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泡泡龙游戏剧情? 泡泡龙游戏通关技巧?英文双语对照


泡泡龙游戏剧情? 泡泡龙游戏通关技巧?英文双语对照







1v1 房间 (2人玩家单挑)

普通房间 (多人玩家)

新手房间 (只有分数小于400而且总局数不超过200局的新手才能进)

3v3 房间 (2个队伍比赛,1个队伍3个人)

3v3 自动分组房间 (2个队伍比赛,1个队伍3个人,每玩完一局队伍都会有所改变)

情侣场 (2人组成队伍,2个队伍比赛) 注意:-500分以下小宝宝和高于-500分打的话,-500分小宝宝失败只扣1分,胜者只得1分-500分小宝宝胜利得10分,而不是1分





新手房间:与普通房间游戏规则一样,但只有分数低于400分,局数低于200局才可以在此房间战斗,积分规则也和普通房间一样。 主要有爆掉和下坠两种方式,前者是后者的基础。

(a) 泡泡爆掉:当玩家主动令游戏区形成 3 个或以上的同色泡泡相连,则这些泡泡将爆掉。

(b) 泡泡下坠:当爆掉的泡泡造成连接的异色泡泡失去挂点,则这些异色泡泡将下坠,算入消去的泡泡中。(下坠中的泡泡不对其他泡泡发生作用) 个人失败条件:泡泡下压越过下方的 “ 警戒线 ” 。







1. 团队分组:将参与者分成若干小组,每个小组人数均匀。

2. 道具准备:每个小组会获得一些气球、绳子、彩带等材料,用于制作泡泡龙。

3. 制作泡泡龙:小组成员共同协作,使用气球制作出龙的身体、头部和尾部,并使用绳子和彩带进行装饰。

4. 舞龙练习:各小组在规定的时间内练习舞龙,包括如何舞动龙身、配合音乐节奏等。

5. 舞龙比赛:各小组依次展示他们制作的泡泡龙,并进行舞龙表演。可以设置不同的比赛项目,如速度、技巧、创意等。

6. 评判与奖励:设立评委对各小组的表现进行评判,评选出最佳表现小组,并给予相应的奖励。

7. 总结与分享:游戏结束后,组织团队成员进行总结和分享,回顾游戏过程中的团队合作、沟通和创新等方面的经验和教训。




等级是小宝宝 0分 幼稚园学生 25分学前班学生 50分小学生 100分 初中生 150分中专生 250分 高中生 450分 大专生 800分 大学生 1100分 硕士生 1500分 博士生 2000分 博士后 3000分 泡泡导师 5000分泡泡教授 10000分泡泡名教授 20000分 泡泡院长 30000分 泡泡科学家 60000分 泡泡宇航员 100000分 泡泡火星人 150000分 泡泡宇宙超人 2000000分 就在进入游戏前的网页上


泡泡龙王国是一款经典的射击类游戏。玩家需要发射彩色泡泡,将相同颜色的泡泡连成一条直线,消除它们并得分。以下是泡泡龙王国游戏的规则:1. 游戏开始时,屏幕上会随机出现一定数量的彩色泡泡。2. 玩家需要控制泡泡龙射击新的泡泡,使其与同色泡泡连成一条直线。3. 玩家可以通过鼠标或按键来控制泡泡龙的移动位置,并按下发射键射出泡泡。4. 发射的泡泡会向上飞行,当泡泡碰到已有泡泡或屏幕上边缘时会停止。5. 当一个泡泡与相同颜色的泡泡连成一条直线时,这些连在一起的泡泡会消失,并得分。6. 泡泡龙射出的泡泡与已有泡泡接触时,颜色相同的泡泡会连成一条直线。7. 游戏结束条件:当屏幕上的泡泡触及底部边缘时,游戏结束。 8. 游戏得分:消除一个泡泡可获得相应的分数。分数会根据连击数、消除泡泡的数量和难度等因素进行累积。9. 游戏中存在一些特殊的泡泡,如炸弹泡泡、彩虹泡泡等,它们有着不同的属性和效果,能够帮助玩家更快地消除泡泡。10. 在游戏中,有限的时间是一种限制因素。玩家需要在规定时间内尽可能地消除更多的泡泡获得高分。11. 玩家可以挑战自己的最高分,或与其他玩家进行比较和竞争。以上就是泡泡龙王国游戏的基本规则。玩家需要掌握射击的技巧和策略,以最高效的方式消除泡泡,获得更高的得分。





你打开我的电脑后,依次是C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQGAME 打开QQGAMEA文件夹后找到你要删除的游戏文件夹,我举一个例子,比如你想删除泡泡龙这个游戏,里面有个名字为paopaolong的文件夹,你打开后,点击最后那个UNWISE.EXE就能进行删除了,不过游戏文件夹的名字都是英文和简写的,你要删除的时候要多留意了! 祝你开心!


就是多练呀 还有就是累计泡泡 还可以在可以打掉泡泡的情况下,在下面附加泡泡 那样的话可以多得泡泡哦 泡泡多可以给自己消 还可以给别人加






One, gut of hubble-bubble dragon game?

" hubble-bubble dragon " be by a of TAITO research and development recreational game, released first 1994. Game plays a way is the player is played from lower part center bead launcher shoots colour bead, 3 over are the same as color bead to be linked together to be able to disappear. Also support two-men sport, nevertheless this mode falls, two players compete each other: One eliminates big hubble-bubble to be able to change position of the other side

2, is hubble-bubble dragon game connected close skill?

The person that has employed hubble-bubble dragon knows, hubble-bubble dragon is opening what give out when the bureau is the spherule with lots and lots of differ color. And the regulation that they discharge cloth is upside cent color is unified, next parts are messier. The method that everybody tells here is from by by-blow.

At the beginning when, we want method eliminates the spherule of some edge, no matter left still is right. The empty area that uses us to eliminate spherule place to arise next adds the wall of that one side. Blast off to divide concolorous spherule with upside to wall finally, use the rebounds to divide upside directly spherule of wall to eliminate next, so the spherule of next parts can drop naturally. Thereby we with respect to can light reach a standard.

3, is the game of hubble-bubble dragon regular?

1v1 room (sheet of 2 people player is carried)

Average room (much person player)

Novice room (only the mark is less than 400 and the novice ability that total bureau number does not exceed 200 bureaus is entered)

3v3 room (2 teams game, a team 3 people)

3v3 is automatic in group room (2 teams game, a team 3 people, every play one bureau team to be able to be changed somewhat)

Sweethearts field (2 people form a team, 2 teams game) attention: - 500 minutes of the following little baby and prep above - if be being hit 500 minutes, - failure of 500 minutes of little baby buckles 1 minute only, the winner is obliged 1 minute - 500 minutes of little baby win 10 minutes, is not 1 minute

Times doubler integral card: Pair of times integral gets stuck to just obtain place to obtain fractional general × 2, the mark that failure just loses not × 2, ask each player to be at ease.

1v1 room: 1 pair of 1 sheet is carried, triumphal one party obtains 10 minutes, subtract of unsuccessful one party 10 minutes.

3v3 room and 3v3 freedom in group room: Game begins meeting cent to be two groups, triumphal one party obtains 10 minutes each, unsuccessful one party his subtract 10 minutes. (Ask an attention: Be in each 3v3 field, those who notice people place weighs 3v3 field " custom " , 4 when must hit oneself first each namely, hit someone else again, or your comrade-in-arms is given to eliminate by X person, then you can not hit 4 your first, hit first destroy the person of your comrade-in-arms. Inobservant " custom " the likelihood is scolded by others or open small horn to scold)

Average room: It is a lot of people are together (6 people of 2 ~ ) can group group, free perhaps person (namely nobody helps you, with respect to you one person hits all person) , the everybody in the person group of group group died to just calculate failure.

Novice room: Like regulation of average room game, but have a mark only under 400 minutes, bureau number just can fight in this room under 200 bureaus, integral regulation also is mixed average room is same. Basically have explode with straining two kinds of means, former the foundation that is latter.

(A) hubble-bubble explodes: Make actively when the player game area forms 3 or the hubble-bubble is the same as color of above is linked together, criterion these hubble-bubble will explode.

(B) hubble-bubble straining: Cause hubble-bubble of connective contamination of waste enamel to lose when the hubble-bubble that explodes register a drop, criterion hubble-bubble of these contamination of waste enamel straining, in the hubble-bubble that calculates expunction. (the hubble-bubble in straining is incorrect and other hubble-bubble happening action) individual failure condition: Hubble-bubble falls press those who cross lower part " cordon " .

Individual victory condition: Oneself did not obtain individual failure condition, other player all obtains individual failure condition.

Group failure condition: All players inside the team all obtain individual failure condition.

Group victory condition: This team did not obtain group failure condition, other team or player all obtain unsuccessful condition.

4, does hubble-bubble dragon group propose game regulation?

Hubble-bubble dragon group builds game is activity of construction of group of a kind of originality, its are regular and likely because of different organizer and group somewhat difference. It is a main hubble-bubble dragon group below build game regulation give typical examples:


1.  Group in group: participator cent becomes a certain number of groups, every group strength is even.

2.  Prop preparation: Every group can obtain the data such as a few balloons, cord, colored ribbon, use at making hubble-bubble a surname.

3.  Dragon of the hubble-bubble that make: The group becomes a joint efforts, use balloon makes the body that makes a surname, head and tail, use cord and colored ribbon to undertake decorating.

4.  Dance dragon practices: Each group practices dance dragon inside formulary time, include how to wave dragon body, cooperate musical rhythm to wait.

5.  Dance dragon match: Each group is ordinal the hubble-bubble dragon that reveals them to make, undertake dance dragon is performed. Can set different match project, wait like speed, skill, originality.

6.  Judge and award: Establish a commissioner to have judge to the expression of each group, choose optimal expression group, give corresponding award.

7.  Summary and share: After game ends, constituent group member undertakes sum up and be sharinged, the group collaboration in reviewing game process, communicate the experience that waits for a respect with innovation and lesson.


In game process, group member needs clasp, develop originality, show group spirit. In the meantime, the attention is safe, avoid to use acerb article or excessive cause balloon rupture forcibly. Specific regulation can undertake adjust and complementing according to actual condition, in order to ensure the interest sex of game and group build the effect.

5, QQ game " hubble-bubble dragon " level?

Grade is student of the class before 0 minutes of kindergarten students learn little baby 25 minutes 50 minutes 100 minutes of junior high school give birth to pupil 150 minutes the technical secondary school gives birth to high school 250 minutes to give birth to three-year institution of higher learning 450 minutes to give birth to an undergraduate 800 minutes 1100 minutes the Master gives birth to a doctoral student 1500 minutes 2000 minutes postdoctoral adviser of 3000 minutes of hubble-bubble 5000 minutes of hubble-bubble

6, is game of hubble-bubble dragon kingdom regular?

Country of hubble-bubble the Dragon King is a classical fire kind game. The player needs to launch chromatic hubble-bubble, the hubble-bubble of will same color becomes repeatedly linear, eliminate them and notch. It is the regulation of game of hubble-bubble dragon kingdom below: 1. Game in the begining, a certain quantity of color hubble-bubble can appear randomly on screen. 2. The player needs to control hubble-bubble dragon to shoot new hubble-bubble, make its connect with the hubble-bubble that be the same as color linear. 3. The player can pass a mouse or key-press dominates the mobile niche of hubble-bubble dragon, press emissive key shoots a hubble-bubble. 4. Emissive hubble-bubble can fly up, come up against the meeting when already having the edge on hubble-bubble or screen to stop when hubble-bubble. 5. Become repeatedly when the hubble-bubble of a hubble-bubble and same color linear when, the hubble-bubble that these together connecting can disappear, notch. 6. The hubble-bubble that hubble-bubble dragon shoots and when already hubble-bubble is contacted, the hubble-bubble with same color can become repeatedly linear. 7. Game ends a requirement: The hubble-bubble that goes up when screen touchs when bottom brim, game ends. 8. Game notchs: Eliminate a hubble-bubble to be able to gain corresponding mark. The mark can be mixed according to the double hit number, measure that removes hubble-bubble the element such as difficulty undertakes accumulative. 9. A few special hubble-bubble exist in game, wait like bomb hubble-bubble, rainbow hubble-bubble, they are having different attribute and effect, can help a player eliminate hubble-bubble quickly. 10. In game, limited time is element of a kind of limitation. Player need eliminates more hubble-bubble as far as possible to gain tall cent inside formulary time. 11. The player can challenge his highest cent, or undertake compare and competitive with other player. Above is the basic regulation of game of hubble-bubble dragon kingdom. The player needs to master gunshot skill and strategy, eliminate hubble-bubble with the most efficient way, obtain taller notch.

7, what game is hubble-bubble dragon?

Hubble-bubble dragon is a classical electronic game, was the earliest 1986 by Taito company on market opportunity platform release. In game, the player needs to control a dragon, chromatic hubble-bubble fire arrives in the other hubble-bubble on screen, should have 3 or when the hubble-bubble with above same color is together repeatedly, they can be eliminated and get a mark. The target of game is to eliminate more hubble-bubble as far as possible, till all hubble-bubble that go up till screen disappear.

Hubble-bubble dragon is simple and the game of addiction, have challenge sex and amusement, still have a lot of up to now different version and derive work to exist. This game is very popular on plane of family expenses sport, mobile phone and computer, it is a classical recreational recreation choice.

8, of download find fault are those Qq game in hubble-bubble dragon in which folder?

After you open my computer, ordinal it is C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQGAME opens the game folder that you find to want to delete after QQGAMEA folder, I cite a case, for instance you want to delete hubble-bubble dragon this game, there is a name to be the folder of Paopaolong inside, after you are opened, click that UNWISE.EXE can undertake deleting finally, nevertheless the name of game folder is English and logogram, when you should be deleted, want much more advertent! Wish you are happy!

9, the skill of dragon of hubble-bubble of game playing QQ?

Drill more namely ah still have even if accumulative total hubble-bubble is OK still fall in the circumstance that can destroy hubble-bubble, in that way word can get add below hubble-bubble more hubble-bubble oh hubble-bubble can give him disappear still can give others add more

10, the game hubble-bubble dragon that had better Fc play?

FC " hubble-bubble dragon 2 " it is a classical little game, the player manipulates foe of lovely logy of hubble-bubble dragon dry. Game picture wind and play Fadoubi simpler, exceedingly classical however. Interested player can download an attempt.

Game detail

FC edition shares 2 hubble-bubble dragon, their playing a way is same similar snowman brother, with the elimination of PC edition game plays a law to differ completely, 2 belts are compared with 1 belt rise, the picture has promotion a bit, do not live content side still

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