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China is leading the world in facial recognition algorithms with its best algorithm able to recognize 10 million people without a single mistake in less than a second. 中国的人脸识别算法在世界上处于领先地位,其中最好的算法能够在不到一秒的时间内识别出一千万人而不会出现任何错误。 The top five of the 39 facial recognition algorithms in the world come from China, according to the Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the US Department of Commerce, which released the test results for 2018 last Friday. 美国商务部国家标准与技术研究院上周五发布了2018年人脸识别测试的结果,根据该测试,在全球39种人脸识别算法中,排名前五的算法均来自中国。 YITU Technology, a Shanghai-based company that claimed both the top and second spot on the list, told the Global Times in a statement that its top algorithm can accurately recognize nearly every person in a sample base of 10 million. 总部位于上海的亿图信息科技公司在一则声明中向《环球时报》透露,该公司的顶级算法可以在1000万的样本库中准确识别出几乎所有人。

In comparison, "it is very likely for a human brain to make a mistake in recognizing the identities of 100 people," the company said. 该公司称,相比之下,“一个人的大脑很可能在识别100个人的身份时就犯一个错误。” Algorithms from Beijing-based company SenseTime won the third and fourth spot, while the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) claimed fifth in the test. 总部位于北京的商汤科技公司的算法获得了第三名和第四名,而中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院则在测试中获得了第五名。 YITU said that high facial recognition accuracy means that users gain better experiences when using related products. 亿图信息科技公司表示,面部识别的高精度意味着用户在使用相关产品时会获得更好的体验。 For example, when a user uses facial ID for payment on a smartphone, the device will not authorize the payment for someone else with a similar appearance as the user, the company noted. 例如,该公司指出,当用户在智能手机上使用面部识别进行支付时,该设备将不会授权与该用户长相相似的其他人进行支付。
