wisdom of Confucianist Confucius, Mencius, Xun Zi is the wisdom of heart sex, the wisdom of ceremony happy Jiaohua, pass the time that cultivate one's morality practices, with one one's heart is intellectual and know a day. The life wisdom of Taoist school father, village is vacant wisdom, free wisdom, surmount content desire, transcend self, emphasize its are comfortably, eulogize of life ego super- unplug fly across, be sure the be in harmony is the same as body between me mixes thing. Buddhist life wisdom is unfixed wisdom, without hold wisdom, edify people sky to drop explicit quest, on clear up heart cranky, defeat oneself prisoner's cage, realize life continuously this true. Confucianism the philosophy that Shi Daosan teachs, was full of be in harmony of general harmony, garden not to have the wisdom that hinder, there still are its value and sense today.

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