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健身增加肌肉,还是吃馒头比较好。馒头和米饭相比,含有的纤维素比较少,营养也少,可以提升胰岛素水平。不过由于健身后需要比较容易消化的碳水化合物来恢复机体的肌 以糖水平,提升胰岛素分泌来帮助肌肉生长,所以白面馒头反而成为比较好的选择。吃一个二两的馒头,就能提供大约50克易消化的碳水化合物。












建议健身前吃饭哦,减肥期间建议以红薯、地瓜、 土豆、芋头等热量低的代替主食




























Filling carbon of the steamed bread after fitness how many appropriate?

Filling carbon of the steamed bread after fitness 2 appropriate

Add muscle the need below normal circumstance eats 2g carbohydrate. Adding muscle basically is to add the muscle inside body, explain content of the muscle inside body is less, need has the food improvement of a few carbohydrate, common carbohydrate includes violet potato, yam and rice to wait, can complement energy, form muscle next, achieve the result that increases flesh thereby, so need eats 2g carbohydrate

Does fitness add flesh rice and steamed bread which good?

Fitness adds muscle, still eat a steamed bread to had been compared. Steamed bread and rice photograph are compared, contained cellulose is less, nutrition is little also, can promote insulin the standard. The flesh that compares easy digestive carbohydrate to restore airframe as a result of the need after fitness nevertheless is made the same score with syrup, promotion insulin secretes help muscle to grow, so flour steamed bread makes better choice instead. Take a steamed bread of 19, can offer about 50 grams digestible carbohydrate.

Is flourishing young small steamed bread right gymnastical advantage?

Flourishing is right gymnastical advantage, OK and complementary capabilities, satisfy one's hunger.

Main raw material is small steamed bread of young of flourishing of flourishing young small steamed bread source of breast of entrance of potato starch, New Zealand, egg, honey, bases is calcium, protein, carbohydrate, very get child reception.

Is fitness over to treat as with the steamed bread is carbolic water compensatory and appropriate?


As carbolic water complement has a lot of sort.

1, noodle kind: Compare in daily life contain the noodle with tall carbohydrate commonly kind food has steamed bread, steamed stuffed bun, noodle and biscuit to wait normally.

2, cereal kind: Cereal kind food has oaten, rice, millet, broomcorn, polished glutinous rice and the seed of Job's tears to wait normally.

3, rhizome greengrocery: Rhizome kind vegetable has taro, potato, yam, yam, Chinese chestnut to wait commonly.

Beyond the food that contains carbohydrate besides above, the food that contains carbohydrate still has water fruit, dry fruit

Does fitness play in the evening it is OK to eat an egg to fry a steamed bread?

Suggest to have a meal before fitness, during reducing weight, suggest to replace staple food lowly with the quantity of heat such as yam, pachyrhizus, potato, taro

Practice of steamed bread of steamed bread inn?

1. needs to prepare right amount flour, white sugar, yeasty, clear water.

The wheaten flour that 2. takes out 600 grams and 250 grams warm water have mix.

3. is joined in the bowl next about the same the yeast of 5 grams and Wen Shui an agitate.

4. white sugar is about the same 80 grams left and right sides is OK, if you like,eat sweet word to also can be added more according to his taste a bit. One bit warm water is put to melt white sugar in putting the bowl that has white sugar.

5. agitate digs a small hole among good flour, pour ready yeast into small hole, next the white syrup that rejoin prepares.

It is OK that 6. is met like that with the hand energetically knead, small after kneading, put flour 15 minutes or so to continue again knead.

Be about to undertake fermenting after 7. knead became good, the time that ferments half hour is controlled is OK.

8. takes the flour group that has fermented, the group goes continueing to undertake knead with the hand after the gas inside, knead without bleb till.

9. is divided into right amount small portion, rub becomes roundlet state, rub good congee is put in wake aside face half hour.

10. puts the small dough that has waked undertake with cold water evaporate is boiled inside steam box, after risking energy of life again the time that evaporate influences 25 minutes. Attention, the foundation wants here of oneself steam box close the gender comes the palm charges time.

Flow of gymnastical house fitness?

The gymnastical flow of gymnastical house includes the following measure normally:

Above all, undertake warm-up, be like ran or skip, in order to prepare the body.

Next, undertake force trains, use appliance or self-prossessed training will enhance muscle power.

Next, undertake oxygen moves having, be like ran machine, elliptical machine or bicycle, in order to improve heart lungs function.

In addition, still can undertake flexibility trains, be like gem gal or drawing, in order to add the flexibility of the body.

Finally, undertake relaxation an activity, be like contemplative or deep breathing, in order to alleviate the insecurity of the body and pressure. Whole technological process should undertake adjustment mixing according to gymnastical target of the individual and physical ability level custom-built. Remember holding correct pose and breath in gymnastical process, how to mix in order to ensure completely the effect.

Dark sea, big steamed bread, small steamed bread, wooden steamed bread, colour steamed bread, have why to distinguish? Whether small steamed bread is colour steamed bread?

Wooden steamed bread is floorboard, colour steamed bread and small steamed bread are a thing, it is On-ear of wooden steamed bread, namely happy use series, be the type that stick ear. The price is lower than big steamed bread 1000 much. Big steamed bread is the type that include side.

Doesn't steamed bread of steamed bread machine blossom?

The steamed bread cannot blossom, with respect to the specification then you are in knead dough when additive reachs the designated position not quite, 40 ℃ control Wen Shui knead dough, the face cannot be mixed too hard, look according to room temperature wake face time length. The face goes up one times bigger, shape of key point of Cheng Dafeng check can.

The face did not wake hair is good, the steamed bread that comes out with respect to evaporate is harder, cannot blossom. Vivid good side, wake send 20 minutes, the boiler on cold water, evaporate 20 minutes, close igneous stew 5 minutes to give boiler.

Is evaporate steamed bread light of what steamed bread?

Because doing the knead dough with the continuous need in the process of the steamed bread, let dough look the surface smooth, have interest of pliable but strong, taste more delicious chew a feeling to eat more delicious more again.

Have again in evaporate steamed bread when can water vapour evaporates the surface in the steamed bread, the steamed bread looks to still shine glossily not only when the steamed bread gives boiler.

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