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1. 玩家需要达到城堡等级的要求,这通常需要一定的时间和资源投入。

2. 玩家需要拥有足够的金币和资源来建造城堡,包括木材、石头、铁矿等。

3. 玩家需要在城市中找到一个合适的位置来建造城堡。


1. 点击游戏屏幕下方的“建筑”按钮,然后选择“城堡”选项。

2. 在城市中选择一个合适的位置来建造城堡,然后点击“建造”按钮。

3. 玩家需要支付一定的金币和资源来建造城堡,建造过程需要一定的时间。

4. 当城堡建造完成后,玩家可以点击城堡来查看详细信息,并进行升级和维护。






1. 原味鲑鱼寿司:食材为鲑鱼和米饭,制作方法为将鲑鱼切成薄片,铺在米饭上,并用紫菜卷起来即可。

2. 紫菜鸡肉卷寿司:食材包括鸡肉、紫菜、米饭等,制作方法为将熟鸡肉切成条状,与米饭、紫菜一起卷起来即可。

3. 鳗鱼饭:食材为鳗鱼和米饭,制作方法为将烤好的鳗鱼切成小块,放在米饭上,并淋上特制的酱汁。

4. 金枪鱼手卷寿司:食材包括金枪鱼、米饭、黄瓜、胡萝卜等,制作方法为将食材切成条状或丝状,放在紫菜上,再卷成手卷即可。





在都市大亨物语游戏中,要获得开罗大厦,需要满足以下条件:1. 资金充足:需要拥有足够的资金购买这座大厦,通常需要在游戏中积累一定的财富。2. 地产等级:需要将自己的地产等级提升到一定程度,才能解锁购买开罗大厦的权限。3. 唯一性限制:游戏中很多地产只有一个,包括开罗大厦,一旦有玩家购买了,其他玩家就无法再购买。所以,如果你想在都市大亨物语游戏中获得开罗大厦,需要具备上述条件,而且需要在游戏中积累足够的财富和经验,提升自己的地产等级,以便能够在合适的时机购买这座独特的大厦。









One, how does language of Caire caricature content make money?

Caire game is not free, original pays cost download from the shop that install eminent. Home plays basically defeat solution hind. Additional language of recent residential dream content, also have in game collect fees project, 280 yen are OK and transverse and go advertisement, game certificate also should spend money to buy

2, how does language of content of Caire racing bicycle tear open solution?

Right attack a mouse to choose setting of tiring-room of language of content of Caire racing bicycle, find the pushbutton that tear open solution one key tears open solution can

3, strategy of language of content of Caire city magnate?

The strategy of language of content of Caire city magnate is as follows:

1.The player needs to achieve the requirement of castle grade, this needs proper time and resources investment normally.

2.The player needs to have enough gold coin and resource to build the castle, include lumber, stone, iron ore to wait.

3.The player needs to find a proper place to build the castle in the city.

The move that makes the castle is as follows:

1.Click game screen lower part " building " pushbutton, choose next " the castle " option.

2.In the choice in the city a proper place builds the castle, click next " build " pushbutton.

3.The player needs to pay particular gold coin and resource to build the castle, build a process to need proper time.

4.Build when the castle after finishing, the player can click the castle to examine detailed information, undertake upgrade and be maintenanced.

Ask an attention, build the castle to need many natural resources and time investment, because this player needs to consider to whether build the castle carefully, and when to build the castle.

4, how is language of Caire boat other people connected close?

Connect on computer close. Because such his actual strength can get descendent

5, recipe of language of other people of department of Caire seafood birthday?

" language of other people of department of Caire seafood birthday " it is an imitate manages kind of hand to swim, the player needs to run his birthday department store in game, include to make the birthday department of all sorts of different taste among them. It is a few kinds of common birthday department recipes below, consult for you:

1.Birthday of raw ingredient salmon manages: Feed material to be salmon and rice, the method that make is salmon slice, the shop is on rice, coil with laver can.

2.Laver chicken coils birthday department: Feed material to include chicken, laver, rice to wait, the method that make cuts strip for will ripe chicken, coil together with rice, laver can.

3.Eel meal: Feed material to be eel and rice, the method that make becomes small to cut the eel that has baked, put on rice, drench on tailor-made sauce.

4.Birthday of tuna hand scroll manages: Feed material to include tuna, rice, cucumber, carrot to wait, the method that make cuts strip or filiform to will feed capable person, put on laver, again roll into hand scroll can.

Those who need an attention is, different life manages breed may have the different method that make and taste demand. Store of department of good to manage life, suggest you choose right recipe according to the client's demand and tendency of the market, ceaseless attempt is improved and innovate, in order to hold competitive dominant position.

6, does Caire start person of language of world other people how arousal?

Caire achieves character of language of world other people to use arousal coin arousal

7, how does edifice of Caire of language of city magnate content go out?

In game of language of city magnate content, want to acquire Caire large building, need satisfies the following requirement: 1. Financing is sufficient: Need has sufficient financing to buy this large building, normally need accumulates certain wealth in game. 2. Landed grade: Need elevates certain level his landed grade, ability solution locks up the attributive that buys Caire large building. 3. Uniqueness limitation: A lot of real estate in game have only, include Caire large building, once the player was bought, other player can no more be bought. So, if you want to acquire Caire large building in game of language of city magnate content, need has afore-mentioned requirements, and need accumulates enough money and experience in game, promote oneself landed grade, so that this distinctive large building can be bought in equal opportunity.

8, how does Caire achieve language of world other people to do farm to obtain?

Caire achieves language of world other people to do farm to be able to finish the toll-gate job with virgin Caire first, obtain experience value to change

9, Caire of language of adventurous village other people child how to get?

Enter the job of adventurous village first, challenge heroic figure, brush carbon, attack kill wild the ability after blaming wins gold coin, get Caire child

10, language of content of Caire game racing bicycle which car hand is fierce?

No matter be 1 or 2, core is absent car hand, be in cycle racing.

It is OK that with the gender valence comparing is given priority to, beyond eliminate sponsor assistance
