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1. 购物、估算、计算时间、确定位置和买卖股票等等都与数学有关。可以说,数学在人们的生活中是无处不在的,数学是日常生活中必不可少的工具。

2. 自然界中的数学不胜枚举,如蜜蜂营造的蜂房,它的表面就是由奇妙的数学图形——正六边形构成的,这种蜂房消耗最少的材料和时间。

3. 人行道上,常见到这样的图案,它们分别是同样大小的正方形或正六边形的地砖铺成的,这样形状的地砖能铺成平整无孔隙的地面。

4. 100户人家要安装电话,事实上并不需要100条电话线路,只要允许有一些时间占线,就能大大节约安装成本,这正体现了数理统计的作用。

5. 一年要结束的时候,商人在谈论中说我这一年的收入是多少,与去年相比怎么样;农民也在谈论这一年中收入多少粮食;工人也在谈论在这一年的收入与支出是否相当,有多少存款;军人谈论这一年中训练成绩如何,提高了多少成绩;而学生的学习成绩则是对一位教师一年来辛苦工作的衡量标准;单位也在做这样那样的总结。

6. 一年的结束是这样的,下一年的开始同样也要有一个预算;一天、一个月、一个季度、一个阶段人们都在做同样的事情;一个人、一个家庭、一个单位、一个组织、一个国家等等,都在用数学的方法对他们在不同时间、地点的行为进行记录、比较和分析。

7. “七巧板”是我国古代的一种拼板玩具,由七块可以拼成一个大正方形的薄板组成,拼出来的图案变化万千,后来传到国外叫做唐图。

8. 大约在公元前300年,古希腊数学家阿基米德发现了浮力原理,即物体在液体中受到的浮力等于它所排开的液体的重量。这个原理至今仍然被广泛应用于各种领域,如船舶、潜水艇等。

9. 概率论是研究随机现象规律性的数学分支。例如,掷硬币出现正面或反面的概率都是1/2,这就是概率论的一个简单应用。

10. 几何学是数学的一个分支,主要研究空间中的形状、大小、位置、相互关系等问题。例如,三角形内角之和为180度,这也是几何学的一个基本定理。





























恃怙的意思解释:《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:“无父何怙,无母何恃。”后因以“恃怙”为母亲、父亲的代称。《旧唐书·文苑传下·元德秀》:“ 德秀 早失恃怙。” 明 陆采 《怀香记·鞠询香情》:“徒为恃怙,逞遁辞护女欺夫。” 清 褚人穫 《坚瓠四集·女状元》:“幼失恃怙,与老姥同居。”




With the life common sense that multiplication a pithy formula concerns?

Breakfast shop, market, fruit inn, supermarket, convenience inn, retailing shop

About the poetic word of life common sense?

Budding do not try hard, old apprentice hurts Bei.

Must become aware eventually on paper shallow, know this matter to want absolutely bend forward row.

Spring kind a millet, autumn harvest 10 thousand child.

Barren of Yu Qin of essence of course of study at play, a deed is accomplished through taking thought and destroy at following.

The mathematical common sense in the life?

The most commonly used maths knowledge in the life

One, simple beauty of maths

Number cannot leave in daily life, our all the time is absent with digital contact with, the number with complex numerous and complicated is form by 10 special and simple numbers, namely 0 to these 10 9 numbers, build remove infinite true the kingdom with the United States. This simply too magical. Maths, it is an artifical universe.

2, the semmetry of geometrical graph is beautiful

Tectonic and special choiceness, applicable and apian beehive is economic material. Apiary is comprised by the room hole with countless same size, fang Kongdou is hexagonal, every Fang Kongdou is surrounded by other room aperture, there is the wall that a candle makes only between two Fang Kongzhi. Surprising is, the bottom both neither of room aperture is smooth, also not be round, however pointed. This bottom is by 3 identical lozenge is comprised. Somebody has measured rhombic point of view, two obtuse angle are 28 ′ of 109 ° and two acute angle are 70 ° 32 ′ . Your person cries absolutely is, a honeycomb-like thing of all bees on the world is made according to this unified angle and mode.

The structure of apiary aroused the great interest of scientists. Through the thorough research to apiary, scientists discover amazedly, the room Kong Gong of photograph adjacent uses a wall and a hole bottom, aperture of room of; of very economic housing materials is hexagon, apian body basically is cylindrical, bee won't have surplus space not to feel crowded again already inside room aperture.

The structure of beehive gives spacecraft stylist people very big enlightenment, when they are being developed, used beehive structure: Make a honeycomb-like thing with the metal first, next reoccupy two plate rose its clip to become beehive structure. Intensity of structure of this kind of beehive is very high, weight very light, still be beneficial to sound insulation and heat insolation. Accordingly, interiorly of present space shuttle, orbiter, spacecraft uses beehive structure in great quantities, satellitic crust also is beehive structure entirely almost. Accordingly, these spacecraft a general designation is " beehive type spacecraft " . A honeycomb-like thing that the bee makes is of hexagon.

Additional, the uncanny workmanship of nature makes the symmetrical beauty of geometrical graph became the plastic arts, base that builds aesthetic. The symmetry of snowflake is the classic of nature, its appearance, also be hexagonal. Much more beautiful structure, beautiful and fluent, easy and line is firm strong. The planar semmetry of crystal is very exquisite, and from this the physical property of embedded profundity. The life that in the mankind Lai Yisheng lives is real in, small to clothings adornment, headgear, articles for daily use, arrive greatly housing (for instance the) such as bridge of case of housetop, window, ground, carve, picture ridgepole, have beautiful symmetrical graph adornment everywhere almost, sunk panel of the edging of the mural in archaic palace, Xiang Guanghe, contain very gallant symmetrical beauty.

Now, we found wholesome city, civilized town, appropriate to reside a city to wait a moment. Outside the door head of room of appearance of street both sides, building bright change establishment, it is unified rectangle entirely, is this why? Because of rectangle already simple symmetrical, so very beautiful.

What does the mathematical common sense in the life have?

Go into the street at ordinary times buy dish to need those who use maths to add subtration, lid house needs draw paper ah etc.

What maths little common sense is there in the life?

There are a lot of interesting maths little common senses in the life, it is a few example below:

1.Shop, time of estimation, computation, firm position and business share are waited a moment concern with maths. Can say, nowhere is absent maths in the life of people, maths is the indispensable tool in daily life.

2.The mathematical too numerous to mention one by one in nature, be like the apiary that the bee builds, its surface is by wonderful mathematical graph -- hexagon forms, this kind of apiary spends least material and time.

3.On footpath, often see such pattern, the square that they are same size respectively or the floor tile of hexagon is spread, the floor tile of such appearance can lay the ground that does not have hole into level off.

4.100 other peoples should install a phone, do not need 100 phones line in fact, want be patient of only a few time are busy, install cost about with respect to can big political integrity, this standardized form showed the effect of several manage statistic.

5.When wanting one year to end, how much is the income that the businessman says me one year this in talk about, with compared last year how is; farmer also talking about the income in this year worker of; of how many commissariat also is talking about the income in this year and defray to whether comparative, achievement trains in soldier of; of how many deposit talks about this one year how, raised; of how many achievement and study result of the student is right a teacher comes to what hardship works one year measure standard; unit also doing such and such summary.

6.End of a year is such, beginning also should have; of a budget likewise people is becoming an an one a day, month, quarter, stage same its; an an an one individual, family, unit, organization, , the act that using mathematical method to be in different time, ground to nod to them has a record, compare and analyse.

7."Tangram " the toy of a kind of makeup that is our country ancient time, by 7 OK and mosaic the laminose composition of a big square, spell the design change myriad that come out, pass later be called Tang Tu abroad.

8.Be in about BC 300 years, archimedes of ancient Greek mathematician discovered buoyancy principle, namely the flotage that the object gets in the liquid is equal to the liquid weight that it discharges. This principle still is applied extensively at all sorts of domains up to now, wait like shipping, submarine.

9.Probability theory is the mathematical branch that studies random phenomenon regularity. For example, cast the probability of coin occurrence obverse side or opposite is 1/2, this is a of probability theory simple application.

10.Geometry is a branch of maths, basically study the issue such as the appearance in the space, size, position, correlation. For example, the sum of triangular an internal angle is 180 degrees, this also is a geometric basic theorem.

These mathematical little common sense in us the everywhere in daily life is seen, they abounded our life not only, still exercised our thinking ability.

With the literary common sense that the crane concerns?

The crane has great place in Chinese culture, especially red -crowned crane, it is long life, auspicious auspicious and decorous indicative, constant by with the immortal connection rises, call again " red-crowned crane " . Red-crowned crane also is avian in a kind of the highest bird, represent macrobian, riches and honour. Allegedly, crane birthday boundless, be regarded as macrobian king like chelonian, later ages constant with " crane birthday " , " crane age " , " the crane calculates " the word that serves as congratulate on sb's birthday.

Are the life and healthy Xiaochang known?

1, work and rest wants the rule, sleep early to get up early

2, meal hind goes, the body times club

3, element of meat or fish wants collocation, nutrient embellish body

4, state of mind is put relaxed, heart wide joy is much

5, proper smile sun, filling calcium body is strong

6, the cereal that feed a dot is suckled kind, calcic sufficient ability to walk be good at

7, photograph of work and rest is united in wedlock, the constitution won't be poor

8, happy laugh, skip on foot skip

9, domestic adjacent friendly sentiments is fine, trouble is little one little

10, melon dish is washed more, pesticide goes remaining

11, have a meal to be not carried feed, nutrition just is met complete

12, filial parents is good, healthy long life has

13, abasement beautiful benevolence, also have peace and happiness personally

14, the society whences oneself, just can love others

15, learn him cherish, just have healthy body

16, want to have body and mind be good at, the mood is crucial

17, love comes from inside the heart, yue is born from inside the United States

Beg the question that concerns with maths in 10 lives?

Maths cannot leave in the life.

Go bazaar, the supermarket shops, go restaurant consumption cannot leave maths,

Working chronometer calculates wage, the income such as bonus cannot leave maths.

Make a room, decorate also cannot leave maths.

The child in the home goes to school, also want to study maths.

With the literacy general knowledge that the rely on that break depend on concerns?

The meaning of depend on rely on explains: " poetic · is small E of elegant · knotweed " : "Without father why rely on, without Mu Heshi. " hind because of with " depend on rely on " the generation that is mother, father says. " old the Tang Dynasty Yuan Dexiu of the · below book · civil Yuan Chuan " : "De Xiuzao breaks depend on rely on. " bright Liu Cai " conceive popular sentiment of the sweet Ju Xun that write down · " : "Apprentice is depend on rely on, show off put-off protects female bully husband. " Er of clear Zhu Ren " firm Hu female Number One Scholar of 4 collect · " : "Young the rely on that break depend on, live together with old Lao. Live together with old Lao..

About year literacy general knowledge and consuetudinary?

Give money given to children as a lunar New Year gift, wear new dress, stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve, stick spring festival scrolls
