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power point中,关于“链接”,下列说法正确的是?英文双语对照


power point中,关于“链接”,下列说法正确的是?英文双语对照

power point中,关于“链接”,下列说法正确的是?

如下: 第3点正确。




关于会计科目的设置,下列说法正确的是( )?



1、《会计基础工作规范》第四十一条规定: 各单位根据国家统一会计制度的要求,在不影响会计核算要求、会计报表指标汇总和对外统一会计报表的前提下,可以根据实际情况自行设置和使用会计科目。(选项A和C)


(1)合法性原则:为了保证会计信息的可比性,所设置的会计科目应当符合国家有关法律法规的规定。对于国家统一会计制度规定的会计科目,只有在不影响会计核算要求和会计报表指标汇总,以及对外提供统一的财务报表的前提下,企业才能根据自身的生产经营特点 ,适当自行增设、减少或合并某些会计科目。

(2)相关性原则:会计科目的设置,应为提供有关各方所需要的会计信息服务 ,满足对外报告与对内管理的要求。要求充分考虑会计信息的使用者对本企业会计信息的需要设置会计科目,以提高会计核算所提供的会计信息的相关性,满足相关各方的信息需求。



VF中,关于命令的书写规则,下列说法正确的是( )?

是D 因为: 的命令都有相应的语法格式,使用时必须按一定的规则书写、输入。



















我认为A是正确的,原因如下:B CSS支持图像特效,对于IE内核则通过CSS滤镜支持特效.C 如果页面未引用该CSS,那它是不会生效的D 层的概念本身就来自于CSS的position样式.答案A虽然说不太准确,但也没说"只能应用于文本",如果按照"CSS可以应用于文本"的方向来理解,是正确的.此题本身漏洞较多,如果说答案C中隐含引用之意,则也可以说是正确的.


应该是A,D. D是硬件的组成,毋庸置疑。而控制器、储存器和控制器又合称主机,CPU为控制器和运算器的总称(还包括一些寄存器),外部设备(外设)包括输入设备和输出设备,I/O设备即为输入与输出设备。所以,答案为A、D。

下列关于房地产投资特点的说法,不正确的是( )?

答案是A14.下列关于房地产投资特点的说法,不正确的是(A )。A. 一项房地产的估价等于持有资产的现金流收入的折现值B. 房地产投资可以使用高财务杠杆率C. 房地产价值受政策环境、市场环境和法律环境等因素的影响较大D. 房地产的流动性比证券类产品要弱




In Power Point, about " link " , is is following statement correct?

Following: correct at 3 o'clock.

1, nonexistent amalgamative issue, involve circuit UniCom impossibly also.

2, the link is the documentation that place opens to appoint after clicking, webpage, direction.

3, unless be catenary,received mailbox address at 4 o'clock, but also do not accord with a requirement.

About bursary purpose setting, is is following statement correct () ?

One, look about bursary, the statement is correct is " A, the regulation that the setting of accountant course should accord with a country to integrate accounting system " . Additional 3 option are a mistake.

2, explanation.

1, " standard of accountant foundation job " the 41st regulation: Each unit unites the requirement of accounting system according to the country, affecting collect of index of forms for reporting statistics of requirement of accountant business accounting, accountant and the premise that unite accountant forms for reporting statistics external to fall, can be installed according to actual condition proper motion and use accountant headings in an account book. (option A and C)

2, the following principle should follow when setting accountant course:

(1) lawful sex principle: To assure accountant information can compare a gender, the accountant course that sets ought to accord with a country to concern the provision of legal laws and regulations. The bursary that unites accounting system to set to the country looks, affecting requirement of accountant business accounting and collect of index of accountant forms for reporting statistics only, and below the premise that provides unified financial forms for reporting statistics external, company ability manages a characteristic according to the production of oneself, proper proper motion is added, decrease or course of amalgamative and certain accountant.

(2) dependency principle: Bursary purpose is installed, the accountant information that should need to provide relevant parties place serves, contented external report and the requirement that run internally. Ask the use person of mature accountant information is right the need of this company treasurer information sets accountant course, in order to raise the dependency of the accountant information that place of accountant business accounting provides, contented and relevant each square information requirement.

(3) practical principle: On the foundation of lawful sex, enterprise ought to the basis is constituent form, located the oneself characteristic such as sort of industry, management content, business, the setting accords with the accountant course that the enterprise needs.

3, account and bursary purpose concern. Accountant course and account are the classification of specific to accountant object content, content of both business accounting is consistent, quality is same. Accountant course is the name of account, also be the basis that sets account; Account is accountant course is specific apply, have particular structure and pattern, the increase and decrease that reflects some economy business through its structure is fluctuant reach the others specified number. (mistake of option B, D)

In VF, write regulation about jussive, is is following statement correct () ?

Because,be D: the command has corresponding syntactic pattern, when using, must write by certain regulation, input.

Concerned jussive writes regulation to induce as follows:

1) any commands must begin with commanding a verb.

2) between command verb and clause, between each clause with blank space space.

3) a command includes 8192 character at most all right (include all blank space) . Group is not written, travel end uses semicolon " ; " mark of the travel that do add, after bolting by ENTER, continue to write in next group, input.

4) the key word in commanding verb and clause shoulds not be commonly with skeletonize form, in order to maintain jussive readability and compasses plasticity.

5) the size of character of not divisional command writes VF6.

6) outside dividing command verb, the permutation of part of the other in the command does not affect command function commonly orderly. Eliminate a doctrine, a, B, C is wrong, choose D.

Following about breaking can is is the statement with income safe loss correct () ?

Break can the characteristic that income loss is sure to have the following sides:

1. avoids duty during: Avoid duty during it is to point to break in deformity after can beginning, insurance company not the period of time that compensate pays insurance gold; Be similar to medical treatment to be sure to be avoided mediumly duty period or conceited forehead, during this insurance company does not offer any compensation.

2. gives credit side form: Break can income loss insurance is commonly press a month or compensate all right by Zhou Jin, basically decide according to the choice of insurant, month or every income that can provide amount photograph to agree every week are compensated.

3. gives pay time: Give paying time is to show insurance company gives those who pay insurance gold the longest, carry in contract provision bright.

In following, is is the file statement about accountant record correct () ?

Right answer: A, b, c, d is analytic: The accountant record that each unit forms every year, answer by the accountant orgnaization requirement according to file, be in charge of arranging stand roll, bound into book, record of work out accountant is custodial detailed list. ABCD the file about accountant record is correct, reason is chosen completely.

Hydric it is important industrial fuel, following about hydric view is correct?


Examination questions analysis: Coal, oil, natural gas is fossil fuel, belong to cannot second birth the sources of energy, a mistake; Dry ice is the carbon dioxide of solid state, and dry ice is the mixture that the bag outside methane element is burying water member and forms, not be dry ice, b mistake; Alcohol is a kind of very good fuel, belong to but second birth the sources of energy, c mistake; Hydric it is flammability gas, receive bright ammunition with airy mixture very incidental explosion, before be being ignited so must test is simple, d is correct. Reason chooses D.

Following is is the statement about CSS style correct () is this only selection of subject?

I think A is correct, the reason is as follows: BCSS sustains image specially good effect, pass CSS filter lens to if the page did not cite,support.C of specially good effect to IE kernel this CSS, then it is won't the notional itself of the D layer of become effective comes from the Position style at CSS. Although answer A says not quite accurate, but also did not say " can apply at text " only, if can apply at the square all along of text " to understand according to "CSS, it is correct. Flaw of this problem itself is more, if say answer C is medium implicit quotative meaning, also can saying is correct.

Following in the view that forms about computer hardware, is ____ correct?

Should be A, d. D is the composition of hardware, beyond question. And packet and controller, controller close again weigh lead plane, the floorboard that CPU is controller and arithmetic unit (still include a few register) , peripheral equipment (peripheral) include to input equipment and output equipment, i/O equipment is input and output equipment namely. So, the answer is A, D.

Following the version that invests a characteristic about estate, is incorrect () ?

The answer is A14. Following the version that invests a characteristic about estate, incorrect is (A) . A. The appraisal of an estate is equal to what the cash of hold asset flows income to fold present worth B. Estate investment can use C of high financial leverage. The effect that estate value suffers the element such as policy environment, market environment and legal environment is bigger D. The fluidity of estate compares negotiable securities kind the product should lose

13 following about the road by implement in the view () be correct?

C points to correct: Normally road by implement can support a variety of network layer agreements, offer different agreement between change in group.

下一篇:个体辅导记录表 主要内容怎么写?英文双语对照