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1, choose the school to had be toed compare on the spot

What does that compare quite on the spot? The most intuitionistic is to compare intramural education equipment of course. The car of the travel on market has on 1000 kinds now, having ten cars is, the technology of the car is more and more advanced also, so when learning maintenance, whether does the school that should visit us to choose have the facility of each type, include to carry out equipment and maintenance to detect equipment, not be to have frame work of a few engine stages, have a few electrical engineering pattern plate, can solve, the car is representing progress of current science and technology, be degree how whole of science and technology, again good teacher, tell again clearly, doing not have practice to prove also is be an armchair strategist only, equipment not only want forward position of press close to, even advanced, not be to a few shabby carburettor engine cheat a student over. Truckload not, resemble appearance detect equipment is done not have, the whats after the student comes out are known, the theory of skinful, factory of manage of attend in a advanced studies does not know how to start to operate.

2, visit campus, dimensions wants big government to want to father

Say to do the school to do education namely, hundred years acquaintance, can be our some school, without actual strength, equipment also is canned not afford, oneself campus with respect to prep let alone, resemble small mill same, with the computer school that a few sky come down, admit school of technical secondary school is mixed together, the female classmate lump of oneself male fellow student and others, do those who get foul atmosphere, where be study. Be afraid that the student covered tightly thought a way, bringing a student here turns, turn over there. Want not to come out how to enhance professional technical ability of the student namely, don't also have method, campus activity wants to hear a someone, think practice does not have equipment.

3, visit teacher and student, whole of give attention to two or morethings and public praise

Specializationed pedagogic group just can train outstanding student, outstanding teacher can be not lacked, not be 9 people, you went to there will not be a person tomorrow today, it is a group, dean's office, staff room, practice teacher is short of one cannot. Every school says to be able to learn with trying freely here, do not make money, will learn period of time first, make an on-the-spot investigation, satisfaction pays the tuition fee again. So you ask the school, try to learn and teach credit to leave, the new student contacts even an old student do not wear, who to look for to understand the school? Which have which teacher to say him school is bad? Try when learning, the teacher regards you as sweet heart, handed in tuition not to respond you, throw you toward education campus, emerge of itself and perish of itself goes. Such trying those who learn to be able to show the school how is good, it without the school of the campus where day with a bang is come out to return by the family is not certain that without the school of the campus where day with a bang is come out to return by the family. It is not to have the courage to think really.

4, see take up an occupation, want to talk with the fact

Some school advertisement say they hold water how many years, graduate student it may not be a bad idea thousands of, a few a hunderd schools repair factory and them to cooperate, they are to dog to the student service. Since such, do you ask the school to you can go to what the old student of obtain employment is in in order to ask the staff member takes the parent repairing a factory to look? Since have the student of thousands of graduation, the school says again is to dog service, the obtain employment record that takes out hundreds of students should be do not have a problem.

When choice steam builds the school, want to make an on-the-spot investigation personally on the spot, go asking steam repairs the student inside the school, whether to acquire right technology inside the school.

When choice steam builds the school, want to understand this steam to repair the public praise of the school, public praise is poor never choose.

In the choice steam builds the school is, want to understand this steam to build the obtain employment case of the school.
