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A cargo of pungent durian fruit led an Indonesian plane to be delayed for an hour after passengers turned their noses up at the funky freight and refused to fly. 在乘客们对机舱中榴莲的恶臭味道表示无法忍受并拒绝起飞之后,印度尼西亚的一架航班延误了一个小时。 Durian is highly popular in Southeast Asia but very divisive. While some consider it the "king of fruits", likening its creamy texture and intense aroma to blue cheese, detractors consider its odour to be closer to sewage, stale vomit or damp socks. 榴莲是东南亚一种非常流行的水果,然而人们对其褒贬不一。喜欢的人会赞榴莲是“水果之王”,认为榴莲果肉似奶油般滑嫩,又似蓝奶酪那样芳香四溢、回味无穷;讨厌的人则认为榴莲自带一股恶臭,堪比下水道的污物或者臭袜子。 Passengers booked on a Sriwijaya Air flight from Bengkulu province in Sumatra to Jakarta last Monday complained to staff after smelling the fruit and refused to get on the plane -- repulsed by the pungent payload and concerned about the extra weight on board. 上周一,搭乘印尼苏拉维加亚航空公司一架从苏门答腊岛明古鲁省飞往雅加达的航班的乘客,在闻到这种水果的气味之后,向机组人员进行了投诉并拒绝登机。他们忍受不了这种水果的刺激性气味,并且担心飞机超载。

The airline admitted it was carrying more than two tonnes of the whiffy wares but insisted they posed no danger to the flight, adding the smell would dissipate once the aircraft took off. 该航班随后承认了机舱里确实装了超过2吨的榴莲,但他们坚称这并不会影响飞行安全,还表示等到飞机起飞后榴莲的气味就会消散。 "Durian is not classified as a hazardous material to be transported on a plane," Sriwijaya Air official Abdul Rahim told national television station Kompas TV. 苏拉维加亚航空公司的官员阿布杜尔·拉希姆在接受Kompas电视台采访时称:“榴莲不属于航空运输中的危险品。” He blamed unusually hot weather for the stench. 他将这一恶臭归因于异常炎热的天气。 "We made the necessary precautions, such as putting in pandan leaves and coffee powder to absorb the durian smell," Rahim said. 拉希姆表示:“我们有必要的预防措施,比如说在飞机货舱里放了香兰叶和咖啡粉,用来吸收榴莲的气味”。 Staff decided to unload the fruit after passengers who had boarded the flight decided to get off the plane, which took off an hour later and landed safely in Jakarta. 在登机的乘客决定下飞机之后,机组成员决定把榴莲搬下飞机。飞机于1个小时后才得以起飞,最终安全降落雅加达。
