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健美理论中用RM表示某个负荷量能连续做的最高重复次数。比如,练习者对一个重量只能连续举起5次,则该重量就是5RM。初练者可以做8到12RM的负荷,每组做8到12个左右。每组做完休息不超过一分钟,每个动作做完休息不超过2分钟。做下面运动前先热身10分钟,可以小跑。胸部:杠铃卧推 、上斜卧推、下斜卧推、哑铃飞鸟(各4组); 肱二头肌:哑铃单臂弯举、杠铃弯举(各6组);腿部:深蹲、箭步蹲、提踵(各4组);肱三头肌:哑铃俯身臂屈伸、窄距俯卧撑、哑铃颈后臂屈伸(各4组);背部:引体向上(尽量做10个以上)、杠铃俯身划船、坐姿颈后下拉(各4组);肩部:推举、前平举、侧平举(各4组);腹肌:仰卧举腿4组。腹肌每组做到力竭或者15到25个。每组做完的休息时间为20秒到30秒。腹肌一周练3次左右。一天锻炼胸肌、肱二头肌,第二天锻炼腿部、肱三头肌,第三天锻炼背部、肩部,第四天休息。练四天一个循环。扩展内容这里的力量训练指的是以提高力量为主要目的的训练,和以提高肌肉为主要目的的训练十分不同。要显著提高力量,至少要注意以下方面: 一。腿力为王。无论是力量举,举重,还是壮汉,腿力都是最关键的。很多大力士天天练习深蹲。大力士之王保罗安德森能深蹲1206磅。在大多数力量项目里,要取得好成绩,最重要的就是充分发挥腿力。二。不要过分关注上肢力量。很多人想当然的认为,只要上肢力量上去了,力量自然就大了。这是十分片面的。实际上,上肢力量的重要性远不如腿部力量。例如,举重运动员既不练卧推推举,也不练弯举。 三。以杠铃为主。如果目标是肌肉,为了安全和孤立动作起见,可以主要使用组合器械。但如果目标是力量,一定要以杠铃深蹲、前蹲、箭步蹲这些动作为主。器械练习唯一被大力士认可的是腿举,当然是要加杠铃片的。 四。大重量、低次数、多组数。健美训练中6rm就算大重量,但是力量训练中1~3rm才算大重量。大力士经常每天练习深蹲20组以上。 五。重视有氧训练。没有良好的心肺功能,力量训练中很容易疲劳。疲劳的不是肌肉,而是循环系统。因此,一定要重视跑步、爬山等训练。 六。和高手一起训练。俗话说,和臭棋篓子下棋,棋越下越臭。和高手一起训练,虽然一开始可能很打击情绪,但绝对是物有所值。 七。咬定深蹲和腿举。这两个项目成绩的增长决定了力量的增长,一定要设定目标,严格执行。每周至少练3次深蹲。 八。在发力时养成腿部首先发力的习惯。大家看举重运动员举重时总是反复下蹲,充分发挥腿力。壮汉比赛搬石头的时候也是先下蹲。腿力比上肢力量大得多,一定要养成腿部首先发力,腰部和上肢辅助发力的习惯。 九。列训练计划,记训练日记。前有计划,后有检查。因为力量指标是数量化的,这和肌肉训练中关注肌肉感觉很不一样。 十。在一次训练中将一个动作分2~3次完成。健美运动员一般都喜欢把一个动作一次完成。但是对充分发挥力量来说,这样不太有利。如果你一次练习30组深蹲,完全可以分成3次,每次10组,中间加上一些别的动作过渡


What state with RM quantity of a certain bear can be done continuously in strong and handsome theory is highest repeat a time. For instance, the person that practice can be raised 5 times continuously only to a weight, criterion this weight is 5RM. The person that drill first can make the 8 negative charge to 12RM, every groups are done 8 control to 12. Every groups finish rest not to exceed a minute, every movement finishs rest not to exceed 2 minutes. Do below before motion first warm up 10 minutes, can trot. Bosom: Barbell lies push, on inclined lie push, below inclined lie push, dumbbell flyer (each 4 groups) ; Humerus 2 flesh: Turn of dumbbell thin arm is lifted, barbell turn is lifted (each 6 groups) ; Leg ministry: Crouch greatly, a sudden big stride forward crouchs, lift heel (each 4 groups) ; Humerus triceps: Qu Shen of arm of dumbbell Fu body, narrow Qu Shen of the arm after be apart from neck of push-up, dumbbell (each 4 groups) ; Back: Pull-up (do 10 above as far as possible) , barbell Fu body rows, fall after sitting position neck pull (each 4 groups) ; shoulder ministry: Choose, before smooth lift, side is smooth lift (each 4 groups) ; Abdominal muscle: Lie on one's back lift a leg 4 groups. Abdominal muscle accomplishs force exhaust every groups or 15 go to 25. Every groups of breathing space that finish arrive for 20 seconds 30 seconds. Abdominal muscle a week drills 3 times or so. One day exercises chest muscle, humerus 2 flesh, exercise triceps of leg ministry, humerus the following day, the 3rd day exercises ministry of back, shoulder, the 4th day rests. Experienced 4 days a loop. What the force training here points to is the training that is main purpose with enhancing power, train with what be main purpose in order to raise muscle very different. Want to enhance power significantly, want to note the following respect at least: One. Leg force is king. No matter be force,lift, lift weights, still be Zhuang Han, leg force is the most crucial. A lot of Hercules practice crouching greatly every day. The Wang Baoluo of Hercules installs De Sen to be able to crouch 1206 pounds greatly. In most power project, want to obtain good result, the most important is force of sufficient play leg. 2. Pay close attention to upper limbs force not overly. Of a lot of person assume sth as a matter of course think, wanted upper limbs force to go up only, force nature is big. This is very one-sided. Actually, the importance of upper limbs force is far be inferior to leg ministry force. For example, practice of weight lifter both neither lies push choose, also do not drill the turn is lifted. 3. Give priority to with barbell. If the target is muscle, for safety and isolated movement for the purpose of, basically can use assorted weapon. But if the target is force, must crouch greatly with barbell, before crouch, a sudden big stride forward crouchs these movements to give priority to. What appliance practices be being approbated exclusively by Hercules is the leg is lifted, it is to should add barbell of course piece. 4. Great weight, small number, much group is counted. The 6rm in strong and handsome training calculates great weight, but the 1~3rm in force training just calculates great weight. Hercules often practices crouching 20 groups of above greatly everyday. 5. Take training having oxygen seriously. Without good heart lungs function, in force training very easy exhaustion. Fatigue is not muscle, however circulatory system. Accordingly, must take ran seriously, climb wait for training. 6. Train together with ace. Common saying says, with play chess of smelly chess basket, the chess issues smellier more. Train together with ace, although likely at the beginning very hit a mood, but it is content is worth somewhat absolutely. 7. Insist crouch greatly to be lifted with the leg. The growth of success of these two projects decided the growth of force, must set target, carry out strictly. Drill 3 times at least every week crouch greatly. 8. When sending force nurturance leg radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries sends the habit of force first. When everybody sees a weight lifter lift weights, always fall repeatedly crouch, produce leg power adequately. When Zhuang Han match removes stone, also be to fall first crouch. Leg force is gotten greatly than upper limbs force much, must nurturance leg radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries sends force first, the waist and upper limbs assist the habit that sends force. 9. The row trains a plan, write down training diary. Before in a planned way, there is an examination after. Because force index is of quantification, muscle of the attention in this and muscle training feels very different. 10. In training lieutenant general a movement divides 2~3 second finish. Body building member like to complete an action commonly. But to sufficient play force, such not quite advantageous. If you practice 30 groups crouching greatly, can divide completely, every time 10 groups, on a few other actions are added to transfer among

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