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1. 时间选择:湘江夜游的最佳时间是在晚上,当天气较为凉爽,江边的灯光效果也更为璀璨。可以提前了解当地的日落时间,并在日落后安排行程。

2. 预订船票:湘江夜游有多个游船可供选择,可以提前预订船票,以确保有座位。在旅游旺季,船票可能会紧张,提前预订可以避免排队等待。

3. 欣赏灯光秀:湘江两岸的建筑物、桥梁和雕塑都会点亮华丽的灯光,形成一幅美丽的夜景。在游船上欣赏灯光秀,可以欣赏到长沙市区的美景。

4. 品尝特色美食:湘江沿岸有许多特色餐馆和小吃摊位,可以品尝到湖南的传统美食。推荐尝试湖南菜、江湖菜和夜市小吃等当地特色美食。

5. 欣赏夜景表演:湘江夜游期间,有时会有夜景表演活动,如音乐喷泉秀、烟花表演等。可以提前了解当地的表演活动,并安排在合适的时间观看。

6. 注意安全:在游船上或湘江边行走时,注意安全。遵守游船的规定和安全指示,避免走近江边或攀爬栏杆等危险行为。

7. 拍摄美景:湘江夜景非常适合拍摄,可以带上相机或手机,记录下美丽的瞬间。同时,注意保护个人财物,避免走失或丢失物品。












































Xiangjiang New Area
















娥皇、女英传说 娥皇、女英,相传为是中国古代华夏神话传说中帝尧的两个女儿,姐妹同嫁帝舜为妻。舜继尧位,娥皇、女英为其妃。 后来舜至南方巡视,死于苍梧。二妃往寻,得知舜帝已死,埋在九嶷山下,抱竹痛哭,泪染青竹,泪尽而死,因称“潇湘竹”或“湘妃竹”。自秦汉起,湘江之神湘君与湘夫人的爱情神话,被演变成舜与娥皇、女英的传说。后世因此又称二女为“湘夫人”。



1. 橘子洲头:橘子洲头是长沙最著名的景点之一,位于湘江中心的一个小岛上。从这里,你可以俯瞰湘江,欣赏到整个湘江两岸的美景,包括千岛湖、咸嘉湖和岳麓山的远景。

2. 岳麓山:岳麓山是长沙的地标性山峰,位于湘江西岸。从岳麓山的观景台上,你可以俯瞰湘江流经长沙市区的壮丽景色,包括星城湖、岳麓书院和河西赛格等地标建筑。

3. 湘江西大桥:湘江西大桥是长沙市的一座重要交通枢纽,不仅可以方便地穿越湘江,还提供了观赏湘江美景的绝佳位置。从桥上向两侧眺望,可以欣赏到湘江两岸的景色。

4. 湘江夜游:夜晚时分,湘江两岸的灯光熠熠生辉,非常迷人。乘坐游船在湘江上漫游,感受夜晚的湘江美景,是一种别样的体验。




湘江发源自广西壮族自治区临桂县海洋圩的海洋河,从湖南永州市东安县的瀑埠头向北流入湖南省境内,永州境内先后纳入紫水、石期河、潇水、应水、祁水、白水等支流,在衡阳市汇蒸水和耒水,衡山县纳洣水,渌口汇入渌水,湘潭市汇入涟水,长沙市区汇入浏阳河和捞刀河,于望城区的新康纳沩水,至湘阴县的濠河口分左右两支汇入洞庭湖,是湖南省最大的河流。湘江干流全长844公里, 流域面积94660平方公里。





沁园春 长沙 》原文及译文 毛泽东 原文 独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。

看万山红遍,层林尽染; 漫江碧透,百舸争流。

鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底, 万类霜天竞自由。

怅寥廓,问苍茫天地,谁主沉浮? 携来百侣曾游, 忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。

恰同学少年,风华正茂; 书生意气,挥斥方遒。

指点江山,激扬文字, 粪土当年万户侯。

曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟! 译文 在深秋一个天高气爽的日子里,我独自伫立在橘子洲头,眺望着湘江碧水缓缓北流. 看万座山变成了红色,一层层树林好象染过颜色一样;满江秋水清澈澄碧,一艘艘大船乘风破浪,争先恐后.雄鹰敏捷矫健,在辽阔的蓝天里飞翔,鱼儿轻快自如,在明净的水底里时沉时浮,一切生物都在秋天里争求自由. 面对着无边无际的宇宙,(千万种思绪一齐涌上心头)我要问:这苍茫大地的盛衰兴废,由谁决定,主宰? 回到过去,我和我的朋友,经常携手结伴来到这里漫游.在一起商讨国家大事,那无数不平凡的岁月至今还萦绕在我的心头. 同学们正值青春年少,风华正茂;大家踌躇满志,意气奔放,正强劲有力.评论国家大事,写出这些激浊扬清的文章,把当时那些达官贵人,军阀官僚看得如同粪土. 大家是否记得,当年我们在江水中游泳,那激起的浪花几乎挡住了疾驶而来的船?


Is Changsha Hunan river noctivagant travel strategy?

Changsha Hunan river is noctivagant activity of a be a the Changsha City famous travel, it is a few proposals and strategy offer reference below:

1.Time choice: The optimal time with Hunan noctivagant river is in the late evening, air is relatively cool that day, jiang Bian's lighting effects also more bright. Can understand sunset time of place ahead of schedule, arrange the route after sunset.

2.Reserve steamer ticket: Hunan river is noctivagant many yacht can offer an alternative, can reserve steamer ticket ahead of schedule, have a place in order to ensure. In travel busy season, steamer ticket may nervous, book ahead of schedule can avoid to queue up to await.

3.Admire lamplight show: The building of Hunan river two sides, bridge and sculpture can illume gorgeous lighting, form a beautiful night scene. Lamplight show is admired on yacht, can admire the beautiful scenery of area of the Changsha City.

4.Sample characteristic cate: Hunan river is coastal have a lot of characteristic cafeteria and fastfood stall, can taste the traditional cate of savor Hunan. Recommend an attempt dish of Hunan dish, all corners of the country and night fair are fastfood wait for local characteristic cate.

5.Enjoy night scene performance: During Hunan river is noctivagant, sometimes can night scene performs an activity, if musical fountain show, firework is performed,wait. Can understand performance activity of place ahead of schedule, arrange watch in right time.

6.The attention is safe: When go up in yacht or walking by the side of Hunan river, the attention is safe. Abide by the regulation of yacht and safe directive, avoid to approach Jiang Bian or climb climb the dangerous behavior such as baluster.

7.Film beautiful scenery: Hunan river night scene suits to film very much, can take photogenic machine or mobile phone, the record lays beautiful moment. In the meantime, the attention protects individual property, avoid be lost or missing article.

As a whole, changsha Hunan river is noctivagant it is a travel activity that is worth an experience very much, can enjoy culture of the beautiful night scene of area of the Changsha City and tradition. Plan good journey and time ahead of schedule, enjoy the beautiful scenery of night and cate, let itinerary more unforgettable.

Is Duan Kuan of Hunan river Changsha spent?

Rice of 1.11 meters of ~1000.

On 2. traditional sense, in going up, Hunan river cent is mixed downstream end gate 4 paragraphs, difference of each section landform is bigger, change of flow of water is bigger, the interaction of flow of water and landform brought about the complexity of landform landforms and diversity further.

Upper reaches: Smooth island (urine bayou) above. Source area altitude makes an appointment with 500 meters, rice of summit altitude 500-1500, rice of fluvial wide 110-400. Two side are in small country appearance. The valley shows V glyph. Riverbed much rock, beach is very fast. Riverbed is average slope falls 0.607 ‰ . River water crosses terrane to form gorge. Coastal burrow is numerous, groundwater is rich, amount of river water supply is large, have feature of the river between typical hill.

Middle reaches: Ping island comes Heng Yang paragraph. Rice of summit altitude 100-500, rice of river wide 250-630. Rise and fall upland littoral, the basin is dispersive at the same time, still have a valley. River valley is open, riverbed is pebble, key more, the beach is shallow, have feature of upland area river. Riverbed is average slope falls 0.129 ‰ .

Downstream: Heng Yang comes bridge mouth paragraph. Two sides has upland, Campagna and basin, there is distinct mountain range all round. River course is winding and meandering. Valley expanse, relief evenness, the river is wide 500-1000 rice.

Patulous data:

Hunan river sheds classics Hunan Province always city of state city, Heng Yang city, individual plant continent, Xiangtan city, the Changsha City, entering Jiang Shui of head of a county of shade of Hunan of Yue Yang city is lake of hole front courtyard. It is fountainhead with the Haihe River, hunan river trunk stream grows 844 kilometers, drainage area 94660 square kilometer. Major river belongs to Changsha Hunan river water system.

Hunan river drainage area is a water system that develop, have 3 big characteristics: It is a network of waterways concentrated. Affluent of size of 5 kilometers above 2157, among them one class affluent 124, main minor aspects 16, area kilometer of 1000 much square. Deep and clear among them the drainage area of water, Lei water, water is more than kilometer of 10 thousand square, the biggest to deep and clear water, drainage area kilometer of 12 thousand square.

Does Changsha Hunan river have many wide?

Width of Changsha Hunan river is controlled for 400 meters about.

 The data is knowable related the basis, width of Changsha Hunan river differs to 500 meters in 300 meters, among them the widest place is controlled for 500 meters about, the narrowest place criterion is 200 meters about.

Changsha Hunan river is one of lines of main force of Hunan Province traffic, also be one of channel with significant advanced position of the Yangtse River.

Besides giving a way as principal liaison man, hunan river periphery also is travel and recreational good place, the tourist can choose to take a walk in Hunan river bank, fishing, row wait for an activity.

Height above sea level of Changsha Hunan river?

The Hunan river that Changsha is located in in Hunan is downstream, cross Hunan river two sides. Entire market is accumulated 11819.46 (among them the urban district 554) square kilometer. Changsha is average altitude: 44.9m, area of the Changsha City is highest for altitude of Yue Lu hill 300.8 meters.

Limits of new developed area of Changsha Hunan river?

Chinese name

New developed area of Hunan Hunan river


490 square kilometer

Population is measured

1.34 million (2015)

Canton category

National level new developed area

Leave administer area

Area of high mountain the foot of mountain, look at part of county of the city zone, peaceful countryside

Climate type

Semi-tropical monsoon sex is wet climate


Hunan language


Bank of Jiangxi of Hunan of the Changsha City

Local total output value

97 billion yuan (2014)

Build time

On May 24, 2015

Famous tourist attraction

Hill of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, peach blossom mountain, king

The party is versed in appoint secretary

Zheng Jianxin [2]

Foreign language name

Xiangjiang New Area


Bank of Jiangxi of Hunan of Hunan governor sanded city

Governmental place where troops

The Changsha City western Yue Jinglu of Yue Lu area 850

Phone area size


Zip code


The airport

Airport of Changsha chrysanthemum International Airport, Shaoshan

Railway station

West station of tall iron of Changsha railway station, Changsha, peaceful country stands

Plate code

Hunan A

Literary quotation of history of Changsha Hunan river?

E emperor, female flower fabulous E emperor, female flower, according to legend is is two daughters of the Di Yao in fokelore of myth of an ancient name for China of Chinese ancient time, the sister is married together Di Shun is wife. Shun Jiyao, e emperor, female flower for its the wife of a prince. Shun is inspected to southern make one's rounds later, die at Cang Wu. 2 the wife of a prince are gone to search, be informed Shun emperor to already died, bury below 9 Yi hill, hold bamboo cry bitterly in the arms, the tear catchs Qing Zhu, the tear is used up and die, because say " Xiao Xiangzhu " or " mottled bamboo " . Since Qin Han, the love of the divine Hunan gentleman of Hunan river and Hunan madam is mythological, cheng Shun be evolvinged into and E emperor, female flower fabulous. Later ages says again accordingly 2 female for " Hunan madam " .

Is Changsha Hunan river optimal angle?

Changsha is located in Hunan river riverside, admiring Hunan river beautiful scenery is the one big characteristic of this city. Although neither one is secured " optimal " angle, but the superexcellent perspective that the following places can offer beautiful scenery of appreciation Hunan river:

1.Orange continent head: Orange continent head is one of tourist attractions with the famousest Changsha, on an isle that is located in Hunan river center. From here, you can look down at Hunan river, admire the beautiful scenery of two sides of whole Hunan river, include 1000 islands lake, Xian Jiahu and the prospect of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain.

2.Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain: Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain is the mountain peak of ground mark sex of Changsha, be located in Hunan Jiangxi bank. From the view scene stage of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, you can look down at Hunan river spreads the gallant landscape of classics Changsha urban district,

3.Hunan Jiangxi big bridge: Hunan Jiangxi big bridge is hub of a of the the Changsha City principal liaison man, can pass through conveniently not only Hunan river, still provided the superexcellent place that views and admire Hunan river beautiful scenery. Look at to two side from the bridge, can admire the scenery of Hunan river two sides.

4.Hunan river is noctivagant: Night time, the lamplight Yi Yi of Hunan river two sides is unripe brightness, very attractive. Take yacht to roam on Hunan river, experience the Hunan river beautiful scenery of night, be a kind another experience.

Besides the place that above mentions, area of the Changsha City still has a lot of parks, bank the place such as river road can offer the opportunity that views and admire Hunan river beautiful scenery. According to individual be fond of and interest, choose appropriate view tourist attraction to admire the beautiful scenery of Hunan river.

Does the Hunan river of Changsha have many deep?

Depth of water of river of Hunan Province Hunan 50, 60 meters.

Hunan river overlooks the marine river of country fairdyke of laurel county ocean from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region seminary, from Hunan always state city east the waterfall port head that installs a county flows into Hunan Province churchyard north, always city churchyard brings into violet water, Shi Jihe early or late, deep and clear water, should the affluent such as water, Qi Shui, Bai Shui, in Heng Yang city collects evaporate water and Lei water, water of of accept of Heng Shan county, lu mouth collects Lu water, xiangtan city collects ripples water, area of the Changsha City collects clear Yang He and the river that scoop up a knife, the new Kang Nawei at looking at the city zone water, the Hao bayou cent to Hunan shade county collects lake of hole front courtyard twice or so, it is the river with the oldest Hunan Province. Hunan river trunk stream is full-length 844 kilometers, drainage area 94660 square kilometer.

Does guesthouse of Changsha Hunan river introduce?

Guesthouse of Changsha Hunan river is a high-grade hotel that owns 30 years of histories, be located in a sector of an area of center of the Changsha City, surroundings is advantageous, traffic is convenient. Guesthouse has capacious and comfortable guest room, offer all sorts of considerate services and establishment, wait like breakfast of free and central air conditioning, wireless network, self-help. In the meantime, guesthouse still sets many dining-room and public house, offer all sorts of cate and drink, offer the alternative of diversification for the guest.

Guesthouse of Changsha Hunan river is a high-grade guesthouse that enjoys high reputation, have advantaged situation and high grade and considerate service, it is the good choice of guest of business affairs, travel.

Does Hunan river north go - " ooze garden spring Changsha ooze garden spring Changsha " in " does Hunan river north go " ?

Ooze garden spring Changsha " textual reach translation Mao Zedong textual independence is cold autumn, hunan river north goes, orange continent head.

See 10 thousand hill red, layer forest all is caught; Overflow Jiang Bi to appear, 100 barge are contended for stream.

The eagle attacks vast sky, yu Xiang low end, contest of day of 10 thousand kinds of frost is free.

Disappointed boundless, ask vast scope of operation, who advocate ups and downs? Carry come 100 associate ever swam, recall erst extraordinary years stiff.

Just classmate teenager, elegance and talent luxuriant; Book business is angry, brandish denounce just powerfuls.

Show state power, stimulate raise character, muck in those days 10 thousand Hou.

Ceng Ji is denied, hit water to midstream, billow check flying boat! Translation is in deep autumn in a day of day of Gao Qishuang, I stand still in orange alone continent head, looking at water of Hunan river green jade slowly north flows. Saw 10 thousand hill become red, one layer upon layer woods seems to had caught color same; full Jiang Qiushui is clear settleclear green jade, large ship braves the wind and waves, strive to be the first. Lanneret is nimble and strong and vigorous, fly in extensive blue sky, fish light freely, in the ups and downs in bright and clean benthic, all biology are contended for in the autumn demand freedom. Facing boundless universe, (Is ten million planted does feeling emerge simultaneously mind) should I ask: ? 4 Shan of Liao Yue? of new moon of バ of ⑺ of neon of an ancient nationality in China is decided by who, dictate? Return the past, I and my friend, often hand in hand accompany will to here roam. Discuss the affairs of state together, the years of that countless rough every returns hover to be in up to now my mind. Classmates are worth youth junior, elegance and talent luxuriant; everybody complacent, personal feeling is bold and unrestrained, driving and strong. Comment the affairs of state, draw up the article of these drive out evil and usher in good, at that time those VIPs, warlord is bureaucratic look as muck. Whether does everybody remember, in those days we swim in Jiang Shuizhong, did the spoondrift that arouses then hold off the boat that drive quickly and comes almost?
