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宠物鳄鱼怎么养? 宠物小鳄鱼龟养要注意什么?怎么养?英文双语对照


宠物鳄鱼怎么养? 宠物小鳄鱼龟养要注意什么?怎么养?英文双语对照















你养宠物之前不做功课吗?无语 ! 小鳄龟水性不好,过背的浅水就行。水温25摄氏度,喂龟粮或是淡水鱼。鳄龟在陆地上比较暴躁。























One, how is pet crocodile raised?

Raise pet crocodile to want to note safe problem, because crocodilian nature is more sweeping, need prepares appropriate surroundings to crocodile, the attention is fed feed etc.

1, raise chest: Can choose aquarium and tidy chest, the choice is not slack tidy chest, because can avoid,be bumped to defeat by crocodile. 1.5 times must be crocodilian length, ability can let crocodile grow.

2, box top: Crocodilian and OK switch rear jumps out oneself 3 times long place, do not look down upon crocodilian bouncing ability.

3, filter: Filter water quality, necessary.

4, aerobic pump: Add aerobic thing namely, be in to crocodile the environment with favorable underwater.

5, heat club: Aquatic animals inn has sell, can add lukewarm, but need was broken into pieces carefully by crocodile.

6, flat roof: Give crocodilian take a breath or rest use, the flat roof that uses a tortoise is OK, had better use big stone.

7, UVB lamp: Help crocodile absorbs vitamin D3, if can bask everyday,need not use.

8, thermometer: Measure temperature.

Crocodilian need takes food on surface, can drown otherwise.

2, does small crocodilian chelonian raise pet what should notice? How to raise?

Need not set land, draft alligator chelonian and big alligator to be met than returning nevertheless now and then to disembark, other respect notices water quality cough up, the water that use a well is best, tap water wants to bask in, or buy a filter of appropriative of aquatic animals box, because poor water quality can cause skin of corrupt of its corrupt armour, dietary respect small alligator compares sturdy, piscine shrimp pluck goes, the attention often does not feed tall fat flesh kind, be like pork, can feed chicken or beef, what small alligator grows is very fast, was brought up to be cast when it feed live fish vivid shrimp, even frog and small white rat go, as a whole small alligator still is very good raise

3, how to raise small crocodile?

Doesn't the class do work before you raise pet? Without language! Ability in swimming of small alligator chelonian is bad, the shallow water that carries on the back too goes. Water is warm 25 Celsius, feed chelonian grain or be fresh water fish. Alligator chelonian is more irratable on land.

4, how is small crocodile raised?

After small crocodile suits Xian Jing to raise, feed feed, unfavorable be received or just came home crocodile belt to be put in the amuse oneself on the hand, this is a tremendous mistake.

The disposition that prospective crocodile has been when a lot of players are buying pet crocodile was anxious, very excited perhaps curiosity, be received so or just came home crocodile belt to be able to be put in the amuse oneself on the hand, this is a tremendous mistake. The first crocodilian and excellent job is sanatorium, can cause to it otherwise oppressive, in can feed after 4 days sanatorium fed, can feed feed small loach small perhaps white rat, cannot feed too big prey in order to feed.

5, can be pet crocodile raised?

Can, but do not suggest Everyman is raised. 1. Pet crocodile needs special aquatic animals case and warm environment, and have special demand to wholesome condition, food and athletic quantity, need often changes water, feed feed and take exercise into travel body. Accordingly, they need to cost more energy and time to undertake conserve. 2. Additional, crocodile is wild animal, it is OK to although there is partial breed classics now,domesticate artificially too as friendly as the mankind get along, but still have certain dangerous sex, once scare or be gone in the environment of impropriety, atttack behavior with respect to likelihood happening. So, have rich experience and resource only, ability does good pet take care of the job crocodilianly truly.

6, how is small crocodilian chelonian raised?

Alligator chelonian is the creature with very small courage, be not puzzled by his feral appearance. The alligator chelonian that just bought should be put in first quiet and avoid smooth place lets it get used to period of time, let it be familiar with the environment all round. What notice especially is to want as far as possible avoid to shake. Big alligator chelonian is particularly sensitive to shaking.

It is normal that the alligator chelonian that just entered does not have a thing, most chelonian should leave first feed, alligator chelonian leaves feed must live content, live small fish, small loach is OK, wait for you to see it began ask for a favor to fish, feed calculate a success.

But you come up to feed raw meat, seem to be able to eat without alligator chelonian. Raised alligator chelonian of 11 years, had not seen those who begin to eat raw meat up to now. Although alligator chelonian is deep water chelonian, but at the same time need basks, the absorption of this pair of nutrition back armour can have very big effect. It is chelonian of high water dwell this is pretty good, but won't swim, the alligator chelonian that captures only can climb in benthic.

So water cannot too deep, too late meeting drowns. Depth of water exceeds it to carry armour height on the back commonly double to 3 times advisable. Water is warm control in 28 degrees, this temperature suits it to grow most.

Still alligator chelonian itself does not like to move namely, it such, normal. If you had raised withered leaf chelonian, can discover it is even lazier than alligator chelonian. Have again even if cannot judge the age through its length back armour. It grows speed is to look completely how many what feed, feed how long fast. So its growth and time become direct ratio not completely.

7, a few days to raise pet small crocodile to change water?

Water quality manages the pond with large area, 20~50 sky share changes water 1 times, day of small pond 2~3 or 6~7 sky share change water 1 times, diaphaneity maintains in 10~20 centimeter, winter changes water less as far as possible according to the circumstance, but should change water in time with what glazed earthen basin raises.

8, what pet crocodile can China raise?

China is to cannot take crocodile when pet, crocodile is a kind of very dangerous animal.

9, is the pet that can China raise crocodilian?

Answer: China cannot raise pet crocodile.

Crocodile is one kind has aggressive animal, till now, without the small crocodile that is not brought up forever, of small crocodile grow won't freeze. Small crocodile passes the feed of a few months, grow rate is very rapid, a few months increase multiple. Although you are very good,raise it, it won't need a person according to your thinking tenderness, because it is cold-blooded animal, without emotive.

10, can be crocodile raised when pet?

Crocodile can be raised when pet, the crocodile with too great nevertheless type of build or figure is no good. The bodily form of the breed such as Nero alligator, America alligator can achieve 45 meters, cannot raise. Crocodile of the famousest a kind of pet is peaceful alligator, type of build or figure is small, can serve as pet. Although they look gentler,do not pass, but their disposition also is feraller, the person also may be atttacked when starving.

Before raising its as pet, also need to deal with domesticate relevantly qualificatory card, breeding them otherwise is illegimate.

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