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1、永不言退,我们是最好的团队! 2、成功决不容易,还要加倍努力! 3、因为自信,所以成功!

4、相信自己,相信伙伴! 5、一鼓作气,挑战佳绩! 6、因为有缘我们相聚,成功靠大家努力!

7、今天付出,明天收获,全力以赴,事业辉煌! 8、目标明确,坚定不移,天道酬勤,永续经营! 9、经营客户,加大回访,用心专业,客户至上! 10、赚钱靠大家,幸福你我他。


1. 保研资格要求:学生需要满足以下条件才能申请保研:

   - 成绩优秀:一般要求学生的平均成绩在全年级的前30%以内;

   - 科研实践能力:学生需要积极参与科研项目或实习实践,并取得一定成果;

   - 学术素质:学生需要具备一定的学术研究能力,包括发表文章、参与学术会议等。

2. 申请程序:

   - 提前确定导师:学生需要提前联系目标导师,并得到导师认可;

   - 准备申请材料:学生需要准备个人简历、学术成绩单、科研或实习成果、推荐信等申请材料;

   - 递交申请:学生需要按照学校指定的时间和方式递交保研申请。

3. 评审标准:学生的保研申请将由学校组织的评审委员会进行评审,评审标准包括学术成绩、科研或实习成果、推荐信的内容等。

4. 保研名额:每个专业的保研名额一般有限,学校会根据申请人的综合素质进行评选,优先录取成绩好、科研能力强的学生。


One, in south is university of politics and law of finance and economics protected grind whereaboutldirection?

Can be this school protect grind. OK also, other better 211 or the school of 985.

2, in south of university of politics and law of finance and economics protect grind whereaboutldirection?

University of Chinese people university, Xiamen university, Hua Zhongke ability, Shandong university, Shanghai traffic university

2022 are pushed avoid unripe aggregate 617 people. Protect grind rate 12.31% . Protect grind this school makes an appointment with 182 people. Protect grind other school 435 people.

Protect grind Chinese people university 25 people. Protect grind Xiamen university 19 people. Protect grind university of Hua Zhongke ability 17 people. Protect grind Shandong university 8 people. Protect grind Shanghai is handed in big 10 people. Protect grind Fudan University 7 people. Protect grind Hunan university 2 people. Protect grind Nanjing university 15 people. Protect grind Suzhou university 4 people. Protect grind south division is old 3 people.

3, in south is law of university of politics and law of finance and economics protected grind whereaboutldirection?

 In south the undergraduate course graduate of university of politics and law of finance and economics is protected grind the school of whereaboutldirection is more, basically be 5 courtyards 4 departments, compare good fellow student to studying result, protect ground to basically go to university of Chinese politics and law, university of Hua Dongzheng law, university of southwest politics and law, to most classmate, in still choosing this school south university of politics and law of finance and economics undertakes protecting grinding, must notice to choose appropriate adviser in security personnel room, the ability after only the adviser agrees can be protected successfully grind, if protect,grind to did not succeed, have only so take a graduate student through taking an examination of grinding means to read

4, passed to protect grind can be the line protected grind?


Take protect grind quota of people is general and certain can go up.

Besides extremely individual the circumstance that look for trouble can be protected grind. Individual situation includes:

Project had divided 1. but too low, some schools have a demand to this.

Project hanged 2.

3. should graduate to discover credit was not repaired enough

4. follow-up is being protected grind operated by accident on the system

Him 5. does not want to read ran to work so, take protect grind after the qualification, if you had contacted good school, can graduate with lying comfortably.

Do not touch above these red line can. Of course, more person can choose to look for an exercitation assemble to choose the reserve fund that graduation travels. Return somebody to be able to be in big 4 begin to move a brick with graduate student adviser.

5, was this school protected grind can you protect grind?

Did not protect grind qualificatory school cannot grind with protecting this school.

Protect grind (full name: Recommend graduate of outstanding and this year's undergraduate course to avoid try assiduously study master's degree graduate student) , just as its name implies, the person that be recommended namely does not pass the preliminary examination such as written examination a few programs, the study result that evaluates formal appraisal student through, integrated quality, inside the range that permits in, by undergraduate course place school is recommended, it is a graduate student via after recruit students unit is assessed, be being admitted.

Via Ministry of Education the talent such as affirmatory humanitarian, science department fosters the colleges and universities of base, of the number of base class recruit students that approves by Ministry of Education 50% the left and right sides, increase alone push avoid unripe quota of people, arrange as a whole by the school; The major that to the country development is badly in need of increases appropriately push avoid unripe quota of people.

6, protect grind preparation?

Ensuring grinding flow is material of information collect, preparation, deliver material, await a news namely in what should do after deliver material, if make run smoothly member have to attend a second-round exam next, obtain this school to push after avoiding a qualification, can fill syndicate interconnected system to mail finally material of check-up watch etc.

7, protect grind measure?

Protect grind application over or across is big 3 semester arrive big 4 last term, specific timeline sees below:

In January - in March: Collect information;

In March - in May: Prepare data, the data that needs preparation includes the report of before undergraduate course 5 semester commonly, summer camp application form, individual an account in one's own words, recommendation, english report, the proof such as job of certificate of contest of relevant scientific research, of all kinds scientific research, student job, join battalion paper, id reachs photocopy of student's identification card;

May - in June: Sign up;

June - in July: Enter summer camp;

August: Push beforehand avoid;

In September - in October: The country is pushed formally avoid, take Offer. 1

8, protect grind limits?

Alma mater of need undergraduate course is had push avoid unripe qualification, have protect grind qualificatory university achieves 366, these universities basically are former the province that 211 universities perhaps save rank front row each belongs to key university.

The regulation according to Ministry of Education " countrywide common colleges and universities recommends graduate of outstanding and this year's undergraduate course to avoid try assiduously study job of master's degree graduate student to run way (try out) " , set the college of the graduate school, recommend graduate student quota of people presses this school commonly graduate of this year's undergraduate course is counted 15% the left and right sides is affirmatory.

To establishing the graduate school " 211 projects " college, this number is 5% the left and right sides, blame " 211 " project college has 2% only, via Ministry of Education the talent such as affirmatory humanitarian, science department fosters the colleges and universities of base, of the number of base class recruit students that approves by Ministry of Education 50% the left and right sides, increase alone push avoid unripe quota of people, arrange as a whole by the school.

9, protect grind catchphrase?

1, never character is retreated, we are best groups! 2, allow successfully anything but easy, redouble his efforts even! 3, because of self-confidence, succeed so!

4, believe oneself, believe associate! 5, at a dash, challenge beautiful accomplishment! 6, because have a reason,we get together, rely on everybody successfully hard!

7, pay today, will harvest tomorrow, hammer and tongs, the cause is noble! 8, the target is specific, adamantine, weather channel fulfil is diligent, sustainable manage! 9, management client, increase pay a return visit, the intention is professional, the client is consummate! 10, make money rely on everybody, happy we he.

10, protect grind detailed rules?

1.Protect grind qualificatory requirement: Ability of the condition below student need full enough applies for to protect grind:

 - achievement is outstanding: The average grade of general requirement student is in the before 30% less than of annual class;

 - scientific research carries out ability: The student needs to take an active part in scientific research project or exercitation practice, obtain certain positive result;

 - academic quality: The student needs to have certain learning to study ability, include to publish an article, participate in academic conference to wait.

2.Application process:

 - decide an adviser ahead of schedule: The student needs to contact target adviser ahead of schedule, get the adviser is approbated;

 - prepare application material: The application material such as report of resume of student need preparation, learning, scientific research or exercitation achievement, recommendation;

 - submit application: The time that the student needs to be appointed according to the school and means are handed over protect grind application.

3.Evaluate a standard: Of the student protect grind application has the evaluation committee that organizes by the school evaluating, the content that evaluates a standard to include academic achievement, scientific research or exercitation achievement, recommendation.

4.Protect grind quota of people: Of every major protect grind quota of people is general and finite, the school can undertake selection according to integrated quality of the applicant, preferential admit achievement the student with strong capability of good, scientific research.
