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加拿大旅游签证攻略? 长沙儿童旅游攻略?英文双语对照


加拿大旅游签证攻略? 长沙儿童旅游攻略?英文双语对照





1. 办理签证是为了旅行

2. 自己有足够的财力完成旅行

























  1. 交通方式:你可以乘坐地铁2号线到达长沙南站,也可以乘坐公交车、出租车等其他交通工具。

  2. 景点推荐:长沙南站周边有很多景点值得一去,比如橘子洲头、岳麓山、星城古镇等等。你可以根据自己的兴趣和时间进行选择。

  3. 美食推荐:长沙是一个美食之都,长沙南站周边也有很多好吃的地方。比如火宫殿、老长沙糖油粑粑、臭豆腐等等。

  4. 购物推荐:长沙南站周边也有很多商场和购物中心,比如万达广场、太平洋百货等等。你可以在这里购买到各种商品。






1. 毛家湾老婆豆腐:这是长沙的特色小吃之一,豆腐细嫩,汤汁鲜美。搭配一碗米饭一起吃,味道美味。

2. 兔头:长沙的兔头制作独特,麻辣味十足。正宗的兔头切割得十分精细,入口鲜嫩多汁,是许多当地人和游客钟爱的美食。

3. 臭豆腐:长沙的臭豆腐闻名全国,具有独特的气味和口感。你可以选择炸臭豆腐或者蒸臭豆腐,搭配辣椒酱一起食用。

4. 烧烤:长沙的夜市和烧烤文化非常有名,你可以品尝到各种肉串、烧烤美食,如鱼豆腐、鸡翅、烤鸭脖等。

5. 火宫殿脆皮鸭:这是一家著名的鸭脖品牌,独特的烤制工艺使鸭脖口感酥脆,味道香辣可口。

6. 沅江瓦罐汤:这是湖南传统的汤类美食,瓦罐内炖煮各种食材,汤汁鲜美,口感丰富。

7. 柳叶包子:这是一种湖南传统的早点美食,外形扁平如柳叶,内部包裹着各种馅料,如红豆沙、鲜肉等,口感软糯。

8. 湖南米粉:长沙的米粉以细而软的口感著称,可以选择炒米粉或煮米粉,搭配各种辣椒酱和配料。





Strategy of Canadian travel visa?

Conduction Canada visa, altogether has 3 big move, prepare a data==> submit data==> await an outcome.

Before beginning to deal with visa, we need government of manage clear Canada to let the end that we handle. Because regard as,live in the developing country we, appear before Canadian government is we complete a trip without ability, financial capacity, likelihood happening stops or cross secretly even.

Accordingly, we are preparing visa is to confirm the following at 2 o'clock:

1.Conduction visa is for the journey

2.Oneself have sufficient financial resources to complete a trip

Strategy of Changsha children travel?

Interesting and rich. Because Changsha has the tourist attraction that suits children more very much, include ocean of orange continent head, Changsha center of art of culture of international of lake of brook of hill of the world, high mountain the foot of mountain, plum is waited a moment. In addition, the cate of Changsha is very rich also, suit children taste bud particularly. In addition, travel environment is neat and wholesome, traffic is convenient, each service is very perfect. If you plan to look after children,go Changsha travels, can understand these tourist attractions ahead of schedule, arrange the arrangement of the respect such as good meal, accommodation at the same time, what can let you so is itinerary more happy and unforgettable.

Is Changsha travel clad strategy?

Spring and autumn wear light jacket, trousers, grow sleeve shirt. Take a thin sweat shirt appropriately, autumn pants. The summer wears show solicitude for, shirt, knickers. Winter wears eider down to take, heavy fleece garment, sweat pants, heat preservation shoe. The attention is prevented bask in.

Does Changsha spend the New Year travel strategy?

Go a kind of choice that Changsha spends the New Year is a lot of people. Changsha develops in last few years very rapid, idle away in seeking pleasure is bought very convenient, the youth is very much, recreational atmosphere is grumous. The Changsha travel during spending the New Year can consult as follows strategy:

Can go to shop of authentic Hunan food growing blessing, Xu newly to write down seafood to wait for instance above all eat a reunion meal, square of shopping mall of Huang Xingna road goes shopping after the meal;

Go up late next igneous palace samples Hunan characteristic cate is fastfood, go again by the side of Hunan river or orange continent head goes;

New Year can go the first day uprise of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain looks far, can exercise already, can admire Changsha beautiful scenery in top part again; Visiting lamp of loose elegant lake exhibits astral sand or a few days when remain can go to countryside, the experience spends the New Year countryside wind folk-custom.

Strategy of travel of fault of Changsha accept wood?

Strategy of travel of accept wood fault:

Busy season entrance ticket 110 yuan / person, environmental protection car 105 yuan / person. Off-season entrance ticket 60 yuan / person, environmental protection car 85 yuan / person. Only busy season just has the half price policy that is aimed at special crowd, specific content is as follows.

Half-price ticket object: 6 one full year of life (do not contain 6 one full year of life)- - 15 one full year of life (contain 15 one full year of life) minor; Those who hold full-time undergraduate course and student's identification card of the following record of formal schooling in school study; 60 one full year of life (contain 60 one full year of life)- - 70 one full year of life (do not contain 70 one full year of life) old people; Serviceman; Disable armyman; Carry 1-4 level the personage of effective deformity certificate.

Object of free of charge: 6 one full year of life are the following (contain 6 one full year of life) or height 1.2 meters the following (contain 1 · 2 meters) children, above of 70 one full year of life (contain 70 one full year of life) old person.

Accept wood fault swims one day strategy:

Accept wood fault swims one day is Tibet travel is the most classical the most welcome circuitry, not one of. Lhasa arrives accept wood is wrong probably 250 kilometers, one-way need 3 hours about, go there and back 6 hours, view scene jockeys to lunch between Jiashangzhong the time that rest, probably 7 hours are done not have. Time of a day remains 2-3 only the hour is in accept wood bad play. The round basic need that accept wood fault swims one day sets out at 78 o'clock in the morning, return Lhasa at 67 o'clock in the evening. Also cannot see the sunrise of accept wood fault, sunset and sky scenery.

Strategy of travel of hill of the foot of mountain of Changsha high mountain?

1, the Yue Lu area that Yue Lu hill is located in Hunan to save Jiang Zhixi of Hunan of the Changsha City, altitude of the foot of mountain of highest peak Yue 300.8 meters.

2, the door that takes hill. Shan Youdong of high mountain the foot of mountain, south two doors that take hill, travel highway road joins two, the tourist can choose Dong Jinna to go out first tall hind low, also can choose first Na Houdong lifts slowly, experience mountain-climbing fun.

3, east gate, be in new civilian institutional site and the Changsha City on the side of the 4th hospital. There is mountain-climbing to pull the hill on car and tourist of downhill and trochlear help here downhill perhaps, can ease journey pain, enter Yue Lu's peak early.

4, south gate, inside Hunan university campus. Towards the left of eastwardly red square is entered directly south gate, enter maple gorge clear to well balanced late to love via academy of classical learning of high mountain the foot of mountain right. Mountaineer slowly enjoy uprise fun.

5, head for east, south the traffic method of the gate. The subway: Sit 2 lines get off in Rong Wanzhen, hunan river is arranged to walk to Hunan university direction after giving a station 2 kilometers arrive more at the door Hunan university.

Does travel strategy stand south Changsha?

A Gao Tie that the station austral Changsha is Hunan Province the Changsha City stands, also be one of the biggest railway stations inside Hunan Province. If you want to head for the station austral Changsha to travel, it is a few strategies below:

 1. Traffic means: You can take the subway 2 lines reach the station austral Changsha, also can take the other vehicle such as bus, taxi.

 2. The tourist attraction recommends: Periphery of the station austral Changsha has a lot of tourist attractions to be worth to go, for instance ancient town of city of hill of orange continent head, Yue Lu, star is waited a moment. You can undertake choosing according to your interest and time.

 3. Cate recommends: Changsha is a cate, periphery of the station austral Changsha also has a lot of delicious places. For instance cake of oily cake of candy of igneous palace, old Changsha, strong-smelling preserved bean curd is waited a moment.

 4. Shop recommend: Periphery of the station austral Changsha also has a lot of bazaar and shopping center, for instance 10 thousand amount to general merchandise of square, Pacific Ocean to wait a moment. You can buy all sorts of goods here.

Anyhow, the station austral Changsha is a very convenient place, no matter you are to travel or be away on official business, can find the thing that you need here.

Table of article of Changsha travel strategy?

The trade group with main Changsha is in 51 square, idle away in seeking pleasure is collect here an organic whole, can experience the atmosphere with the most fervent Changsha to here, can hit Ka Yuelu mountain by day, hunan Province museum, ramble in the evening orange continent head, watch the Hunan river night scene that watchs Changsha beauty, go out to choose the subway as far as possible all right, convenient quick, any circuitry can arrive at 51 square, if want to sample Hunan dish, changsha the Hunan food shop that each ave lane is a tunnel, do not queue up to taste not bad. The cordial proposal of native of a Changsha, hope everybody comes Changsha plays happily.

Is Changsha travel fastfood strategy?

It is Changsha travel below fastfood strategy:

1.Bean curd of wife of Home Mao bay: The characteristic that this is Changsha is fastfood one of, bean curd is delicate, soup juice is delicious. Tie-in a bowl of rice eats together, flavour is delicate.

2.Hare head: The hare head of Changsha is made distinctive, hemp piquancy is dye-in-the-wood. Authentic hare head cut is gotten very careful, the entrance is fresh and tender and juicily, it is the cate that a lot of local and tourist dote on.

3.Strong-smelling preserved bean curd: The strong-smelling preserved bean curd of Changsha is famed the whole nation, have unique flavor and mouthfeel. You can choose scamper strong-smelling preserved bean curd or evaporate strong-smelling preserved bean curd, tie-in pepper sauce an edible.

4.Barbecue: The night fair of Changsha and barbecue culture are very famous, you can sample all sorts of flesh are strung together, barbecue cate, neck of wing of the bean curd that be like a fish, chicken, roast duck.

5.Duck of igneous palace crackling: This is a well-known duck neck trademark, bake distinctly make craft make crisp of duck neck mouthfeel, smell is sweet hot goluptious.

6.Soup of Yuan river made of baked clay canister: The soup that this is Hunan tradition kind cate, stew inside made of baked clay canister boil all sorts of feeding material, soup juice is delicious, mouthfeel is rich.

7.Willow leaf steamed stuffed bun: This is the breakfast cate of tradition of a kind of Hunan, the appearance is compressed be like Liu Xie, interior is lapping all sorts of stuffing expect, wait like ormosia sand, fresh pork, mouthfeel soft glutinous.

8.Hunan ground rice: The ground rice of Changsha with fine and soft mouthfeel celebrated, can choose parched rice pink or cook ground rice, tie-in all sorts of pepper sauce and burden.

Above is the commendation with fastfood travel of a few Changsha, still have of course other the discovery that a lot of cate await you. When exploring local cate, remember trying local characteristic please, notice sanitation and food safety at the same time. Enjoy the travel of your Changsha cate!

Does Changsha drive a strategy oneself to Li wave?

Li wave is one suits to drive swimming place oneself very much, can set out from Changsha, through many main road, add up to arranges the route of 1600 kilometers. Above all, need affirms course of drive a vehicle, can choose local course to undertake navigation through navigation software, the proposal inquires road condition ahead of schedule, lest delay the journey. Next, certificate and machine parts or tools kept in reserve spare parts related need preparation car, wait like jack of card of driver's license, travel, insurance policy, safety belt, tire, undertake be checkinged adequately, make sure car is successful travel. In the meantime, need selects appropriate accommodation and meal site, book fine hotel room beforehand, understand local characteristic cate, for viatic ready-made. In the journey, notice transportation is safe, notice standard of drive a vehicle, abide by traffic regulation. Finally, li wave is a mountainous area, need special attention road condition and weather variation, the proposal inquires atmosphere is forecasted ahead of schedule, in order to ensure safe.
