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宠物养殖什么好? 小型宠物养殖项目?英文双语对照


宠物养殖什么好? 小型宠物养殖项目?英文双语对照






















萌宠一——柯尔鸭 因为长不大,体型小,显得十分可爱,通常被人当宠物来养。2019年4月一只成年鸭的价格则高达15000元。跟其他家庭宠物一样,柯尔鸭饲养时也需要接种疫苗、吃专门的食物,还需要洗澡和培养良好的生活习性。它性格温顺,不吵闹、不咬人,寿命最长可达十几年,成年后还会下蛋、自己孵化,是一种非常不错的伴侣宠物。虽然其原产地是荷兰,但目前国内已经实现了本土繁育的新型宠物

萌宠二——仓鼠 我国常见的仓鼠一共有8种。常见的仓鼠的两侧皆有颊囊,从臼齿侧延伸到肩部,主要是用来搬运食物回自己的小房间以及存储在自己的口中,因此大家也经常把仓鼠叫做腮鼠或者是搬仓鼠。小仓鼠特别爱干净每天在睡前或者是吃完东西之后都会清洗身体。时常清理毛发。仓鼠有一对不断生长的门牙,在养仓鼠的过程中一定要记得观察仓鼠牙齿的长度,当牙齿太长导致不能正常生活的时候要注意剪掉多余的











1 没有具体的神兽适合养殖2 因为神兽不是普通的动物,其生长环境和饲养要求也与常规动物不同,养殖风险较大,甚至可能涉及到法律问题。3 如果想要养殖类似神兽的宠物,可以选择养殖那些外观或行为类似神兽的动物,比如狮子、孔雀等,但仍需了解其养殖要求和法律规定。




One, it what pet breeds is good that what pet breeds?

1. hamster

Hamster volume is very minor, very square portable belt, and very interesting. Because they are nocturnal travel animal, so white day does not need master and too much attention. The focal point that raises hamster is: Maintain the cleanness of basket constantly, time feed feed and water. Hamster is very cheap, a very good choice is for nervous to the budget person. In addition, you need to buy a basket only, hamster food, a few toys, with the vivid momentum that will assure them, for instance wheel is mixed channel.

2. Guinea pig

Guinea pig likes socialization very much, the sentence that if decide,should raise so had better raise two above. Such although you often are not beside, they also can be accompanied each other. Guinea pig is very active and mischievous, so they need a big basket to run everywhere. In food respect, guinea pig likes to eat greenery vegetable, OK also feed is special feed. And the life of Guinea pig is 4-8 commonly year

2, does small-sized pet breed a project?

Dragon cat,

Cat of inner tube of dragon cat name takes it is mice, dragon cat body is small and fat, head portrait hare, ear is big and thin, show a circle, still have a pair of big and bright eyes of slow-witted bud slow-witted bud.

Advantage: It is feed simple, it itself can eat feed, drink water and bathe, it is maigre creed. And appreciate of it doesn't matter and helminth, raise rise clean. The life of dragon cat also has ten years, and also can identify host.


Hamster has lovely outward appearance, brushy tactility, it is relatively cheap to breed charge, like the animal that amuse oneself, the need in basket deploys athletic annulus, climb climb frame, but dispute major personage of the attention does not close easily basket raise, fight easily because of feudal problem, themselves person plays people on one's own side can be special not show mercy tortoise,

The advantage is good feed, it is OK to need crock of a tortoise only, the attention changes water, it is OK that 3 days feed food. Perhaps want to feed inside a month feed do not have what big question.

Defect does not have law and you to interact, interacting also is him host one's own wishful thinking. Parrot

Parrot is high intelligence quotient the bird with interactive strong sex, a bit bigger parrot is very good train, lovely, paste speech of person, beautiful, conference. But bad is to eat more, the much also goldfish that pull

Goldfish suits office worker to also suit dawdler, the attention changes water, hello it is good to feed.

3, what does pet breed to make money?

The project that can profiteer now, among them one of breed a project namely, so, what animal to breed most make money? Breed now most profitable animal is project of special type breed aquatics, today, will introduce to grow especially now for you breed what animal most make money. What animal to breed most make money? Guo Guo tastes delicious Guo Guo can treat as not only plaything, at the same time its industry can take, flavour of deepfry Guo Guo is delicious, prawn of be better than, also be natural green food, god-given delicate cate, the big a slap-bang shop of each district, guesthouse 50 multivariate a kilogram, also be most welcome, some places return popularity to eat egg of scamper Guo Guo, the price is higher. Feral Guo Guo is used as pesticide in great quantities, those who return somebody to be is many catch, the amount decreases increasingly. Breed Guo Guo to have an outlook very much artificially so.

4, most does potential pet breed?

Can raise costly bitch, give birth to a lot of doggies to sell fund next

Raise precious piscine whelp

5, new breed of pet breed aquatics?

Bud is bestowed favor on one -- because Ke Er duck is long not quite, type of build or figure is small, appear very lovely, be raised normally when pet. The price of a grown duck was as high as 15000 yuan in April 2019. As other family pet, vaccination also needs when duck of Er stalking or branch is raised, eat special food, need bathes and still develop good life habit. Its disposition is docile, not clamorous, do not bite a person, life is the longest can amount to ten years, still can lay after manhood, him hatch, it is a kind of very pretty good spouse pet. Although its country of origin is Holand, but the new-style pet that at present home had realized native land breed

Bud is bestowed favor on 2 -- hamster our country's common hamster altogether has 8 kinds. The two side of common hamster all have cheek pouch, from molar side outspread to humeral ministry, basically be to use the cubby that carries food to answer his and memory to be in his mouth, because this everybody often also calls hamster cheek rat,perhaps move hamster. The body can be rinsed after the thing perhaps having before small hamster loves clean to sleeping everyday particularly. Clear constantly hair. Hamster has a pair of front tooth that grow ceaselessly, must remember observing the length of hamster tooth in the process that raises hamster, when the tooth too long bring about when cannot living normally, should notice to cut off redundant

6, what procedure does pet breed aquatics need?

The card that breeds a dog to need to do has: Raise a dog daily, above all dog dog host needs to hold Id to fill in to the police station that is in area under administration " application raises dog registration form " , after examining and approve, can get " the licence that buy a dog " .

Host also should undertake check-up to designation animal hospital, and inject wild dog is vaccinal, get next " dog kind immune card " .

Dog dog host holds license, immune card, id, insurance policy, buy dog bill, or suffer give notarial deed to wait appoint a data, examine to police station examine and verify, after certificate of proof, get " the licence that raise a dog " with dog card.

7, what pet does Shanghai have to breed base?

Farm of pet of Shanghai fine warbler; Shanghai just pet farm; Farm of pet of Shanghai China peak; Shanghai is confused and happy pet farm; Farm of pet of Shanghai China peak;

8, does the throughout the country's biggest pet breed base?

The throughout the country's biggest pet cat breeds base to be in Lin Dian county east the Dong Xingcun that allow country.

In Dong Xingcun, pet cat already was become " the cat that enrol money " , project firm fall to the ground has 15 up to mark, feed pet cat 135. "Every raise 9 manhood to plant cat, breed food of equipment, cat, cat arenaceous all offer by the company, common people needs to clean sanitation according to regulations only, put food, feed water can. Operate not only simple, and the project is covered an area of small every need 10 square metre only can, indoor temperature maintains can achieve in 16 ℃ breed a condition.

9, what god animal can breed when pet?

1 suit to breed without particular divine animal 2 because divine animal is not common animal, its grow environment and raise a requirement to also differ with groovy animal, breed a risk bigger, involve legal issue possibly even. The 3 pet that if want,breed similar god animal, can choose to breed those exteriors or behavior the animal of similar god animal, for instance the lion, peacock, but still need to understand its to breed requirement and legal provision.

10, the development trend of pet breed aquatics?

Life substance rose now, people has had the time of leisure to raise bit of pet is hasten of general trends place so pet breed aquatics has development outlook

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