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  日本的法定节日:在法定的国民节日里,学校、机关、企业都放假。  元旦:1月1日。按照日本的风俗,除夕前要大扫除,并在门口挂草绳,插上桔子(称“注连绳”),门前摆松、竹、梅(称“门松”,现已改用画片代替),取意吉利。除夕晚上全家团聚吃过年面,半夜听“除夕钟声”守岁。元旦早上吃年糕汤(称“杂煮”)。  成人节:每年1月第2个星期一。日本的成人节源于古代的成人仪礼,而日本古代的成人仪礼是受中国“冠礼”的影响。所谓“冠礼”,指男子成年时举行的一种加冠的礼仪。从加冠这天起,冠者便被社会承认为已经成年。日本仿我国旧礼制,始行加冠制度在天武天皇十一年(公元683年)。按中国古代阴阳学说,冠日多选甲子、丙寅吉日,特别以正月为大吉。1948年,日本政府根据民俗规定满20岁的人要过“成人式”,目的是要让青年意识到自己已成为社会的正式成员。凡年满20岁的男女青年在成人节这天要身穿传统服装参加官方或民间团体为他们举办的成人仪式,内容包括年轻人宣誓、长者的祝贺和参拜神社以及参加各种传统的文娱活动等。  日本逾四成“新成人”对未来持悲观态度  建国纪念日:2月11日。据日本神话,神武天皇于公元前660年2月11日统一日本,建立日本国。“建国纪念日”的前身是第二次世界大战以前日本的“纪元节”(empire day)。第二次世界大战前和二战期间,当时的执政者为了在人民中间培植崇拜天皇的军国主义思想,将这一天作为纪念日本天皇祖先“建立”日本的功绩的纪念日。1948年在制定国民节日法时,否定了这个节日。1952年修改节日法时,又把2月11日更名为“建国纪念日”。从那时起,日本社会上就存在着赞成和反对两种不同的观点。  春分: 日历上的秋分日,按日历每年前后有所不同。歌颂自然,爱护生物。  宪法纪念日:5月3日。1947年5月3日,日本废除了明治宪法,实施新宪法。  男孩节(端午节):5月5日。在这一天,有儿子的家庭门前均悬挂着祝男孩子健康成长的“鲤鱼旗”。日本以阳历5月5日作为端午节。端午节与男孩节同日,所以这天家家户户门上还摆菖蒲叶,屋内挂钟馗驱鬼图,吃去邪的糕团(称“柏饼”)或粽子。“菖蒲”和“尚武”谐音,“鲤鱼旗”表示鲤鱼跳龙门。鲤鱼旗是用布或绸做成的空心鲤鱼,分为黑、红和青蓝三种颜色,黑代表父亲、红代表母亲、青蓝代表男孩,青蓝旗的个数代表男孩人数。日本人认为鲤鱼是力量和勇气的象征,表达了父母期望子孙成为勇敢坚强的武士的愿望。根据“尊重儿童的人格,谋求儿童的幸福,同时感谢母亲”的原则,规定这一天为全国公休日。  海之日:7月20日。制定于1941年,从1996年起成为国民纪念日。日本四面环海,为了感谢得自海洋的恩典,并祈祷能成为国运昌隆的海洋国家而制订。  敬老节:9月15日。日本人到42岁时才可以称“寿”做生日,通常被称为“初老”。到60岁时称为“还历”。77岁时为“喜寿”,88岁时为“米寿”,99岁为“白寿”,即百字少一,活到百岁就是“百寿”了。每年9月15日,日本各地都要开展敬老活动,为老人体检、整理修缮房屋、敬赠纪念品、组织慰问等。老人则根据自己的爱好,开展有益身心的活动。日本厚生省在这一天还要发布“长寿者名单”,登载在各地报纸上,只有百岁以上高龄者才能入闱。  秋分:日历上的秋分日,按日历每年前后有所不同,是天皇秋季祭祖的日子。  体育节:10月第2个星期一。纪念1964年第十八届奥运会在日本东京开幕。  文化节:11月3日。1945年以前,这一天作为明治天皇的生日举行庆贺活动。战后,它的主题被定为“爱自由,爱平等,促进文化发展”,在这天,对文化事业有卓越贡献者被授予“文化勋章”。  勤劳感谢节:11月23日。提倡勤劳,庆贺生产发展,国民之间相互感谢。  天皇诞生日:12月23日。明仁天皇于1933年12月23日出生。


Legal festival of Japan: In legal countryman festival, the school, mechanism, enterprise has a holiday. New year's day: On January 1. According to Japanese custom, general cleaning wants before the New Year's Eve, hang careless rope in the doorway, insert on orange (say " note even the rope " ) , loose, bamboo, plum is placed before the door (say " the door is loose " , already converted now a miniature reproduction of a painting replaces) , take meaning is auspicious. The New Year's Eve the family reunites in the evening eat spend the New Year face, listen in the middle of the night " ding of the New Year's Eve " stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve. New year's day has boiling water of New Year cake in the morning (say " miscellaneous boil " ) . Adult division: Annual in January the 2nd Monday. Adult division of Japan results from adult gift gift of ancient time, and the adult gift gift of Japanese ancient time is to suffer China " coronal ceremony " influence. Alleged " coronal ceremony " , those who show one kind when when the man grows up, hold adds a coronal is formal. From add a coronal this day, coronal person be admitted to be by the society already grown. Old ceremony of Japanese copy our country is made, only then add coronal system to be in all right day fierce the emperor of Japan 11 years (the Christian era 683 years) . Press doctrine of yin and yang of Chinese ancient time, coronal day picks day of auspicious of a cycle of sixty years, third the third of the twelve Earthly Branches more, special it is big auspicious with the first month of the lunar year. 1948, japanese government sets according to folk-custom full person of 20 years old has wanted " adult type " , the purpose is the formal member that should invite a youth to realize he already made a society. Every year full the adult ceremony that young men and women of 20 years old should wear traditional dress this day to attend the government or civilian group to be held for them in adult division, content includes a youth to make a pledge, the congratulation of better and organized body of mind of pay homage to and the entertainment activity that attend all sorts of conventions. Japan evens more 4 into " new adult " hold pessimistic attitude to found a state to future memorial: On Feburary 11. According to Japanese myth, divine fierce the emperor of Japan united Japan 660 years on Feburary 11 at BC, build Japan. "Found a state memorial " predecessor is the Second World War previously of Japan " epoch section " (Empire Day) . Mix before the Second World War during World War II, the in at that time the militaristic thought that to be among people implantation adores the emperor of Japan, regard souvenir as ancestor of Japanese the emperor of Japan this day " build " the fete of Japanese contribution. When making national festival way 1948, denied this festival. When revising festal law 1952, feburary 11 more the name is " found a state memorial " . Thenceforth rises, japan is worn with respect to existence socially the point of view that hold with and rejects two kinds differring. Spring equinox: The day of the autumnal equinox on calendar, by calendar annual around differs somewhat. Eulogize natural, cherish biology. Constitution fete: On May 3. On May 3, 1947, japan abolished bright treat constitution, carry out new constitution. Boy part () of dragon boat festival: On May 5. Be in this day, before the domestic door that has a son all pensile move wishs boy health grows " carp banner " . Japan served as dragon boat festival on May 5 with solar calendar. Dragon boat festival and boy part are the same as day, calamus leaf still is placed on door of this day of every family so, ghost of thoroughfaring drive of the wall clock inside house pursues, have lustral cake group (say " cypress cake " ) or zhongzi. "Calamus " and " martial " homophonic, "Carp banner " state the carp jumps dragon door. Carp banner is the hollow carp that uses cloth or silken make it, cent is planted for La San of black, Gong Heqing color, mother of black delegate father, red delegate, cyanine represents the boy, a number of several delegates boy of cyanine banner. What Japanese thinks the carp is force and courage is indicative, conveyed parental expectation descendants to make the wish of the cavalier of brave adamancy. Basis " the human dignity that values children, the happiness of seek children, thank a mother at the same time " principle, the regulation is day of countrywide general holidays one day this. The day of the sea: On July 20. Make 1941, become national fete since 1996. Japan is seagirt, derive from deep-sea favor for acknowledgment, pray the marine state that can become Guo Yunchang grand and formulate. Respect old division: On September 15. The ability when Japanese arrives 42 years old can say " birthday " do birthday, be called normally " first old " . When arriving 60 years old, call " return all previous " . It is when 77 years old " happy birthday " , it is when 88 years old " Mi Shou " , 99 years old are " Bai Shou " , namely 100 words are little one, living to be 100 years old is " 100 birthday " . Annual on September 15, japanese each district should be begun respect old activity, for old person check-up, arrange reparative building, resent respectfully souvenir, organization to express sympathy and solicitude for etc. The old person is liked according to his, develop the activity of good body and mind. Thick unripe province is in Japan one day this to be released even " macrobian person list " , publish go up in each district newspaper, ability of the person that have advanced age of 100 years old of above only enters imperial examination hall. The autumnal equinox: The day of the autumnal equinox on calendar, by calendar annual around differs somewhat, it is autumn of the emperor of Japan the day of ancestor of hold a memorial ceremony for. Sports section: In October the 2nd Monday. Commemorate the 18th Olympic Games kicked off in Japanese Tokyo 1964. The Cultural Festival: On November 3. Before 1945, this day of birthday that regards Ming Zhitian as emperor is held congratulate an activity. Afterwar, its theme is surely " love is free, love is equal, stimulative culture develops " , be in this day, to culture career outstanding contributor is awarded " culture decoration " . Thank a red-letter day with one's shoulder to collar: On November 23. Advocate laborious, congratulate manufacturing development, photograph mutual inductance withers between the countryman. Birthday of birth of the emperor of Japan: On December 23. Ming Rentian emperor was born on December 23, 1933.

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