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  五胖鸭 - 制作方法










材料:   牛肉4两,青椒粒、洋葱粒

各2汤匙,柠檬1只。   腌料:  生抽1.5茶匙,柠檬茸2/1茶匙,生粉1.5茶匙.  调味:

  柠檬汁4/1杯,糖4/3汤匙,盐8/1茶匙,水2汤匙,生粉 水适量.   做法:   (一)牛肉切成薄片,放入腌料拌匀,泡油后滤干油份

上碟.   (二)柠檬皮磨茸2/1茶匙,切丝约1汤匙.将柠檬肉榨 汁约4/1杯,混合调味料待用.

    (三)用2/1汤匙油将洋葱爆香加入青椒粒,柠檬丝炒 匀注入调味料,用少许生粉水打芡淋在牛肉上面即成.  注意:   "柠檬牛肉"是开胃的菜式,牛肉中只能加柠茸,使有 柠香.其它的柠檬味尽在芡汁中,是色、香、味俱有的菜。





  酸辣豆花是成都谭豆花面店的著名小吃。 酸辣豆花是豆花的一个品种,用酱油、醋、辣椒面、味精调成味汁,放入事先熬烫的豆花,撒上芽菜末、油酥黄豆、大头菜末和葱花即成。酸辣豆花口味酸辣咸鲜,豆花细嫩,配料酥香,味浓滚烫,别有风味。




   1.首先,把鸭子剁成块,锅里加一点点油,将鸭子与仔姜一起倒入油锅 炒3分钟左右






One, lung of husband and wife piece

Chinese history leisurely 5000, have many earthshaking stories by time bury, check according to Chinese history solid, it is to install a of Chen Shou of the Han people " annals of the Three Kingdoms " the wind and cloud that opened era of the Three Kingdoms, just had stay pass up to now; Lung of husband and wife piece held to just about south the marrow of culture of the Three Kingdoms that fills massiness, opened high-quality goods of authentic culture of the Three Kingdoms plain dish-----Lung of husband and wife piece series.

Lung of husband and wife piece come to culture of food of the Three Kingdoms, the dish of name of a gust with Chengdu well-known area. According to legend the An Han when the the Three Kingdoms (namely today south fill town) have 2 people of a pair of husband and wife, in Jia Lingjiang bank opened hotel of dish of a small bittern, basically offer edible of crossing contact personnel, the person fishs in the river at that time, yu Zhou and Shang Chuansheng are much, business flourishing, becoming face Brazil county is viceregal " Zhang Fei " often will drink here, feel food taste is very goluptious and delicious, do not praise especially to two couples craft, to praise workmanship of two husband and wife very special, because this is used " husband and wife " 2 words name, this dish entitle " lung of husband and wife piece " lung of husband and wife piece exquisite, small hot, sweet, sweet, bright, the aftertaste is goluptious; Recommend equipment of eldest brother Liu, do edible of drive board offerings, lung of the husband and wife that get a name piece.

Achieve Yu Shuhan, flourishing Yu Tang, the Song Dynasty, yuan, bright, Qing Dynasty is improved through 30 Dai Chuanren research, use now pure bittern of more than 40 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, mix make and be become and have the effect that raises Yan Baojian.

An Han is a great person - native place, - home town, seat of Home Luo Ruiqing.

Be in early Qing Chaomo 30 time, streets and lanes has a lot of carrying a load, carry basket to peddle lung of cold and dressed with sause piece butcher. Leftover material of the chipped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen that use an ox especially bovine lung cost is low, after classics precision work, bittern is boiled, cut piece, assist wait with face of soy, red oil, chili, Chinese prickly ash, sesame seed face mix feed, special flavor is unique, good in quality and cheap in price, special the happy event that is helped jinriksha, porter and poverty-stricken students is fed. 20 centuries 30 time are become in Sichuan

Near Dou Shaocheng, have a pair of couples that place small vendor's stand, male Chao Hua calling Guo, female call Zhang Tian politics, because of lung of made cold and dressed with sause piece careful and exquisite, color Jin Gong shines, hemp hot delicacy is sweet, local color is distinctive, together with his couple two cooperate tacit, harmony,

One is made, one sells, dicker is done prosperously, temporarily the client gathers, demand exceeds supply. That often samples their husband and wife makes lung piece mischievous student, write with scrip on " lung of husband and wife piece " model of written characters, stick in his husband stealthily

Wife the back of two go up or go up small loads, also sound of National People's Congress eats and drink, "Lung of husband and wife piece, lung of husband and wife piece... " . A day, the lung that a guest commodity has tasted Guo husband and wife to make piece, praise greatly, serve word of a gold board, - " lung of husband and wife

Piece " 4 big character. From now on " lung of husband and wife piece " this one fastfood famouser.

2, Chengdu Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce

Chengdu element with fastfood and famed at the world, sichuan noodles with peppery sauce is more fastfood in the name is fastfood. Once upon a time butcher people carrying full street of a carring pole to peddle, the ave lane of Chengdu can be heard " sell Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce oh " You drinks sound. Now, these already the history of Chengdu, but you still can be in the house recalls Chengdu Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce this is in old Chengdu landscape.

3, duck of camphor tree tea

"Duck of camphor tree tea " it is Sichuan Chengdu is written

Of the name fume one of dish that bake. Lubricious Gong Liang, outside crisp inside tender, contain grumous camphorwood and scented tea scent, with Chengdu " Fu Luxuan " what duck inn makes is the famousest. This dish is chosen makings is rigorous, make careful. It is the fat tender drake that chooses autumn to appear on the market,

Via bloating, fume, evaporate, blast 4 working procedure renown " duck of the 4 tea that make camphor tree " . Leaf and duck of sootiness of scented tea leaf are cultivated in order to choose camphor tree in 4 working procedure most crucial. Camphor is constant green tree, much more numerous be born at warm ground, leaf is elliptic, fu Zhangshu is special

Some aroma, with the one big characteristic that fuming duck with scented tea is this dish. This dish is installed dish on banquet is very exquisite also, after whole duck has been fumed, want first behead paragraph hind plastic, recover from an illness Yu Panzhong, make duck not only the flesh is delicious, and form is good-looking. On match when banquet with

"Lotus leaf soft cake " , offer the person that feed to coil feed, gust blame beautiful.

Duck of camphor tree tea is dish of Sichuan tradition name, be in early 40 time famed already complete province. The duck that Chengdu dining-room place uses, all be Chengdu with south what produce a duck.

Have in Chengdu " south chicken of road of road duck north " say. Chengdu with south much water, upper and mountainous, duck of the road austral reason is fat, boreal road chicken is tender. After chef of road duck classics is made south, leather soft flesh is tender, flavour is delicious, still have grumous special sweet smell. Because it uses ten kinds of raw material such as wine of black tea, white sugar, carry on, green, ginger, cassia bark, anise to be made meticulously, fume via camphorwood bits and leaf again bake and become, be said to regard camphor tree tea as the duck so. On match when banquet with Beijing green, sweet sauce and hollow cake edible, have inviting sootiness sweet smell.

After the client samples, a lot of China and foreign countries think, the duck of camphor tree tea here, surpass Beijing roast duck. When before a few years hutch of plain side name visits Hong Kong, after many clients took this course, praise substantially, saying it is form of a collect color, sweet, flavour 4 beautiful the Sichuan name dish at an organic whole, ceng Yin removes a sensation of huge of group public figure, thereby renown raise China and foreign countries.

4, chicken of a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China

1, treat gallinaceous butcher clean.

2, fry condiment into boiler, mix even. Daub of again even ground is in the inside and outside of gallinaceous body, enter the souse inside the crock 6 days next, the crock falls among.

3, give the chicken that has bloated the crock, develop condiment with clear water residual, make whole chicken submits form of a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China. Into boiling water boiler gallinaceous semifinished product dip is ironed finally, very hot to chicken Pi Shen is exhibited,

4, good processing with rope made of hemp chicken latchs, suspension is in shady and cool and ventilated place, make its dry in the shade, need commonly cool 7 control to 10 days.

5, clean inside and outside clean with hot water first before edible, enter evaporate of a pot for steaming food ripe, drench on sesame oil can.

5, 3 cannon

3 cannon are famous Sichuan fastfood, basically make by polished glutinous rice, because be in,cast when throwing group of polished glutinous rice, 3 cannon if " bullet " same, give out " when, when, when " noise, friend name " 3 cannon " . When eating, match with " eagle tea " , have a distinctive flavour.  

3 cannon are polished glutinous rice makes a kind feed, also be old times " the meeting that drive a flower " when ability some a kind " cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste " special sale form. Because of every (dish) have 3 Tuo only, and it is hot now pot after cent of cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste of one big Tuo is being caught to be 3 small Tuo in the basin, show cent to fall forcibly now to chopping board in the center of.

Because chopping board puts dish having steel at the same time, metallic noise is given out when shaking because of stroke chopping board, hear only " phut phut phut " 3, 3 Tuo cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste flies to already on inclined boil on the bamboo winnow with a fan that lean below in the bamboo winnow with a fan of pink of replete sesame seed, soya bean pink, another person collects 3 Tuo cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste dish in (right now cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste already naturally is wrapped went up a pulverous) , irrigate again on concentrated juice, send in deadbeat hand.

With makings: Polished glutinous rice 1000 grams, brown sugar 150 grams, sesame seed 50 grams, soya bean 250 grams

Make a way:

1. polished glutinous rice abluent, immerse 12 hours, again after pan, fall into steam box, with conflagration evaporate ripe, 1-2 second water is sprinkled among, break up after evaporate again, mix into boiled water is right amount, on the lid that use a shell, the cent that need water enters rice inside hind, fine and soft of pestle of the club that use wood (or with wring mix machine wring Cheng Rong) , become preform of cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste namely

2. Put brown sugar clear water 300 grams, boil syrup. Fry sesame seed, soya bean respectively ripe, wear fine pink

3. Preform of cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste divides 10, divide every into 3 Tuo again, divide 3 times with the hand namely, swing to trencher continuously, give out 3 noises and play the dustpan of soya bean face inside, make every Tuo is wrapped equably on soya bean face, drench again on syrup, face of Sa Shangzhi hemp is become namely.

6, 5 fat duck

5 fat duck are the Islamic gust special local product with famous Sichuan.

Food brief introduction: Leather color is golden, leather soft flesh is tender, fat and not be bored with, flavour delicacy is dainty, having a unique style.

5 fat duck - the method that make

1. Choose makings: Butcher: Choose fat tender vivid duck, wool of butcher scald in order to remove hairs or feathers, clean clean, the ala leaves chamber, draw out except all and splanchnic, abluent and blood-red, from crus articulatory place cuts two claw, smooth put on chopping board, sign with small bamboo - chain, lest slack.

2. Burden: Mix all sorts of makings mix divide evenly. Inside the abdominal cavity that loads the 6/7 that total volume expects 50 duck equably respectively, leave 1/7 makings to reserve.

3. Make semifinished product: With bamboo piece one when do is furcate, the small bamboo that is flat look directly is maintained child put pitch of duck base substrate inside, will furcate maintain directly go up in bone of the back of the human body, crop is maintained go up in chest, make duck bosom is held out,

The shoulder is not sent to shrink when so that be being baked,be being made. Live with hook next duck head, the skin is ironed inside the boiling water that puts 100 ℃ . Iron neck ministry first, iron the whole body again, make duck Pi Shen is exhibited, bodily form is beautiful. After been iron, duck the head is hanged up, wipe duck with towel

Personally, be in again duck substance appearance is even ground daub a maltose, hang air.

4. Bake make: Burn green bavin charcoal inside furnace first red, charcoal fire to all around push, again will tailor-made fireproof arenaceous bowl puts heat 7 times in the center of. The position should be put in bake the duck semifinished product that make into furnace below. Will afore-mentioned

Of 1/7 reserve burden bakes the amount that make group by group by 50 duck, cent second put arenaceous bowl inside, with sending out base of fragrance suffocating duck is mixed receive take roast duck dribble, wait for furnace temperature to rise 65 ~ when 75 ℃ , can hang duck base the chamber of a stove or furnace to break up bake. First

Roast duck bosom, flank is baked after, from arrive into furnace bake ripe need 30 minutes about, need to retroflexion more than times 10 among. After giving heat from the Shang Shui inside cut teem abdomen, take out bamboo to maintain child with burden broken bits, it is finished product namely.

7, citric beef

Material: Beef 4 2, green pepper bead, onion bead

Each 2 spoon, citric 1. Bloat makings: Unripe take 1.5 teaspoon, teaspoon of 2/1 of citric fine and soft, unripe pink 1.5 teaspoon. Flavor:

Cup of lemon juice 4/1, candy 4/3 spoon, saline 8/1 teaspoon, water 2 spoon, unripe pink water is right amount. Practice: (One) beef slice, put bloat makings mix divide evenly, the filter after bubble is oily does oily share

Go up dish. (2) citric skin grinds teaspoon of 2/1 of fine and soft, cut into shreds about 1 spoon. Will citric flesh extracts juice to make an appointment with 4/1 cup, mixture flavoring is stand-by.

(3) explode onion with 2/1 spoon oil sweet join green pepper bead, citric silk fries flavoring of divide evenly infuse, with a few unripe pink water hits Gorgon euryale to drench in become namely above beef. Attention: "Citric beef " is appetizing dish type, lemon fine and soft can be added only in beef, make have lemon sweet. The citric flavour of other all is in Gorgon euryale juice, it is dish of some of all of color, sweet, flavour.

8, acerbity hot beans is beautiful

Flower of acerbity hot beans is and other places of Sichuan Chengdu, happy hill famous place is fastfood. Fabaceous flower is in much once upon a time carry a form in order to spread out to manage, universal popularity is mixed at the city country, it is a kind of history long folk is fastfood.

Flower of the beans that make needs to choose classy soya bean, after the water that use a well or river leach bubble are sufficient fine grind for the oar, filter boil is burned to pour cask after residue from bean after making soya-bean milk stand-by; The starch of red Chinese trumpet creeper that takes glaze blueness arenaceous crock to put the mix up that use water and gesso water, irruptive the soya-bean milk that burns boil, quiet place lets his coagulate to be spent into the beans.

Acerbity hot beans spends a breed that is fabaceous flower, with face of soy, vinegar, chili, gourmet powder tone becomes flavour juice, put boil very hot beans flower beforehand, scatter on soya bean of bud dish end, short, rutabaga end and chopped green onion are become namely. Acid of beautiful taste of acerbity hot beans is hot salty delicacy, fabaceous flower is delicate, burden is crisp sweet, flavour thick boiling hot, have a distinctive flavour.

Flower of acerbity hot beans is inn of beautiful face of Chengdu Tan beans is famous and fastfood. Acerbity hot beans spends a breed that is fabaceous flower, with face of soy, vinegar, chili, gourmet powder tone becomes flavour juice, put boil very hot beans flower beforehand, scatter on soya bean of bud dish end, short, rutabaga end and chopped green onion are become namely. Acid of beautiful taste of acerbity hot beans is hot salty delicacy, fabaceous flower is delicate, burden is crisp sweet, flavour thick boiling hot, have a distinctive flavour.

9, soft burn a duck

Material: ? Shelf of the quick-freeze in supermarket of the? that reach leg can)

Condiment: ? Anise of cracking? of ⒋ of Luo of mill of ⒗ of Luo of  of ⑸ of  of  of ⒓ of lofty of ⒀ of free time Pi) 4, cassia bark a certain number of, garlic 5, Gan Gongjiao, ginger, oily, onion, green pepper, red any of several hot spice plants each one

1. Above all, duck chop agglomerate, little oil is added in boiler, enter duck and young ginger oily boiler to fry 3 minutes or so together

2. Rejoin salt, gourmet powder, the head of garlic, put soy touch, continue to be fried a little while, join next low spend liquor 2 spoon, water is added after be being fried a bit, water quantity crosses a duck to be done not have a bit, the boiler on the lid is built. Big baked wheaten cake leaves in turning small fire stew 30 to 40 minutes, the flesh is sodden can.

10, young of cuttlefish of bubble any of several hot spice plants

A writer writes plain flavour seafood so: Since seafood apostate from after plain dish, it ases if coruscate its the 2nd spring! One of iron exemples are young of cuttlefish of bubble any of several hot spice plants.

The any of several hot spice plants of bubble of great capacity that this dish relies on Sichuan completely (bullet any of several hot spice plants) , should choose colour and lustre the sea any of several hot spice plants with big thick flesh of bright red, body, of bubble also need proper. Into dish red white trenchant, find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind! still take a dot to answer sweet smell.
