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你好:增肌粉或蛋白粉会起一定作用,但最主要的还是训练,你的情况  可能是平台期。  以下是10条突破肌肉增长增重障碍的训练技术。实际应用时,你可以把每项训练技术的“尝试期”控制在4周。因为每一项技术都具有立竿见影的效果,为了体验所有技术的效果,不要在某项技术上耗费太多时间。正确的做法是,每个单项技术连续使用4周时间,一个接一个地尝试所有10项技术。这样既可以使块头和力量保持持续增长的势头,又可以不断尝试新鲜内避免了乏味。  无论你的目标是通过长期训练达到自己的力量极限,还是仅仅为了增加一些肌肉块,这些训练技术都会帮助你在最短的时间内获得极佳的训练效果。  1:5%增重训练法  具体做法:选择某个动作最多能做8次的重量;用这个重量做4组,每组做7次,组间休息3分钟。在接下来的2次训练课里(每5天进行一次这样的训练课),仍然做4组这个动作,只是在每次训练课中使用的重量递增5%,同时次数减少一次;在第四次训练课中,次数又回到7次,重量与第三次训练课使用的重量相同。这样你就比第一次训练课中多举了5%的重量。  举例:  第一次训练课:用100磅(1磅>0.45公斤)做4组,每组7次。  第二次训练课:用105磅做4组,每组6次。  第三次训练课:用110磅做4组,每组5次。  第四次训练课:用105磅做4组,每组7次。  原理:尽管在前三次训练课申的次数有所递减,但你使用的重量有所增加,这样有利于发展绝对力量,这个积累过程在最后一次训练课集中体现出来。  2. 组间休息时间递减训练法  具体做法:先用秒表测算你现阶段通常的组间休息时间,在接下来的每次训练课中,采用相同的动作、组数和次数,同时减少5>10秒的组间休息时间。  原理:这种做法迫使肌肉加快恢复速度,从而刺激肌肉增长。  3. 强迫增重训练法  具体做法:使用某动作只能做2次的最大重量。做6组、每组2次的练习,组间休息2分钟。在下次训练中,强迫自己用这个重量每组做4坎。也许你竭尽全力,也只能做3组,每组3次,或者做3组、每组2次完整的动作,但是不要放弃,继续强迫自己这样练下去到可以用这个重量做足6组。每组4次。  原理:大多数人无法突破平台期,是因为他们总是使用一咸不变的重量和次数。这个训练技术迫使身体突破自身的障碍。  4. 减重续做训练法  具体做法:使用能做6次的最大重量,完成2>4组、在接下来的1组练习中,减少重量的同时尽量增加次数,并用较快的速度完成动作。例如,前2组使用100磅的重量,每组6次。第3组就使用60磅,尽你所能多做几次-使用这种练法的效果是:对于同样的重量,可以提高次数。  原理:使用的重量越大,支配肌肉的运动神经就越兴奋,而且在后面紧接着的练习中会持续这种兴奋状态,减重续做法能够强迫增加训练的强度,刺激肌肉增长。  5. 部分幅度训练法  具体做法:在能做6次的最大重量基础上增加10%>20%的重量。动作幅度为常规幅度的3/4,即下降到离最低处还有1/4时停下来,然后立即返回起始姿势。做3组,每组4>6次,组间休息3分钟(需请一个训练伙伴保护你)。接下来,再做1>2组这种部分幅度的练习,每组4>6次,此时可选用比平时稍重一些的重量。  原理:部分幅度法使你可以避开动作中身体力量最小的位置(重量下放到最低时),利用优势力量推起更大的重量。  6. 递增重量训练法  具体做法:以能做5次的最大重量为基准,按照以下循环进行:  第一组做4次;  休息3分钟;  第二组增重5%做3次;  休息3分钟;  第三组再次增重5%做2次;  休息3分钟;  循环以上过程,同时第一组选择的重量比第一个循环增加5%。  原理:第一组的大重量可以将肌肉纤维刺激为兴奋状态,所以在第二组中可以动用更多的肌纤维参与发力,发挥出更大的潜力。  7.短歇多次训练法  具体做法:选择能做2>3次的最大重量(大约为单次最大重量的80%)。用这个重量做10组,每组1次的练习,组间休息30秒。  原理:这种方法能够使你完成10次平时只能连续做2次的重量。所以,这种方法比通常使用的方法能刺激更多的肌纤维。如果与“组间休息时间递减法”结合在一起使用,能收到极佳的效果。  8. “6进1”训练法  具体做法:选用能做7次的最大重量,做6次。然后休息3>5分钟。随后将重量加到你最大单次重量的90%,做1次,然后休息3>5分钟。重复以上程序,但是,重复第二次时,做6次所用的重量要比通常的6次最大重量多2%>3%,做1次所用的重量要比通常的单次最大重量多2%>3%(恭喜你,你已经创造了新的个人记录。)  原理:在单次的训练组中,你的肌肉做好了做6次动作的准备,所以肌肉没有发挥出最大力量。在次数为6次的训练组中,你的肌肉做好了举大重量的准备,所以重量就在无形中显得轻了一些。这种训练方法能有效地突破训练平台期。  9. 组数、次数对换训练法  具体做法:如果你一直采用做3组、每组10次或类似的训练安排,那么你可以尝试对换组数和次数,而得到一种新的组数次数的组合。也就是说,把原来的组数变为新计划的次数,把原来的次数变为新计划的组数,新的计划由过去的“3组、每组10次”变成了“10组、每组3次”。组间休息也可以适当调整,以感觉刚刚能恢复体力为准。  原理:对换组数和次数安排后,训练的总次数并没有改变,发生变化的是:在训练中所用力量大小的平均值。  10.运动量减半  具体做法:将你通常的运动量减少一半。  原理:如果其他方法对你没有任何作用,那么说明你很可能训练过度了。你可以减少对肌肉的硬性要求,这样肌肉才可以充分恢复。或者干脆给“肌肉们”放一个星期的假。


Hello: The pink that add muscle or egg whitening can have certain effect, but the mainest still is training, your circumstance may be platform period. The training technology that is obstacle of weightening finish of growth of 10 breakthroughs muscle below. When applying actually, you can train every of the technology " attempt period " control is in 4 weeks. Because each technology has the effect of get effect instantly, to experience the effect of all technologies, do not expend too much time on some technology. Right way is, every individual technology uses 4 weeks of time continuously, ground of one after another tries 10 all technologies. Can make a head and force maintain the momentum that grows continuously already so, can try ceaselessly again fresh inside avoided drab. No matter your target is the force limit that reachs his through training for a long time, mere still to add a few muscle piece, these training technologies can help you achieve admirable training result inside the shortest time. 1:5Standard of training of % weightening finish is specific practice: Choose the weight that a certain movement can do 8 times at most; Do 4 groups with this weight, every groups are done 7 times, across block rests 3 minutes. In next in 2 training course (every 5 days undertake such training class) , still do 4 groups this movement, the weight that just uses in training a class every time increases by degrees 5 % , at the same time the frequency decreases; In training a class the 4th times, the frequency is returned 7 times again, weight and the weight that the 3rd times training course uses are identical. Such you train the weight that 5 % lifted more in the class than first time. Citing: Train a class for the first time: With 100 pounds (1 pound > 0.45 kilograms) do 4 groups, every groups 7. Train a class the 2nd times: Do 4 groups with 105 pounds, every groups 6. Train a class the 3rd times: Do 4 groups with 110 pounds, every groups 5. Train a class the 4th times: Do 4 groups with 105 pounds, every groups 7. Principle: Although train a class 3 times afore explain the frequency decreases successively somewhat, but the weight that you use increases somewhat, such is helpful for that expand absolute power, this accumulates a process to train a class to center body to come out now in the last time. 2. Across block breathing space is degressive training standard is specific practice: Calculate you to show level with stopwatch first normally across block breathing space, be in next in training a class every time, use number of same act, set and number, reduce the across block breathing space of 5>10 second at the same time. Principle: This kind of practice forces muscle to accelerate restore rate, spur muscle growth thereby. 3. Force weightening finish to train a law particular way: The greatest weight that uses some movement to be able to be done 2 times only. Do every groups of 6 group, 2 exercises, across block rests 2 minutes. In training next time, force oneself become 4 bank every groups with this weight. Perhaps you go all lengths, also can do 3 groups only, every groups 3, perhaps do 3 groups, every groups 2 whole acts, but do not abandon, continue to force oneself such practice go down to be able to use this weight to do sufficient 6 groups. Every groups 4. Principle: Most person cannot break through platform period, because they always are used,be one salty changeless weight and frequency. This training technology forces the body to break through the obstacle of oneself. 4. Decrease heavy add to become training law particular way: Use what can do 6 times the greatest weight, group of the 2>4 that finish, be in next in 1 group of exercises, reduce weight while increase a number as far as possible, complete an action with rapidder rate. For example, before 2 groups use the weight of 100 pounds, every groups 6. The 3rd group uses 60 pounds, use up you to be able to do a few times more - the effect that uses this kind of experienced method is: To equal weight, can increase a number. Principle: Use weight is greater, control sarcous motorial more excited, and this kind of exalted position can last in the exercise of back-to-back at the back move, decrease heavy add practice to be able to force to increase the strength of training, exciting muscle grows. 5. Standard of partial extent training is specific practice: 10 % increase on the basis of the greatest weight that can become 6 times > the weight of 20 % . Behavioral extent is the 3/4 of groovy extent, when dropping to still have 1/4 from lowermost place namely, stop, return initiative pose instantly next. Do 3 groups, every groups of 4>6 second, across block rests 3 minutes (need to ask associate of a training to protect your) . Next, redo 1>2 group the exercise of extent of this kind of part, every groups of 4>6 second, can choose right now than weighing the weight of a few a bit at ordinary times. Principle: Partial extent law makes you can avoid physical strength of the body in opening an act estimates the least place (weight transfer to a lower level arrives when lowest) , use advantage force to shift greater weight. 6. Increase by degrees weight trains a law particular way: With the greatest weight that can do 5 times is fiducial, undertake according to the following loop: The first group is done 4 times; Rest 3 minutes; 5 % do the 2nd group of weightening finish 3 times; Rest 3 minutes; The 3rd group again 5 % do weightening finish 2 times; Rest 3 minutes; Circular above process, at the same time the weight of the first group of choices compares the first loop to increase 5 % . Principle: The first group great weight can stimulate muscle fiber for exalted position, be in so the 2nd more flesh fiber can be employed to share hair power in the group, play gives greater potential. 7. Short rest for many times to train a law particular way: The choice can do 2>3 second the greatest weight (it is sheet about second the 80 % ) of the greatest weight. Do 10 groups with this weight, every groups of 1 exercises, across block rests 30 seconds. Principle: This kind of method can make you finish the weight that can do 2 times continuously only at ordinary times 10 times. So, this kind of method can stimulate more flesh fiber than the method that uses normally. If with " across block breathing space gives subtration " union is used together, can get admirable result. 8. "6 enter 1 " training standard is specific practice: Choose what can do 7 times the greatest weight, do 6 times. Rest next 3>5 minute. Add weight you subsequently the largest sheet the 90 % of second weight, do 1 times, rest next 3>5 minute. Repeat above process, but, when repeating the 2nd times, the weight that does place 6 times to use should be compared 6 the greatest weight are normally much 2 % > 3 % , the weight that does place 1 times to use should be compared normally odd the greatest weight is much 2 % > 3 % (congratulation you, you had created new individual to record. )   principle: In sheet second in training group, your muscle has made the preparation that makes a motion 6 times, so muscle gives the greatest power without play. In the training group that is 6 times in the frequency, your muscle has made the preparation that lifts great weight, so weight appears a few lighter in virtually. Method of this kind of training breaks through training effectively platform period. 9. Standard of training of trade of set number, frequency is specific practice: If you are used all the time,do 3 groups, every groups 10 or similar training arrangement, so you can try trade group number and time, and the combination that gets a kind of new group counts a number. That is to say, turn into original set number the frequency of new plan, turn into original number the set number of new plan, new plan by the past " 3 groups, every groups 10 " became " 10 groups, every groups 3 " . Across block rests to also can be adjusted appropriately, in order to feel just can refection is accurate. Principle: After trade group number and frequency are arranged, the total number of training does not have a change, those who produce change is: In training place measures the average of size forcibly. 10. Carry momentum halve is specific practice: you normally carry momentum reduces an in part. Principle: If other method does not have any action to you, so explain you are probable overtrain. You can reduce pair of sarcous rigid demands, such muscle just can restore adequately. Flat perhaps give " muscle people " the holiday that puts a week.
