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1. 防晒霜和帽子:长滩岛气候炎热,曝晒的紫外线较强,及时涂抹防晒霜并配带帽子可有效保护皮肤。

2. 泳衣和沙滩裤:长滩岛有许多美丽的海滩和蓝天白云,准备好适合游泳和沙滩活动的泳衣和沙滩裤。

3. 草帽和太阳镜:草帽可以防止阳光直射,太阳镜可以保护眼睛免受强光刺激。

4. 防蚊液和蚊帐:长滩岛有不少蚊虫,野外活动时使用防蚊液并携带蚊帐有助于避免叮咬。

5. 舒适的鞋子和拖鞋:准备一双舒适的鞋子用于徒步和探索岛上的景点,同时也要带一双拖鞋供穿着在沙滩上休息。

6. 水壶和小食物:保持身体水分充足非常重要,带一个水壶和一些小食物在户外活动中补充能量。

7. 游泳眼镜和浮潜装备:长滩岛被誉为浮潜天堂,带上游泳眼镜和浮潜装备享受海底世界的壮丽景观。

8. 医药箱:备上常用的药品、创口贴和急救用品,以备不时之需。

9. 防水袋和相机:为了保护个人物品和记录旅行的美好瞬间,带上防水袋和相机。

10. 轻便的行李箱或背包:选用轻便且容积适中的行李箱或背包,方便携带和储存物品。



答案是肯定的。长滩岛作为菲律宾的一个旅游胜地,同样需要办理菲律宾旅游签证。 此外,需要注意的是,菲律宾政府规定,所有前往菲律宾旅游的外国人必须持有至少6个月有效期的护照。因此,在前往长滩岛之前,需要确保护照的有效期足够长。根据菲律宾政府的规定,所有前往菲律宾旅游的外国人都需要办理签证。因此,前往长滩岛旅游的游客也需要办理菲律宾旅游签证。在前往长滩岛之前,还需要确保护照的有效期足够长。







长滩岛 是菲律宾消费更高的地方之一,也是这国家旅游赚钱的一个途径,他不会允许这里闹事,把自己的财路断掉,所以整个岛上非常安全,外海还有军舰和补给船一直停着。 肯定是安全的,如果不安全的话,国家会有警示来提醒大家不能前往此处。 菲律宾我去过两次,去过马尼拉、巴拉望,如果从旅游的角度出发,这是一个挺不错的旅行目的地


长滩岛(Boracay),是菲律宾中部一岛屿,面积10.32平方公里,人口12,003人(2000年),属于西米沙鄢群岛,位于班乃岛西北2公里,是菲律宾的旅游胜地之一,行政区划属西米沙鄢大区的阿克兰省。1990年《BMW热带海滩手册》(BMW Tropical Beach Handbook) 就将其评选为世界最美沙滩之一。1996年,英国刊物TV Quick 更推选其为世界一流的热带海滩。2007年,长滩岛在雅虎旅游“世界最受欢迎海滩”的评选中获得第一名。长滩岛位于菲律宾中部,处于班乃岛的西北尖端,形状如同一个哑铃。整座岛不过7公里 长,却有一片长达4公里的白色沙滩,被誉为“世界上最细的沙滩”。





准备材料 在申请长滩岛签证之前,您需要准备以下材料




填写申请表 在填写长滩岛签证申请表时,您需要注意以下几点















Is travel of long beach island necessary article detailed list?

1.Prevent bask in frost and cap: Climate of long beach island is burning hot, the ultraviolet ray of insolate is stronger, seasonable daub is prevented bask in frost and deserve to take a cap to be able to protect the skin effectively.

2.Swimsuit and beach pants: Long beach island has a lot of beautiful beach and blue sky white cloud, get ready suit to swim the swimsuit with beach activity and beach pants.

3.Straw hat and sunglass: Straw hat can prevent sun point-blank, sunglass can protect an eye to avoid get strong light stimulus.

4.Prevent midge fluid and mosquito-curtain: Long beach island has many mosquitoes, the liquid that prevent midge is used when field activity and carry mosquito-curtain to conduce to avoid to bite.

5.Comfortable shoe and slipper: Prepare a pair of comfortable shoe to use Yu Tu pace and the tourist attraction that explore an island to go up, also want to take a pair of slipper to offer dress to rest on the beach at the same time.

6.Jug and small food: Retain body moisture enough and special important, energy complements in heading a jug and activity of outdoors of a few small food.

7.Natant glasses and float go equipment: Long beach island is known as float Qian Tiantang, glasses and float swim to go on the belt the magnificent sight that equipment enjoys marine world.

8.Medical box: The commonly used medicines and chemical reagents on equipment, cut is stuck and emergency treatment things, in order to have untimely needs.

9.Waterproof bag and camera: The good instant that travels to protect individual article and record, take waterproof bag and watch for a chance.

10.Light boot or knapsack: Choose light and the boot of cubage moderate or knapsack, just be carried and store article.

Does travel of long beach island need visa?


The answer is affirmative. Long beach island regards a Philippine travel as the resort, same need deals with Philippine travel visa. In addition, those who need an attention is, philippine government sets, all foreigners that head for Philippine travel must hold the passport of period of efficacy of at least 6 months. Accordingly, before heading for long beach island, need ensures the period of efficacy of the passport is enough long. According to the regulation of Philippine government, all foreigners that head for Philippine travel need to deal with visa. Accordingly, the tourist that travels toward long beach island before also needs to deal with Philippine travel visa. Before heading for long beach island, still need to ensure the period of efficacy of the passport is enough long.

Go growing safety of beach island travel?


Everybody does not need the safe problem of long beach island to worry too much. When travelling here, everybody is OK well the holiday that experiences oneself. The beach here is exceedingly comfortable, walk above also all the more comfortable, a lot of people can play before the choice, everybody can see come from the tourist at world each district, the tourist of what color of skin has.

Even if arrived in the evening when, the beach here also won't become quiet to come down, the meeting is more lively when having in the evening instead, nevertheless in the evening when go out to should notice oneself safety more all right, had better be accompany and row, do not want oneself to act alone.

Is travel of island of Philippine long beach safe?


Long beach island is one of places with Philippine higher spending, also be a way that this country travel makes money, he won't allow here make trouble, the money way oneself is broken, so on whole island special safety, open waters still has warship and supply ship to stopping all the time. It is safe for certain, if insecure word, the country can have caution to remind everybody to cannot head for here. Philippine I am had been to twice, have been to Manila, cling to pull look, if set out from the angle of travel, this is a quite good the journey's end

The plan goes growing beach island travel, beg the situation of long beach island?

Long beach island (Boracay) , it is Philippine mid one islands, area 10.32 square kilometer, population 12, 003 people (2000) , belong to archipelago of sago sanded Yan, be located in a northwest you an island 2 kilometers, it is one of Philippine travel resorts, administrative division into districts belongs to the Akelan of large area of sago sanded Yan to save. 1990 " manual of BMW intertropical beach " (BMW Tropical Beach Handbook) choose its for the world one of the most beautiful beaches. 1996, british journal TV Quick more its are choose the world's top-ranking intertropical beach. 2007, long beach island travels in Yahoo " the world is the most welcome beach " the first is obtained in choosing. Long beach island is located in Philippine mid, the northwest that is in Ban Naidao is most advanced, if appearance is same a dumbbell. Whole island does not cross 7 kilometers to grow, however one is as long as the white beach of 4 kilometers, be known as " the finest beach on the world " .

Go growing the optimal time that beach island travels?

The summer of long beach island arrives from March in May, sunny and burning hot, air temperature is between 22-32 ℃ , arrived in June October is monsoon. In June, mixed in July what was considered as to grow beach island to go up in September is off-season. It is right at this moment economy has estimated the tourist gives the optimal opportunity of travel, case of this current price is relatively a lot of cheaper also, tourist is not much also. Long beach island (Boracay) subject Philippine, transliteration is cling to the island that pull a lid, it is Philippine a mid islands, belong to archipelago of sago sanded Yan, be located in a northwest you an island 2 kilometers, it is one of Philippine travel resorts. Long beach island belongs to intertropical and marine climate, administrative division into districts belongs to the Akelan of large area of sago sanded Yan to save. Its divide S1, S2, S3 according to the order of development 3 area, have elegant berth (Yapak) , tower rich channel (the tourist attraction such as Tabon) . Long beach island is Philippine the famousest beach, be " 7 old beautiful beaches of world " one of, with its distinctive exquisite the Bai Sha that is like flour is famous.

How to go growing beach island to travel to do visa?


Before preparative material is applying for to grow beach island visa, you need to prepare the following data

Valid passport original and photocopy, passport period of efficacy should be more than 6 months.

Visa application form, can be in Philippine halt China embassy officer net downloads.


Fill in application form is filling in when application form of visa of long beach island, you need to notice the following

Fill in individual information, include full name, sexual distinction, give unripe date, citizenship, profession to wait.

How does visa of travel of long beach island do?

Toward long beach island travel needs to deal with Philippine travel visa before, specific flow is as follows: Prepare the following data ahead of schedule: Photograph of two pieces of application form of valid passport, visa, passports, airline ticket, hotel is booked affirm sheet of Zhang of odd, bank to wait.

Fill in application form and after pay certificate fee is used, head for Philippine halt China embassy or consulate submit data, undertake face careful. Through visa can be being obtained after examine and verify, conduction time is 7-10 commonly workaday. The proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey, apply for visa ahead of schedule, lest affect scheduling.

Does friend of travel of long beach island encircle article table?

With your the closest ocean encountering, grow beach island to wait for you to come expeditionary! The seawater of white beach of dream, azure blue, colorful marine world, let you be enmeshed in pure natural beauty. Enjoy sunbathe to the top of one's bent, have a good swim seawater, still can use transparent kayak to explore coasting. Experience exciting aquatic sports, include surf and float to go. In the evening, attend lively beach clique to be opposite, dance together with friends, enjoy cate and in be enmeshed in music. Will quickly grow beach island, it is an organic whole with nature be in harmony, harvest unforgettable holiday memory!

Want to go is travel of island of Philippine long beach safe?

Island of Philippine long beach is a famed travel resort, have beautiful beach and clear seawater. However, resemble any travel destination same, security is a main consideration factor. The safe situation of island of Philippine long beach can say be relative stability, but still put in a few safe risks. A few common safe problems include thief and rob incident, mix in crowd congested place especially nightly. In addition, maritime activity goes to also need to notice a safety precaution like phreatic water and float, ensure the choice has aptitude and reliable operation business. To ensure your journey is safe, suggest you take the following step:

1. understands the safe situation of destination ahead of schedule, include situation of the Political Bureau and crime rate.

2. keeps vigilant, mix in place of person much congested especially nightly.

3. does not carry overmuch cash and valuable, maintain property safety.

4. uses reliable vehicle and lawful travel agent.

5. abides by local law and regulation, esteem place culture and consuetudinary. In addition, suggest you buy viatic insurance before the journey, so that appropriate support and safeguard are obtained below emergency. Ask an attention, above suggests to offer reference only, had better go to before you plan before island of Philippine long beach, the travel orgnaization of advisory place or the diplomatic and consular missions outside be stationed in, in order to get newest safe information and proposal.
