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第一条 为实施《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》(以下简称《中外合作办学条例》),制定本办法。

  第二条 中外合作办学机构设立、活动及管理中的具体规范,以及依据《中外合作办学条例》举办实施学历教育和自学考试助学、文化补习、学前教育等的中外合作办学项目的审批与管理,适用本办法。



  第三条 国家鼓励中国教育机构与学术水平和教育教学质量得到普遍认可的外国教育机构合作办学;鼓励在国内新兴和急需的学科专业领域开展合作办学。


  第四条 中外合作办学机构根据《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法实施条例》的规定,享受国家给予民办学校的扶持与奖励措施。

























One, does collaboration of China and foreign countries run a school managerial thought?

Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school: Challenge new era, new journey, new opportunity, newly

2, managerial tuition of collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of central finance and economics 40000 yuan, does the value not worth?

Are you say the university entrance exam signs up for volunteer newspaper this therein of institute of money nation trade in bay the recruit students inside project plan? This situation wanting cent says, if you attribute line of the sort of mark of the money in just passing, this major still holds out a value, you can take the graduation testimony of two schools, belong to double degree namely, although say the Victoria university rank in Australia is not quite high, but in the graduation card of money still has those who contain Troy very much. If your the university entrance exam is taken an examination of the mark is very high,this returns besides is a double degree, the other institute of the money in suggesting you sign up for. If you are the recruit students outside the plan, tuition wants a bit more expensive.

3, managerial byelaw of collaboration of China and foreign countries?

The first is carry out " managerial byelaw of collaboration of China and foreign countries of People's Republic of China " (the following abbreviation " managerial byelaw of collaboration of China and foreign countries " ) , make this way.

Managerial orgnaization of collaboration of the 2nd China and foreign countries is established, the specific standard in activity and management, and according to " managerial byelaw of collaboration of China and foreign countries " hold education of executive record of formal schooling and self-study exam to aid learn, culture take lessons after school, preschool education the China and foreign countries that wait of cooperative education project examine and approve with management, applicable this method.

This method place calls China and foreign countries cooperative education project is to show China teachs orgnaization and foreign education orgnaization to teach the way of the orgnaization with be not being established, the respect waits in course, professional, course, the is object of main recruit students with Chinese citizen educational education activity that collaboration develops.

Basis " managerial byelaw of collaboration of China and foreign countries " regulation, the collaboration of China and foreign countries that holds executive profession skill to groom runs a school an aim is specific examine and approve and run way, by the State Council labor service is made separately.

The foreign country that the 3rd country urges China to teach orgnaization and academic level and educational education quality to get be admissived generally teachs orgnaization collaboration to run a school; Encourage in home burgeoning with imperative course major the domain begins cooperative education.

The country is encouraged in China western area, outlying impoverished area begins collaboration of China and foreign countries to run a school.

Basis of managerial orgnaization of collaboration of the 4th China and foreign countries " education of run by the local people of People's Republic of China promotes a law to carry out byelaw " regulation, enjoy a country to give the give aid toing of school of run by the local people and award measure.

The organism that teachs service to make outstanding contribution to developing collaboration of China and foreign countries to run a school or the individual gives reward and commend.

4, does collaboration of China and foreign countries run a school admit a trend?

Because make the change of bodily form type, collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school also get effect of the following elements, at present so collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school admit somewhat slow down.

1, new coronal epidemic situation. Foreign comparing home is serious and too much, especially a few US-ledder basically study abroad the country of whereaboutldirection.

2, go against globalization, US-led the developed country begins block technology and learning, these national visa are more difficult

3, a few abroader famous university has declared tomorrow one year is online class, without classroom education, but tuition is not decreased.

4, Ministry of Education is new and authorized already collaboration of some a few China and foreign countries run a school, the collaboration of China and foreign countries that cancelled a few inferior quality runs a school.

Be based on above at 4 o'clock, the parent with risk tall consciousness, the likelihood won't choose to let the child study abroad, but the education that wants to accept these western ox officer again, so, collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school may be better choice, and admit fractional line to may rise. Do not eliminate a few collaboration that have a brand to run a school major rises substantially.

5, is managerial major of collaboration of China and foreign countries ranked?

Professional rank the first, wen Zhou agrees favour university, business major, wen Zhou agrees favour university is approval of Chinese Ministry of Education, agree by the United States favour university and China are, american university is introduced in a when China establishs natural resources of high grade education, have independent corporate organization and member of independent institute board, it is the Sino-US collaboration that Ministry of Education enlarges education to open managerial project, on November 16, 2011, university of lukewarm state of approval of national Ministry of Education and collaboration of university of American division favour make preparations establish Wen Zhou to agree favour university, formal approval established national Ministry of Education on March 31, 2014 Wen Zhou agrees favour university.

6, what calls China and foreign countries cooperative education?

Either, the means China that collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school and foreign country are collective and contributive joint, tuition is very tall, the school implements double English education, one is the English course with mandatory university, one is colloquial course, be outside mixing, teach execute man-to-man osculatory opportunity and language to take exercise. The characteristic that collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school thinks the word that go abroad is very convenient namely, go through school respect, have safeguard, do not think up a country to also need not go out, do not importune.

7, is managerial undergraduate course of collaboration of China and foreign countries good?

Good. Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school is to show the foreign country teachs an orgnaization to teach an orgnaization to be in what Chinese churchyard collaboration holds to be the educational orgnaization of object of main recruit students with Chinese citizen with China.

Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school belong to commonweal sex career, it is the component of Chinese education enterprise, enjoy the favourable policy that the country sets lawfully, still ought to accord with China to teach the need that the enterprise admits, devote oneself to to foster Chinese socialism to build the of all kinds person with ability of the career.

8, does collaboration of China and foreign countries run a school a few degree?

A degree

Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school is a kind of mode that enrols school and recruit students of foreign university collaboration by domestic interconnected system normally. After the student is graduating, can obtain the master's degree letter that foreign university issues, and have a letter only, not be to say China and foreign countries two universities can issue letter.  

Attending class place respect, the whole nation has managerial project of some China collaboration in home, if attend what open via trade and French college external is retail industrial and commercial managing on-the-job graduate student, although attend class teacher by Sino-French two colleges teacher is finished jointly, but the place is to be in finish inside campus of economic commerce university external. The foreign master's degree that takes finally so, but want be to one's profit than studying abroad in abroad much.

9, does collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school and foreign collaboration run a school distinction?

Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school is the school is located in home, the foreign country invests, or outside coming to a few, teach run a school together, foreign collaboration runs a school, the location of a school is in abroad, china invests or give collaboration of persons qualified to teach to run a school

10, how is liberal art enrolled to be born inside managerial plan of collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of central finance and economics?

This problem is such, how doesn't university of central finance and economics enrol liberal art to be born inside managerial plan of collaboration of China and foreign countries, from theoretic say university of finance and economics is science department, enrolling liberal art to be born is understandable.

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